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Coup D'Etat

Oct 16, 2011
General Sebastian Sunter was a very happy young man. He had just recently been made Brigadier General, and already he had been made Transitional Leader by the National Congress. Sebastian did not plan on just being 'transitional'. He had gained much respect, and fear, during his 29 year old life. More respect and fear it seems, then the President.

It was not necessarily that Sebastian disliked President Ramirez as a person, it was just the mans way of doings things that Sebastian despised. He hated his conservative views, and especially Ramirez's religious references in speeches and in new laws. The General loved his country, but saw its Catholic background and history, as an absolute embarrassment. The killing of the President was actually something that was quite textbook. When Ramirez went out for his early morning jog, he passed by a mainly Indigenous neighborhood. A bullet was shot out of the Kolla Projects southern apartment building, striking President Ramirez in the head. It would be blamed on Kolla Communist's. Tensions had already been growing between the Indigenous, and the Federal Government, so the cover story would look very believable.

Sebastian's main goal now was to exert his control upon the various appointed officials of the late President's cabinet. Before the new year began, Sebastian new he had dissolve the National Congress, and control or throw out the appointed officials. With as little civilian blowback as possible. But how?
Oct 16, 2011
Hidalgo Contreras had nothing to do with the President's assassination. In fact, the only reason he was being hunted down, was because he was half-Kolla, and a leading member of the Anarchists. The 'government' had been calling them Communists for decades now. Of course, that was only so the Matanzan people would begin to fear whatever unknown philosophy the Indigenous had now adopted.

When he learned that the military was looking for him, he contacted his fellow Anarchists. They sent him on the Black Trail, a secret trade/smuggling route of the Anarchists. Along with 90 armed revolutionary soldiers, Contreras escaped to the ancient village of Mapuche. It had been abandoned for at least a thousand years, but had recently been re-settled by about 200 or so Anarchists. The Anarchists had a successful local economy, one that didn't involve currency. Also, the city had been turned into sort of a makeshift fort.

There was one emotion prevalent in Mapuche. Fear. Everybody was eager for the revolution, but no one had believed that it could start this early. Were they ready? Sure they had some weapons, and some anti-aircraft guns, but were they really ready to face the entire Matanzan military? Word had been sent out to the other groups, and soon, they would all begin to flock to the re-inhabited ancient mountain cities. It was time to test the might of the guerrillas. Would the training in Havenshire and the mountains paid off? In three days they would find out.