Recent content by Brettaine

  1. B

    Brettish Broadcasting System - BBS News

    ≈9 BBSNews - Melbourne GROUND BROKEN AT NEW OFFICES OF THE MINISTRY SITE 12 December 2011 MELBOURNE – Silver shovels in hand, amidst a chilly December wind, Prime Minister Jeanne A. Hollingsworth and Opposition Leader Julia Fowler broke ground at the new Offices of the Ministry...
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    The Revolutionary

    Aquitaine Palace, Capital District, Brettaine 17 August 2011, 9:00 a.m. The King sat before a bank of microphones at his desk in the Aquitaine Palace. After having spent most of the evening at the O.M. building, he finally returned to the palace around 4 o'clock in the morning to catch a few...
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    Brettish Broadcasting System - BBS News

    BBSNews SPECIAL REPORT AUGUST TERROR 17 August 2011 ASHTONFIELD--For the second time this year, Brettaine became the victim of terror when a series of coordinated attacks were carried out on government targets yesterday. At approximately 9:11 a.m. yesterday morning, a Royal Parcel Service...
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    The Revolutionary

    Aquitaine Palace, Capital District, Brettaine 17 August 2011, 12:01 a.m. The King sat in an armchair in his dimly lit office, the atmosphere somber after the events of what became known as the August Terror. Not twenty-four hours had passed since the bombing at the Offices of the Ministry...
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    The Revolutionary

    Aquitaine Palace, Capital District, Brettaine 16 August 2011, 6:30 p.m. "Madame Prime Minister, our boys have turned the plane around, and they're returning to Wyndham with the suspect under escort," said General Andre, cupping his hand over the mouthpiece of the phone. "Estimated time of...
  6. B

    The Revolutionary

    Ashtonfield, Capital District, Brettaine Ruins of the Office of the Ministry Building 16 August 2011, 5:40 p.m. Jenny Andover lay in the ruins of the stairwell, looking with glazed eyes as the afternoon sun began to set behind the gilt dome of Parliament Hall. For seven hours, she lay in the...
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    The Revolutionary

    Laurel Corporate Air Field, Laurel County, Fairfax Province, Brettaine Hangar D 16 August 2011, 5:35 p.m. "Get this bloody thing off me!" screamed the Prince as he jostled around. "Stop moving! You'll set something off," said the bomb expert as he studied the wiring on the vest. He had not...
  8. B

    The Revolutionary

    Laurel, Fairfax Province, Brettaine Parramore Boulevard 16 August 2011, 4:25 p.m. Alan Miller's black sedan sped down the highway at 90 kilometres per hour, ten kilometres over the speed limit. By now, Miller certainly knew what he was up against. In a matter of hours, his plans for...
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    The Revolutionary

    Laurel, Fairfax Province, Brettaine Parramore Neighborhood 16 August 2011, 4:05 p.m. ...BBSNews is now getting reports coming in from Melbourne and Hartford that the hostage situations at Cheval High School and at the Parliament House of Lancaster Province have come to an end. No students were...
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    The Revolutionary

    Cheval, Heathrow County, Norfolk Province, Brettaine Cheval High School, Classroom 329 16 August 2011, 11:47 a.m. Brittany Hollingsworth looked in terror as the heavy army boots made their way towards her position under the science lab table. The other students remained as quiet as possible...
  11. B

    The Revolutionary

    Aquitaine Palace, Capital District, Brettaine 16 August 2011, 10:40 a.m. "Draw up a device for abdication," said the King to Colonel Sellgren. "Your Majesty, are you insane?" asked the Colonel. "I cannot live with myself if I allow my son to die. I would rather be a commoner with a live son...
  12. B

    The Revolutionary

    Melbourne, Norfolk Province, Brettaine BBSNews Headquarters - Oceanic Tower - Central Business District 16 August 2011, 10:14 a.m. Art Townshend clicked on the file in his email inbox, titled simply "AMOUREUX.doc." What downloaded was a 1,500 page manifesto, the work that Miller had laboured...
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    The Revolutionary

    Caledon Nature Park, Clayhill, Daventry Province, Brettaine 16 August 2011, 9:44 a.m. Four police cruisers and two black sedans from the Ministry of Defence came to an abrupt halt at the Berkshire school camp, kicking up a cloud of dust as police and army officers jumped out of the cars and ran...
  14. B

    The Revolutionary

    Ashtonfield, Capital District, Brettaine Offices of the Ministry Building 16 August 2011, 9:35 a.m. Jenny Andover lay on the floor of the copy room, bewildered as she regained consciousness. The choking smell of smoke filled the air around her, and hot pieces of debris covered her body. With...
  15. B

    The Revolutionary

    Ashtonfield, Capital District, Brettaine Offices of the Ministry Building 16 August 2011, 9:25 a.m. Fire trucks, ambulances, and police cars sped towards the centre of Ashtonfield with sirens wailing and lights flashing. All throughout the city, the dull squeal of emergency vehicles emanated...