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Consolidation [[ATTN: The Commonwealth; Cantignia]]


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jul 17, 2010

Office of the Warden of the Tyrrhenians

κρως Απόρρητο

Dear Friends and Comrades,

We observed how the monarcho-capitalist nations of Gallo-Germania are uniting together into this phony conference, in an attempt to stomp out the emancipation of the Gallian people that is finally struggling to liberate itself from the capitalist oppression. We would first like to congratulate the comrades and patriots of Cantignia and the Germans from Danmark for their liberation from the society feudalism and capitalism has brought onto them: a society based on exploitation of humans by other humans, nonsensical consumerism, brainwashing and the destruction of real human values and their replacement with greed, envy and jealously, emotions so typical for the monarcho-capitalist world.

We stand here watching how revolutions unfold in the whole world and we are ready to see that if successful, the revolutions of 1954 would be greater in their aftermath than the ones of 1919-1920 which have brought with them the creation of modern Tyrrhenia, Carentania, Havenshire and Kyiv. We stand together with our brothers from the north, the Germans and the Cantignians. We understand and know the menace the capitalist world poses to the Free World and we will defend our friends and brothers from the Commonwealth and from Cantignia.

Seeing that the monarcho-capitalist states of Gallia want to isolate, Cantignia, an island of freedom and liberty, compared to the other states from the continent, followed by the invitation of Engellex into this union, it is clear that the reactionary forces are again thirsty for blood and they have put their eyes on Cantignia. The level of freedom and social liberty that Cantignia enjoys poses a thread to the monarchies: what would the Queen Empress of Engellex, or the King of Transabina do, if their people understand that a better world is possible and take Cantignia as an example? They would disappear is less than a day. That is why those vampires now want to thread the Grand Covenant.

We invite the Grand Covenant and the Commonwealth to a commercial union with the Socialist Confederation of Tyrrhenia, which in time will be extended so that the Worker's Republic of Carentania and a free and socialist Solaren can also join. We suggest cooperation between the businesses of the three countries, shared investment companies, free flow of trade, the end of visas from and to the three countries and cultural cooperation between us. To further help our Cantignian brothers, we are ready to send some military units to build bases in the territory of the Covenant, as a symbol that the RDTO states stand together and we are ready to lift the siege that the reactionary powers have set up around Cantignia.

Honoring labor!

Thanasis Laskaris,
Warden of the Tyrrhenians


Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Los Angeles

Office of the Overseer of the Revolution


Comrades and Brothers of the Revolution,

We in the Commonwealth of Democratic People's Republics have also observed, above the fray of our righteous struggle against those who would oppress us, a noose be tightened around the Grand Covenant of Cantignia, a scenario we find unacceptable. We, therefore, applaud the initiative of our allies in the Socialist Confederation of Tyrrhenia, and wish to subsequently indicate our willingness to accept this invitation into a Socialist Commercial Union. We in the Commonwealth also recognize our strategic importance as a bridge to our Cantignian Brothers of the Revolution, and so indicate our further willingness to contribute to the defense of Cantignia against the monarcho-capitalists who would seek to make our Brothers slaves once more to the wishes of a tyrant queen, whose interests lie not in the people she is sworn to guide, but in her own selfish desires.

We eagerly await the response of the Grand Covenant to the Socialist Confederation, and should it be as positive and welcoming to this proposal as we expect, we wish to call for immediate negotiations towards laying down the groundwork for this Socialist Commercial Union, in order to strengthen the peoples of our free states, and further bring peace, prosperity and partnership to all.

For the Revolution!

Franz Kammerschen
Overseer of the Revolution
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Staff member
Aug 16, 2007
Grasstown ND
Classified Telegram
the Cantigian Foreign Office

The Friendly Confines must preface by saying that we intellectually recognize the Commonwealth's fight for independence from the Dansk Empire and its remnants as a standard bearer for all Peoples & Patriots. Pressing obligations not to cast the surviving post-war generations of Cantignia however prevent us from committing a mass force, support which is clearly needed and deserved, to the Commonwealth in this hour of need.

On equal footing with Tyrrhenia as adherents of Revolution, we must naturally request that equality is honored in the exchange of military influences, assets that could very well be used in the Final Revolution. For every Tyrrhenian soldier sent to Cantignia, a Cantigian soldier must be sent to Tyrrhenia - a mark of equality in arms, trust, and brotherhood.

At this time, considering the widespread flee of Capitalistic-Dansk psychopaths in our region, we cannot in good conscious agree to terms of free roam visas from Tyrrhenia to Cantignia. Dormant threats exist yet further in the resurgence of Eiffellander influence in our nation, or the exploitation of a relaxed system by the Engelloid and Monarchist infiltrators.

We, the Grand Covenant of Peoples & Patriots of Cantignia, furthermore express our interest in deliberating upon a defined commercial cooperation project, specifically in creating a sustainable food and basic necessities trade beyond the manipulation of monarchy. This in our opinion can only be done with the systematic removal of Monarcho-Dansk influence in the German regions separating Cantignia from Tyrrhenia; without the worms of Danes in the ground, or Eiffellanders puppet strings guiding from above.

In the first steps of creating a commercial union, we suggest the creation of a co-operative commission to identify areas of strengths and weaknesses that our prospective union could more or less improve upon. With respect to preventing another regional apocalypse, we furthermore recommend that this commission is at least clandestine or publicly recognized as a human rights commission in support of the German peoples of this region and their struggle against Dansk-Eiffellander aggression.
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Super Moderator
Staff member
Jul 17, 2010

Office of the Warden of the Tyrrhenians
κρως Απόρρητο

Dear Friends and Comrades,

Social imperialism is the worst form of imperialism, as it not only represents a an action perpetrated by dehumanized monarcho-capitalists, as it also represents betrayal of the real socialism. We didn't even thought of acting like that, that is why we never thought of sending soldiers to another country as a garrison, without accepting a reciprocal agreement. Any action like this must be mutual, as it shows the capitalist world that the countries of the Free World stand together, united and ready to defend each other. We believe that such action is beneficial to show that the capitalist propaganda is wrong, that we really are an alliance of free states, not only minions a so called Carentanian Empire. For this we propose the building of three bases, in each of our nations, each base housing one thousand men.

Eiffellandian influence is destroying the state of Solaren to this day and for that we are currently making sure that the Commonwealth will suffer from no Eiffellander influence, as a new clash between socialism and monarcho-capitalism will forever destroy the territory of the Commonwealth, leaving it divided between the ideologies of freedom and consumerist propaganda. We also would like to congratulate the Peoples & Patriots of Cantignia for their vigilance and their determination in holding their ideals dear and safe from Engellexic, mezhist and monarcho-capitalist agent provocateurs.

Of course the creation of the Commercial Union will take place only after the stabilization of the Commonwealth, as a free and equal socialist state, respecting the liberties and rights of the humankind and ruled by the working class, either through a vanguard that educates the people, in preparation for direct democracy, or directly, to a council democracy, though the latter might be risky, when the people got used to so many years being ruled by monarchs and fascists. Stability is a central factor in the creation of our union.

We are ready to announce the creation of the said commission, which for the eyes of the capitalist world is to investigate the abuses of the Mezhist government and the suffering of the German people. In reality we want to have a feasibility study, to show which parts of our economies can take advantage from the creation of this said union and thus prepare the ground for a series of micro-credits with 0% interest, so that our countries can help each other, without taking profits from each other's problems. We hope with this cooperation, the people of the Commonwealth and Cantignia will never suffer again from mezhists and monarcho-capitalists.

Honoring labor!

Warden of the Tyrrhenians,
Thanasis Laskaris


Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Los Angeles

Office of the Overseer of the Revolution


Comrades and Brothers of the Revolution,

The intellectual recognition of our fight for peace, prosperity and partnership amongst the peoples of Kurland, Livland and Estland by the Grand Covenant brings great comfort and joy to us revolutionaries as we drive towards the heart of the Mezhist beast, the core of Dansk corruption that has plagued our lands for so many centuries, but will ail us no longer. It is with this support in mind, and the support unspoken and loudly proclaimed by revolutionaries elsewhere, that we commence the final push that will, it is our hope, bring the final phase of the revolution. We understand, though, the difficulties that face the peoples of Cantignia, and so assure them that we shall carry on as best we can, with the support of our Tyrrhenian Brothers and the limited support of Eiffelland, sure in the knowledge that we are destined to be decisive in our victory.

In regards to Eiffelland, although they have pledged their support to our cause and we are grateful for the assistance they provide in the humanitarian aid they distribute throughout Estland, their prevention of the worst of the Dane Hunts, and the military air support in keeping the skies clear of Mezhists, I must admit that I nonetheless regard them with some suspicion. They are, after all, fundamentally opposed to the Worker's Republic of Carentania within Solaren, and rightly fear the red ring that is closing in around them. I have little doubt that, following the fall of Christiansborg and the Dansk tyranny, they shall work hard to expand their influence within the Commonwealth. I believe them to be a good, altruistic people, but they are misguided, and put their needs ultimately above others, and for that, although they shall be regarded as friends, I am doubtful they shall become true allies.

Once the revolution is successful, I can say with some certainty that the Commonwealth would be open to deploying 1,000 men to both the Grand Covenant of Cantignia and the Socialist Confederation of Tyrrhenia in exchange for an equal number for both being deployed to the Commonwealth, a clear display of our unity in the face of monarcho-capitalist schemes. We would also enthusiastically accept the creation of a commission towards the lessening of Eiffellandian and other monarcho-capitalist influence within our nation, geared towards altering, reversing or eliminating the corruption and excesses of the Dansk Mezhists and their monarchist predecessors.

We await the word of both the Socialist Confederation and the Grand Covenant.

For the Revolution!

Franz Kammerschen
Overseer of the Revolution
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