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Collectivist Radio News: Pirate Broadcasts to the Axifloan Empire


Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Los Angeles
Collectivist Radio News
6 / 3 / 2011

"Hello again, people of Axifloa and Aresura! It's been awhile hasn't it? This is Alexander Constantine, the friendliest voice you'll hear over any radio, and I'd like to have a chat, if you've got a few moments to spare."

"Let's start with an update on me. I can still be found abroad, technically in 'exile' as the Imperialist goons like to label it, but really, I could have returned any time I wished by simply walking in with enough currency bulging in my pockets. The corruptness of the Empire truly knows no bounds, and it's quite embarrassing, really. You would think they'd put more effort into keeping people like me out, but mention money, and principles are forgotten in a flash..."

"... ah, but I digress, please forgive me. My current whereabouts are, in fact, in Rejika, Carentania right now. As to why I have decided not to return yet to the Empire? I am taking part in the meeting of many minds in Carentania as we speak. Why, just a few hours ago I finished a discussion with some Serbovian professors discussing the probability of leftist revolutions in the Empire, and I can say that we agreed that any revolution would be a rather simple affair."

"Why is that, you ask? It's the same reason I have been telling you all since I first began broadcasting. It is you, who hold the true power of the Empire. Not the government or His Feckless 'Majesty', not the international vermin who prop up the former like Engellex. No, it is you. And once that key pillar of support is removed, the whole institution will fall apart like a house of burnt cards."

"But my friends, I must caution you; Do not go out immediately after this broadcast and attempt to bring down the Imperial Government singlehandedly. A revolutionary without a plan soon becomes a dead revolutionary, and opportunity will be lost with no ground gained. We need to be patient, to have a plan, not just in the revolution, but more importantly in the government we hope to create afterwards. This government needs to be strong, and able to resist the influences of other nations who will, no doubt, not take our bid for freedom lying down."

"Why is that? Why should they care what we, the people do? Well, I don't know about you, but I certainly don't want to maintain the status quo of leeches like Engellex sucking our economy dry. The economy is for us, not for them! We are not their colony! We are a people who want to enjoy the fruits of our own labors! That is why we must be careful, why we must have a plan to deal with resistance to our noble cause."

"That, and we will also need the support of our ideological brothers abroad. Carentania, Kassiopeia, Coronado, Jurzan, and even the more Vanguardist leftists of Vangala and Kryobaijan. Our struggle must be won on our own terms, this requires no debate, but who says we must struggle alone? Does not the very idea of collectivism emphasize tapping into the power of our friends, our brothers, our fellow revolutionaries? Who are we to refuse help, as long as that help does not come with strings attached?"

"All of this must be determined before we stand up and say 'Enough! We shall not be treated like scum anymore!'. So I ask of you once again, my friends, to do something very difficult. You must remain patient, and have a little hope, that our collective suffering will soon come to an end, and we will finally live as we should live. In peace, prosperity, and partnership. I realize that your patience is wearing thin, I truly do. I know you like me are bursting to fly the flag of freedom and crush all who oppress you. But now is not the time. Not yet... but it is soon, my friends, and it is coming with much haste."

"On that note, I must say farewell. But do not worry my friends, for I shall make another broadcast soon, and I will be sure to tell it like it truly is, for affairs both within our country and abroad. Until next time, this is Alexander Constantine... signing off."


Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Los Angeles
Collectivist Radio News
19 / 3 / 2011

"Greetings, dearest Axifloa and Aresura! This is Alexander Constantine, and it's time we had a talk."

"I've been thinking quite a bit lately about something very important, something that, for unfathomable and unknown reasons, I have neglected to tell you, my friends. And that is what, exactly, my vision of the future for you, for your neighbors, for all of Axifloa and Aresura will be. Oh sure, I can explain it away by saying I mentioned bits and pieces of it from time to time in previous broadcasts. But that's not good enough, not for something as important as this! And so, in this broadcast, I hope to set the record straight."

"I intend for a new government to take the helm in running our affairs: the New Collectivist Republics. But, just who will be the government of the New Collectivist Republics? Or NCR for short, as that's a bit of a mouthful... anyway, the answer, is quite simple. The NCR, will be you, my friends. You, I plan, will play a constant role in the governing of our lands, as well as your sister or brother, your aunt or uncle, your friends, your neighbors. And well... yes, I will play a role in it as well."

"This government will be, initially, transitional. After all, up to now, you have had no input whatsoever in the current, oppressive Imperial Government. Over time, power will transition, hence the initial description, into your hands, as you become more and more familiar with the art of governing. Yes, it can indeed be considered an art, of sorts."

"That does leave us with a rather large question though: who will head this transitional government? That answer, I must admit, will be me. But let me explain why, first, before you begin to call me 'Emperor Constantine'."

"First, I feel qualified to do so because there's nobody else I know in the Empire moreso. Nobody currently in the Imperial Government that is. And for those who are? Do you honestly think that they would be interested in our needs, in bringing much-needed reform to the lands we inhabit? Hardly! They'd be more interested in continuing the status quo, because it's making them rather rich. Why stop a good thing, in their eyes?"

"Second, while governing, I will invite observers from nations such as Carentania, Kassiopeia, Denisova and Vangala, as well as any other nation willing to send observers if they are ideologically connected or not. Their purpose will be to make sure I do not become a tyrant, at least one not acting in your own interests and actively shifting power to you, or laying the foundations to do so."

"The sharp ones will note that addendum I made at the end. I will not lie to you. It's entirely possible that, while governing, I will have to be rather authoritarian in my methods. Some would also describe it as paternalistic, or being a strict father leader to the children citizens. But understand this, my friends, we would be taking an extremely difficult step, transitioning from an Empire at least fifty years behind schedule and functioning as nothing more than a resource colony to a foreign power, to a modern, collectivist state aiming to be a player in the international world."

"We cannot also forget that our existence will not be greeted with universal praise throughout the lands of Europe. Engellex, obviously, will not approve the loss of a prime source of resources without a fight. Serbovia to the north, will likely not appreciate the idea of collectivism, regardless of the fact that we as a whole aim to be free, like the ideals they themselves claim to pursue. And of course, we cannot forget that any form of communism, in general, is met with at best disapproval from much of Europe's governments."

"We need to have a strong state, my friends, if we want to survive beyond revolution. That, unfortunately, requires a strong, centralized government. At least, at first. Over time, as we are regarded as legitimate in the eyes of more and more of the world, that centralization will dissolve, and we will learn how to be strong, and not need tyranny to remain so."

"We could, of course, always skip the necessary centralization and request extensive assistance from our ideological brothers and sisters. But, leaving aside their intents to help us, rather than use us, isn't that another form of foreign interference in our affairs? We must learn how to govern ourselves, and we need to do so by our hand, not by the hands of others."

"And once again, such centralization is temporary, and will be crafted with provisions that ensure it is temporary. There should be no chance for me to... say... reverse the trend of transitioning power to you, the people, and keep myself or those I may appoint as successors in power beyond the time that is necessary. Such things would not just be for your own sake but... I must admit, for mine as well. I am, after all, human, and power is a temptress that knows few equals. I admit that I, myself, will need guidance to make sure that I work only for your interests, and not just my own. I hope such a scenario need not come about, but it is better to be safe, than sorry."

"That, my friends, is a peek at what the New Collectivist Republics will be as I envision them. There is more, so, so much more, of course, but I am unfortunately limited by time, and they must be disclosed in a later broadcast. For now, dearest Axifloa and Aresura, we must part. For there is still much work to be done in the crafting of a future, inevitable revolution."

"On that note, this is Alexander Constantine, signing off."