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ATC Manoeuvres of Nedernesia


Establishing Nation
Jul 27, 2018
Berlin, Germany
Vrijpoort FIR (Flight Information Region)

KLM402: KLM402 Heavy, good day.

Vrijpoort FIR: Good day KLM402 Heavy. Descend six thousand, speed one niner zero, turn right two one five.

KLM402: Descend six thousand, speed one niner zero, turn right two one five, KLM402.

Vrijpoort FIR: KLM317 confirm speed is one six zero?

KLM317: Speed is one six zero, KLM317.

Vrijpoort FIR: Thank you. KLM317 switch to one niner niner zero two for central tower. Goodbye.

KLM317: Switch to one niner niner zero for central tower, KLM317, good day.

Vrijpoort FIR: KLM402 Heavy, traffic to your left at five thousand speed one seven zero, confirm visual.

KLM402: Visual confirmed to left at five thousand, KLM402 Heavy.

Vrijpoort FIR: Thank you. Keep current heading, descend four thousand, speed one six zero, switch to one niner niner zero two for central tower.

KLM402: Keep current heading, descend four thousand, speed one six zero, switch to one niner niner two zero for central tower, KLM402 Heavy, good day.

Vrijpoort Central Tower (VCT)

VCT: KLM317 turn left two two zero, cleared to land runway three zero left, crosswinds from north at one six knots.

KLM317: turn left two two zero, runway three zero left, KLM 317.

VCT: KLM402 Heavy maintain course, cleared to land two seven right, crosswind from north at one eight knots.

KLM402: Errr, KLM402 Heavy, we're flying with heavier cargo load than normal today. Approach could be a bit choppy with those crosswinds. Advise that touch and go possible, KLM402 Heavy.

VCT: Do you want three zero left instead?

KLM402: Negative, rather not loop around for a new approach, just confirming that touch and go is possible, KLM 402 Heavy.

VCT: KLM402 Heavy, how long have you been flying, sir?

KLM402: Uhhh, 18 years, KLM402 Heavy.

VCT: So you're telling me you can't handle 18 knots crosswind at Vrijpoort with a larger than normal load? It's standard winds, sir, you're in a 747 and I've got one hundred planes to land in the next 90 minutes.

KLM402: Apologies control, we will do our best. Maintain course, cleared to land two seven right, KLM402 Heavy.

Air Clarenthia 101: Clarenthia 101 Heavy, good day. Requesting runway three zero left.

VCT: Good day Clarenthia 101 Heavy. It's your lucky day, three zero left is yours. Descend two thousand, speed one six zero, confirm visual of KLM402 Heavy to your right.

Air Clarenthia 101: Thank you control. Descend two thousand, speed one six zero, visual confirmed for KLM402 Heavy. Clarenthia 101 Heavy.

VCT: Speedbird 100 confirm altitude six thousand?

Central Himyari Airways (Speedbird) 100: Negative control, altitude eight thousand, Speedbird 100 Heavy.

VCT: *sighs* Speedbird 100 Heavy you've got to listen to me, okay? Now I need you to ascend ten thousand, speed two two zero and enter holding pattern heading two hundred.

Speedbird 100: Apologies, sir. Ascending ten thousand, speed two two zero, holding pattern heading two hundred, Speedbird 100 Heavy.

VCT: KLM402 Heavy, I knew you could do it. Beautiful landing. Switch to Ground at six one two. Good day.

KLM 402: Switch to Ground at six one two, KLM402 Heavy, thank you and good day.
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