Recent content by Einland

  1. E

    Coro Era :- Various City Versions

    I'd say Anglia and I are well set playing England/Ireland to the gallian states' collective France.
  2. E

    Nation Map Database

    It's more likely than you think ;)
  3. E

    New? Introduce yourself here: Christmas / Hanukkah miracle edition!

    :3 I was too busy being driven out for the crime of being american.
  4. E

    Nation Map Database

    Sweet, what's the required bribe for him to do me?
  5. E

    New? Introduce yourself here: Christmas / Hanukkah miracle edition!

    Ok, time for formal introductions. For those who don't remember, I'm the yank who drove the facist axis batshit before they apparantly nuked themselves off the map (a fact I received with no small amount of satisfaction). My current activities include grad school and radiobiology research...
  6. E

    Coro Era :- Various City Versions

    The one nearest me on the belmont side? I figure that's yours, but I'm taking the small island to our west.
  7. E

    Nation Map Database

    O_O I'll give you half my GDP to do me next
  8. E

    Coro Era :- Various City Versions

    Aw, I kept hoping you'd change your name to "The Most Talemantric Empire of Talemantros"
  9. E

    Coro Era :- Various City Versions

    They're perfectly close enough now to do that. In fact considering how tiny it is I'm surprised he didn't get the little spot to my north included.
  10. E

    Coro Era :- Various City Versions

    Nay, I shall be more active in the next few weeks. I was simply waiting for a map spot to begin shaping myself here. Once the fires of finals pass I shall return in full.
  11. E

    Coro Era :- Various City Versions

    I hereby officially (and humbly) request the southern half of the central island next to belmont. Is that it or will a flag be required?
  12. E

    Coro Era :- Various City Versions

    It depends, a lot of coastal areas are already taken and proportionally unless existing nations want to radically alter their shapes and borders (thus affecting RP and history) it doesn't seem feasible to really "edit" the existing continents very much.
  13. E

    Coro Era :- Various City Versions

    Your fondling is appreciated. When I am refounded, you shall receive most favored nation status for trade.
  14. E

    Coro Era :- Various City Versions

    So when does the bidding war for the central island begin?
  15. E

    Happy New Year

    15 minutes EST