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A Neighbourly Alliance [ATTN]Carinthia-Harkany


Establishing Nation
Feb 12, 2016
Greater Manchester, UK
The Kingdom of Veniasufia Defence Ministry

Her Majesty's Most Loyal Armed Forces


Dear Carintho-Harkaner Minister of Defence,
The Kingdom of Veniasufia would like to discuss the possibility of joint military exercises in the Gothic Sea to show the power of the Gothic Sea nations during this time when the Kadiki Government is trying to gain influence over the region this would show that two of the most powerful nations in the Gothic Sea are ready to fight off communist invaders. We would also be interested in a direct alliance which would help both of our countries which are currently under threat from Kadikistan. Thank you for your time.

Wolfgang Arnaut
W.Arnaut, HM's Minister of Defence

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Established Nation
Aug 9, 2012

The Empire of Carinthia-Harkány
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Wolfgang Norbert Falkenrath


7th of March, 1956
W.Arnaut, HM's Minister of Defence
Kingdom of Veniasufia

The Imperial Government of Carinthia-Harkány would like to extend its warmest gratitude for the intentions of its northern neighbor, the Kingdom of Veniasufia. It brings good feeling to know that Veniasufia recognizes the treacherous times we live in today and that nations must choose to stand united or fall divided.

As I am sure you know, a large part of the Imperial Navy is currently engaged in a naval quarantine of the coast of the rebel territory of Milesia. The portion of the fleet not dedicated to the quarantine is divided between maintenance, defense of the homeland, and defense of trade routes with the Dominion of Zarakal in Southwest Himyar. Given the heightened tensions of the Gothic Sea, the Carintho-Harkaner Empire believes that naval exercises will lead to the following results:

1. Ships engaged off the coast will leave Carinthia-Harkány vulnerable to attack, should such a horrific event occur.

2. The heightened tensions in the Gothic Sea are leading to a rather large number of ships being deployed into a relatively small area of ocean. Naval exercises have the potential to bring foreign vessels into the zone and that can lead to undesired diplomatic fallout. Not only that, but naval exercises, in the eyes of the Carintho-Harkaner, could be seen as a blatant attempt to demonstrate military power that could be perceived as aggressive. We do not believe that an action such as this could lead to a positive result to any time of peace negotiations that could arise or to maintaining the current balance in the Gothic Sea.

Preserving the peace is the ultimate goal of the Carintho-Harkaner. At the same time, the democratic nation of Kadikistan remains committed to ignoring all traditional diplomacy in favor of a hostile, antagonistic foreign policy. The Carintho-Harkaner Empire will be willing to sign a defense agreement with the Veniasufian Government under the following terms:

1. A defense agreement between our nations shall, in all cases, mean that an attack on the Kingdom of Veniasufia and all internationally recognized territories is an attack on Carinthia-Harkány and vice versa.

2. Should an attack be had on either signing party, as a result of a preliminary aggression on another nation, then neither of the signing parties are obligated to come to the aide of the other. This defense pact is simply this: defense. What determines a preliminary aggression shall be determined by the governments of the signatory states with attention to precedent set by the duration of the treaty’s enforcement.

3. Should a signatory nation attack another nation within the treaty, the aggressor’s participation is void and all nations are obligated to the defense of the attacked nation.

We hope that the Veniasufian Government will find these terms agreeable and we await your reply.

Signed and Sealed,

Wolfgang Nortbert Falkenrath

Minister of Foreign Affairs
Empire of Carinthia-Harkány


Establishing Nation
Feb 12, 2016
Greater Manchester, UK
Veniasufian Defence Ministry

Classification: Secret

13th of March 1956
Dear Wolfgang Norbert Falkreath, His Imperial Majesties Minister of Defence

We thank you for your reply and apologise for our late reply.

We agree to the terms that you put forward and know that this alliance would be very helpful to both our nations and I sign this deal with full confidence that we shall both fulfil what it entails and we are always willing to come to the defence of our southern brothers and this deal secures that. We look forward to our joint success

W. Arnaut, HM's Minister of Defence
