What's new

By Fire

Jan 9, 2019
The Circle used code names, actually code letters. The police might could be anywhere. And the Circle did not want to be stopped. It was a matter of faith.

AA, the leader, was speaking to a group of recruits tonight. They were all young, impressionable, and devout. They believed. And soon they would be molded to do anything because of what they believed.

But one was ahead of the curve, a girl named YT. AA asked her to stay after the talk. They discussed destiny and how all was already decided. They went further and discussed how the Circle believed that because all was predetermined, existence was futile and that a person really had only one choice they could make that would count: death.

"Will it hurt?"

"Yes, it will be painful. But no more than life already is for many."

"Will I believe alone?"

"The Circle will be watching. And many more. They will not be able to ignore your choice."

"What happens after?"

"If you are already saved, you will join Him in Paradise."

"And if I'm not?"