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  1. R

    The Cascadian - Cascadia Project Announced

    THE CASCADIAN VOL. CXXVIII – 39,618 * * * Second Class Postage * * * TUESDAY, MAY 21, 1953 * * * 36 PAGES * * * PRICE FIVE CENTS CASCADIA PROJECT ANNOUNCED Following the announcement of the Cascadia Plan by Sylvania's...
  2. R

    Cambrian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) Headline News

    Caeridris-on-Aberwyvern, Cambria - The Lord Mayor of Caeridris has been formally indicted for his role in the embezzlement of nearly two million crowns from city workers' pension funds. Caeridris-on-Aberwyvern, Cambria - Hyborean Fry: Why is it taking the rest of the world so long to catch on...