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Federation News Service

The Federation

Established Nation
Feb 19, 2011
The Charleroi Post Gazette
The Federation Celebrates Armed Forces Day

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Citizens across the nation gathered together today in Charleroi to join in the festivities of Armed Forces Day. A parade was held were members of each branch of the Federation military marched down the Boulevard of Westernesse, while showered with flowers and ticker tape. Federation President Walter Langley gave a speech praising the military and giving remembrance to those who have died in the defense of democracy.

"We must remember the blood sacrifice that has been made to protect this great nation a sacrifice that has brought us peace, prosperity and freedom. While the nations of the world bicker and argue over mandates and rattle sabers, the Federation stands as a beacon of hope to all those who desire peace. It is you, the stalwart men and women of our armed forces that stand as our first and last line of defense, it is you that will be called upon should the Federation need to let fly the flag of war. We honor you and place you upon the highest pedestal on this Armed Forces day."

As Armed Forces day is always on the first Sunday of April, the following Monday will be a Federal Holiday, government offices will be closed and will reopen Tuesday. Further festivities will be held along with the start of the National Baseball League's opening day. A fly over will be held over the first official game between the Charleroi Councillors and the Ellwood City Lakers starting at 1310 Eastern.

Colonial Police Bust Heroin Operation in Aja.

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Colonial Marshal Mark Taggart praised officers of the Colonial Police for their bravery in the face heavily armed Polytopikan drug smugglers. Five hundred kilograms of Heroin were seized, a shipment destined for the west coast of the Federation worth 120 million. The smugglers are connected with Polytopikan Nationalists who wish to remove Polytopika from Federation control. The nationalists have taken several losses in battles with Colonial Police under Colonial Marshal Mark Taggart who has breathed new life into police tactics used to root out the entrenched nationalist criminals.

Marshal Taggart had this to say about the bust: "These nationalists have been running drugs into the Federation for far too long and now we are finally making inroads against their deeply entrenched operation."

The Nationalists originally did not use drug smuggling to fund their operation against Colonial Police, however after several prominent members were taken prisoner and convicted of terrorism, the Nationalists have shed any morals they previously had and have been flooding drugs from Touyou into Federation territories.
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The Federation

Established Nation
Feb 19, 2011
Ellwood City Times
The Federation Increases Fuel Production to Cope With Higher Global Prices
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Oil refineries in Ellwood City are running at max capacity to stabilize the price gasoline in the Federation. With summer travel season in the Federation reaching new heights, prices have risen to what many consider an unacceptable level. To help combat these prices the Office of the Federation Energy Secretary has announced new oil and gas leases and has ordered Federation oil and gas concerns to increase production.

Global tensions have been cited for the reason for the increase in price per barrel. Federation economic sectors from overland shipping to aviation have taken a hit due to the sharp increase in price during the high demand season. This announcement is following on the heels of similar announcements from the Anti-State and Metsamaa.

When prices began to spike, rumors circulated that the government would dip into the strategic reserve to assist in keeping local prices stabilized, but the President's office quickly shot this down. "Now is not the time to dip into our reserves, this is not an emergency situation, even though for many it may feel like it as all of our wallets are squeezed." - FedGov Media Liaison. Instead the Federation Council announced that taxation of gas sales would be temporarily halted. Taxation will resume when prices come down closer to historical norms. The tax relief has already taken some pressure off those who are hardest hit by this situation, others have called for the tax to be eliminated all together and replaced by a higher tax on vehicles that cause most damage to roads, or a mileage based tax, arguing that the gas tax will become pointless in the future as electric vehicles begin to make up a majority of vehicles on the road.

For energy companies, the profits have never been better, with all oil and gas companies trading higher on the markets.

The Federation

Established Nation
Feb 19, 2011
The Charleroi Post Gazette
The Federation Peace Corps, an independent civilian agency of the FedGOV, has announced a mission of relief to the poor and destitute of the island of Sankt Katharina. After receiving disturbing news of starvation, abysmal health standards and worsening infrastructure, the Peace Corps made it a priority to deploy volunteers to the island nation immediately.

"We have learned of the worsening quality of life on the former colonial holding after the conflict in the old world. While other nations have built their bases and set up their monitoring stations in a global bid for power between competing political blocs, the people of Sankt Katharina have suffered becoming second to political maneuvering and intrigue. The Peace Corps will bring the knowledge and supplies needed to bring Sankt Katharina back to an acceptable standard of living." - Lucille Bradenton, Chief Executive Officer, Federation Peace Corps.

The Peace Corps is soliciting for new recruits and for assistance from NGO's both within the Federation and internationally. If you would life to volunteer for a two year term of service with the Federation Peace Corps, visit a local recruiter near you or apply online at FedPeace.gov/volunteer today.
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The Federation

Established Nation
Feb 19, 2011
The Charleroi Post Gazette
Veterans of the Polytopikan Emergency Remember

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Veterans of the Polytopika Emergency (1977-1979) gathered at Soldiers and Sailors Memorial Hall to speak about their experiences to groups of high schoolers and prospective volunteers to the military. The elder warriors spoke of operations of the early war to the end when Operation Hip Check broke the backs Polytopikan Revolutionary Army.

"I'll never forget the orange glow of the fires that burned the big island. The fleet of stratobombers unleashing hell on the people below. There was nothing like that during the entire war, we had warned them, held back our might, begged for them to come to the table and talk, but they were too proud. So that was that, six months of bombing , six months of point blank fighting on the small islands. It was hell. Many people ask if I regret dropping all those bombs and I tell them no. They thought they could challenge us and they had to be taught a lesson." - Colonel William Geary, FWAF, Retired.

Polytopikan Nationalists held a protest outside the Colonial Marshal's Office in Aja and outside the Office of Federation Dependencies in Charleroi. Tensions have increased between the Colonial Marshals and the Nationalists with fighting breaking out every few months between officers and rioters. The process of naturalization has all but come to halt.

Women Now Subject to the Draft

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"The Federation marches toward full equality." - Federation President Walter Langley.

President Walter Langley has signed the bill removing the exemption of women for the draft. Women between the ages of 18-26 will need to report to their local post office, Federation Military recruiting center or to the Office of the Selective Service website to sign up for the draft. In the future all women reaching the age of 18 will now be required to sign up for the draft or face civil penalties for failing to do so.

Women's rights groups have hailed the move as a win for women everywhere, comparing this moment to the moment women serving in the military were cleared for combat roles. Other more traditionalist groups have come out in protest of removing the exemption for women for the draft.

"What kind of nation forces women to fight in the military during war? A cowardly one, our duty is on the homefront not on the battlefront." - Lisa Montgomery of the far right Traditional Women Alliance.

FedGOV has given a two year time limit to achieve 100 percent compliance of all those currently eligible before civil penalties will be
applied. Those turning 18 will be given six months from their 18th birthday to comply.

The Federation

Established Nation
Feb 19, 2011
News Roundup

Red Team Leads in Challenger 2.

The Land Forces Red Team has beat out all expectations as they finish Stage One of Challenger 2 cycling race as the top team in the group standings. In the Individual Supported Stage, Hammond Payne of West Sylvania came in third and Kate Oneida, a university student from Charleroi came in last after a mishap that forced her to the back of the standings. In the Iron-1 group, Gus Jefferson, who has been crowdfunding his run came in fourth out of the five competing.

The Continental Challenge started in the city of Katovik, the most northern city on the continent, population fifteen thousand. Though the summer season is already in full swing, the weather was still cold and harsh, despite this people from across the continent came to Katovik to see the racers off. The racers faced harsh weather conditions and harsh terrain as they traveled through the state of Corrigan. Road conditions were no better as the conditions from the previous winter had left them in a rough state, riders had to face the rough roads and the many repair crews out fixing the damage.

Things improved as riders came out of Redstone as it was mostly downhill or flat from their as they transitioned from the harsh and mountainous scablands into the plains and forests of Oakland as riders found themselves in the bread basket of the Federation.

Red Team leader, Captain Jimmy Patterson was interviewed by SPORTS! Magazine as they cycled through Pike City, the following is an excerpt from that interview.

"It's been tough going, but I think our military training gives us an advantage. The other groups have given us a run for our money throughout this stage so far, especially the Nievelander military teams. Our superior knowledge of the local area has also been a boon for us.

Stage 2 results shall be reported in the next edition of News Roundup.

Federation Peace Corps Deploys to San Jose

The Federation Peace Corps has announced a new mission to San Jose to help with the current refugee crisis caused by instability in Gran Occidentia. Volunteers will help at the border and other regions in San Jose to help feed, clothe and give shelter to those in need. The Peace Corps has allotted 15 million for the mission.

The Federation Council has stated that should Gran Occidentians look to seek refuge, either temporarily or permanently, then the Federation is open to them. The Peace Corps is expected to help facilitate any movement of those looking to make their way to a better life in the Federation.

President Walter Langley has praised the hard work of President José David Constanza of San Jose and President Marissa de Herrera of Corrientes in dealing with the refugee crisis and for stability that they provide to Southern Westernesse by their shrewd and pragmatic leadership.

The Federation

Established Nation
Feb 19, 2011
News Roundup

Peace Corps Alert Federation Council to Growing Crisis

For close to a year now the Federation Peace Corps have been conducting a humanitarian mission to Sankt Katharina Island, originally the mission was to help alleviate starvation and homelessness occurring on the Island colony since coming under the rule of the Tarusan Empire. Since the start of the civil war in Tarusa, things have gotten worse as breakdowns and local government and policing have led to a land with no ruler and no rules.

Lucille Bradenton, director of the Peace Corps appeared before the Federation Council to discuss the growing crisis on the Island. Bradenton painted a picture of severe lawlessness as groups of former government agents have taken advantage of those island citizens who are just trying to survive. The economy has completely collapsed, reverting to a medieval bartering system where those who have are able to take advantage of those who do not. The Peace Corps has increased spending to attempt to accommodate the growing number of destitute peoples on the Island, but so far the mission of relief seems impossible to accomplish.

When asked why those who are suffering have not come to the Federation as refugees, the answer was simple, many do not wish to leave their homes in what was once paradise and even some would rather die than do so. This is not to say that many have not come to the Federation and have made new lives for themselves with government help, but so far a majority of the Islanders would rather stay.

It's clear that despite the vast resources available to the Peace Corps, a new mission is needed, one that would restore law and order to the Sankt Katharina.

In Other News

  • Federation Cyclists continue on into Stage 3 of the Continental Challenge. Red Team continues to excel, Oneida makes a break for the top while Payne and Jefferson are at the middle and rear of their respective packs at the end of Stage 2.

  • Federation National Soccer Club, dubbed the Westermen, debut with a draw at the Copa De La Tiburanidad soccer championship against a team from the Hansa. The FNSC shall face the team from Hansa once again with hopes for a win.

  • The Federation Navy agrees to conduct exercises with Thaumantic Communes White Seals Interdiction Group in a response to growing piracy in the region.

The Federation

Established Nation
Feb 19, 2011
The Charleroi Post Gazette
Federation Commits Troops to EF White Helmets

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With renewed commitment to the European Forum, the Federation Security Council approved the transfer of a combat brigade to the White Helmets organization. The troops will be aiding in the security of nations near the ongoing Tarusan civil war, which has spread further south into Bonaventure Bay, an area of high commercial traffic.

The one hundred and eighty degree turn of Federation Policy toward the EF was prompted by ongoing piracy in the Gothic Sea and a new development, the mining of Bonaventure Bay by Tarusan ships loyal to Ivan Kiselev. The mining has resulted in the destruction of a Ebrian patrol ship and the injury of five Ebrian sailors.

Federation commercial shipping companies continue to operate in both Bonaventure bay and the Gothic sea, albeit with private armed security now onboard in the case of ships sailing into the Gothic. With the expansion of the civil war, Federation policy makers have been brought kicking and screaming into further military cooperation with other nations. Previous policy was to remain neutral in the affairs of the world, trading with all and maintaining a military strong enough to project power over Federation interests without prickly alliances and involvement in international squabbles. This left Federation participation in the European Forum at a bare minimum, the Langley administration at one time mulling over leaving the position of ambassador to the EF empty.

However with forty five hundred men soon to be under the administration of the EF's white helmets, the Langley administration has renewed the Federation's commitment to the EF. The troops arrived into catholic monarchy of Ebria. The troops will be assisting in the security of nations but up against Csgenia, a current combatant in the Tarusan civil war under the control of Konstantin and his forces. Five hundred civilians of the Federation Peace Corps shall be assisting in the handling of refugees coming out of Csgenia.

Federation Naval Forces Move Out

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The Federation Security Council directed the Navy to deploy Ships to both the Gothic sea and Bonaventure bay in response to piracy and mining in the respective areas. From the naval bases on the Midway islands, the aircraft super carrier Hornet and her battle group set out for Bonaventure bay yesterday on a power projection trip after the destruction of an Ebrian patrol ship by Tarusan mining in a critical water way for the world economy.

Another battle group centered around the amphibious VTOL assault ships, Rygaard and Viklund, will deploy to the Gothic sea to participate in exercises and anti-piracy patrols with ships from the Thaumantic Commonwealth. The move came as a surprise in circles of the Federation Council due to the Langley administration's skeptical views on the ideology of communalism and how it is applied within the Communes. Despite this, world tensions have forced a quick warming of relations between the Federation and the Communes as the world as a whole being to come together to attempt to prevent a possible massive war that could be triggered by the Tarusan civil war.

In Other News

  • Three murdered in Aja in apparent gang violence over synthetic drug production by rival gang. Colonial Marshal Mark Taggart has vowed to get violence under control as tourist season goes into full swing.

  • The Federation National Soccer team comes in second place with silver medal in COPA MUNDIAL international football match after losing the gold medal to San Jose. The National team from Radilo took bronze.

  • High oil prices bring record profits to Federation oil companies, yet the Federal Oil Dividend, enacted in 2022 has not increased to match. Citizens are asking why? The Federation Council remains quiet as higher priority debates take precedence. Will President Langley intervene?

The Federation

Established Nation
Feb 19, 2011
The Charleroi Post Gazette
Navy Divers Make Ultimate Sacrifice

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With the Gothic Sea now clear of mines the Navy now sets it's sights on piracy, though the operation was not without danger and sacrifice. Three Navy divers were killed in the process of defusing mines laid by Tarusa in the Gothic. The mines were of a special and more dangerous type that required the presence of a diver to defuse them. The names of the deceased were officially withheld until the Navy could privately notify the families of their untimely passing, however we have been authorized to release the names of the deceased. The brave souls were Lieutenant Jeremiah Williams, Lieutenant Junior Grade Casper Russel, and Lieutenant Junior Grade Victoria Meadows. They each stationed on different mine countermeasure ships that were taking part in the mine sweeping mission. The Navy has released a statement about their passing:

"It is with heavy hearts that we confirm the deaths of these brave seamen of the Federation. Their deaths as a result of the cowardly actions of the Tarusan Empire and their leader Tsar Ivan Kiselev. The Navy mourns the loss of these courageous and stalwart officers who gave their lives, not just for the Federation, but for the world so that freedom of navigation may be maintained for all the worlds mariners." - Secretary of the Navy Lloyd Smalls

Now the mission continues on where more danger and potential for death lie as the fleet moves to a anti-piracy role with the Pirate Republic of Gutarike now in the sights of the Federation
. So far the Federation military along with the government has yet to announce just what the scope of this mission will be. While the government keeps it's plans close to it's chest in the name of national security, some are asking if the potential deaths of more Federation soldiers and sailors is worth it as it seems to some that the Federation is the one making the biggest contribution to the security of the north at this time. Others say that our allies need our help and that no other nation in the world could handle this situation as quickly as the Federation has.


Staff member
Aug 16, 2007
Grasstown ND
the Breakfast Companion (Media Front Office)

The above article Navy Divers Make Ultimate Sacrifice will be reprinted in morning papers tomorrow in concert with a moment of silence along radio and television airwaves for Thaumanticans to reflect or pray. These heroes gave everything to make our world safer, and for this we owe our deepest reverence. God bless them and their dear families.


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
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Bund der rheinischen Fürstentümer und Bürgerschaften

Schloss Schöneweide
Fehrbellin, Rheinbund

Betreff / Subject: Bestowal of the Rheinisches Verdienstkreuz für Tapferkeit 1. Klasse

It is with great sadness that we hear about the death of Lieutenant Jeremiah Williams, Lieutenant Junior Grade Casper Russel and Lieutenant Junior Grade Victoria Meadows while serving humanity. On behalf of the People of the Rheinbund, we want to bestowe on them the Rheinisches Verdienstkreuz für Tapferkeit 1. Klasse, if their families allow us to do so.

On behalf of the People of the Rheinbund, we also want to bestowe the Rheinisches Verdienstkreuz für Tapferkeit 1. Klasse on the Navy Divers of the Navies of The Federation and Ebria, as well as on the Navy Divers of our own Navy, who were and are active in the demining actions in the Gothic Sea and the Bonaventura Bay, if they allow us to do so.

Philipp von Homburg-Gosta, König des Rheinbundes

The Federation

Established Nation
Feb 19, 2011
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Bund der rheinischen Fürstentümer und Bürgerschaften

Schloss Schöneweide
Fehrbellin, Rheinbund

Betreff / Subject: Bestowal of the Rheinisches Verdienstkreuz für Tapferkeit 1. Klasse

It is with great sadness that we hear about the death of Lieutenant Jeremiah Williams, Lieutenant Junior Grade Casper Russel and Lieutenant Junior Grade Victoria Meadows while serving humanity. On behalf of the People of the Rheinbund, we want to bestowe on them the Rheinisches Verdienstkreuz für Tapferkeit 1. Klasse, if their families allow us to do so.

On behalf of the People of the Rheinbund, we also want to bestowe the Rheinisches Verdienstkreuz für Tapferkeit 1. Klasse on the Navy Divers of the Navies of The Federation and Ebria, as well as on the Navy Divers of our own Navy, who were and are active in the demining actions in the Gothic Sea and the Bonaventura Bay, if they allow us to do so.

Philipp von Homburg-Gosta, König des Rheinbundes

Federation Department Of State

The Rheinbund honors the Federation and it's people by bestowing the Rheinisches Verdienstkreuz für Tapferkeit 1. Klasse on our honored dead. These men and women served with distinction and were they alive today they would be honored to be awarded this military award from a friend and ally.

In friendship,

Denton Graves
Federation Secretary of State

The Federation

Established Nation
Feb 19, 2011
Transcript from television broadcast.

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My fellow Westermen, tonight we have taken steps to end the campaign of piracy by the so called Gutnish Pirate Republic. When we announced the special operation to neutralize the pirate republic, many asked what that would mean and if it would require an invasion of the Gutarike. Tonight we have bombarded Gutnish military ports with fifty cruise missiles, the intention is to show to the Gutnish people that we are serious without a great loss of human life to the Gutnish people and our own forces.

Lives can be spared even now after we have launched our missiles, if the Gutnish surrender what is left of their fleet and allow our military forces to enter their capital and arrest those responsible for waging a campaign of piracy against innocents on the open seas then we can have peace. This self imposed limitation must not be taken as an act of weakness by our government and military leaders. If the Gutnish continue to ignore or fight back against us our next strikes will be many fold and yes, it will in fact mean boots on the ground in the Gutarike, not just by Federation forces, but forces from our partners in the region as well.

To those who would seek to criticize this action by the Federation, may I remind them that it was the Gutnish who engaged in their illegal acts first, thinking that the nations of the world would sit back and allow them to run roughshod over the peace loving nations of the world. It was they who sunk civilian and military vessels in the Gothic, it was their allies the Tarusans who mined the entrance to the Gothic sea and cut off several nations from access to the trade networks of the rest of the world. What we are doing here today is forcing them to face the consequences of their actions, the must know that we will not stand by and allow them to treat the world as if it is their playground where they use violence without impunity.

People of the Federation, we must now rally behind our fighting men and women, we must not allow the words of dictators to enter our minds and sow dissension. No doubt Ivan and his cronies will make grand speeches denouncing the democratic world for finally defending itself, his followers will believe every word he says despite it's obvious untruth. There may even be those amongst our friends and allies who agree with him! Take no heed of these weak minded troublemakers. With one vision, with one purpose, we march forward into the future, firm in our belief that what we do here today is right and just, that our federation will last forever and that we shall bring peace to the world!

The Federation

Established Nation
Feb 19, 2011
Transcript from television broadcast.

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My fellow Westermen, with a heavy heart I must inform you that our military forces have engaged Tarusan forces in the skies over the Gothic Sea and on the ground in Lethonia. The Tarusan Emperor has spread more lies that the brave pilots of our Federation and of the Hanseaten attacked without warning a peaceful patrol of Tarusan bombers and fighters. This could not be any further from the truth, the bombers were loaded heavily with cruise missiles and heading toward our naval forces currently engaged in a police action against the Gutnish pirate republic. I do not take any pleasure in hearing that ninety eight Tarusan service members died in the battle over the Gothic, these men did not need to die, they were ordered by Ivan to attack the joint fleet of the Federation/Hanseaten/Communal Order. If they had been allowed to carry out their mission, thousands of men and women could be dead at the bottom of the Gothic Sea in their burning and sinking ships. I must also announce that six men died in the air battle, two pilots of the Federation and four of the Hanseaten, they gave their lives bravely to stop a cowardly sneak attack, currently more are facing death from a missile attack on Lethonia by invading Tarusan armed forces, we currently do not know the extent of the casualties if any. At this time I am raising the alert status of our military to the highest phase.

Many in the International community will criticize the Federation for taking the action it has taken having known that this might be the outcome, know that we walked into this with both eyes open to show that we would no longer bow before nations wishing to show chaos. The cowards will cry out that we should have further "legitimized" our actions by debating action with the European Forum and the Security Council. What we did was well within our rights as a member of the Valls Pact. Any nation attempting to characterize our actions as unilateral are only looking to sow further discord amongst those of us who have united to end tyranny in this world.

I call upon the Valls Pact nations to now honor their agreement and defend the Hansa from this unwarranted invasion by Tarusa. Now is not the time for bickering and cowardice, the Communal Order, Touzen and the Hansa have sent their commanders to Charleroi as was agreed and yet many other Valls Pact nations keep their plans and their commanders close to their hearts. What are you hiding?

I call upon Ivan to end his senseless attack and realize that he is only condemning his countrymen to death and destruction. Tarusa can be preserved if you end your invasion and return to your borders and end your attempts to attack our fleets engaged in police action against the Gutarike. The Federation is not interested in fighting you and killing Tarusan soldiers, but we will not stop until the threat is ended and should that mean taking the fight to the heart of Tarusa in Kremlyov, than that is what we shall do.

I call on the people of the Federation, on all Westermen to rise up now and serve your nation in it's most desperate time of need. Only with one Vision and one Purpose can we finally bring peace to our world. Esto Perpetua, the Federation Forever.

The Federation

Established Nation
Feb 19, 2011
The Charleroi Post Gazette
End of Hostilities Declared in Lethonia

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After days of heavy fighting in Lethonia, diplomats of the Federation, Communal Order and the Tarusan Empire have declared an end to hostilities. Allied and Tarusan commanders (pictured left) were seen discussing the Tarusan withdrawal from Lethonia after the conference in Wien, Ostmark came to a close. In Wien, diplomats from the three countries worked all day and night to hammer out a permanent ceasefire. The details are not fully known but in the end the Tarusans agreed to pull back their forces, the borders of Lethonia to remain as they were prior to the conflict. The Federation promised to not to increase it's military presence in the Hansa nations beyond what was already in country, signaling that the Federation intends to station troops in the area permanently with it's Hanseatic allies. The Tarusans also agreed not to increase their troop levels in the south of their country beyond Federation troops levels. The Allies also promised to remain out of the conflict in Himyar and to recognize that Gutnish claims to Al-Magrab were invalid ceding authority to Tarusa in the colony. Federation troops once locked in battle with the Tarusan military will now be escorting the Tarusan armies back to the borders of Tarusa. Casualties on both sides reached into the thousands and damage to Lethonia infrastructure will now need to be repaired as the region suffered the destruction of bridges and roads in an attempt to slow the Tarusan advance.

While peace has returned to the continent, the battles continue to rage in the Gothic sea as the Federation and Communal Order continue to pound military targets within the Gutarike. Part of the agreement was for the dissolution of what was left of the Gothic Sea Pact and without Tarusa as an ally, the pirate republic finds itself in deep isolation and surrounded by allied naval forces that act without impunity. Federation MACo's have already captured oil rigs and deep sea platforms around the country and an invasion looks to be imminent as the Federation builds up forces in the area.


Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
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Bund der rheinischen Fürstentümer und Bürgerschaften

Korrespondenznummer / Correspondence number: RR/AA/2023-09-29/008983 ; 29. Sept 2023
Steht in Bezug zu den Korrespondenzen / Related to the correspondences: ———
Öffentlich / Public: ■ │ Vertraulich / Restricted: □ │ Streng geheim / Top Secret: □

Auswärtiges Amt
Fehrbellin, Rheinbund

We are very happy to hear that the Conference in Wien resulted in a cessation of hostilities in Lethonia. We are also very happy to see that the peace plan foresees in keeping the borders as they were before the war. We are prepared to assist in the rebuilding of Lethonian infrastructure and sending humanitarian aid, if needed.

Gustav Kohlschreiber, Minister of Foreign Affairs

The Federation

Established Nation
Feb 19, 2011
The Charleroi Post Gazette
President Langley Voids Valls Pact

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President Langley delivered an executive order voiding further Federation participation in the Valls Pact. Joining the Valls Pact was a controversial move in of itself within the halls of the Federation Government, several detractors citied the ease of which signatories could ignore or get around being forced to follow the articles of the treaty and the rocky start with which the Valls Pact found itself in only found the Federation and the Communal Order complying with the articles in the early days of the treaty's signing. Going forward from the failures of the Valls Pact the Federation will only agree to bilateral agreements between the Federation and other nations. The Charleroi rumor mill has show that even the Democrat Defense Initiative alliance could be in jeopardy as Federation experts conduct a post mortem on the last few months of international relations, war and troop deployments. President Langley's approval rating amongst citizens has dropped to it's lowest since before the invasion of Lethonia, standing at a rate of 39.8 percent. Experts calculate the President will be much more careful in how he leads the nation in future negotiation between the Federation and other nations, avoiding entanglements and requiring more stringent articles governing how treaties govern it's signatories.

A minority of voices in the Federation Council are calling for an end to hostilities with the Gutnish, but the Federation assault does not look like it will let up as Federation troops land in a two pronged assault on Ulrikasborg and Waldemarsudde. Troops are facing a stiff resistance but are making headway in the capture of the cities as the Communal Order conducts flanking maneuvers in the northern reaches of the pirate republic. Warhawks in the council are already calling for a surge of troops to follow the initial deployment to the region and to deploy more troops to Germania in contravention of the agreement with Tarusa that led to the ceasefire, this idea was strongly shot down by more levelheaded members of the council.

In Other News

  • The Communal Order exits the already beleaguered European Forum.
  • The National Police Force and the Department of Naturalization releases list of Top Ten Wanted Anti-Citizens.
  • The Federation Peace Corps launch new humanitarian mission to war ravaged regions in western Lethonia.
  • Pop music superstar Mable Kay spotted at Charleroi Patriots pre-season hockey game. Tabloids wildly speculate as to who invited her.

The Federation

Established Nation
Feb 19, 2011
The Charleroi Post Gazette
Gutnish President Alfredsson Orders Official Surrender

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President Alfredsson appeared before the Gutnish legislator and has announced the unconditional surrender to the allied forces of the Federation and Commune. In his speech he spoke about how the Gutnish must now prepare themselves for an occupation and to welcome the allied forces with open arms. Basic necessities are being shipped in by the Federation military to bring stability back to the citizens of the county who have been suffering under rationing due to pirate corruption.

The pirate forces across the country have thrown down their arms, though some more radical holdouts refuse to listen to the order of surrender. Now that the fighting has ended the question remains on what will be done with the Gutnish government and country. Some analysts see a possible division of the country by the Federation and the Commune into separate occupation zones, others say that the Federation and the Commune will usher in a new era of democracy for the Gothic, which has suffered under despotic and terroristic regimes for over a year now.

So far the Langley administration has not revealed it's plans and the military is preoccupied with stabilizing the area.

In Other News

  • The Federation announces it will attend multilateral negotiations between itself and Angliarique over what is being called the Frescanian Controversy.
  • The National Police Force announces an increase in reckless driving fines as winter weather sweeps across the nation.
  • The Federation military remains on high alert after the deployment of the Angliarique Navy to Frescania. The Federation Navy continues to monitory the situation from international waters.
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The Federation

Established Nation
Feb 19, 2011
The Charleroi Post Gazette
The Federation Shows It's Capabilities.

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Pictured left is a long exposure photo of the paths of the multiple independently targetable re-entry vehicles of just one Peacemaker intercontinental ballistic missile. The missile was launched from Bradford Airforce Base on the west coast as part of the larger Operation Able Ranger and landed in international waters outside Polytopika. The Peacemaker was launched ahead of a simulated simultaneous saturation attack from submarine launched ballistic missiles, part of a larger first strike scenario followed by an amphibious invasion of an enemy nation.

The exercise was held in response to the Tianese launch of an ICBM into the southern Silk Sea. Under the command of the Federation Navy's Third Fleet. warships were deployed to Polytopika to conduct tests of the fleets amphibious capabilities. Admiral Alan Harding spoke to the Charleroi Post briefly about the purpose of the exercise:

"The Federation is filled with natural defenses, mountains, rivers and even the seas act as natural barriers to our great nation. However it is because we are surrounded by two seas that we are tasked with being ever vigilant and always ready, a first strike strategy must always be considered because of this. It is through lightning quick attacks and cold and calculating decision making that keeps the citizens of this great nation, perhaps the greatest nation on this planet, safe from enemies known and unknown. With other nations looking to flex their muscle we must show that ours are bigger, stronger and faster. We keep these muscles through the testing of our forces in simulations and exercises."

President Langley condemned the Tianese missile launch as an unnecessary return to using the Silk Seas as a testing ground for ICBM's.

Oil and Fuel Pollute Waters Around Frescania.

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Cleanup teams, both civilian and military, deployed to the site of the massacre in Frescania announce that there is another massacre happening in the waters of Frescania as marine life begins to die off from oil and fuel pollution left over from the hulks of the Angliarisian air craft carriers. Lucille Bradenton of the Federation Peace Corps, currently assisting in the clean ups had this to say about the current ecological situation in Frescania:

"Currently we are looking at the need for a full scale deployment of volunteers and professionals to Frescania. If not then there will be a permanent change to the natural surroundings of this area for the worst. With the refloating and removal of these hulks proving more challenging as the days go on, more oil and fuel leaks into the bay and more marine life is threatened. In fact both plant and animal life as well as human life will be severely impacted in Frescania for what could be possibly many years. The Federation, Ebria and even Angliarique and Tarusa are taking this situation quite seriously and I thank them from the bottom of my heart. It is disappointing that Tianlong is not helping mitigate this disaster. I make no judgment for the decision to strike, but to leave this place, to leave Frescania and Ebria with the bill of cleaning up a mess Tianlong helped make is deplorable behavior unbecoming of a democratic nation."

Treasury Department Announces Sanctions on Radilan/Oltremaren Concern.

After learning of the use of Spascirian slaves as tabacco farmers by the Radilan/Oltremaren company Renualt-Manifattura Tropicale, the Federation Treasury Department issued sanctions banning the sale and import of products made by RMT as well as freezing assets of RMT and individuals associated with RMT located within the Federation. The Federation considers the Spacirians to be slaves within Angliarisian society, farmed out by the so called Spascirian Labor Council to be taken advantage of as cheap labor.

Wider sanctions against Radilo and Oltremare are being considered by the Federation Council. President Langley urged all nations to sanction any company or nation that uses slave labor in any form and encouraged any Spascirian looking and able to escape to come to the Federation where freedom awaits them.

@Oltremare @Radilo @Angliarique @Tarusa @Ebria @Tianlong

The Federation

Established Nation
Feb 19, 2011
The Charleroi Post Gazette
The Federation Council Approves Funds for Hanseatic Defense

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The Federation Council has approved three billion credits to be spent along with funds provided by the Hanseatic line to create a robust defensive zone along the border of Lethonia and the Tarusan Empire. The Federation armed forces argued successfully for the release of the funds due to the restrictions placed on the amount of men by the Treaty of Wien.

"While we hope that there will never be another war between the Federation and the Empire, we must still make provisions for the defense of Lethonia and the wider Hanseatic League in case diplomacy fails once again." - Secretary of War Harry Kellogg

President Langley made requests that the Hanseatic League continue to full integration of the member states militaries and introduce revised recruitment rules for the enlargement of the Hansa land forces.

@Hanseatic Republics

Earthquake in Ebria, Update on Frescania.

Cleanup teams are struggling to handle the task of cleaning up the fuel and oil spills polluting the harbor of Fortaleza Real after the earthquake that caused significant damage to the Ebrian city of Villanueva. The Federation Peace Corps has found itself stretched thinly as volunteers where redeployed to the Ebrian mainland to help in the rescue efforts. Rescue teams and firefighters across the Federation have sent teams to assist in Villanueva and the auspices of the Peace Corps, despite this, the Federation Council had to approved an increase of funding to the Peace Corps to cope with the expanded mission. In Fortaleza Real, recovery efforts of the Angliarique aircraft carriers that are now poisoning the bay and the wider ocean has not gone well as teams are nowhere closer to removing the wrecks.

@Ebria @Tarusa

Winter Ice Storms and Lake Effect Snows Batter Westernesse.

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Winter is in full effect as the first real snows of winter have finally come to wreak their havoc. Cities across the Federation have taken the full brunt of Old Man Winter's fury. Twin Echo and Pike City experienced close to thirty inches of snow over a two day period. While in the east Charleroi was spared the most of the massive storm, only receiving ten inches over a two day period. Department of Transportation teams of both the local and federal government's have worked around the clock to dig cities and towns across the country. Up in the frozen wastes of the far north, the night has been eternal since mid November and now cities in Alyeska and the Corrigan such as Katovik and Iqaluit have become inaccessible by car and plane due to storms in the far north. More storms are forecast for February and on February second in the city of Bear Creek a groundhog named Bear Creek Bob will predict if there will be snow all the way into May during the city's annual groundhog day festival.

In Other News.

  • Despite transition of high speed passenger rail across the Federation, many like to take it slow as the Westerman, a train from Cedar City all the way to Baldwin-Whitehall forecasts another record year for ridership in 2024. The Westerman remains a popular tourist attraction, offering stunning views of the mountains in Natal, the forests of Oakland, prairie of the Midlands and various lakes and impact craters that formed the iconic and various terrains of Westernesse.

The Federation

Established Nation
Feb 19, 2011
The Charleroi Post Gazette

Gothland Occupation Governor Appointed After Long Delays

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The Federation Council has finally approved a governor to oversee the occupation and naturalization of the former pirate nation of Gothland. Rolf Ingesson, former secretary of the Department of Naturalization arrived in Ulrikasburg, Gothland to take his office and form his occupation government of native Goths.

The delay in choosing the occupation governor came down to disagreements between members in the Federation Council over whether a civilian should be appointed or that the military should be put up to the task of governing. Many advocating for the military cited the example of Polytopika after the Emergency where there was much resistance to Federation occupation in the early years. Opponents to military rule also cited Polytopika as example, arguing that Polytopika has been undergoing naturalization since 1979 and they have yet to be fully admitted into the Federation. Debates then stirred up about whether Colonial Marshal Mark Taggart should be replaced and the military led government of Polytopika disbanded and replaced with a civilian one. This prompted the Army to release statements to the Council assuring them that the naturalization of Polytopika is almost complete and set a goal for full admission of Polytopika to the Federation by 2026.

With the Council at odds, experts on naturalization were brought into speak about the topic. Rolf Ingesson gave an impassioned speech about his vision of the naturalization policy as a whole which ultimately led President Langley giving him the nomination with the Council's approval. Ingesson does indeed have a great record as the former secretary for the naturalization department, reaching a record of sixty percent successful naturalization of immigrants over his tenure as Secretary of Naturalization, he is also credited with the Citizenship for Military Service Program that awards citizenship to any immigrant that serves with any branch of the Federal Armed Forces for a period of six years.

After settling into his office, Governor Ingesson released a statement outlining his goals and setting a goal for the completion of integrating Gothland into the Federation:

"I have overseen the addition of millions of proud Federation citizens during my tenure as Secretary of Naturalization. I am confident that the naturalization and integration of Gothland will be a smooth and peaceful process, that is why I am pleased to announce that Gothland will be ready to be fully admitted to our growing Federation by 2030. The Goths are a peace loving and democratic people that were led astray after the collapse of their supranational government. They were left to the wolves who preyed on their moment of weakness and then taken hostage by greedy oligarchs who were hungry for Tarusan money and the power they thought that dark empire could give them.

Make no mistake, naturalization will not be an easy process. The standardization of language and culture is a process that may take several generations, many first generation immigrants to the Federation are not able to bring themselves into compliance with naturalization, but they continue on knowing that their children will be successful through hard work. We have learned our lessons with the Polytopikans who are now on their way to joining our vibrant and diverse nation. Many Goths may think that their nation and people are being erased, that cannot be further from the truth, it is the Federation that will grow stronger and more culturally vibrant by the addition of Gothic culture to our own. I say to all Goths, embrace us as we have embraced you and join us on this incredible journey."