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Drawing Lines in the Sea [ATTN: VITTORIA]


Establishing Nation
Aug 4, 2007
The Swissman
How to Draw Lines in the Sea
Chapter 1: Find a partner

A rather long message makes its way through all the standard diplomatic channels, originating from the Grand Duchy of Nichtstein and onwards to the Most Serene Republic of Vittoria, this funny republican Tiburan-speaking nation just across the straits from Nichtstein, with whom the Grand Duchy shares at least one of its national languages (half of Nichtstein being Retalian Tiburan speakers).

After the opening several pages of the proper diplomatic protocol describing both nations as responsible players on the international arena that strive for the common good of mankind, etc, etc, etc, the message switches to far more technical aspects. In a series of maps, geographic coordinates, reference points and all sorts of other very technical and naval things, the Grand Duchy of Nichtstein communicates to the Most Serene Republic of Vittoria how Nichtstein views the organisation of what it calls the Retalian Sea and the waters of what Nichtstein calls the Retalian Archipelago of which Nichtstein, yet again in its historic view, owns all but one of the islands. To be brief, set out in several lines drawn from several reference points, the Grand Duchy considers the sea enclosed within the Retalian Archipelago to be part of Nichtstein's territorial waters.

The tone of the message being polite it is extremely quickly brought to the Vittorians that the Grand Duchy is in fact inviting the Most Serene Republic to mutually and agreeably discuss both countries' views on the matter of mutual claims in and around the Retalian Sea so as to settle any future disputes and prevent them from happening in the best interest of trade, economy, commerce, good of mankind and peaceful life of the fish stock in the area.

The general idea in Nichtstein's proposal is to agree between the two nations a naval border lying roughly equidistant to the various reference points along both countries' naval baselines and shorelines and other lines. Once the border issue is settled, the countries could move on to discuss further neighbourly things, like fishing rights, rights of commercial passage and all sorts of other nice things which make for excellent neighbourly relations. There is clear interest and good will on the Nichtsteiner part to engage with their neighbours. Whether this feeling is shared will be seen extremely quickly enough.


OOC: Disclaimer: The below proposed idea map is a 10 minutes work in Photoshop. It is not meant to represent the down to the pixel exact border of the sea, but just to give a rough idea of what the above tl;dr text is about:

Disclaimer 2: Being the lazy arse that I am, I can't be arsed to make proper Foreign Ministry templates. So my replies will be done in such a textbook style, rather than the formal communiqué. I propose that ideas are exchanged without character RP, as this can carry on forever without coming up to much results.


Last edited:
Feb 6, 2007
The line seems agreeable. I have no idea to respond to such a post... :confused: so uh, yes. This is good!