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Nuvièles dal Friûl


Establishing Nation
May 8, 2015
Friuli - Italy
NUVIÈLES DAL FRIÛL E DE EUROPE [div] style="border: 1px dotted WHITE;; width: 300px; padding: 8px; float:right" |
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Cjantarìns party propose intensification of Friulian naval presence in the Retalian sea in an effort to help secure the area, the decision comes days after the Larsian government announced a similar program.

"Il mâr di Retàlie al è divignût masse pericolôs in dì di vuê, no podèn lassa le sigureçhe da lis nestris nâfs in tes mans dai Serenêrs, tant mancul dai eresiastics de Citanîe, al è il mâr de nestre int, al è gnestre funsiòn, insieme ai amîs di Lars, di defendi chistis aghis"

"The Retalian sea has become too dangerous these days, and we can't let the safety of our ships in the hands of the Sereniens, and not even in the hands of the Occitanian heretics; it is the sea of our people, and is our duty, together with our friends of Lars, to defend these waters"
-Prime minister Furio Mauro
The debate will start tomorrow, a majority will certainly be achieved, but the details of the project are open to debate.
While the Cjantarìns leadership, supported by the Navy and high ranking military officials, would extend the anti-piracy petrols further into the long sea, the Velîrs are trying to convince the Cjantarins parlamentarians to support a more restricted approach, so to protect the national waters more effectively.
"Chel co ven di pensà al è: ise chiste une mission par vuardiâ lis nestris aghis e difind i gnestris citadins, or ise une mission di façàde, juste par fasi viodi a tôr?"
"What we need to think about is: is this mission made to guard our waters and defend our citizens, or is it just a façade, just a way to stretch our muscles?"

-Jusèp Bardassin
>Heavy traffic on the Friulian highway connecting east and west Serenierre, as both Sereniens and Friulians travel to Auraria for the highly anticipated "Días de la Revolución".
>The army will increase border checks on the Barimàgne mountain range between Friuli and West Occitania after soldiers arrested a man that was trying to bring a large amount of cocain into the country.

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Establishing Nation
May 8, 2015
Friuli - Italy
NUVIÈLES DAL FRIÛL E DE EUROPE [div] style="border: 1px dotted WHITE;; width: 300px; padding: 8px; float:right" |
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Patriarch announces intention of joining the Serenêr Archbishop, Dominique Hippolyte, on his pilgrimage to Lions.

Few hours after the news had come from Serenierre that the communist government was to let the Archbishop of Villesen pass the border, in a Mass in the Aquileian cathedral of Saint Mary of Menôt, Patriarch Adelmo Galfiâr announced his intention of joining the pilgrimage initiated by the Serenêr Dominique Hippolyte, to purify West Occitania from the Cathar Heresy; Mons. Galfiâr will arrive at the Occitanian city of Espidiz with a plane provided by the Friulian Republic, bringing with him a group of newly ordained priests, in time to join Mons. Hippolyte for most of the pilgrimage.
The Patriarch also invited faithful Friulians to organize and follow him to West Occitania.
"Chel chi al è il moment di fa viôdi il supuàrt dal nestri popul al fradi de Serenêre, e finalmentri tacà a mondà le Citanîe, e salvà chis ânimis piardudis, disviâdis da secui di bausîs e strambolôns. vignît cun me! in chiste mes, in chiste sacràde ore, ca serà riquardate pai ains a vigjì"
"This is the moment to show the support of our people to our brother from Serenierre, and finally start to cleanse Occitania, and save those lost souls, misled by centuries of lies. come with me for this mission, in this sacred hour, that will be remembered for the years to come" Said the Patriarch with great frevour before the choir started to sing " ".
Although the captain of the Urban Police of Aquileia has informed the public that the security of the Patriarch and his followers will be guaranteed by his men, many have expressed fear for the safety of the attendants.

>The naval petrol mission announced earlier by the government will monitor national waters in the Retalian sea and international waters in the long sea, as the Velîrs party fails to convince enough Cjantarìns to limit the petrols to the Retalian sea.




Establishing Nation
Aug 27, 2009
Karachi, PK
Central Secretariat
The Government of Friuli has not indicated whether it recognizes the Protectorate of Occitania as a nation-state existing as a result of the Treaty of Camp Hill. The failure of the Udin Government renders us unable to allow any attendants of the Patriarch to enter this Protectorate. However, it should be noted that the Patriarch shall be allowed.

Furthermore, we are concerned with the language being used by the Patriarch. The Cathar peoples are a wonderful one who seek to live in peace under the suzerainty of Serenierre. The language used by the Patriarch opens up old wounds which are better left in history.


Establishing Nation
May 8, 2015
Friuli - Italy
Central Secretariat
The Government of Friuli has not indicated whether it recognizes the Protectorate of Occitania as a nation-state existing as a result of the Treaty of Camp Hill. The failure of the Udin Government renders us unable to allow any attendants of the Patriarch to enter this Protectorate. However, it should be noted that the Patriarch shall be allowed.

Furthermore, we are concerned with the language being used by the Patriarch. The Cathar peoples are a wonderful one who seek to live in peace under the suzerainty of Serenierre. The language used by the Patriarch opens up old wounds which are better left in history.

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Ministry of Foreign Affairs_________________________
It is understandable that a nation rising from the ashes of a short but tremendous war, might still need to work on its administration and archives, and we offer our honest help most sincerely; the Republic of Friuli recognizes the West Occitanian nation since the treaty was signed, we can provide a copy of the signed documents to the West Occitanian government if necessary.

The words used by the Patriarch where certainly distorted and taken out of context by the Occitanian free press; that said, Mons. Galfiâr is a free citizen, not a government asset, and we have no power over his opinions and speeches.



Establishing Nation
May 8, 2015
Friuli - Italy
NUVIÈLES DAL FRIÛL E DE EUROPE [div] style="border: 1px dotted WHITE;; width: 400px; padding: 8px; float:right" |
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Nusguardi mission approved by parliament, the Friulian Navy will start patrolling the Retalian and "strategic areas" of the Long sea.

The Friulian parliament has approved, in a final vote today, the "Nusguardi" naval mission. the Navy will now start patrolling the national and international waters in the Retalian sea, aswell as "strategic areas" of the long sea, which location hasn't been specified by the government as of today.
All vessels under the blue and yellow flag can now contact the Coast Guard from any location around the Retalian and Long sea in case of emergency, as the Coast Guard will now be able to redirect calls to a new office of the Friulian Navy.

Minister of defence, Giuliana Marghèri, wants an harder border with Western Occitania after the recent increase of drug trade passing thorough the Barimàgne mountains.

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Giuliana Marghèri is annoyed by the indecision inside the government:
"no l'è possibil ca o tigjìn dume le San Martìn a çhalà il confìn de Citanîe Ocidentâl, jo o soi di Tumieç, e duç da çhase a mi scrivin preocupâs, çe aio di disi? ca no nus impuarte di lôr? e intant le divisiòn de Folc a sta a çhapà il soreli al mâr; o sai ca nol par ben mandà plui soldâs višìn a un protetorât de Serenêre, ma cun le menace de droghe, e il pericul ca nus vegnin intôr i ribêi eresiastics, no podìn lassasi dirègi de pôre, e je ore di mòvisi"
"it is unbelievable that we keep just the San Martìn division to watch over the West Occitanian border, I grew up in Tumieç, and all my friends write to me worried about the situation, what should I tell them? that we don't care about them? meanwhile the soldiers of the Folc division sunbathe by the sea; I know sending more soldiers to the border of a Serenêre protectorate might be problematic, but with the drugs trade and the danger of the heretic rebels coming in our nation we cannot give in to fear, we need to act"
The government council has still to decide whether to dismiss her request or put it to vote, but this decision has been postponed two times already; now the Minister has threatened to resign, and bring the more militaristic and interventionist wing of the Cjantarins party, of which she is a well-known member, against the Prime Minister.

>Patriarch Adelmo Galfiâr joins the Archbishop of Villesen in the Pilgrimage of St. Bernard together with a crowd of Friulian citizen, arrived just in time by sea in the city of Espidiz after a series of bureaucratic issues with the Western Occitanian government.
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Establishing Nation
May 8, 2015
Friuli - Italy
NUVIÈLES DAL FRIÛL E DE EUROPE [div] style="border: 1px dotted WHITE;; width: 400px; padding: 8px; float:right" |
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Parliament to discuss joining the Aurarian Republic in a strong diplomatic and economic retaliation against Pohjanmaan alleged military involvement in the Long sea.

Following another incident in the Long sea, in which the Pohjanmaan involvement was confirmed by the Pohjanmaan press itself, the Republic of Auraria announced a series of strong economic and diplomatic reactions that have sparked a discussion in the parliament, with the most pro-Aurarian MPs mainly from the Velîrs party, using this opportunity to try and get the nation closer to the debauched Gallaecian-speaking power, popular tourist destination for many young Friulians.
"Al covènte schierâsi quintri il Poğàn, a sarès un bon comenčamènt par ripuartà un tec di sigureçhe in tal mâr di çhase nestre, o spèri cal guviêr nus lassi discùti in libertât, cussì ca podìn esponi i gnestris parçhè e agî, finalmentri, invesit che limitâsi a fa svolà i aviòns"
"It is necessary for us to line up against Pohjanmaa, it would be a good start in the road towards a safer sea, I hope the government will let us discuss this matter freely, so that we can express our motivations and act, instead of just flying airplanes around" Jusèp Bardassin, Velîrs leader.
Luišìn Rôs, leader of the center-left party Benandàns has a different position:
"O vin di spietà, no podìn butàsi in chist mût in ta chist tananài, viodìn ce cal salte fûr da le investigasiôn e ce ca decît il rest de Gallo-Ğermànie"
"We need to wait, we can't dive this way into this chaotic situation, let's see what the investigation brings out and then what Gallo-Germania decides"
The Cjantarìns leadership has remained silent on the matter, engulfed as they are in an internal struggle between the most interventionists, wanting to support Auraria, and a more isolationist wing, that fear such a move would geopolitically endanger Friuli.

>Council of Ministers to debate Margheri's proposition next week, sources from the government say.
>Trade committee casts a large shadow on the Friulian economy, with a continuous downwards incline of exports since the start of the 7 days war.


Establishing Nation
May 8, 2015
Friuli - Italy
.:LE REPÙBLICHE:Live news.

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[/div]Following a withdrawal of support for Gallian unity and safety by the Serenêr government, the Cjantarìns party announced that will vote in favour with the Velîrs in the imminent vote for a Friulian support to Auraria...

The Villesen government "Has been proved unreliable, Serenêre was, is, and will always be, a menacing shadow on the stability of the region" said Defence Minister Giuliana Margheri...

Anti-State adds fuel to the fire menacing war if Auraria won't cede sovereignty to the eastern giant; Prime Minister Furio Mauro expresses full support to Solis "We hope other Gallo-Germanian nations will stand firm against these aggressions, we need to stay united against the ghost of Post-Delegationism if we want to achieve a peaceful solution"...

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Parliament votes overwhelmingly in favour of joining Auraria in series of economic and diplomatic retaliatory measures against Pohjanmaa; Jusèp Bardassin "a sign of unity and cooperation was necessary, the Velîrs party hopes this to be just the first step towards further Aurario-Friulian cooperation"; Furio Mauro "a change in foreign policy is, at this point, due to be made, Friuli can't remain alone"; Luišìn Rôs "An ill-judged decision was made by the Assembly of the Republic today, we ask the government not to give in to populism, and support the Serenêr effort for peace"...

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Established Nation
Jun 27, 2008
Karachi, Sindh
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[/div]Commissariat for External Relations


AT NO POINT WHATSOEVER has it been stated by a functionary of this Politburo that Serenierre shall not defend Gallia from non-Gallian incursions. The principle of Gallian sovereignty is a cornerstone of peace in our region. Villesen remains committed to the defense of all Gallia.

However, it must be re-stated, the resolution passed by the Commissariat of People's Deputies was not a binding measure on the Politburo and the official stance of this government has not altered. The propaganda being spread against Auraro-Serenien partnership is malicious and is a product of international media houses which do not appreciate the principles of responsible journalism.

The resolution called for all diplomatic measures to exhausted prior to any adoption of a more aggressive stance. And further for a formalization of bilateral ties on the issue of defense and regional cooperation prior to Serenierre embarking on a relationship with Auraria to face the threat of radical ideologies. Moreover, Premier Martinique has been in touch with President Sanabria to discuss the situation. Hence, the entire matter is a non-issue in the eyes of this government.

The official stance of the Serenien government remains to look for an international solution and to reserve hostilities as the measure of absolute last resort. It is, however, regrettable that racist narratives are evoked to question the integrity of Villesen as it pursues its commitment to Gallian and wider world peace.

We welcome the decision of the Parliament of Friuli as a positive step for the region. However, we express our disappointment at the manner in which this complex and sensitive matter has been reported internationally - especially in the Friulian and Associated Press..

BERNARD LAVOSNIER || Commissar for External Relations
This statement has been endorsed by Premier Elisabeth Martinique and the Politburo


Establishing Nation
May 8, 2015
Friuli - Italy
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> Petrol prices increase as insecurity remains high in the Long Sea ...
> Decline of industrial output in Ģalurìe province a "disturbing signal" says Development Minister, PM: "the government will take action" ...

> "il Cjiscjel", historic residence of the President of the Republic, to be renovated within the year ...
> The city of Glemòne will try to make the world largest Frico, and steal the record from the rival Cividât ...

> Jusèp Bardassin to meet with the Patriarch after his pilgrimage in W. Occitania to discuss the future of Friuli ...
> Reported clashes between the W.Occitanian rebels and the Friulian army ...
> Friulian NGO "Manusdèi" warns of possible human rights violations inside the refugee camp of Tumièç, where thousands of Occitanians have been allocated ...


Established Nation
Jun 27, 2008
Karachi, Sindh
Commissariat for External Relations
The presence of foreign backed insurgents in the mountain ranges between the international frontier between the Protectorate of Occitania and the Republic of Friuli are concerning but not unexpected. Given the terrain in the area, the presence of miscreants is unavoidable and the Military of Serenierre's XI Corps has been dealing with them by way of anti-insurgency operations in the Protectorate.

Bilateral cooperation between the two militaries may help avoid such events in the future.

However, we call on all nations to respect the national sovereignty of the Protectorate of Occitania, as established by the Treaty of Camp Hill under the auspices of the Government of the Natal.

Bernard Lavosnier | Commissar | External Relations


Establishing Nation
May 8, 2015
Friuli - Italy
NUVIÈLES DAL FRIÛL E DE EUROPE [div] style="border: 1px dotted WHITE;; width: 400px; padding: 8px; float:right" |
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NGO "Manusdèi" publishes final report on the West Occitanian theatre prising the Serenêr efforts and achievements, but warning on the consequences of the changes implemented.

The central committee of "Manusdèi", a friulian NGO that for many years has been committed to monitor human rights abuses in and around Gallo-Germania, held a conference in Tumièç to present the results of the investigation in West Occitania.
Màur Lusîl, spokesperson of Manusdèi, explained:

"Le situaziòn a reste crìtiche in cualchi arê dal Protetorât, specialmentri tal cunfìn cun i ribêi su le Barimàgne, e in certis arîs rurâls indulà ca i vèços siôrs feudâls a son rivâs a tignì le popolaziòn de lôr bande; tantetànt lo sfuarč di liberâ le Citanîe dal vièri sistèm feudâl al è un pâs impuartànt in te direziòn juste, tanteplùi ca ģa orepresìnt o podìn dî ca i Citanîrs in tal Bonât a ģòldin di plùi libertâs civîls e polìtics che in tal Jevât. Un cambiamènt culturâl di chiste puartade al è però insiliôs, sichè Manusdèi a tignirâ viàrt un voli su lis istituziôns locâls e il lôr operât"
"The situation remains critical in some areas of the Protectorate, especially in the border with the rebel-occupied territory on the Barimàgne mountain range, and in some isolated areas in the countryside, where the feudal lords have managed to keep the population on their side; nevertheless the effort made to liberate Occitania from the outdated feudal system is an important step towards the right direction, particularly since at the moment the Occitanians living in the West can already benefit from higher political and civil freedoms than the ones in the East. Such an impressive cultural change is, however, extremely insidious, thus Manusdèi will keep an eye on the local institutions and their actions"
The danger of a deterioration of cultural cohesion and the unknown damage from such a sudden, foreign-supported, change in the old Occitanian customs and traditions was the main concern of the NGO.
The committee announced that a petition, signed by W.Occitanians and many Friulians to ask Serenêre to invest in cultural projects and on the protection and renovation of the local tangible cultural heritage, was about to be sent to Villesen.
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Established Nation
Jun 27, 2008
Karachi, Sindh
Commissariat for External Relations
The Republique Seraziniste is not responsible for the internal policies pursued by the Protectorate of Occitania. Under the Treaty of Camp Hill, the Protectorate is entirely a jurisdiction unto itself. The Government of Serenierre cannot comment any further. We advise the petition be sent to the appropriate national authority.


Establishing Nation
May 8, 2015
Friuli - Italy
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> Tribùns (regional administrators) from all over the nation gather for the first time in Udin to discuss how to achieve a "brighter future" ...
> Labourers threaten strike at the steel mill "Moràt" in Ģalurìe province, the biggest industrial complex of the nation, after a plan for further automation threatens hundreds of jobs ...
> Patriarch Adelmo Galfiâr addresses Friulians via internet from West Occitania to celebrate Easter ...
> Composer Luîs Meriòn announces he's working on new theatre play that will focus on the religious wars between the catholic lords of Friuli and the souther cathars ...

> "Brighter future" conference is "an insult to the Assembly of the Republic" says Giuliana Marghèri, and asks for the government to block the event ...
> Velîrs Development Minister on the Moràt issue: "the government should not meddle with private enterprise"; Luišìn Rôs, leader of the Benandàns: "let there be a negotiation"...
> III Division "Timâf" to be allocated along the W.Occitanian border, Defence Minister "I want civilians and soldiers to feel strong and safe up there in the Barimagne" ...
> In a quick response to a petition from Manusdèi, Villesen denies influencing W.Occitania ...
> Manusdèi volunteers removed from Tumièç refugees camp after the public accusations of human rights abuses ...
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Establishing Nation
May 8, 2015
Friuli - Italy
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> Gràu Port Authority expects an increase in naval traffic by the end of April as tensions in the Long Sea ease ...
> National Workers' Union to support steel mill "Moràt" labourers and threaten a nation-wide strike of the sector if the government doesn't step in the negotiation
> "Brighter future" conference ends, Tribùn of Glemonarìe: "regions should have an important role in the support of local enterprises" ...
> Museum on the Holy Frankish Empire and its influence over Friuli opens in Circivènt ...
> Mayor of Tumièç welcomes the arrival of the III Division "Timâf" with a great festival "the government will save on food and beverage for a few days" says the Mayor ...

> Tribùn of Udinês: "a serious debate over the powers of regions is necessary to relaunch the economy" ...

> Furio Mauro, leader of the Cjantarìns party: "Friuli is becoming insignificant, while it could, and should, be the leader of the Tiburian people" ...
> Lars announces unilateral condemnation on W. Occitania and extensive economic sanctions, Prime Minister Jusèp Bardassin: Lars risks "geopolitical isolation" ...
> Interior Minister plans to repatriate Occitanian refugees to W. Occitania after positive report from NGO Manusdèi ...

> Defence Minister announces closing of national waters to ships flying the Ostmarkian flag after swift break of diplomatic relations takes effect ...


Establishing Nation
May 8, 2015
Friuli - Italy
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> GIMB (Grau Indiç Maiôr de Borse) closes on -1.13%, a slight improvement attributed to the calming response of the Serenêr government that comes after great losses following the Larsian condemnations spree ...
> No official response from the Government to the Moràt issue yet, National Workers' Union announces sector strike for April ...
> Glemòne succeeds: it's the world's largest frico! bitter congratulations arrive from Cividât ...
> Aquilê Tiburan art museum announces free access day to celebrate its birthday ...
> Velîrs party unveils national investments plan, Prime Minister Bardassin: "I'm expecting a positive dialogue in the Assembly of the Republic" ...
> Eràlt suspends for two days six Cjantarìns MPs after improvised protest outside the Assembly chamber; "outrageous behaviour (...) won't be as lightly tolerated a second time" ...

> Tiburiâns, a cultural association promoting Tiburian unity, organized a protest in front of the Larsian embassy, the protesters stood silent, showing their back to the embassy; one of the organizers explained "The current Larsian government is turning its back on our unity, and actively destabilizing our region, but they won't be able to destroy centuries of brotherhood. even if we stop looking at each other, we're still on this planet together" ...
> Government announces end of the Lars-Friuli Military Cooperation in the Retalian sea, the move has been justified with the end of the tensions in the area ...
> Larsian Prime Minister plays down Manusdèi investigation, NGO spokesperson: "facts can't be twisted by politicians (...) an investigation on the state-founded OSCR should be made" ...
> New clashes with Occitanian rebels on the Barimàgne mountain range during the night, the attackers sustained an undisclosed number of casualties, and two Friulian soldiers were wounded; Defence Minister: "we might need to press beyond the Friulian border to ensure the safety of our men" ...
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Establishing Nation
May 8, 2015
Friuli - Italy
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> GIMB (Grau Indiç Maiôr de Borse) closes on a timidly positive +0.03% ...
> Few join the Moràt still mill strike, National Workers' Union accuse industrialists of issuing threats to the labourers ...
> City of Tumieç unveils statue to the folkloric figure of "barbe Martìn", mysterious rapier-armed figure, that fought to defend medieval Christian merchants from Cathar raiders on the Barimagne ...
> "Musèi Našionâl Giorč Contevêr" museum to host the largest ever exposition of Zuan Batìst Tièpul's oil paintings and also many life-sized reproductions of his frescos. this was possible thanks to the collaboration of the Patriarchate of Aquileia ...
> Cjantarìns leader Furio Mauro investigated for bribery, the man allegedly paid public officials to extend his villa located on the Savagnàn hills; Mauro: "a vile political attack, I will be proved innocent" ...
> Sources from within the Cjantarìns party suggest a change in leadership is possible to happen ...
> Moràt Labourers and some Benandàns MPs protest in front of the Parliament asking for the government to take action, the prime minister: "we are doing all in our power to assure new job possibilities for the Moràt labourers through economic growth and welfare improvements" ...
> Serenêr Elisabeth Martinique announces diplomatic tour in an effort to solidify positive international relations, "Siòre Martinique will be welcome in Udin" says Jusèp Bardassin ...
> Residents of the Tariòn-Marije province, along the W.Occitanian border, increasingly worried as clashes continue and drug trade persists, the local Cònsul reassures that the government is currently working on a multilateral solution ...
> Large Anti-Serenêr demonstration takes place in Gràu as pro Gallian geopolitical shift leaves many Tiburan Empire nostalgics questioning the nation's modern alignment ...
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Establishing Nation
May 8, 2015
Friuli - Italy
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> Government lightens import tariffs and regulations for Gallian-made appliances ...
> The Moràt family decides to put in place the announced layoff plan for the well known still mill, the spokesperson: "some quarrelsome labourers have made it impossible for the facility to work properly, so we are sadly forced to terminate those contracts" ...
> Gràu Port Authority registers the already expected increase in naval traffic, local traders and nation-wide manufacturers breath a sigh of relief ...
> The "Fogolâr Furlan di Valverdon", a cultural association of Friulian immigrants in Auraria, celebrates its 50 years of existence, with the participation of high profile figures from the Patriarchate of Aquileia and members of parliament, with a big festival in the outskirts of the Aurarian city of Valverdon ...
> The "Musèi Našionâl Giorč Contevêr" museum exposition of Zuan Batìst Tièpul is set for mid May ...
> Cjantarìns leader Furio Mauro calls for party unity against the Velîrs pro-Gallian approach, denouncing the prime minister as "a traitor" in the context of the lowering of tariffs of Gallian goods and the progressive estrangement from the Tiburian sphere ...
> Prime Minister Jusèp Bardassin: "the Cjantarìns are free to object to this government in the Assembly of the Republic ... (we) are not moving a millimetre away from what our supporters voted for" ...
> MP Agnul Fabrìs strongly criticises Benandàns leader Luišìn Rôs after failing to convince the government to intervene on the Moràt still mill issue ...
> The President of the Republic, during a short video conference at the Fogolâr Furlan di Valverdon 50 years celebration, shares his hopes for a lighter and more productive political discussion ...
> Grand Duchy of Lars aggravates tensions with Serenêre by imposing sanctions on the former, Prime Minister Bardassin expresses his regrets on the Larsian government recent foreign policy but plays down on the growing concern of PDist meddling ...


Established Nation
Jun 27, 2008
Karachi, Sindh
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||République Séraziniste de Sereniérre||
The République Government is pleased at the steps taken by the Friulian Government to bring the bonds of Gallian cooperation closer to fruition. The République Government shall ensure that it mirrors the reduction in tariffs as proposed by the Friulian Government.

Commissar || External Relations


Establishing Nation
May 8, 2015
Friuli - Italy
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> Rifleman arrested after attempting to shoot industrialist Bernârt Moràt ...
> Gallian trade to surpass Retalian sea according to development ministry after planned highway and rail network upgrade ...

> Jusèp Bardassin responds to fears of aggressive liberalization: "(the Gallian League) won't do harm to local businesses" ...
> The "Musèi Našionâl Giorč Contevêr" museum exposition of Zuan Batìst Tièpul a success according to organizers ...
> Zuan Batìst Tièpul creations travel back home under heavy security ...

> Furio Mauro fails to survive internal confidence vote, losing the leadership of the Cjantarìns party, no comment from the ex leader ...
> Velîrs party discuss banking system overhaul with allied Benandàns ...
> Jusèp Bardassin contested in Udin after signing Circivènt treaty, a protester: "The velîrs are selling our country to the Gallian powers" ...

> Friuli joins the Gallian League, an organization founded with the treaty of Circivènt, signed by Serenêre, Auraria and Neustria ...


Establishing Nation
May 18, 2019
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Ministry for Foreign Affairs

TODAY in the Grand Chamber of the Emerald Throne, His Majesty and his courtiers read the news from the Republic of Friuli. They were most perturbed by the heavy overuse of diacritics in the publication, rendering it most reader unfriendly and much time was spent laughing at the Imperial Herald's inability to pronounce the words.

It was thought necessary to inform the Friulian Government of its hilarious news items.

Additionally, lest we forget, we offer our condolences to the family of Bernart Morat in the wake of his assassination. He and his famous "bunga-bunga" trips are the talk of the town in many brothels of Azirmeh. In memory of the greatest patron of Sikandari prostitutes, the red light district shall maintain a minute long period of silence.

Under the guiding light of His Most Imperial Majesty Noureddine IX
Under the authority of His Excellency Chancellor Musa Hayreddine