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Chains of Destiny

Sep 8, 2007
North Carolina, USA
Rovopolis City Hall
Bureau of Foreign Affairs

Aliko Simeonescu, the Administrator of Foreign Affairs, was reviewing documents from the new diplomatic missions that had opened up over the past weeks. Aliko still hadn't gotten used to being Zamosca's new diplomatic chief nor to attempting to formulate Zamosca's foreign policy. Much of his life had changed since joining the Salvationist movement and how he was part of steering the destiny of his country, if only his parents were alive to see him now. But he had been dreading the part of his day where the Commission met in discussions about the future form of government. The bickering over every detail and every possible outcome had ground the discussions to a halt and they were getting no where anytime soon. Zamosca needed a government, a government that could provide more legitimacy, to guide this nation, not the existing interim governance that was getting no where.

Aliko grabbed his jacket and left his office. The halls echoed with his foot steps as he made his way to the Commission meeting. The City Hall building was large and grand owing to the moderate wealth that Rovograd had accomplished under the successive Altaic regimes, and now it served as the main nucleus of the government of Zamosca. Aliko walked into the Commission chambers as the daily debates were already under way.

"Commissioners, it was God that brought the forces to our aid and delivered us from those heathens in Altaisk, and now is not the time to turn away from our savior. We should look to the church which had guided us through the troubling times and their leadership should continue." Commissioner Tomic Albusel was a devout member of the faith and had been arguing for a theocratic government to ensure the "moral path" of the nation would continue. This idea had a minority of similar opinion, but it was losing strength.

"That Commissioner would see our government leadership at the hands of the Patriarch in a foreign state." Aliko added as he took his seat. "And Commissioner may I remind you that it was the Talemantine military, not God, that intervened against the Altaics, and it was the Talemantine government, not God, that secured our independence in a treaty."

Albusel retook his seat, and by the look on his face this was going to be a long day.
Sep 8, 2007
North Carolina, USA
Rovopolis City Hall

Hours had passed and no progress had been made. They were no closer to agreeing on Zamoscan future than when Aliko walked in.

"A monarch will provide us with a non polarizing figure that all of our nation can rally around regardless of our political leanings. We can already see the polarization of out political atmosphere and to have a person above the arguments will allow our future government to come together under a non-political institution." said Commissioner Marku Vladu.

"We have lived under a monarch before, and under those who ruled like a monarch Zamosca had continued to be ignored and abused. We need a government that is entirely chosen by the people." Argued back Commissioner Mugur Fidatov.

Colonel Averin interrupted the exchange. "Many great points have been raised today; we will recess until tomorrow." The group of thirty Commissioners got up and shuffled from the meeting room. If tomorrow was anything like today it was going to continue the same old bickering until one of the sides decided to give way.
Sep 8, 2007
North Carolina, USA

"Our state is perfectly suited for Post-Delegationism and its form of direct democracy." Aliko was having a quiet meeting with one of his fellow commissioners. They were causally discussing the most pervasive issue on the minds of Zamoscan, the future government. The Commission had been deadlocked for the past couple of months with each faction digging in during debate hoping they would be the one to be victorious at the end of the day.

"But Aliko the Post-Delegationist model isn't very stable and with government changing possibly each week depending on the nature of the issue. Right now stability is the one thing we need, it is what we are most heavily criticized about in this world. Right now we need to be overly stable than anything else, stability over pure democracy." Janos Stolojan was one of the commissioners from the Rovopolis districts and from a wealthy family in the capital city. The Stolojans ran a large banking firm and Janos was made the Administrator of Finance in order for the Commission to secure loans from their bank to help finance projects. "Plus it appears that Post-Delegationism is not currently viewed favorable in the international community either and we also want other nations to like as well."

Aliko took another sip from his drink. "The movement only has a bad rap currently. If we pursued it we could be successful and every citizen will not only be invested in our survival but will be able to steer our future. If you support me in the session tomorrow we can sway many in the commission to Post-Delegationism."

"Aliko we go back many years. I'm sorry Aliko, but at this time I am unable to to support you. This is not what we need for the nation at this time; I cannot support you in this."

Victory Square, Asau

Meanwhile in the city of Asau, where an independent Zamosca was manifested, a very important meeting was happening between two of the Commission's highest profile commissioners, Mugur Fidatov and Marku Vladu. Fidatov was a municipal council member of Malin, whereas Vladu was the mayor of Ira. Each of the men led one of the major groups inside the Commission and if Zamosca was going to have a government of its choosing they would have to come to an agreement soon before the Talemantines or even worse the international community, imposes one upon them. Mugur from Malin wanted a republic to arise, but Marku of Ira wanted a Monarchy.

"Mr. Vladu, Malin would never support a monarch after how we were treated by the monarchical forces of the Pro-Nat. To go from one monarch to another would not sit well with those that suffered under one." Mugur said while cutting into his steak.

"And yet Mr. Fidatov, I do believe that it was a republican government that seized church lands and sparked the Salvationist revolution plunging our region into war." Marku replied as he ate another morsel of his dinner.

Mugur smiled at the reply. In Commission Vladu was his present opposition, but he was beginning to to enjoy these conversations with the man. "And then we are left with the Church and Aliko's Post-Delegationism. The church only wants devotion and Post-Delegationism will regulate us to the fringe of global politics with the socialists."

"So part want one thing and the other wants another, but both hate what the other wants. Which side do we award with what they want and who is to be disappointed? Do we continue to deny both? or give them both what they want?"

"So a Constitutional Monarchy we shall approve then. It will be a hard to sell that to our respective constituents."

"That will certainly not be a problem for me Mugur. I can deliver my votes, but why should I?"

"Ah, so what do you want Marku to make this happen?"

"I want you to do nothing Mugur."

"Nothing? I am not sure I understand?"

Marku Vladu smiled as he leaned back and took a sip from his cup. "When this is all over Averin will likely get a highly ceremonial position. Simeonescu will probably get shipped to the back of the room if he sticks with his current fascination with Post-Delegationism, or be shipped off to some foreign capital in a budding diplomatic career. Stolojan will follow whoever can award him the most money for his family enterprise. So who ever is going to end up leading this nation will be one of the leaders in this commission and when the time comes..."

"Do nothing." Mugur understood what he was being asked. "However, that kind of Nothing will certainly cost you Something, Mr. Vladu."

"I certainly would expect nothing else." Marku said as a smile crept across his face.
Sep 8, 2007
North Carolina, USA
Committee Room

"Mr. Chairman I don't think that this choice will make many people happy."

The committee was reviewing several candidates for the new Monarch of Zamosca from minor royals from Germania to junior scions of leading royalty. The process of choosing a new monarch delicate and tedious; the person had to be just right with the ability to appease their allies and ease tensions with their enemies. With everything else already decided regarding the monarch, title and powers, but what remained was to pick someone to place in the chair.

"But this candidate could be beneficial, they appear to be of bother worlds with one foot in both sides of the conflict." Chairman Marku Vladu said to his college. With the other committee's proposal already published even more pressure was on Marku to hurry up and present his draft before the republicans would be able to gather enough support to ditch a monarchy.

"Gentlemen this would be the best possible person for the job."

The small group of Commissioners looked at one another; they didn't want to remain in this discussion for too much linger and it appeared that Marku would get his way. "I approve." said a commissioner. This was soon repeated by the other men in the room.

"Thank you gentlemen, this is the best path for our future." Marku thanked the men for their hard work over the past weeks and prepared to present his draft to the Commission.

Commission Chambers

"Mr. Chairman I strongly encourage the other Commissioners to support this act as conferred and combined with the draft proposal by the honorable Committee on Government. We have finally reached a conclusion for Zamosca and for its people to give them their voice over the leadership and government. It is time that we Zamoscans take responsibility for our lives and set up to the plate and lift the burden of security from our Talemantine compatriots who have to graciously and honorable protected us while we toiled to secure a future for our state.

Mr. Chairman this Act is what we have worked for and what Zamosca wants for its way of life. I remind everyone here that it was the Zamoscan people that chose us to be here to create a state for them, to protect them, and to secure their destiny. It has been several long months that i has brought us to this moment and we are but a simple vote away from fulfilling that promise. Let us continue to move forward with the passage of this Act and not revert back to months of bickering without a government to show for it. We owe Zamosca this vote and we owe then it's passage."
Marku Vladu said as he argued in favor of the Act at debate.

The room was full of an air of electricity, the gallery of the chambers were full of people watching the historic moment in Zamosca.

"The floor is now given to Commissioner Fidatov." Colonel Averin said as he recognized Mugur Fidatov to speak.

Taking the floor as Marku retook his seat, "We have waited for this moment since the Salvation Army under the courageous Colonel Lucian Averin secured our Independence in the peace at Talemaniki. Even though Altai remains in denial of our freedom, we must press onward for the survival of our state. I praise the hard work of the Commissioners of both the committees on Government and Monarchy for working on the two major aspects of our government and on compromising those differing drafts into this Act. Now it comes time for us to bring this work to a close and put this government in place." Fidatov sat back down ending his remarks.

No other Commissioner showed the intention to speak so Averin spoke and gave instructions to the Commission. "There will now be a vote on the Government Act of 2012. Will the secretary please proceed with a roll-call vote of the Commissioners." The clerk read out the name of each commissioner and recorded their vote as the room remained silent until the last name was call. The secretary passed the official tally to Averin, who after taking a minute to double check the vote, announced it to the Commission and its audience. "The vote stand with 30 votes in the affirmative and zero in the negative. The measure at vote is passed unanimously." The Commissioners and the members in the galley had applauded. Zamosca now had a government.