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The Basin Observer


Staff member
Oct 30, 2006
Tokyo, Japan
The Basin Observer
Independent News From The Republic
Year 22 of Popular Victory

Population of Yarshant finishes rebuilding the Yarshant Dam in cooperative effort

The people of Yarshant have finished the reconstruction of the dam in the Yarshant Delta, concluding a monumental three-years project requiring extraordinary human efforts and determination to preserver, the regional authorities have announced.

When the Yarshant Dam was destroyed during the disastrous 1953 spring floods, causing horrific muddy landslides in the region that destroyed thousands of homes and took the lives of an equally high number of citizens - final numbers still cannot be determined to this day - Yarshant was faced with the sheer impossible task of recovering spiritually and economically from the impacts of the natural disaster. Even though Young Democrats from across the country, local police and other state organs were quick to volunteer their help in assisting the region's reconstruction, it became evident that nothing short of an overall effort of the Basin's citizens would suffice.

Soon enough, volunteers from across the Republic arrived, and efforts were underway in communities across the country to send their young men to battle with the forces of nature. As the President was encouraged by the selfless spirit of the population, he built upon the broad strokes of action that arose organically from out of the democratic masses, devising a swift plan that would see total mobilization against the peril that had been brought upon Yarshant. The local population and compatriots from across the country, working tirelessly for no reward but the knowledge of having done a good deed and armed with the highest spirit of national pride, exceeded all expectations. In several phases, nature was forced into battle, encircled and thrown back, villages were reconquered from the mud masses, buildings rebuilt more resiliently and magnificently than before, and fields were toiled in 24/7 shifts to make up for the loss of productivity and to ensure that the struggling citizens would be well-fed during their efforts.

Now, three years later, Yarshant stands at the edge of a bright new future, owing to the can-do-attitude of the local population and the utter cooperation and loyalty of the rest of the country. While the road to recovery will still be long, and it will take several years for the region to recover to full strength, the Presidential office acknowledged that the wounds caused by the loss of loved ones would never heal, but expressed hopes that the spirit of belonging brought about by the heroic popular efforts would cause Yarshant to eventually surpass its former economic prowess in an effort to honor those that must not have died in vain in that fateful year of 1953.


Staff member
Oct 30, 2006
Tokyo, Japan
The Basin Observer
Independent News From The Republic
Year 22 of Popular Victory

402 foreign guests visited the Republic this year

The people of the Basin welcomed 402 foreign guests to the Republic up until October this year, an unprecedented number and stark upwards trend from last year with 158 visitors, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Friendship revealed today.

The Democratic International Art Festival, which was held in the capital for the first time this year in May, accounted for nearly half of the foreign visitors, with these numbers including both foreign artists representing their national art traditions as well as foreign friends and art enthusiasts from across the globe who had arrived in the IDRB to appreciate this fascinating collection of treasures. The remaining visitors included democrats from across the globe who had been invited to share their ideas with the citizens of the republic, relatives of Basin citizens living abroad visiting family in the Republic as well as businessmen, scientists and others with specific purposes of visit in the IDRB.

"Committing to its agenda of fearless democratic internationalism, the IDRB has this year invited more foreign guests than ever before, a strong signal showing the commitment of the Republic to international friendship amongst the peoples, cultural exchange and progressive dialog with all quarters of the globe. Foreign visitors in the Republic are our special guests requiring and expecting the utmost attention and hospitality of the Basin's people, and we hope that we can only continue to improve and optimize our processes so as to steadily increase the numbers of foreign friends whom we can show life in the Republic", a spokesperson for the Ministry said.

"At the same time, we will of course continue to make sure that foreign guests will have the correct expectations before coming to the Republic and carefully evaluate requests for travel to the IDRB as to avoid disappointment and misunderstanding amongst potential travelers", the spokesperson added, emphasizing the need to continue the Republic's policy of trying to avoid wrong interpretations about daily life in the Republic by those that might be ill-prepared and under-informed about Basin culture. The Basin has long been successful with a policy of 'careful exposure' that pays special attention to the cultural differences between the democratic Basin and foreigners raised in other cultures. Given the historic background of bloody conflict with both Christian and Islamic cultures and many prejudices cultivated abroad about the Basin's people, republican policy has generally been to effect gradual acclimatization, to ensure organic and harmonious coexistence and cooperation in the future, hoping to make sure that, with time, the Basin's culture will be fully understood and appreciated across the globe.


Staff member
Oct 30, 2006
Tokyo, Japan
The Basin Observer
Independent News From The Republic
Year 22 of Popular Victory

Advances made in the development of Liberty Fuel

Scientists at the National Institute of Technology have made advances in the improvement and further development of Liberty Fuel in the past few months, fueling hopes that the nation's dependence on oil might be severely reduced in the upcoming years and and decades.

Scientists at the NIT, participating in the 'Democratic Independence' project seeking to advance the goal of autarky in several key sectors across society started by the President in 1950 as part of the National Decade Plan 1950-1960, have been testing and refining various formulas for Liberty Fuel for the last few years, aiming to create a synthetic domestic alternative to oil imports that could form the foundation of a crucial strategic reserve for the nation's defenders in the event of hostile aggression against the Republic, but could also serve to reduce the dependence on foreign imports in peacetime to provide a cost-efficient and clean alternative source of energy for public transportation and industrial facilities. When speaking of Liberty Fuel, the term in reality comprises a series of related fuel products, each specifically designed for usage in different scenarios and with different machineries, but all deriving from the same general chemical processes discovered and refined at the NIT.

Previous to the great flood, a Liberty Fuel testing facility had operated in Yarshant, but ceased operations in the wake of the catastrophe. The new facility has been rebuilt in a more secure location, where synergies with other scientific programs and projects can be more efficiently facilitated and where the brightest minds of the nation can profit from each other's genial sparks in a spirit of total mental mobilization for the goals of the National Decade Plan.

According to the NIT, the new fuel has shown to be around 12% more efficient than the latest formula that had entered mass production in 1952, and hopes are high that as further experiments are conducted, an even more efficient formula could eventually reach readiness and be approved for industrial-scale production, securing the Republic's future even in volatile times as these, where foreign trade generously embraced by the Basin's people is a luxury which's continued availability cannot be taken for granted.


Staff member
Oct 30, 2006
Tokyo, Japan
The Basin Observer
Independent News From The Republic
Year 22 of Popular Victory

Admirers reveal world's biggest sea shell portrait of the Father of the Nation

The world's greatest sea shell portrait of the late Father of the Nation was today revealed by the citizen's organization committee that had been behind the effort to construct this monumental testament to the first leader of the democratic Basin.

Standing at an impressive height of 20 meters and measuring over 10 meters in diameter, the portrait was painstakingly assembled by volunteers seeking to show their deep reverence to the Father of the Nation. The portraits show's the Father's famous smile at the end of the first session of the Democratic Party's General Congress, when the delegates enthusiastically adopted his policy of "One Basin, One Republic", enshrining the indivisible nature of our democratic state.

All of the shells have been gathered by hand at the southern beaches, and only the finest of the Kalahari's treasures were eventually picked to be used for the work of art. Having mapped out the exact dimensions of the picture beforehand and having carefully planned for the most efficient method of realizing its creation, hundreds of volunteers worked thousands of man hours and incorporated several millions of shells into the final portrait. Kept in place by a mixture of glue and Kalahari sand, the shells used in the portrait are a reminder of the deep connection of the people of the Basin to their native homeland as well as the naturalistic connection of the Father of the Nation with his people, reminding the citizens of his words of wisdom that "nature is a treasure of the current generation that must be handed over carefully to the next one".

The President has shown his appreciation of the efforts by the patriots, praising both the artistic qualities of the final work as well as the dedication to determinately forward the national democratic spirit by readily taking up tasks of creative merit for the sake of the whole community. He encouraged citizens across the Independent Republic to arm themselves with a spirit of selfless commitment to their country and work for the artistic, social and material improvement of the Basin wherever they see need of improvement, again reminding us of the Father of the Nation's quote: "It is not criticism we must fear, but fearing criticism."

The portrait will be put on display in a prominent place in the Khokal Nature Park for visitors to appreciate and reflect upon.


Staff member
Oct 30, 2006
Tokyo, Japan
The Basin Observer
Independent News From The Republic
Year 22 of Popular Victory

The Republic is ever-ready to prudently destroy the dullards of tyranny

As the region around it descends into chaos and the threat of armed aggression looms on the horizon, the State Defense Council affirmed the Republic's absolute readiness to staunchly repel any and all would-be incursors upon the Independent Republic's territory.

Citing the total readiness of every strata of Republican society at any given moment to wage totally committed defensive total war on the frontline, in the factory and in the household, the State Defense Council assured the Republican public that even as forces in the neighborhood mobilizing for war, no Kashtanese citizen would have to worry about opportunistic attacks by any faction against the Republic.

"The Independent Republic is ready to defend the borders of the Basin against any and all incursions from whatever force, from whatever direction. The Independent Democratic Republic of Kashtan will not be a chess piece in the great game of imperialist powers, and neither will its territory be used as a staging ground for any attack upon third parties by other third parties. The utmost desire of the Kashtanese people is peace, but they are not a cowardly people who want peace at any price. Any peace hoping to be enforced through brinkmanship and opportunism will find no welcome amongst the people of the Independent Republic, but will be met with determined resistance", the statement released to the public read.

The President has announced that the Arsenal of Democracy will redouble its vigilance in the western defense sectors and hawkishly guard the borders. He reminded the public that the wise police of total autarky first striven for by the Kashtanese people under the excellent leadership of the Father of the Nation is now once again proving its worth, as the Republic is enabled to defend its democratic traditions without fear to the utmost extend, not having to bow and cater to the whims of those that would dastardly try to abuse the Basin for their designs, leveraging economic or security dependencies to further their own interests against the interests of the Kashtanese people; fortunate circumstances allowing it to take the only stance worth pursuing - putting the Basin's interests first and only. Autarky, as the precondition for Independence, is a daily struggle by all strata of the population, but a struggle worth fighting, so that the soldiers and all militant democrats do not have to fight the fight that they are ready to commit to at any given moment without hesitation.

In an uncertain world cast into darkness, the torch of liberty shines on in the Independent Democratic Republic.


Staff member
Oct 30, 2006
Tokyo, Japan
The Basin Observer
Independent News From The Republic
Year 22 of Popular Victory

President emerges from two weeks campaign to inspire the farmers

The President has emerged from a two weeks campaign throughout the country of individually advising farmers about how to enact successful measures in the harvest war of self-reliance.

Dismissing agitative falsehoods spread in the foreign press that he had 'gone missing' and 'left the state's leadership in a state of disarray', the President was shown on national TV giving concrete suggestions as to the proper heating techniques that are to be used in greenhouses as well as arranging plant pots inside the greenhouse in the most progressive and revolutionary manner. One farmer from Yarshant, who had the chance to be educated by the President, remarked: "Our president is the scientific-minded farmer genius of the Republic, under his guidance, a victory in the battle for year-round harvesting is assured." Other pictures show the President fixing tools for the farmers, laying the foundation for a new grain storage building or tasting a Kashtanese Winter Apple, followed by a group of farmers eagerly taking notes.

In his lightning campaign throughout the country, the President traveled amongst the armored train 'Progress', allowing him to work out new plans and suggestions even late at night while the train was racing ahead to its next destination, never tiring in his commitment to the cause, only sleeping when his doctors asked him to do so for the sake of his health. All in all, thousands of kilometers were traversed in the last two weeks, and hundreds of agricultural communities across the country visited, showing the extraordinary commitment of the President to the people, embarrassing both the slanderous press as well as the plutocratic systems committed to gangsterism and economic fraud that feel rightfully exposed by such a display of true governance.

Great progress has been made to ensure that harvests cannot only be conducted during the warm months, but that also in the winter a steady and reliable influx of fresh vegetables and fruit can be enjoyed throughout the Independent Democratic Republic. The national system of greenhouses makes sure that at all times, a strategic reserves of potent vitamins and other nutrients is available to the soldiers in the trenches, the warriors in the factories and the commanders in the houses. Assisted by our scientific planning methods, the brightest scientists and most industrious farming specialists of the Republic are continuously seeking to improve the yield of these greenhouses, their energy efficiency as well as the deliciousness of their produce.

Having returned to the capital, the President is scheduled to open the great Flowers and Agriculture Expo tomorrow, where farmers from throughout the country will also be present to show off their regional specialities and give the citizens of the capital region an insight into their daily lives.


Staff member
Oct 30, 2006
Tokyo, Japan
The Basin Observer
Independent News From The Republic
Year 22 of Popular Victory

Kurmanjism, an infantile disease

The Democratic Party Committee on Regions and Identities has released a position paper on Kurmanjism, labeling it an "infantile disease" and a "sign of regressive outdated class-nation structures".

Specifically, the ethnologists and sociologists criticized Kurmanjism as an ideology that is divisive, fostering violence and directly aimed at challenging the integrity of the Independent Democratic Republic. While far from being the only seditious anti-democratic school of thought unfortunately festering within the Republic, Kurmanjism was lambasted for its particular brand of tribal cross-border separatism.

"Kurmanjism must be highlighted as a particularly problematic form of ethnic separatism. Tolerated, funded and encouraged to different extends by various forces from outside Kashtan, Kurmanjism's particular brand of sedition is rooted in tribalism, and is thus especially regressive. Unlike other ideologies aimed at challenging the integrity of the Republic, Kurmanjism has a reliable base of support in a foreign country and seeks to incorporate part of the Republic's territories into an existing foreign state. Furthermore, Kurmanjism provokes a false consciousness: The Kurmanji identity, based on nomadic tribalism, seeks to instill a false sense of belonging within individuals who have long ago become settled and integrated into Republican society as valuable contributors. By being settled and becoming citizens, instead of defining themselves according to tribal association or pledging allegiance to transnational identities, they by definition are rejecting any notion of being "Kurmanji" - a fact that the Kurmanjist ideologues are aware of and are actively trying to reverse, leading to the creation of a strata of people who are caught between the actual material conditions in which they exist and the ideological superstructure they are encouraged to embrace, leading to never ending internal Unruhe and consequently, an unstable state of being that is non-conductive to to the public good", the paper stated.

Concluding their analysis of the regressive class-nation structure of Kurmanjism, the Committee urged the government to take an uncompromising stance on all actors that would seek to keep Kurmanjism alive.

"In conclusion, it must be strongly suggested that Kashtan cannot tolerate any form of Kurmanjism. The Kurmanji are not a people. The Kurmanji do not exist. What exists is a false sense of tribal collectivism encouraged by those that would seek to strengthen this kind of thinking to support their own power base at the expense of the wellbeing of the affected people and all states that are host to "Kurmanji". The Kashtanese government would be well advised to take a harsh stance on those that recognize a Kurmanji identity or take steps towards territorially perpetuating it in the hope of rooting this deluded narrative in a material context.

Let us be clear: Nobody can be a friend of Kashtan and embrace Kurmanjism at the same time."

Kadikistani Union

Established Nation
Nov 2, 2006
People's Commissariat for External Affairs

"We admire and applaud the efforts coming from the Turgan Basin to evolve beyond constructs such as race. As both our fine nations have many similarities in ideas as well as certain common problems we reach out our hand to the Kashtanese government. Kadikistan and the Basin both have much experience in striving for national unity and dealing with reactionary elements who seek to end progress. Let us exchange those experiences and ideas in a friendly manner so that both our nations can grow stronger from it. Tribalism is a plague upon our region, but if we can stand strong and form a unified fist we believe it might become a thing of the past by the start of the next decade."

Col. Dimitri Leninov
People's Commissar for External Affairs
Democratic Republic of Kadikistan


Staff member
Oct 30, 2006
Tokyo, Japan
The Basin Observer
Independent News From The Republic

Year 22 of Popular Victory

Freedom Review 2017 published

The Institue for the Research of Democracy has published its annual review of the state of democracy in the world, with the Independent Democratic Republic of the Basin once again heading the index as it has done since its inception in 1960.

While the IDRB's successes in the field of promoting democracy come at a surprise to no-one, Freedom Review 2017 noted a general increase in the activity of democratic movements across the globe. Specifically, democratic parties and grassroots movements have been making ground at the expense of authoritarian systems of governance in a number of key battlegrounds, undermining the supremacy of non-democratic forms of governance across several continents, but especially in Touyou. Democratic media - social media, but also more traditional forms of mass communication such as newspapers, leaflets or radio - has established itself in the regional neighborhood of the Republic to undermine official narratives and provide a popular alternative rooted in the interests of the democratic masses.

Looking beyond the current year, Freedom Review 2017 suggests that the democratic organizations of people across the world will continue to intensify in the upcoming year, as violent strife and economic destitution across the globe will continue to increase popular desires for a genuine alternative that can only be provided by a system enshrining the dignity of human life - democracy.


Staff member
Oct 30, 2006
Tokyo, Japan
The Basin Observer
Independent News From The Republic

Year 22 of Popular Victory

Tiburan agitator apprehended

A Tiburan agitator has been apprehended by organs of public defense earlier this month.

Traveling with an international friendship tour in the Republic, the holder of an Eiffellandian passport was apprehended while disseminating anti-democratic papist propaganda to factory workers. Democratic workers, greatly offended by the notion of becoming whipped into a terroristic frenzy by a hostile agent, immediately apprehended the would-be ruffian and handed him over to public defense officers who detained him.

Upon further investigation it became apparent that the visitor had traveled to the Republic with the intention of causing mayhem and furthering obscurantist-Tiburan plots, abusing the hospitality and goodwill the IDRK shows towards all its guests.

The people of the Republic are greatly offended by the idea of papist autocratic deviancies taking root in their democratic polity. As news about his detention spread, a cohort of workers tried to break into the cell of this malevolent individual demanding for him to be whipped in the streets like a mad dog. As painful as it is to accept for those in their righteous indignant fury, law and order prevailed and the agitated citizens were prevented from causing harm to those that would seek to harm the Republic, showing the moral and ethical superiority of democracy over those that would seek to abolish it.

The individual will remain in detention while investigations are ongoing.

Tyonic Confederacy

Establishing Nation
Sep 25, 2016
From: Geotri To:Kashtan
Department of Foreign Affairs
Minister Tristen Kreutzwald

We applaud the Republics efforts to maintain law and order against those who would seek to obstruct it. However, we do urge that you continue to follow proper international law and hold this investigation to a high standard. We hope a lawful, peaceful, solution comes from the investigation and that all pieces of evidence are investigated thoroughly.


Staff member
Oct 30, 2006
Tokyo, Japan
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Friendship

The Independent Democratic Republic thanks its Geotrian counterparts for the warm words of support for the measures taken by our legal organs. The international community and the defendant can expect the full force of the Kashtanese democratic legal organs to be utilized in this case and a thorough documentation of the process in the public sphere is self-evident given the advanced nature of society as it exists in the Basin.


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Eiffellandian Embassy in Kashtan

We would like to receive some additional information on the person suspected of spreading anti-democratic propaganda among citizens from Kashtan. Would it be possible to send us the following information under the classification Top Secret:
  • The name of said person.
  • The date and municipality of birth of said person.
  • The number of the passport the person was carrying.
  • A document describing the accusation in detail.

Furthermore, we request that a representant of the Eiffellandian Embassy in Kashtan can visit the arrested person.

Martin Graf von Waldeck, Ambassador of Eiffelland to Kashtan


Staff member
Oct 30, 2006
Tokyo, Japan
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Friendship

As requested by the Eiffellandian mission to Shigö, we are presenting you with the following information about the suspect claiming Eiffellandian citizenship.

Name: Michael Schwarzmann
DOB: 15/06/1970 / 15/06/1910 (double format for now for obvious reasons), Blaubergen, Upper Eiffelland
Passport Number: XXXXXXXXXX

Because there is a risk of a pending investigation being affected, we are asking for our Eiffellandian counterparts to wait for the under Kashtanese law customary one week protected judiciary investigation period to elapse before a detailed list of the charges faced by Mr. Schwarzmann and consular access to him can be provided.


Established Nation
Nov 25, 2006
Ministry of External Affairs

The Free State is deeply concerned that foreign citizens operating or residing in Kashtan could be targeted on the basis of their personail faith. We urge all Trivodnian nationals to exercise caution and return home unless it is absolutely necessary to stay.


Staff member
Oct 30, 2006
Tokyo, Japan
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Friendship

The Free State's opinion seems to be asserted based on wrong information. Contrary to what might have been perceived in Amstov, the Independent Democratic Republic enshrines freedom of religion as a fundamental right in its constitution and has a world-leading track record when it comes to the defense of freedom of worship, being home to some of the most ancient faiths in the world.

The people of the Basin however have no tolerance for those that would target the democratic polity with conspiratorial plots and crude brigandage.


Nov 1, 2006
Virginia, USA
Windhaven, Gunnland
Officium Legati, Regnum Marpesiae + Foreign Office, Kingdom of Gunnland

The teachings of Christ Jesus are the cornerstone of the ius gentium, and harmony among peoples will come only when all nations respect the proper rights and dignity of the Church, and the authority of its pontiff in Tibur. The Kingdom of Gunnland strongly cautions the Independent Democratic Republic not to undermine fabric that has held the European community together for ages, but rather to embrace its place within the Social Kingship of Christ.

James Gunn Gallagher
Prime Minister of Gunnland
Foreign Minister of Gunnland


Establishing Nation
May 4, 2010
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The Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Worship
The Kingdom of Arcadia
October 22, 2017
To whom it concerns,

The Independent Democratic Republic continues in the democratic tradition of the majority oppressing the minority and suppression of truth. The people of your country have made it clear and abundant that those who profess to the truth of God’s word and commitment to his service have no place within the boundaries of Kashtan.

All men are born of sin and it is the supreme duty of any member of the human race to live a life above our most primal instincts and live a life as close to God as is possible. Kasthan’s decision to devise a society that gives power to the majority at the sake of the minority and pushes those who seek to live a true and moral life is a regrettable travesty to beset the people of the Frontier Lands.

It is the duty of all men to conform the teachings of God and spread his good word to the peoples of deviant faiths in order to bring them salvation from eternal suffering. It should be left to the people of Kashtan to make the decision to continue a sinful life or choose a better path. Instead, the Government – fear of God’s righteousness – suppresses the people’s freedom.

We demand the safe return of the Eiffellander to his homeland, the end of this brutal practice of religious suppression, and we offer and pray for the kind forgiveness of God to the Government of Kashtan.

Lord Winston Wellington
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship

Great Engellex

Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
London, UK
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In JOINT COMMITTEE, November 23 2017



With the utmost respect for the laws and traditions of the Democratic Republic of Kashtan, I take the liberty of expressing the sentiments and concern of the Engellexian Republic Parlement on the intrusion of Papists upon you.

The existence of Papists in Kashtan is contrary to the fundamental principles, and most circumstances, laws, of free and civilised sovereign nations. The policy of the Church of Tibur, since its assumption of oecumenical supremacy, has always been to separate Ecclesiastical from Civil authority, and then subvert the latter. The first act upon the Independence of the Engellexian Republic was to restore absolute authority under one institution, the natural Sovereign of Engellex - the Engellexian Republic Parlement, and wholly to forever exclude Tibur, its subjects, and its Pope from our Constitution.

Persons existing within the borders of Kashtan who are subjects of Tibur, who refuse to acknowledge the supremacy of your Civil authority and your Sovereignty, as Papists do, is to recognise within Kashtan the foreign, Tiburan jurisdiction which by the Constitution of Engellex we deny to exist within our Republic.

It is sincerely hoped, and strongly implored that the Democratic Republic of Kashtan does not find itself entangled within Tibur's Empire, as too many nations are. Rather, the Engellexian Republic is keen to see demonstrated the independence and impartiality of the Kashtan judiciary in respect of the Tiburan agitator.

signed on Order and on Behalf of the Foreign Affairs Joint Committee,

Lord Benjamin Boxer,
Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Joint Committee
Last edited:


Established Nation
Sep 30, 2014
Athens, Greece
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Pelasgian Empire
State Secretariat for External Affairs
Public Announcement

October 22nd, 1954
Propontis, Phryxaea

To whom it may concern,

The Pelasgian Empire is most concerned at the recent developments in Kashtan. The way in which Kashtan treats religious minorities in general, and Christians in particular, is reprehensible and wholly unbecoming of a civilised state with a long history.

We hope that the detained Eiffellanders shall be treated justly and humanly, and we question the notion of alleged plots being orchestrated until adequate proof can be provided by the Kashtani authorities. While the Empire is not related to the heretical institution in Tibur, we cannot but be alarmed at the treatment of our fellow Christians and human beings.

Signed and Sealed,

Ἰωάννης Στεφάνου Δεληβοριᾶς

Secretary of State for External Affairs & Authente of Anaktora
Pelasgian Empire
