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Badische Neueste Rundschau (BNR) - Die Nachrichten von Morgen!

Oct 31, 2006
Badische Neueste Rundschau

Der Wochenrückblick

What happened in the republic? Let us have a closer look at the following top events of the last week:

:arrow: Following the Ratswahlen last september, Mrs. Emma BAUMJOHANN, SVP (social democrats), has been elected as new chancellor of the republic by the Ratskammer on December 31st. The traditional chancellor election on the last day of the year, also called Silvesterwahl, took three rounds of voting, the maximum of rounds designated in the badisch-mecklenburgische Verfassung. After Mrs. BAUMJOHANN was elected, the delegates of the conservative BMTP-party left the assembly room, accompanied by massive laughter from the delegates of the governing parties SVP and LPR (liberals). Mrs. BAUMJOHANN appealed to the honour of the BMTP-delegates and asked for a reasonable and responsible cooperation, but her appeals went unheard.

Shortly after the tumult created by the BMTP-delegates subsided, Mrs. BAUMJOHANN spoke for about 2 hours to the remaining delegates of the Ratskammer, introducing her government targets. To sum her speech up, Mrs. BAUMJOHANN announced that the main targets of her term will be strengthening economic ties with other European nations, reforming the educational and judicial systems of the republic and using the power of Baden-Mecklenburg for reaching a "place at the sun and sounding the bell for a gilded age for Baden-Mecklenburg."

As always, the BNR will monitor our government closely and report about its activities.

:arrow: On Monday, BMCF, one of the largest chemistry and pharmaceutical companies of the country, began with a European-wide recall action of its drug "Pilarventom". "Pilarventom", a drug for lowering blood pressure, stands under the suspicion of causing cancer and malfunctions of the nervous system. The press spokesman of the enterprise was not ready to deliver a statement opposite the BNR. Allegedly the enterprise already counts on demands for payment of damages in billion height.

:arrow: On Wednesday, the new government brought its first draft law into the board of judicial affairs. The "Gesetz zum Verbot von Tele- und anderen Medienwettspielen" will, if enacted, prohibit bettings arranged by TV or radio stations. Also, bettings arranged by badisch-mecklenburgische internet sites will be prohibited. However, details of the draft are not known yet.