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Engello-Ionian Relations (Attn. Ionia)


Establishing Nation
Jan 3, 2008
Elephant & Castle

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An Extension of The Queen-Empress' Statement in Council.

I am instructed to EXPRESS on behalf of her Imperial and Royal Engellexic Majesty;

TREATY of COMMERCE, and ALLIANCE, between her Engellexic Majesty and his Excellency the Ethnarch, PROPOSED at Dulwich, the 16th day of March, 1954.

Her Imperial and Royal Engellexic Majesty the Queen-Empress of the Empire of Great Engellex, and his Excellency the Ethnarch of the Ionian Confederacy, should be equally animated by a sincere desire of strengthening more and more the ties of friendship and good understanding which so happily subsist between them; that her Engellexic Majesty has judged that nothing could contribute more efficaciously to that salutary end, than the conclusion of a TREATY of COMMERCE and ALLIANCE.

For this purpose her Engellexic Majesty has named her respective plenipotentiaries for the pursuit of negotiated TREATY with the Ionian Confederacy, his Lordship the Earl of Hessex, one of her Engellexic Majesty's privy council, and First Lord of Aldwych d'Evercy.

Her Engellexic Majesty, having communicated her respective interests, by command and instruction through his Lordship the Earl of Hessex, has determined the following articles for consideration of the his Excellency the Ethnarch of the Ionian Confederacy;

Art. I. There shall be a continuance of the sincere and constant friendship between her Engellexic Majesty and his Excellency the Ethnarch of the Ionian Confederacy, their heirs and successors, which has always subsisted up to the present time.

Art. II. The two high contracting parties shall afford to each other, during any OUTBREAK of WAR with the REVOLUTIONARY DEFENCE TREATY ORGANISATION, every succour and assistance, in proportion to their respective forces, and shall prevent by common consent, every thing that can cause them trouble or detriment.

Art. III. His Excellency the Ethnarch of the Ionian Confederacy engages to grant to the ARMIES, and AIR FORCES of her Engellexic Majesty, PERMITTED STATIONING in the fortresses, military estates of the Ionian Confederacy as may be deemed NECESSARY, and to all Engellexic SQUADRONS of the AIR, an exemption from all duties belonging to the Ionian Confederacy, upon every thing of which the Engellexic SQUADRONS in the Near East, and the ARMIES of this Empire may stand in need, and which the Ionian Confederacy can furnish, in provisions, food, and in military and naval stores.

Art. IV. His Excellency the Ethnarch also engages to open the ports of the Ionian Confederacy during the duration of this TREATY, to Engellexic NAVAL SQUADRONS, as well as to all merchant and other ships belonging to Engellexic subjects, without any restriction whatever, referring to the third article, with respect to exemption from duties.

Art. V. Her Engellexic Majesty engages in return, to defend during the any OUTBREAK of WAR with the REVOLUTIONARY DEFENCE TREATY ORGANISATION the territorial integrity of the IONIAN CONFEDERACY, and to maintain there for that purpose, at his charge and expense, ARMIES and AIR SQUADRONS which, in the duration of this TREATY should be negotiated as to acquire the CONFIDENCE of his Excellency the Ethnarch, and to augment their number if the case shall require it. The disposition of which troops in the said territories of the confederacy, shall be in such manner and proportion as the General, shall judge expedient: and her Engellexic Majesty stipulates, that the said General shall have the power of exercising martial law in the necessary garrisons, with respect to his Engellexic troops, in the same manner, and according to the same rules, as are observed in other Engellexic garrisons.

Art. VI. Her Engellexic Majesty engages to continue to assist, to the utmost of her power, the Ionian Confederacy in their struggle against the tyranny and usurpation of the REVOLUTIONARY DEFENCE TREATY ORGANISATION as directed toward HIMYARI POSSESSIONS and TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY, and promises not to acknowledge any other POWER over the REALMS of the IONIAN CONFEDERACY, AND IONIAN HIMYAR, than his Excellency the Ethnarch shall acknowledge: and the Ionian government in the name and on the behalf of his Excellency the Ethnarch, engages never, in any case, to cede to any SUPRANATIONAL AUTHORITY, ALLIANCE of NATIONS, or INDEPENDENT POWERS outside of this TREATY, any part of the territories or possessions of the Ionian Confederacy, in any part of Europe.

Art. VII. The two high contracting parties desiring to strengthen more and more the ties which unite the two nations, and to extend their mutual relations, will employ themselves, soon as possible, in concluding a TREATY of COMMERCE, the articles of which shall be equally advantageous to the subjects of both states.

Art. VIII. His Excellency the Ethnarch engages not to conclude with ANY OTHER POWER a separate TREATY from the Empire of GREAT ENGELLEX.

The Imperial Cabinet of her Engellexic Majesty of the Empire of Great Engellex eagerly awaits the government of his Excellency the Ethnarch of the Ionian Confederacy.

His Lordship, the EARL of HESSEX,
Feb 2, 2014
Athens, Hellas/Toronto, Canada

Ionian Confederacy - 3rd Ionian Republic
᾿Ιωνική Συνομοσποδία - Γ' ᾿Ιωνική Δημοκρατία

Ionian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
᾿Ιωνικόν ᾿Υπουργεῖον ᾿Εξωτερικῶν


The Ionian Confederacy is already engaged in an alliance with Portsugalia while we have trade deals with a number of nations. We find the treaty to be over restrictive, one sided and to closely resemble an attempt at turning Ionia into an Englexian protectorate a possibility which bears little difference to a RTDO conquest. Here is an edited version which is more suited to our needs, views and sovereignty:

Art. I. There shall be a continuance of the sincere and constant friendship between her Engellexic Majesty and his Excellency the Ethnarch of the Ionian Confederacy, their heirs and successors, which has always subsisted up to the present time.

Art. II. The two high contracting parties shall afford to each other, during any OUTBREAK of WAR with the REVOLUTIONARY DEFENCE TREATY ORGANISATION, every succour and assistance, in proportion to their respective forces, and shall prevent by common consent, every thing that can cause them trouble or detriment.

Art. III. His Excellency the Ethnarch of the Ionian Confederacy MAY grant to the ARMIES, and AIR FORCES of her Engellexic Majesty, PERMITTED STATIONING in the fortresses, military estates of the Ionian Confederacy only after direct public request by the Ethnarch, Government and Parliament of the Ionian Confederacy. Their stationing may last up to 6 months and WILL NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BE PERMANENT. In return Great Engllex will allow similar provisions to the armed forces of the Ionian Confederacy.

Art. IV. His Excellency the Ethnarch also MAY open the ports of the Ionian Confederacy, to Engellexic NAVAL SQUADRONS only in case of war or emergency after direct public request of the Ethnarch of Ionia. Engllexian ships will continue to pay duties though they will be halved. The same applies to Ionian naval squadrons and mercantile fleets in Great Engllex and its colonies.

Art. V. Her Engellexic Majesty engages in return, to defend during the any OUTBREAK of WAR with the REVOLUTIONARY DEFENCE TREATY ORGANISATION the territorial integrity of the IONIAN CONFEDERACY, and to maintain there for that purpose Great Engllex will be granted a SINGLE base in Messolonghi, near the Ionian Border with Tyrrhenia. The Engllexian forces may at any time be forced to leave the base after request of the Ionian parliament, government or Ethnarch and the base and its surrounding territory will remain under Ionian control at all times. The Engllexian forces may NOT impose martial law and will NOT have any rights other those granted to them by the Ionian Ethnarch, namely to help Ionian forces in the defense of Ionian territory. They WILL be subject to Ionian law and justice.

Art. VI. Her Engellexic Majesty engages to continue to assist, to the utmost of her power, the Ionian Confederacy in their struggle against the tyranny and usurpation of the REVOLUTIONARY DEFENCE TREATY ORGANISATION as directed toward HIMYARI POSSESSIONS and TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY, and promises not to acknowledge any other POWER over the REALMS of the IONIAN CONFEDERACY, AND IONIAN HIMYAR, than his Excellency the Ethnarch shall acknowledge. The Ionian Confederacy will in turn continue to assist, to the utmost of her power, Great Engllex in their struggle against the tyranny and usurpation of the REVOLUTIONARY DEFENCE TREATY ORGANISATION as directed toward HIMYARI POSSESSIONS and TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY, and promises not to acknowledge any other POWER over the REALMS of Great Engllex and its colonies, than her Majesty the Queen shall acknowledge.

Art. VII. The two high contracting parties desiring to strengthen more and more the ties which unite the two nations, and to extend their mutual relations, will employ themselves, soon as possible, in concluding a TREATY of COMMERCE, the articles of which shall be equally advantageous to the subjects of both states.

Art. VIII. Both Great Engllex and Ionia retain the right to forming and singing treaties outside this one and with other nations and to also join any International Body, Organization or Alliance they see fit.

Art. IX. Both nations may at any time abandon this agreement.


Ionian Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Aristotle Filanthropos Kifisodotou



Establishing Nation
Jan 3, 2008
Elephant & Castle

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An Extension of The Queen-Empress' Statement in Council.

I am instructed to EXPRESS on behalf of her Imperial and Royal Engellexic Majesty;

CONCERNING :- TREATY of COMMERCE, and ALLIANCE, between her Engellexic Majesty and his Excellency the Ethnarch, PROPOSED at Dulwich, the 16th day of March, 1954.

The capabilities of her Engellexic Majesty's Squadrons of the Air, Armies, and Naval Squadrons extended to the continued Independence and Territorial Integrity of the Ionain Confederacy outweighs in gross excess the direct beneficiary of the Empire of Great Engellex to the proposed Articles of the Treaty. The proposed Articles themselves do not provide political direction to an imperial protectorate, and were prescribed with Two Stipulations :- Emergence of War; and the Duration of the Treaty. The Imperial Cabinet will overlook the flippant comparison of a successful invasion of the Revolutionary Defence Treaty Organisation to the indulgence of the Empire of Great Engellex, as we are aware of the distresses placed upon the Government of Ionia by the said Alliance of Nations.

Negotiation :-

Art. III. His Excellency the Ethnarch of the Ionian Confederacy engages to grant to the ARMIES, and AIR FORCES of her Engellexic Majesty, PERMITTED STATIONING in the fortresses, military estates of the Ionian Confederacy as may be deemed NECESSARY, and to all Engellexic SQUADRONS of the AIR, an exemption from all duties belonging to the Ionian Confederacy, upon every thing of which the Engellexic SQUADRONS in the Near East, and the ARMIES of this Empire may stand in need, and which the Ionian Confederacy can furnish, in provisions, food, and in military and naval stores.

Counter-Proposal :-

Art. III. His Excellency the Ethnarch of the Ionian Confederacy MAY grant to the ARMIES, and AIR FORCES of her Engellexic Majesty, PERMITTED STATIONING in the fortresses, military estates of the Ionian Confederacy only after direct public request by the Ethnarch, Government and Parliament of the Ionian Confederacy. Their stationing may last up to 6 months and WILL NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BE PERMANENT. In return Great Engllex will allow similar provisions to the armed forces of the Ionian Confederacy.​
Proposed Article III :- The counter-proposal suggests to her Engellexic Majesty's Imperial Cabinet that the Government of Ionia has not competently observed the proposal put forward. The alteration of 'engages to grant' to 'MAY grant' has no bearing upon the original meaning and intention, as the original Art. III proposal included 'as may be deemed NECESSARY'. The inclusion of 'Their stationing may last up to 6 months and WILL NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BE PERMANENT' is an un-necessary aggravation, as proposed Art. V underlines that the presence of any Engellexic forces would be for the duration of the treaty and as may be deemed necessary from hostile advancement of the Revolutionary Defence Treaty Organisation against the Ionian Confederacy. Please clarify the purpose served to either the Empire of Great Engellex and/or the Ionian Confederacy from the inclusion of 'In return Great Engllex will allow similar provisions to the armed forces of the Ionian Confederacy', it is not obviously apparent to the Imperial Cabinet.

Art. IV. His Excellency the Ethnarch also engages to open the ports of the Ionian Confederacy during the duration of this TREATY, to Engellexic NAVAL SQUADRONS, as well as to all merchant and other ships belonging to Engellexic subjects, without any restriction whatever, referring to the third article, with respect to exemption from duties.

Counter-Proposal :-

Art. IV. His Excellency the Ethnarch also MAY open the ports of the Ionian Confederacy, to Engellexic NAVAL SQUADRONS only in case of war or emergency after direct public request of the Ethnarch of Ionia. Engllexian ships will continue to pay duties though they will be halved. The same applies to Ionian naval squadrons and mercantile fleets in Great Engllex and its colonies.​
Proposed Article IV :- If the Engellexic Empire is engaged in war against the Revolutionary Defence Treaty Organisation, in defence of the independence of the Ionian Confederacy, it would most certainly be required to have access to the ports of Ionia; therefore, would the Government of Ionia be engaged to permit access to the Royal Engellexic Navy - a 'MAY' is insufficient, as this point is understandably crucial. The alteration to duties is unfortunate, though, we concede. Identical conditions can be applied to the vessels of Ionia civilians and navy.

Art. V. Her Engellexic Majesty engages in return, to defend during the any OUTBREAK of WAR with the REVOLUTIONARY DEFENCE TREATY ORGANISATION the territorial integrity of the IONIAN CONFEDERACY, and to maintain there for that purpose, at his charge and expense, ARMIES and AIR SQUADRONS which, in the duration of this TREATY should be negotiated as to acquire the CONFIDENCE of his Excellency the Ethnarch, and to augment their number if the case shall require it. The disposition of which troops in the said territories of the confederacy, shall be in such manner and proportion as the General, shall judge expedient: and her Engellexic Majesty stipulates, that the said General shall have the power of exercising martial law in the necessary garrisons, with respect to his Engellexic troops, in the same manner, and according to the same rules, as are observed in other Engellexic garrisons.

Counter-Proposal :-

Art. V. Her Engellexic Majesty engages in return, to defend during the any OUTBREAK of WAR with the REVOLUTIONARY DEFENCE TREATY ORGANISATION the territorial integrity of the IONIAN CONFEDERACY, and to maintain there for that purpose Great Engllex will be granted a SINGLE base in Messolonghi, near the Ionian Border with Tyrrhenia. The Engllexian forces may at any time be forced to leave the base after request of the Ionian parliament, government or Ethnarch and the base and its surrounding territory will remain under Ionian control at all times. The Engllexian forces may NOT impose martial law and will NOT have any rights other those granted to them by the Ionian Ethnarch, namely to help Ionian forces in the defense of Ionian territory. They WILL be subject to Ionian law and justice.​

Proposed Article V :- The alteration by the Government of Ionia, requiring 'a SINGLE base in Messolonghi', is ill-advised as it is not yet known to what extent the Ionian Confederacy would require assistance in reinforcement of her border with the Revolutionary Defence Treaty Organisation - which provides the reasoning for the original intention 'ARMIES and AIR SQUADRONS which, in the duration of this TREATY should be negotiated as to acquire the CONFIDENCE of his Excellency the Ethnarch, and to augment their number if the case shall require it'. The necessity for the application of martial law does not extend beyond military facilities afforded to the Armies and Air Squadrons of the Engellexic military, and is a requirement for the maintenance of discipline.

Art. VIII. His Excellency the Ethnarch engages not to conclude with ANY OTHER POWER a separate TREATY from the Empire of GREAT ENGELLEX.

Counter-Proposal :-

Art. VIII. Both Great Engllex and Ionia retain the right to forming and singing treaties outside this one and with other nations and to also join any International Body, Organization or Alliance they see fit.​

Proposed Article VIII :- This is non-negotiable. The Empire of Great Engellex absolutely requires consultation with the Ionian Government, should the Ionian Government consider additional or alternative political avenues.

Ionian Proposed Article :-

Art. IX. Both nations may at any time abandon this agreement.​

Proposed Artcile IX :- The Empire of Great Engellex will require prior consultation before a termination of a security treaty.

His Lordship, the EARL of HESSEX,
Feb 2, 2014
Athens, Hellas/Toronto, Canada

Ionian Confederacy - 3rd Ionian Republic
᾿Ιωνική Συνομοσποδία - Γ' ᾿Ιωνική Δημοκρατία

Ionian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
᾿Ιωνικόν ᾿Υπουργεῖον ᾿Εξωτερικῶν


Please specify the duration of the treaty. We would also like to point out that your offer greatly resembles an attempt at turning Ionia into an occupied zone/protectorate of yours. We wish continued friendship between our nation however we are not interested in trading away Ionia's sovereign authority. We have a less extreme and more effective offer which we are sure could be appreciated by both sides.

Art. I. There shall be a continuance of the sincere and constant friendship between her Engellexic Majesty and his Excellency the Ethnarch of the Ionian Confederacy, their heirs and successors, which has always subsisted up to the present time.

Art. II. The two high contracting parties shall afford to each other, during any OUTBREAK of WAR with the REVOLUTIONARY DEFENCE TREATY ORGANISATION, every succour and assistance, in proportion to their respective forces, and shall prevent by common consent, every thing that can cause them trouble or detriment.

Art. III. In such a case His Excellency the Ethnarch of the Ionian Confederacy shall call upon the armed forces of Great Engllex to defend Ionia's sovereign territory. The Ionian Confederacy will cover all costs for the nourishment, equipment and accommodation of these forces while they are deployed in Ionia. These may include Land Forces, Air Squadrons and Naval Forces. They will remain in Ionia for as long as the Ethnarch sees fit.

Art. IV. The Naval Squadrons of Great Engllex coming to Ionia's aid shall be allowed entry into Ionian ports and bases for as long as the Ethnarch sees fit. All Engllexian mercantile ships in Ionian ports will pay 50% of the normal duties and all Ionian mercantile ships will also pay 50% of the normal duties in Engllexian ports.

Art. V. Her Engellexic Majesty engages in return, to defend during the any OUTBREAK of WAR with the REVOLUTIONARY DEFENCE TREATY ORGANISATION the territorial integrity of the IONIAN CONFEDERACY, and to maintain there for that purpose, at his charge and expense, ARMIES and AIR SQUADRONS which, in the duration of this TREATY should be negotiated as to acquire the CONFIDENCE of his Excellency the Ethnarch, and to augment their number if the case shall require it. The size of the Engllexian forces deployed in Ionia, their authority & rules of engagement and the duration of their stay is to be strictly under the control of the Ionian Confederacy which will however receive non-compulsory advisory from the Engllexian commanders.

Art. VI. Her Engellexic Majesty engages to continue to assist, to the utmost of her power, the Ionian Confederacy in their struggle against the tyranny and usurpation of the REVOLUTIONARY DEFENCE TREATY ORGANISATION as directed toward HIMYARI POSSESSIONS and TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY, and promises not to acknowledge any other POWER over the REALMS of the IONIAN CONFEDERACY, AND IONIAN HIMYAR. The Ionian Confederacy in turn promises to acknowledge no other authority or power over the Engllexian homeland and colonies other than that recognized by Her Majesty the Queen of Great Engllex.

Art. VII. The two high contracting parties desiring to strengthen more and more the ties which unite the two nations, and to extend their mutual relations, will employ themselves, soon as possible, in concluding a TREATY of COMMERCE, the articles of which shall be equally advantageous to the subjects of both states.


Ionian Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Aristotle Filanthropos Kifisodotou



Establishing Nation
Jan 3, 2008
Elephant & Castle

You must be registered for see images

An Extension of The Queen-Empress' Statement in Council.

I am instructed to EXPRESS on behalf of her Imperial and Royal Engellexic Majesty;

CONCERNING :- TREATY of COMMERCE, and ALLIANCE, between her Engellexic Majesty and his Excellency the Ethnarch, PROPOSED at Dulwich, the 16th day of March, 1954.

Her Imperial and Royal Engellexic Majesty the Queen-Empress Charlotte, upon the advices of the Council of State, has determined that the proposed Treaty of Commerce, and Alliance shall be withdrawn from negotiation between our respective governments.

The degree of commitment proposed on the part of the Empire of Great Engellex has been deemed inappropriate, given the present political climate within the Ionian Confederacy.

His Lordship, the EARL of HESSEX,
Feb 2, 2014
Athens, Hellas/Toronto, Canada

Ionian Confederation - 3rd Ionian Republic
᾿Ιωνική Συνομοσποδία - Γ' ᾿Ιωνική Δημοκρατία

Ionian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
᾿Ιωνικόν ᾿Υπουργεῖον ᾿Εξωτερικῶν


The Ionian Confederation hereby withdraws our offer and abstains from this negotiation deeming it counter-productive. While we are open to a new negotiation concerning a trade deal and military alliance we have no interest in becoming a protectorate.


Ionian Minister of Foreign Affairs,
Aristotle Filanthropos Kifisodotou
