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Establishing Nation
May 4, 2010
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CBHT Agents Prevent Radical Attack in Lehighton
May 4, 2019

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CBHT Agents Secure Roxborough Block in Downtown Lehighton
[Lehighton, New Canaan] - “Today is as much an example of the excellence of our people as it is a reminder of the challenges we still have left to overcome,” said Abigail McCalmont, Premier of New Canaan.

The Roxborough District of Lehighton became the center of a media and police frenzy after agents of the Commonwealth Bureau for Homeland Tranquility (CBHT) descended on a downtown coffee shop in startling numbers. In addition to the store, agents secured a blue Raimer R400 parked just outside. Within moments, the agents brought out two individuals in handcuffs as the rest moved to blockade the area.

Senior Supervisory Special Agent Eli Reed of the CBHT made himself available for questions to the media, which arrived minutes after the operation began. Agent Reed confirmed that the CBHT had acted on a three-week investigation, in cooperation with local law enforcement, on what was believed to be an attempt to set off a car bomb in downtown Lehighton.

“Our investigation remains in the early stages,” Agent Reed stated “However, we are able to declare that the area is safe and there is no reason to be concerned of future terrorist activity.”

In later interactions, the CBHT confirmed that the actors responsible were tied with the League of Nativist Canaanites. A variation of the group has existed throughout history with varying degrees of support amongst the populous with an equally varying arsenal of strategies for advocacy. Consistently, the group has maintained that the State of New Canaan is by right an independent nation with no allegiance to the Commonwealth Treaty. They have taken a strong stance that any arrangement short of independence is unacceptable.

The Union of New Canaanite Integrity, another group dedicated to the preservation of New Canaan’s unique identity within the Commonwealth System, condemned the apparent actions of the League of Nativist Canaanites.

“Their decision to invoke violence will set back any progress we’ve collectively made over the centuries,” says Dagon Alloways, President of the Union.

New Canaan Premier McCalmont stated that her government was working very closely with the CBHT and that they feel this particular incident was an outlier brought on by radicals instead of a new strategy that the LNC seeks to employ to further their message.

“There’s a countless number of lives saved today,” Premier McCalmont stated “We’ll make sure that the peace of our State and indeed the Commonwealth will not be compromised by several radical actors pushing a belief system entirely contrary to the goals and mutual ambitions of our people.”

The two individuals arrested today were not named due to the ongoing nature of the investigation.

News in Brief...
:exclaim: Officials in the Commission for External Affairs and Fictional Organizations has confirmed that it received a full copy of the RSCO Report on the use of chemical weapons by Serenierre in Occitania. The Commission stated it will conduct a thorough review of the findings.
:exclaim: Commonwealth Governor-General Eleanor Sinclair attends lighting ceremony of the "Eternal Flame" in Palmerton in remembrance of those lost in the Unimaginable Catastrophe.



Established Nation
Jun 27, 2008
Karachi, Sindh
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||République Séraziniste de Sereniérre||
It is hoped that the esteemed Government shall appreciate the nature of the Regional Security and Cooperation Observatory. It is an organisation which was founded by the Governments of the Kingdom of Eiffelland, the Grand Duchy of Retalia (then extant), the Kingdom of Occitania, and the Grand Duchy of Lars.

It is worth noting that the Prime Minister of Lars, in an open press conference on April the Twenty Fifth, failed to address questions related to the source of funding for the RSCO. Furthermore, the evidence relied upon by the said organisation has not been independently verified.

Given the fact that the organisation is receiving state funding from three participants qui bello victum, it is rather safe to surmise that the findings of such a body cannot be wholly seen to be unbiased. Where the Government of Serenierre is willing to accept criticism, it will not allow partisan and biased interest groups to divert the narrative.

Commissar for External Relations


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Aug 1, 2008
The Best Carolina
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Drummond House, 2552 Company Street,
Welmonton, City of Welmonton, CRB, 58362

It is with the greatest senses of disappoiment and horror that we receive word of the continued lawlessness of this League of so-called Nativists, and do hereby make plain the official stance of continued condemnation by this Office for the Administration of Government in the Confederated Republic.

We applaud the expertise and professional efforts of the CBHT in countering this threat to the continued harmony and prosperity of our kindred Commonwealth and pledge any and all assistance necessary for stemming the persistent malignancy of this perversion of Nativist civility and will. Now, as ever, the fates of our two nations are intricately intertwined - and a threat to the stability of Clarenthia can and should only ever be taken as one likewise made upon Beautancus.

With the very highest and warmest regard for my kindred counterparts - those forthright servants of the Commonwealth, and all her freedom-loving, industrious and loyal sons and daughters, I am and shall remain,

Endymion Victavio Walker,
State Foreign Service Secretary, Confederated Republic of Beautancus
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Establishing Nation
May 4, 2010
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The Commonwealth Navy to Deploy to the Implarian
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Governor-General Sinclair as she sits for an exclusive with the Post
[PALMERTON] - Governor-General Eleanor Sinclair announced today that the Commonwealth Navy will join with fellow Thaumantic and allied states in the Cussian-led “IMPPAC” Exercises. The IMPPAC Exercise, for what is currently known, is a joint training problem amongst the Thaumantic Civilization and like-minded countries in the Implarian Sea.

“We have seen what weak leadership and general lacked preparedness can do,” the Governor-General stated earlier today “We must ensure that the chaos that continuously plagues the Long Sea never finds itself among the waves of the Thaumantic nor the Implarian.”

The Governor-General continued to elaborate, only faintly, on the exact level of involvement that the Commonwealth System’s forces will engage in the exercises. Following the press conference, Lady Sinclair sat down with the Palmerton Post for an exclusive interview on the initiative.

When asked on the intended mission of the Commonwealth’s involvement, and what would lead to her comfortably being able to declare the operation a success, the Governor-General said:

“When I took office, I took an oath to protect the Commonwealth’s member-states and preserve the fundamentals of the Treaty. As Governor-General, that is my prime responsibility above all else. Executing that mission cannot be left entirely to a comfort in the quality of our military readiness. We need to be absolutely sure that there is no situation we cannot respond to. These exercises offer us a fantastic ability to ensure the effectiveness of our fleet.”

We also took the time to ask the Governor-General what she thought on the Fictional Kingdom of Justosia’s diplomatic row with the Confederated Republic of Beautancus over the initiative. In a manner that has become so typical of Eleanor Sinclair, she simply leaned back in her chair and said “well, I guess we’ll be seeing them soon.” Alluding to Cussian State Foreign Service Secretary Endymion Walker.

Caedmon Hartwell takes the 2019 Mexpo Gala

Some celebrities might have struggled to interpret the “camp” theme of this year’s Mexpo Gala, but there is one who stood out for not only understanding the assignment, but applying for extra credit. Continuing in a long line of “intoxicatingly strange theatre,” actor Caedmon Hartwell once again did his country proud at the 2019 Engellexian Mexpo Gala. Sporting a murbarry suit with a jeweled corset, the main draw was an excellent makeup work that gave an illusion of having five eyes.

“I’m not even sure why I tried,” laughed Odelyna Burbidge, the other Treatyfolk of note to attend the Gala “He can’t be outdone.”

Application of the makeup on the day of the Met Gala took five hours, starting at 4AM with each eye taking about 200 steps and a minimum of thirty minutes. “It may not be traditional beauty, but that’s not camp. If fully expressing yourself is anything less than beautiful, then I hope to be the ugliest thing in all the world,” Caedmon had to say.
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Establishing Nation
May 4, 2010
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Bestin, Derokesley
Monday, May 27, 2019

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Attorney General Jason Kimball of Derokesley, 2017 - Present
[BESTIN] - In what has been a long-awaited battle, Derokesley Attorney General Jason Kimball has announced that his office will be suing Hydenstane Industries for what it alleges is improper use of capital duties on the Hydenstane Estate – in violation of the 2007 Commodity Reform Act.

In 2007, under incredible pressure from various states, Governor-General Winston Mulvaney passed the Commodity Reform Act that served as the most sweeping piece of legislation concerning the Human Commodity System in the Treaty Lands. Before the law, capital duties were considered part of the Commonwealth System and were thus actively moved across state lines. As a result, their regulation fell exclusively to the Government in Palmerton, which many states grew to resent. The 2007 Act allowed for the States to have the ability to set their own standards and procedures, with approval from the Commonwealth.

The second part of the legislation, which is also where General Kimball is drawing their lawsuit from, stated that capital duties cannot be used as workers on a singular private residence – which is a very common practice across the border in SoCRER. The logic was that tending to one estate was not conducive to proper workforce development but rather served the sole purpose of cheap labor and house servants. Those critical of the HCS have often pointed to this practice as proof of the HCS’s ties to slavery.

The State of Derokesley has been particularly engrained in these types of violations as the state is home to a wide variety of the Treaty Lands’ wealthy elite. Large, gothic estates in the style of the First Republic’s NoCRER dot the countryside.

“My Office has found sufficient enough evidence to allege that Harrison Victor Hydenstane, President and CEO of Hydenstane Industries, has knowingly and improperly employed capital duties in his own home as housemaids – going so far as to even fire on-site tenants that he hired and construct lodging areas so that the duties never have to leave the Estate,” says Attorney General Kimball.

Hydenstane Industries is one of the largest – and oldest – companies in all of the Treaty Lands. If you’ve ever seen a railroad track in the Stem, it’s almost guaranteed to be a Hydenstane railroad. The family has also essentially constructed the entire City of Harrowgate – built originally to house the workers of the steel stacks that John Hydenstane erected. The New Hammersmith Oil Refinery, while not carrying their name, is also owned by the company. Needless to say, Hydenstane Industries has been a consistent purchaser of capital duties to support its enterprises.

“The Law does not preclude Mr. Hydenstane from employing his capital duties in this fashion,” General Kimball explained “and I will defer to my other State Attorneys General on the affairs of the defendant in other states. However, my suit alleges that some of these capital duties can spend upwards of seven months working at the Hydenstane Estate with only a week at, say, Harrowgate. This violates the law and I will hold the company accountable.”

This is certainly not the first time that the Hydenstanes have been brought to court, but it is the first time that Jason Kimball took them. Kimball, a Unionist, became AG of Derokesley in 2017 amid turmoil as his predecessor, Megan Conway, found herself guilty of bribery. Kimball has made his claim to fame by restoring integrity to the Office and holding law breakers accountable, big and small. Most see him as a strong contender for Premier of Derokesley and even higher office beyond.

News in Brief...
:exclaim: Commonwealth Attorney General Audrey Mendenhall confirmed that her office is launching a full investigation into Sylvanian financial assets in the Treaty Lands for any connections to the cultist group that was recently uncovered.
:exclaim: The Georgiana Islands and Ancaqisa see tens of thousands of tourists looking to escape the cooling weather in the south this Decorations Day, honoring the men and women who have fallen in the line of duty for the Commonwealth.
:exclaim: Foreign Commissioner Aston Notleigh condemns the recent violence in former Bourgogne, stating "This is yet another example of a peoples who only want to live peace but are unable due to tyrannic fictionals and monarchies."


Establishing Nation
May 4, 2010
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Editorial: The Celebration of “Gay Pride” is Fictional Guilt
By Leofwine Smythe

Today, thousands of couples across the Union State of Eiffelland-Retalia celebrated the birthday of Prince Ludwig in the legalization of marriages between two peoples of the same sex. The country, which prides itself on its advanced liberality from other Gallo-Germanian States, or even more broadly: States of the Old World generally, declared this as a momentous step in a positive direction.

While I shudder to think that a government of any sort can have any formal recognition of the love shared by two, or more individuals I am nevertheless happy to know that, arguably, Germania’s most liberated nation-state has finally entered into a level of modernity that has long been enjoyed by the millions of peoples who inhabit the Thaumantic Domain. However, I feel the need to reiterate that the very necessity to celebrate or dedicate an entire thirty days of the year to the exclusive promotion of one group, is systemic of the general problem of the old world in that it continues, to this day, to suffer from the fictional delusions that have stunted its progress for centuries.

I absolutely do not mean to say that the values of the Treaty Lands has remained consistent or that the actions of our ancestors closely align with what is considered civilized today, however it is an accurate statement that what has been known to the Treatyfolk for decades – or even centuries – is only now becoming truth to the Old World. The logic for it starts in the very term itself: Treatyfolk.

Certainly, to the world the country occupying the lands from Malvern to Ollantaytambo is known as “Clarenthia.” However, the people who live there call it the Treaty Lands. Why? The answer begs the larger question of what defines the Treatyfolk themselves. Our definition and defining characteristic does not come from a uniform history, a similar language, or common liberation from faith – but rather the formal agreement to defend one another for the betterment of all.

It is our history. The Treaty of Unification, signed in 1842, which brought the several States to union, set forth this nation whose only term was agreement to brotherhood. The Treatyfolk do not consider kin those who are of a certain race, color, creed or heritage but rather those who will live their lives true and free and be committed to the defense of their brother should the need ever arise.

How can this be the unifying factor which built an entire nation? The answer is simple: the Treaty Lands, since its founding, has been free from Fictional Delusion. That freedom has allowed the only true defining trait of a human being to be the only one that is considered. That trait? Simple: our combined humanity. Free from a corrupted view of morality that stems from centuries of corruption in Tibur, the Treatfolk recognize only one moral: Do Not What Causes Unnecessary Harm.

I applaud the Union State of Eiffelland-Retalia for moving ever so closer to true modernity. However I warn to not let this positive step cloud their sight from the reality of how many more steps are required. As always, the Treatyfolk stand prepare to help guide the way.


Establishing Nation
May 4, 2010
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WEEKLY ROUNDUP: June 10 - June 14
The Exterior
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Commissioner Aston Notleigh served as Jr. Security Councilor from Derokesley before taking over as Foreign Commissioner in 2017 [/div]
After a period of noticeable silence on the matter, the Commission for Foreign Affairs and Fictional Organizations stated today that it would not put its support behind Karl Heydendahl’s recent takeover of the West Engel Republic.

“It’s an irrevocable fact of Engell civilization that any proper government must seize its mandate to govern from the people,” Commissioner Aston Notleigh stated “After thorough review of the situation in Engellachia, we can only arrive at the conclusion that self-proclaimed dictator Karl Heydendahl has violated these standards of civilization and that elections to choose a proper leader must at once be held.”

When asked on the affect that the situation in the WER would have on the negotiations for the League of Four Nations, Commissioner Notleigh stated that “They [the negotiations] are proceeding fine and I am very optimistic about them. Cooperation and understanding to address situations such as these are what have defined the relationship between Engell countries. We have endured and will endure more pressing crises.”

In regards to the old world, and recent drama unfolded in the occupied territory of Occitania, Commissioner Notleigh stated that the Treaty Lands would maintain their view that neither East nor West – and certainly not the Justosians – had any right to claim legitimacy over the Occitan peoples. He also confirmed that the Treaty Lands would not recognize Mirèo de Marisilia-Francisco I’s claim to the throne.

Conversely, the Commissioner did wish the Virumaan people well over the recent selection of Johann Maria von Eschenbach as King.

Reaffirming her support on the matter, Governor-General Eleanor Sinclair announced today that should HB771 make it to her desk, she will immediately veto it. HB771 seeks to amend the Commonwealth Health Act which provides the 15 States with variable funding to provide for universal health coverage of its citizens. While the majority of the amendments were things that Governor-General Sinclair has called for, a provision has been included that would revoke Commonwealth funds for States that continued to include abortions in their health plans.

“So long as I am the authority in the matter,” the Governor-General said “Abortion will remain to be considered a medical procedure the same as any other and this government will not penalize doctors for performing it.”

The House of Delegates lacks the votes necessary to overturn the Governor-General’s veto.

Urquchillay Commonwealth Park Celebrates 100 Years
In 1917, Governor-General Maxwell Aldane announced his “Commonwealth Beautiful” program which was designed to highlight and preserve the natural wonders of the country. The extensive program began by combining several Commonwealth entities into a new, Supreme Executive Commission-level body, the Commission for Environmental Conservation. The CEC began closing off large swathes of territory into Commonwealth Parks, but none were as significant as Cape Breton Island.

In 1919, Governor-General Aldane arrived on Cape Breton Island to officially designate it as “Urquchillay Commonwealth Park.” Named after the Kamachina God that watched over animals, the third largest island in the State of Georgiana was then converted into the nation’s largest park and all human inhabitants – except those given permission by the CEC – were banned from establishing residence.

Today, the island stands as a testament to the Treaty Lands’ dedication to conservation and environmental friendliness. Governor-General Sinclair stated that she hopes the island remains a pure, untouched haven for nature.


Staff member
Aug 16, 2007
Grasstown ND
Thaumantic Alignment Committee

The West Engell Republic’s Lodge of Legislators has entrusted Karl Heydendahl with dictatorship to accomplish the defined mission of keeping the peace with focused strength as we overcome manifold challenges. Whether it is the transition of our currency from the Engellmark to Thaumantic Pound, or the pursuit of justice for Thaumanticans denied fair elections in Vesper last year.

We warmly anticipate the opportunity to work with our partners in Clarenthia, and will enjoy the chance to cooperate with Commissioner Notleigh on cordial terms.

Aisling Derring


Established Nation
Sep 8, 2018
A city rated more dangerous than Venezuela, MD
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Government Imperio de Justosia
Foreign Ministry
Government Quarter, Avalon
June 14, 2019
By Crown Authority

Seldom can the Continental Empire of Justosia find reason to congratulate an Engellkin government. From your bigotry & persecution upon your own people brave enough to believe in the truth of Christ Yeshua. To nonsensical naval exercises far from your own backyard. We are happy today that this isn't the case.

We stand firmly with Clarenthia in condemning the West Engell 'Republic's' total abandonment of democracy & the will of the people for utter tyranny. I have already secured ascent from the Crown Sovereign the emperor to fully withdrawal recognition of this government of the dictator for the dictator. We hope & pray their proverbial ship quickly rights itself. That we don't have to start addressing a dark continent. God bless you. Viva Justosia.

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Fernando Torres
Foreign Minister


Establishing Nation
May 4, 2010
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Top Stories of June 17, 2019

FDSE Opens to High Markets in an Optimistic Market

(Ft. Duncannon, DN) The Ft. Duncannon Stock Exchange, or FDSE, opened with great optimism today in the wake of two significant announcements. Firstly, the Mayor of Thunder Bay in Westmoreland announced that the city had reached a deal with Dog & Bone in the First Republic to open the company’s Treaty Lands headquarters in Thunder’s Bay. In addition, Dog & Bone promised to open a manufacturing facility in Westmoreland and will move portions of its production to said facility. The announcement comes as the conclusion of a long sought-after goal of bringing Dog & Bone to the Commonwealth as well as establishing Thunder Bay as the Treaty Lands’ largest tech hub. Undoubtedly, the city’s efforts have impressed the executives at Dog & Bone.

Many details of the deal are only just recently coming to light, but the Mayor’s Office stated it is expecting several thousands of temporary jobs in construction as well as several thousand permanent jobs that are “of high enough quality to support a family and live comfortably,” says the Mayor.

In addition to the Dog & Bone announcement, Holloway Aerospace surprised markets in announcing that it is partnering with the Sylvanian Jupiter Aerojet to begin work on building a new line of commercial airliners for “the next generation.” The team up of the two companies raised a lot of eyes across the Treaty Lands’ financial elite and opening up to significant speculation on how Holloway and Jupiter Aerojet plan to compete in a market dominated by Eiffelland-Retalia and Auraria.

Tensions Rise in the Implarian

(Palmerton, C.D.) The Long Sea has long been plagued by warfare and tension that has brought uncertainty – and thus higher costs – to international trade. While major powers only barely avoided war and are now planning to sit together in Kashtan to discuss the future of the Long Sea, it would appeal that the comparatively peaceful Implarian Ocean is the sight of increased tensions.

“Let me be clear,” Governor-General Sinclair stated “The Commonwealth of Clarenthia has always and will always prefer a diplomatic and sensible solution to any situation. Still, our nation will not hesitate or refrain from taking the necessary steps to secure our domestic tranquility or national interests abroad.

The tensions rose after the Continental Empire of Justosia announced increased naval activity in the Implarian, which prompted the Sylvanians to escort their merchant vessels with naval assets. The Clarenthian Government responded in similar concerns, calling on the Justosians to disclose the full nature of their activity. Both nations’ concerns were rejected and dismissed by the Justosian Government. However, the Confederated States of Beautancus issued the strongest rebuke, demanding that the Justosian Navy return to territorial waters and that it surrender their air craft carriers – of which there are three.

Palmerton has stated that it would be analyzing all its options and will move forward “in a manner most appropriate to the situation.”

World’s Sole Sloth Sanctuary Saved

(Ollantaytambo, RN) In the remote village of Qorikancha, about 20 miles north of Ollantaytambo in Rumihanan is situated the Sloth Sanctuary of Clarenthia. The Family owned sanctuary is a privately-owned animal rescue center dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, research, and release of injured or orphaned sloths. Since 1992, the Sanctuary has been open to public tours to allow people to interact with the animals in a unique and intimate way.

Sloths have had a difficult history in Clarenthia. The Ancient Kamachina believed one needed to kill sloths on sight otherwise you'd catch their predisposition for laziness, which was incurable. Despite being made illegal in 1982, "clubbing Sloths" remains a vice for many individuals who specifically hunt down the animals for a variety of reasons. Regardless of the unique experience and the good intentions, the Sanctuary has found itself in rough financial distress in recent years.

“We’ve taken on animals that are a lot more vulnerable as of late,” says Sami Cusi, owner of the Sanctuary “The medical care for these animals has become more expensive but our revenue streams have not changed. We’ve made cuts where we need to, but I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t getting more difficult to preserve the high standard of care for the animals.”

However, the plight of the Sanctuary did not fall on silence. Delegate Sumaizhi Huayhua took the issue to the Commonwealth Commission for Environmental Conservation and pleaded the case. The CEC was quick to answer the call and expedited the Sanctuary’s application for a AoSNI Designation. An “Area of Special Natural Interest” is a program run by the CEC to offer support and Commonwealth Protection for sites considered critical to preserving the unique qualities of the nation’s environment. The designation requires that the Sanctuary meet certain requirements set by the CEC in return for funds to maintain operations.

“We were happy to comply with the CEC’s regulations,” Sami said “The money they’re providing ensures we can continue to keep our doors open – I cannot express how thankful we are.”

“This is the kind of story that makes me proud to come to work every day,” said CEC Commissioner James Corbin “I wish the Sanctuary nothing but the best and I’ve instructed my staff to make sure a visit is added to my calendar as soon as possible.”
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Established Nation
Sep 8, 2018
A city rated more dangerous than Venezuela, MD
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Government Imperio de Justosia
Foreign Ministry
Government Quarter, Avalon
June 18, 2019
By Crown Authority

Whilst beings no one's fools in its pragmatic pursuit of peace, the Continental Empire of Justosia again extends an olive branch of delegation & conference to Clarenthia. Though vast sums of disagreement separate us, my Crown Sovereign His Imperial Majesty Emperor Carlos Francisco II sees you as currently the most rational of the Engellkin. In that capacity you would also need to speak for your like nations Justosia currently refuses to conference with at this time.

Our offer is open ended until the situation changes via related irrational actors. Prove my Lord right & kindly see it does not. God bless you. Viva Justosia.

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Fernando Torres
Foreign Minister


Establishing Nation
May 4, 2010
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The Governor-General Touted Thunder's Bay Economic Development; Weighed in on the Long Sea
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Sinclair arrives at a TEDCo Meeting in Thunder's Bay.
[THUNDER'S BAY, WL] “You should all be proud of the work you’ve accomplished here,” said Governor-General Sinclair “In only a few years’ time, Thunder’s Bay has grown to become one of the most prosperous cities in the Treaty Lands.”

Thunder’s Bay is the capital city of the State of Westmoreland and is the only city outside of the Stem to have more than one million people. Considered to be a “City of Seconds,” Thunder’s Bay is home to the nation’s second largest airport, second largest port, second largest municipal park, and second largest population over all. However, in the one area where it eclipses Fort Duncannon, it is the fastest growing city in the country.

A lot of Thunder’s Bay economic success was driven from the policies implemented by Mayor Preston Harper. Harper came into office in 2011 on his “City Beautiful” Campaign, which was intended to renew and revitalize Thunder’s Bay into the city it is today. Mayor Harper started the expansion of Ainsley City Park, constructed Kenway Stadium, and renovated the Thunder’s Bay Convention Center. Those three projects alone spurred a wealth of economic development that saw more and more people moving back into the city to take part of that success.

Thunder’s Bay economy is largely supported by being the headquarters of the Helton Corporation and Holloway Aerospace. Recently, it was announced that the First Republic’s tech giant Dog & Bone would be opening a regional headquarters in the city as well as move some manufacturing to Westmoreland and Nonestica. Additionally, Westmoreland State and Western University continue to expand the educational capacity of the city.

Today, Governor-General Sinclair visited Thunder’s Bay to chair a meeting of the Thunder’s Bay Economic Development Council, or TEDCo. TEDCo was formed in 2012 to help coordinate some of the city’s efforts to revitalize.

“Our focus needs to be on aerospace, clean technology, infrastructure, and our educational opportunities. These are the areas in which Thunder’s Bay is known across the nation and I believe that capitalizing on our areas of expertise will facilitate growth into new markets,” the Mayor stated.

“This city is a center of the Treaty Lands’ leap into the future,” Governor-General Sinclair stated “Naturally, keeping that growth moving requires the cooperation and support of all entities – private and public. The Commonwealth System will continue to support this city’s growth in any way that it can.”

Governor-General Sinclair Denounces Long Sea Authority

While on a visit to Thunder’s Bay, Governor-General Sinclair officially denounced the Long Sea Authority – currently being negotiated in Kashtan as an “ill-conceived attempt to bring the sea under the authority of one entity. This submit does not include Kadikistan, Pelasgia, nor any nation of the Thaumantic Domain. I do not see how we are to accept the terms laid out by the Anti-State in how the Sea is to be governed.”

The Authority was born out of the Long Sea Crisis which saw the Aurarine Republic back down to demands from the Anti-State over the sinking of the Pohjanmaan Frigate, FNS Espoo. The Aurarians alleged that, from intel gathered from the Espoo, that Pohjanmaa has been sponsoring piracy in the Long Sea to provoke conflict among its nations. When asked specifically on that allegation, Governor-General Sinclair stated:

“I do not at all think it is coincidence that the relative quiet of the Sea was disturbed around the same time that stateless entities announced military activity.”

Sinclair further stated that the current, more immediate goals of the Commonwealth Navy involve ensuring the free travel of the Implarian, but the Commonwealth will not hesitate to refocus when this attempt control the Long Sea fail.


Establishing Nation
May 4, 2010
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Reusability the Gateway to the Great Beyond?

“There’s a lot on the line, no doubt – but I cannot describe the excitement here,” says Sylvain Jepsen, spokesperson for the Clarenthian Aeronautics and Space Exploration Administration, or CASEA.

Undoubtedly, there is a lot riding on next week’s launch out of DAGAM Phobos. CASEA, in partnership with the Engellexic Department for the Adjustment of Galactic and Aeronautic Mysteries (DAGAM) are preparing for the launch of three “synthetic aperture radar” satellites to essentially serve as the eyes of STADA (Special Thaumantican Aeronautic Defense Authority).

STADA was founded in 1961 as a joint venture of the First Republic and the Treaty Lands in order to provide aerospace warning, air sovereignty, and protection for the Thaumantic Sub-Continent and is headquartered at Gee Air Force Base in Dominion, SoCRER. STADA is a combination of short and long-range radar systems outlining the perimeter of Thaumantica to provide for the early detection and then interception of threats in the air.

The three satellites that CASEA and DAGAM are looking to put into low orbit will allow for STADA to identify and track ships along the continent’s coast as well as assist in disaster relief efforts at home and abroad. STADA has stated that the technology will be a critical step toward ensuring the continent’s safety.

The particular attention applied to this launch is that the satellites, costing around £1 Billion in total, will be placed into orbit on Western Horizons designed rockets that are second hand. Why then, if the launch was so critical, would CASEA and DAGAM use secondhand rockets as opposed to new ones?

“Consider it like this,” said Sylvain Jepsen “A modern rocket has about as much technology, and costs similarly – around £250 million – to the new RRF Flugzeugwerke Ibis. So imagine if every time that plane made a flight from Trier to Welmonton it would have to be scrapped – air travel would be prohibitively expensive. Therefore, successful lunches of Western Horizon’s rockets will open entirely new possibilities of space exploration.”

CASEA, over the past decade, has turned away from experimental technologies primarily due to extensive budget cuts. Instead, CASEA has focused on researching data collected by the better funded DAGAM and Western Horizons. Therefore, the possibility of developing reusable rockets – coupled with the “family discount” offered by Western Horizons and DAGAM, has been particularly attractive to CASEA.

Observers of the launch will notice that Western Horizons’ rockets are covered in soot from past launches. While it would be no trouble at all to wash the rockets, the company has chosen not to in order to give a visible representation of the technological advancements that drive the Engellkin nations, advancements made possible by the close relationship the countries share.

@Beautancus @Engellex


Establishing Nation
May 4, 2010
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The Treaty Lands, Thaumantic Domain, Launch Military Operation in Bourgogne
Event Marks the First Hostile Deployment of Commonwealth Troops in Modern Memory
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GovGen Sinclair, ProGen Baygents Answer Questions in Commonwealth Tower [/div]
“As I speak to you now, the brave men and women of the Commonwealth Defense Forces, along with allied Domain Forces across the Thaumantic, are engaged in ground operations in Bourgogne to prevent the violent overthrow of one regime for a communist one,” Governor-General Sinclair stated today at a press conference.

Amid protestors gathering outside Commonwealth Tower, the building with which the Executive Branch of the Commonwealth System is based, GovGen Sinclair summoned the Protector-General, Norman Baygents, along with members of the Palmerton Press Corps to deliver details of the Treatyfolk operation in the far away land.

“Bourgogne will not be another Polesia, Milesia, Calidia, Crotobaltislavonia, or Occitania,” ProGen Baygents commented “We have joined with our Domain Allies to ensure that communism comes no farther east than it already has nor does it establish another base along the Thaumantic shore.”

A definitive deviation from the usual calm and quiet of the Treaty Lands, news that our own boots were fighting on foreign soil sent the media into a whirlwind to find out as much information as possible. While much of the particular details of the mission remain under seal for concerns of national security, we are able to say that there is an estimate of 1,600 Treatyfolk soldiers currently deployed variably between NoCRER and Ouistreham. Including the country’s special forces, ORCAS units, being on the ground in Ouistreham.

The commencement of military action came as a surprise, with no foreword warning. Hostilities began under cover of night with multiple missile strikes at key targets occupied by the insurgents. In addition to the strike, an air raid launched by the combined air forces of Beautancus and Engellex. The GovGen confirmed that Commonwealth ground units moved in after the initial strike to begin the ground offensive but didn’t go into any further detail on the scale or scope of the mission.

In addition to the military operation, ProGen Baygents announced that the Commonwealth Security Council would be using its authority to convene a special task force specifically to coordinate with the Thaumantic Alignment Committees of the Domain to better integrate the League of Four Nations.

The announcement angered several voices within the House of Delegates, who told the Post that they the move was a “blatant attempt to bypass the democratic functions of the House of Delegates” – where bills to do the same were delayed.

“Ever increasingly so,” Delegate Ashton Shope stated “the Commonwealth System remains insistent on trading our culture and security for the political whims of Welmonton and Hammersmith. We will lose our identity to them and now we are losing our lives.”

“Ensuring cohesion and unity among the League of Four Nations is not good policy, it is the only policy,” ProGen Baygents commented “It’s full operation is certainly within the purview of the Security Council.”

Protestors gathered outside the Tower spent the day chanting “Not our War!” and “Our Sovereignty, Our People!” The latter chant referring to growing concerns that the cultural identity of the Treaty Lands is being made secondary to the importance of the Thaumantic Domain’s overall cohesion. The former chant, obviously, be a reference to the war.

At any rate, the war certainly spells a new chapter in our country’s story and whatever fate befalls the Burgundians now, the Treatyfolk will in part share the responsibility and burden of guiding them to prosperity.

News in Brief…
AEROSPACE – CASEA today announced a successful launch of three radar satellites into lower orbit today. Carried on Cussian rockets with technology jointed produced by the Treaty Lands and SoCRER, the satellites are slated to “greatly expand the readiness and defensive capabilities of the country.” CASEA declined to comment on whether or not the satellites would be participating in operations in Bourgogne.
☞ ECONOMICS – Holloway Aerospace and Jupter Aerojects announced a delayed time table for the production of their next generation civilian airliner. Citing concerns that the tensions over Gallo-Germania – a vital business region for airplanes – will decrease demand and harm the financial viability of the project.
INTERNATIONAL – the Clarenthian Chamber of Commerce hosted a delegation from the Pelasgian Empire in Ft. Duncannon today that featured a roundtable with some of the Treaty Lands’ most adept business leaders. The Roundtable was a significant step forward toward opening the two markets that have previously had little interaction. Hydenstane Industries, one of the largest conglomerates in the Treaty Lands, called the meeting “productive and very encouraging.”

@Engellex @Beautancus @Pelasgia


Establishing Nation
May 4, 2010
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Burgundian Intervention Sparks Controversy as Citizens and Policymakers Debate
By Larry Holland

[PALMERTON, C.D.] Amid chants of “No more blood! No more blood!” from the gallery, the House of Delegates voted down a measure that would cut the budget of the Commonwealth Security Council at the exact amount which the Council estimated the Commonwealth Thaumantic Alignment Committee (CoTAC) would cost. A symbolic measure, as the Council must also vote on any change to the budget and Governor-General Sinclair is required to sign it, the vote still stood as a rebuke of the Council’s actions.

For months, Governor-General Sinclair has been working with legislative leaders to convene the country’s own Thaumantic Alignment Committee. Designed to work with similar committees across the Thaumantic Domain to better integrate the League of Four Nations, the committee has seen substantial resistance in the House.

“It would seem to me that this measure will only continue to erode the cultural identity and sovereignty of the Treaty Lands,” says Delegate Michael Hampton of the Green Party. Delegate Hampton is Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee and has used his position to continuously derail movement on the CoTAC.

“Ensuring the cohesion and unity of the Thaumantic Domain is a critical step toward ensuring our own security and advancing the needs of the Domain at large,” Elliot Marston, Press Secretary to the Governor-General said of Delegate Hampton.

In June, Governor-General Sinclair voluntarily summoned the Commonwealth Security Council in response to threats from Justosia over the free navigation of the Implarian Ocean. Having not disbanded the Council since then – and likely won’t as a result of the Burgundian Intervention – Sinclair moved to have the Security Council form the CoTAC, bypassing opposition in the House. Seen as a highly unusual and disrespectful move toward the House of Delegates, Hampton responded by moving to cut the Council’s budget to balance out.

The drama in Palmerton largely stems from the war in Bourgogne itself. The first use of Commonwealth Defenses Forces in Gallia in modern memory, the war has received mix reception from the public. Recent polls showed that only 41% of the country has a favorable opinion of the war, and only 22% among Green Party members.

“Their mission [the Commonwealth Defense Forces] is to protect the Treaty Lands from all threats,” Delegate Hampton stated “I do not see how the conflict in Bourgogne advances or serves that mission. Every pound spent on this conflict is one less that we have to spend on our schools, our bridges, our hospitals or our future.”

“Delegate Hampton’s charade is a disservice to our troops and our country,” said House Speaker Carter Downing “unequivocally, throughout our history, a threat to the First Republic is a threat to the Treaty Lands.”

“The war [in Bourgogne] is nothing more than an example of Welmonton’s imperial designs on Europe. It has nothing to do with our country. Every loss of life there is on Sinclair’s hands,” says Macy Wade, who has been camped outside Commonwealth Tower on Aldane Plaza protesting the war for a week now.

“That’s [expletive],” says Marty Harrison – a counter protestor who has been camped on Aldane Plaza for just as long “The ancient regimes of Gallia have failed their people and caused the entire continent to fall victim to the oppressions of either Villesen or Ivar. Another communist puppet state will only lead to more suffering.”

While many have strong views on the merits of the war, an equal number have risen to support our men and women in uniform. The nonprofit, Homeland Warriors, works to support the families of active and reserve military personnel. They have reported receiving huge donations in recent weeks, which have been used to provide financial assistance to the families of our soldiers overseas.

“It isn’t my job to weigh in on the war,” says Chairwoman Roberta Heizer “Our men and women overseas need to know their families are safe and taken care of. That’s why we’re here and we are uncompromising in that mission.”

Caring for one another is the defining quality of the Treatyfolk. Whatever your opinions of the war, your freedom to voice it is guaranteed by our troops and they will always need our support.


Establishing Nation
May 4, 2010
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Human Commodity System: The Case for Effective Criminal Justice Reform
Fighting Back Against Disinformation & Propaganda Campaigns Against Criminal Justice Reform
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Two law breakers: one in Clarenthia, the other not. [/div]
A recent article published in the Eagle Post covered the topic of the Human Commodity System (HCS) and the potential for its spread into Bourgonge, presumably at the completion of the Burgundian Intervention currently underway by the Thaumantic Domain. The article focused primarily on the Freedom Club’s call on Dictator Hayabusa to condemn and implement policies to prevent the HCS from coming to Gallo-Germania.

The remarks from the Freedom Club were authored by Anthony Southborn, a Representative within the Polity of Touzen. Representative Southborn was born in Elephant & Castle, entered the HCS, and eventually escaped. Presumably, he declared statelessness and sought refuge in Touzen to avoid further prosecution from the Engellexic Republic. “Engell culture is slavery plus something else. But first and foremost, it’s slavery.”

In almost all cases, campaigns against the HCS have referred to the system as slavery, it is the most common attack levied. In this article, as with almost all others, it failed to mention that the Human Commodity System is a penal system designed to maximize rehabilitation and workforce development. This article, in continuing that trend, made no mention of the Engellexic Republic’s focus on criminal rehabilitation through the HCS nor did it mention what crime Representative Anthony Southburn committed to find himself sentenced to the system.

“As with any system, there are aspects of it that don’t work to their fullest potential. However, to stand here and say that the traditional prison system is, somehow, morally superior is completely devoid of any rational thought,” says Harry Young, Director of the Deppegrave BuSBA (Bureau for Socioeconomic and Behavioral Analysis). “In Clarenthia, when an individual commits a crime, it is the BuSBA’s responsibility to assess what behavioral and socioeconomic factors attributed to causing this crime and we develop a treatment regime that not only teaches new, applicable skills to the capital duty but significantly reduces their chances of recidivism. Having human beings sit in steel cages for years providing no benefit to the society who’s rules they broke nor gaining any personal skills – that’s inhumane and its beneath our species.”

The Clarenthian Human Commodity System, which monitors about 70,000 people through the country, has always focused its goals on rehabilitation and re-entry. In Clarenthia, a company that hires a capital duty is required to pay them one fourth the salary of a worker in a comparable role which will be stored in an account the capital duty can use at the completion of their sentence. In addition, companies that hire duties are required to either hire the duty themselves or work with the BuSBA to place the duty in a equivalent role in another company.

“I grew up in a rough neighborhood in New Nolland City,” says Max Harper “I spent seven years at Harrowgate for grand theft auto with intent to resell. Now, I am a proud steel worker who supports my family and children. Without the HCS, I wouldn’t have had the opportunities I have today.”

All of that is not to say that traditional prisons don’t exist in Clarenthia, it is simply to say that traditional prisons aren’t, well, traditional. Such individuals, who the BuSBA determines, with the Commissioner for Justice’s concurrence, are not able to rehabilitated are permanently placed in detention centers with no ability to for re-entry. There are only 15 of these such centers in the entirety of the country.

“Society has rules, and as citizens we have all decided to delegate authority to an institution to protect us and those rules” says Director Young “it’s important to understand why those rules are in place and what factors contribute to a person’s decision to break them. Criminal justice is in this country takes into account all of these factors before – in a very much so medical sense – prescribe an appropriate remedy.”

Certainly the prescriptions given to individuals that are specifically tailored to their individuals needs cannot be less preferable to having them sit in a steel cage slowly going mad for years and years.

“I’ve read of cases where individuals, on bad behavior, are placed in small segregation units where they only get one hour of sunlight per day and are not permitted any form of human interaction,” BuSBA social worker Roberta Gonzalez “I’ve seen videos of these people literally clawing their own eyes, covered in blood, for no other reason than it forces prison staff to remove them and put them in hospital. This is such a failure of what mankind is meant for. I do not know how any sensible human being can call that humane or civilized.”

Is any system perfect? No, of course not and the is no presumption that the Clarenthians, or the Engells, have discovered that perfect system. However, when high recidivism rates plague other countries one has to wonder what alternatives exist to confinement. The Engells, forging a new path for human civilization to follow, have done just that.

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
We regret to inform you that the current issue of the Palmerton Post has been banned from open distribution by the Department of Security following charges of anti-constitutional propaganda and youth endangerment. This means that it can not be sold openly, not be advertised openly and will not be carried by Central Print Media Distribution. The current decision is an executive one and may be challenged in court, if the Palmerton Post wishes to do so.

Gareth Hall
Chief Secretary of State
Department of Security


Establishing Nation
Jul 27, 2018
Berlin, Germany
Van Daalen Wakefield Pryce LLP

As the premier law firm of Nedernesia specialising in cases of this very sort, we wish to offer our services to The Palmerton Post in filing a lawsuit against the Department of Security of the SWR. Surely the newspaper of record for the Treaty Lands wants to clear its name and ensure that freedom of speech is protected across all lands, including the swaths of the SWR. We look forward to discussions with the Post and hope to convince your board of our prowess and capabilities in this matter of import.


Establishing Nation
May 4, 2010
Mr. Gareth Hall
Chief Secretary of State
Department of Security

Dear Chief Secretary Hall,

The decision of the Department of Security, through unilateral executive power to censor the right to a free press is a serious infringement upon the basic rights of civilized peoples both in the Socialist World Republic and the world at large. Our work on analyzing the Human Commodity System, and its complexities, cannot be silenced by the powers at be in Deliverance while propaganda continues to move freely.

Best believe you will hear from our attorneys - the people of the SWR deserve to know the truth.

Lenard H. Ellis


TO: Van Daalen Wakefield Pryce LLP

To Whom it May Concern,

We thank the team at Van Daalen Wakefield Pryce LLP for their offer to assist in this case. Their work in the Gang of Five, opinions of the men notwithstanding, was indeed impressive. Our teams will happily meet with you yours to discuss the particulars of the case and the firm's ability to engage in SWR Constitutional Law.

Lenard H. Ellis


Staff member
Oct 30, 2006
Tokyo, Japan
Open Letter to the Palmerton Post

Esteemed Editor,

I am writing to you in reference to your article last week on the issue of Thaumantic Slavery, where I was mentioned in the context of - accurate - quotes of mine that appeared in the Eagle Post.

It is not any man's natural disposition for forsake his homeland or to speak ill against it. Yet, being cast into the circumstances fate has allotted me, conscience compels me to scorn the country that has given me birth.

You inquired regarding my sentencing. I was sentenced to 6 years in the system for burglary at a McBonifacius. I was inducted into the system as a Star Class commodity, forcibly branded with a chip implant and forced to work into the coal mines by a private mining conglomerate that had acquired the rights to do with me as they saw feet. During my time there, I was kept in pre-industrial conditions, withering away my back and lungs beyond their years. Yes, there was shelter, clothing and food. But those are the bare minimums of a humane existence that must be provided to all in a civilized society. Yes, I was given the opportunity to pick up welding as part of my education stipulated in the system, yet given no say in the matter. As you can read in my book From Chains to Constituency, I eventually managed to escape first to Natalia, and ultimately to Shinkyô, where I am a free man. The chip is gone, but the scars, mental and otherwise, remain.

Should I have been punished for my crimes? Absolutely. I was young and poor, our family barely had enough to eat every day. Burglary seemed like an easy way out. It wasn't right, and I am not excusing my actions. But to waste a man's youth by forcing him to slave away in disastrous conditions? To implant his body with a chip without his consent? To steal his future?

The Anti-State and many others may lock away people, and some of those people will go mad. Perhaps so. There is however a defining difference between our - and I include myself in that - world, and yours, a chasm that will never be bridged. Engell culture elevates society above all else. Individuals are nothing. In this process, men are deprived of their humanity, they become de facto property of whoever buys their deed. Less than human, these individuals are only liabilities for society, waiting to be fixed.

In our world, a man may rot away in a cell. But he remains, fundamentally, a man, an actor with agency and individuality. He may not be allowed to leave, but his fundamental humanity is never in question. Even as he sits in his prison cell, he remains a citizen, and is administered punishment by his fellow citizens, not private corporations that see fit to command his life.

Perhaps even in some select cases a human being is materially better off in your "Human Commodity System". But the name betrays your intentions - the commodification of humans, making them something less than a person. It is a fundamental philosophical difference that you cannot excuse. I would much rather rot in the darkest dungeons of Shinkyô, in chains but a man, than go back for a single day to being an unperson before the law, a commodity owned and sold by others. Even imprisoned our people are, on a fundamental level, more free than those wretched souls hauled away in your system of human ownership. It is a system that must not, and will not, endure the test of time.

Anthony Southborn
Freedmen's Club