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First Session of the International Open Forum (IOF)


Staff member
Aug 16, 2007
Grasstown ND
she stopped him, a gentle but firm hand on his chest, probing beyond his coat and to the buttons of his shirt. They both laughed at his not entirely untimely joke, and for some minutes made the very best of the privacy he'd purchased for them.

Having never left the gala, Captain Sidarova reached across a short divide between herself and the daydreaming boar and extinguished her cigarette in his whiskey, bringing him back likely from some deep thought of statecraft and intrigue she doubted.

"If there is nothing else I fear must leave you alone with your deep thoughts," Melania whispered, "I see the Engellexic Vixen herself has arrived. Or perhaps we might erect our Vyhoric might and entice her to a ménage à trois?"


Establishing Nation
Aug 13, 2007
Minister Jedreck reappeared after freshening up in the lavatory. Many more had arrived in the meantime and immediately the Minister was at a loss on what to do next. And then he saw them... er, her. "Heh-hem," Jedreck said as he composed himself and ambled towards Bergenheim's premier ambassador.

"Maximilian Jedreck, Foreign Minister from Crotobaltislavonia. Would it be out of turn for me to state it is my sincere hope we are neighbors on the Continent?"


Establishing Nation
Nov 27, 2016
Anor Londo
Zweigler looked up from her notes, which she was busily studying to hide her own embarassment. She had been discreetly texted only a few minutes ago, with news of the leak of her underwear modelling pictures. She had been eighteen and trying to pay her way through medical school at the time.

It seemed to be growing into some sort of social media thing, and she sincerely hoped nobody else at the Session paid much attention to social media. She was meant to attract attention, yes, but...

Fortunately, she was distracted from her anxious thoughts by the arrival of the Crotobaltislavonian delegate.

"Ah? Oh, pleased to meet you, Herr Jedreck. I'm Angela Zweigler, First Hand of the Republic. I guess that makes us equals." she laughed gently, slipping into her diplomatic persona. Warm, slightly flirty, but nothing too forward. She had been trained well for this sort of work.

She leaned back, crossing her stockinged legs, her skirt riding up to her knees. Nothing tasteless, all implied.

"I imagine we will be becoming very close neighbours. We have high hopes for these talks." She said, holding eye contact.

"I'm sure we will be seeing plenty of each other in the coming years, at anyrate. Our countries have much to discuss."


Establishing Nation
Aug 13, 2007
Jedreck's eyes widened a touch at the mention of being "close neighbors" "in the coming years."

Something to hope for
, he thought to himself. But the diplomat composed himself and smiled warmly as he took a seat next to Zweigler.

"You know my name. You have the advantage. It is a pleasure to meet you ... is it Miss Zweigler? And yes, we have much to discuss. Though my boss back home in Crotobaltislavonia may seem ... erratic, I assure he has our country's best interests at heart. And I'm sure that includes friendly relations with our neighbors to the south. And besides, I am fully empowered to act at this forum. And discussions with other representatives here are already bearing fruit."


Staff member
Oct 30, 2006
Tokyo, Japan
PART II: First Day of the Meeting
International Open House, Golden Sea Shore, Kashtan

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Limousine after black limousine left the prescinds of the Golden Pillar Hotel, which normally could not be left by foreign guests without their Kashtanese watchdogs. The procession was followed on either end by by heavily armored Barracked Storm Battalions of the Working Class paramilitaries on motorcycles and an APC on either end, with more motorcyclists to the sides of the formation.

As the group passed over the first bridge separating the Golden Pillar hotel from the rest of the city, the international dignitaries were paraded through only the best and most prestigious streets of the capital city, with masses of people waving flags or flowers lined up on either side. Eventually, the formation left the city and followed the large parade avenue to the shore. Painful precaution had been taken to make sure that the streets would be empty (not that many private Kashtanese citizens owned a car to begin with), and the drive to the International Open House, recently constructed on the shoreside of the majestic Golden Sea, continued in relative silence. With no mobile phone reception in Kashtan, the delegates had little choice but to look outside the windows and watch the occasional model farm, statue of the President or billboard ("Democracy is people's rule plus the prosperity of the nation" - The President)" pass by.

Eventually, the motorcade arrived at the International Open House and stopped a good distance from the house among a carefully groomed grove of trees. The delegations got out, soldiers in clean soldiers standing in attention to either side of the paved way and ascended three flights of stairs to the entrance of the International Open House. Above the entrance, a larger-than-life picture of a figure shown from the side - from the looks of it the enigmatic president - is gesturing with an open hand towards a globe, towering over the delegates as they proceed to enter the building. Camera shutters of Kashtanese state media fill the air like the active chattering of insects.


"We have assembled here today to constitute the International Open Forum. We shall succeed, where so many before us have failed. The task at hands is nothing less than the maintenance of perpetual peace in Europe under the auspices of the international community", Lyam began, standing in the middle of the auditorium that had been constructed as the main assembly hall for the constitutional session of the International Open Forum. The table in front of him was made of mahogany. One of the architects had existed that that wood had a certain tradition in European diplomacy, for whatever reason.

"Of course, you have already heard the proposal that my country has made for how to setup this organization. Whereas previous bodies, such as the Assembly of Nations in the 1920s, failed due to their rigid structure that disadvantaged the small in favor of the big, it is the belief of my government that we must create this body as an open invitation to talk - not as a pulpit to be preached from to."

He waited for just the hint of a moment to allow for applause. He knew that many of the states with a less than stellar human rights record would be only all to keen to be once more reassured that they would not be signing away their freedom to kill here.

"As such, my ministry has worked out a document on the base of which we propose to discuss the charter for the International Open Forum. My aides will hand out the copies shortly."

Lyam waited as young men and women spread out among the ranks of the semi-circular seating arrangement, distributing files in clear sheets.

"Please take a look and voice any proposals or concerns you may have regarding the proposed document."

Charter of the INTERNATIONAL OPEN FORUM (Proposal)

WITH a common vision of peace, a similar dream for prosperity, and a united desire for tranquility amongst the nations, the nations of Europe do hereby forge an union of discourse, an International Open Forum of Europe to serve its people and their posterity.

Article One: Membership

1. Membership in the International Open Forum, and full voting privileges, is the right of every approved state.

2. Membership shall be conferred unless a simple majority of member nations motions to reject the application of an applying state.

3. Only these entities shall enjoy observer membership of the International Open Forum: Representatives from associated territories or autonomous regions of members of the International Open Forum. Those representatives shall be entitled to speak in debates, their voice shall be considered duly in debates concerning these representatives' territories, but they shall not be able to cast an own vote. Other non-governmental actors can be invited to speak in the IOF with a simple majority on a case by case base.

4. Membership implies the duty to share the burden of the continued maintenance of the International Open Forum equally among all member states, unless otherwise specified.

Article Two: Sessions of the International Open Forum Plenum

1. Sessions shall be conducted every three months, unless decided otherwise by the Plenum of the International Open Forum.

2. Sessions shall be organized in a location organized by a member state voted upon in the previous session. Should after two rounds of votes no host be decided upon by the IOF Plenum, the location shall default to the International Open House, Independent Democratic Republic of Kashtan.

3. The Plenum shall be the main body of decision making among the nations of Europe and resolutions shall be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) plurality of submitted ballots.

4. Each resolution shall be voted upon for a period of five full days, after which point its result is to be entered into the records of the International Open Forum stored in the International Open House, Independent Democratic Republic of Kashtan.

5. Every representative in the IOF Plenum has the right to propose resolutions to be voted upon by the members of the IOF as described in Sections 3. and 4. of this Article.

6. The Chairman of the IOF Plenum for any particular Session shall be the representative of the hosting nation, unless agreed upon otherwise.

Article Three: Chairman of the IOF Plenum
Amended July 25, 2005 by Amendment II-PL

1. The Chairman of the International Open Forum Plenum is charged with maintaining order within the International Open Forum Plenum and give insightful comments on the matters at hand.

2. The Chairman of the International Open Forum Plenum is charged with coordinating the voting proceedings and maintain order during the Session.

Article Four: Expansion Clause

1. The nations of the International Open Forum shall seek to establish further organs and sub-organizations of the IOF that will further cooperation among the members of this body in accordance with the provisions of Article 2, while giving due respect to the principle of national sovereignty and respect for the integrity of its member states.

2. Sub-organizations shall be based in the International Open House, unless otherwise specified.

A barebones document. It would have to do for now.


Established Nation
Nov 1, 2006
Iowa, USA
Schlabrendorff always carried a black-covered notebook with creamy white blank pages inside and a fine pen. Now he had these out in front of him, using the pen to write notes as the droning went on...

"The task at hands is nothing less than the maintenance of perpetual peace in Europe under the auspices of the international community."

As the task at hand was described by Lyam, the count wrote the speaker's name in his notebook and circled it a few times to add emphasis and then jotted down in big letters: ANTICHRIST? A smile.

The speech concluded and the draft of the charter was distributed. Taking up his own copy, Schlabrendorff glanced through it quickly. The smile lingered as he took in the substancelessness of the document.


Establishing Nation
Nov 27, 2016
Anor Londo
Zweigler was somewhat over-awed by the displays of state power that were, well, everywhere in Kashtan. Having grown up in far more lassez-faire Bergenheim, she knew she should disdain such largesse and displays of grandiose authoritarianism. But she couldn't deny it was effective, and she felt very small amongst the many delegates, looking down at the centre of the auditorium.

She pursued her copy of the initial draft for the IOF charter. It seemed oddly familiar, and she recalled the anodyne and lifeless Universal Charters she and her fellow students had drafted in Politics class. The only thing missing, she wryly noted, were virtuous declerations of the rights of all men etcetera etcetera. But she supposed that sort of thing would come later.

Still, something nice but empty of difficult or meaningful commitments was exactly the sort of thing she could comfortably commit her nation to, and in so doing ease any anxieties about her appointment. The tricky bit now was to find a way to get everyone to talk in circles without substantially altering the lack of substance in this document.

Looking around, she suspected that might not be as tricky as she thought...

She saw Herr Jedreck sitting not too far away from her. She couldn't exactly wave, but she gave him an encouraging smile. Poor man was already getting besotted, she thought. Still, if things were going to continue to be this dull and purposeless, maybe she could find time for a little entertainment on the side...


Establishing Nation
Aug 13, 2007
Jedreck had enjoyed the drive from the hotel to this... monstrosity. Not much different than Beo... no, NeuBeo... er, Pochenk... urm, Santo Dumas... DAMMIT, whatever Big Brother is calling the capital these days. Of course the buildings back home were big, but far less expensive and elegant.

Inside the International Open House, Jedreck was led to his assigned seat in the forum. The speech began, but the Foreign Minister's thoughts were elsewhere. There was actual BUSINESS to be conducted this today. And it had nothing to do with this IOF nonsense.

When the Charter arrived, Jedreck was polite enough to glance through it. But during the pause in proceedings while everyone was digesting the document, Maximilian's eyes started to stray and fell upon Zweigler. Across the distance, their eyes met and the woman smiled at him! Jedreck's pulse quickened as he smiled and nodded back.
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Establishing Nation
Mar 2, 2010
Ba Yazhao perused the document with abject interest, still sullen over his inability to communicate with his Ostrovakian counterpart earlier. The document at hand was imperfect, he knew. The capacity for the organization to be dominated by a simple majority stood to place the People's Republic at risk. New Communist nations would be prevented from joining due to petty politics, and the IOF risked failure for that simple reason. He'd have to raise that as an issue to the delegates at a later time, however - there was always another solution for the Communists. They could withdraw from dialogue completely; negotiating with Capitalists was sickening enough. If they deigned to surround themselves with sycophants in an organization such as this, then the IOF had already failed.

(OOC: ninja edited due to OP edits, no ECJ exists)
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Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Vice-Chancellor Kögler was impressed by the grandeur. The Kashtanese had dressed a part of the country to impress, that was clear. But he was realist enough to consider this a façade. He had been Minister for Foreign Affairs for eight years; he had seen it all. He also realised well enough that what the Kashtanese President preached in front of the international community was not completely what he practiced in Kashtan. OK, also Eiffelland had its dark sides, but nevertheless. Kashtan was clearly an authoritarian country.
One thing was not clear to Kögler, and that was the answer to the question: Was President Lyam just overzealous or was he wicked? The answer to that question would also be the answer to the question: What exactly did President Lyam want to achieve with the IOF? Kögler thought that there were ample signs for a hidden agenda on President Lyam’s side. One sign was the fact that everybody was enormously pushed to use the Golden Pillar Hotel during the conference. The conference attendees could be sure that they were spied on, for whichever reason. Well, at least the Eiffellandians were doing something back. Schönberg must have composed his music for this kind of occasions.

The members of the Eiffellandian delegation accepted their copies of the draft charter with a smile and a polite “thank you”. Then they started to discuss it. The main outcome of the discussion was that the organisation would start as a more or less apolitical international organisation. But maybe that was a good starting point. The organisation had to solve disputes between nations, and then it had to be as neutral as possible in order to obtain any level of authority. The price for that neutrality was indeed that dictators had their hands free within the borders of their countries.
The Eiffellandians also saw the disadvantage of the need of a simple majority to block countries from becoming a member of the IOF. Indeed, the non-communist countries could use that power to keep communist countries out. That seemed advantageous, but the IOF would lose any importance on the international stage, and with that its authority, if something like that would happen. Would it be needed to amend the draft in such a way that something like that would not happen?

The Eiffellandian delegation decided to mention this problem during the plenar session.

Great Engellex

Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
London, UK
Thank you, uttered the Countess of Londinjou, Anne Siward, the President of the Northern Constituent Republics, in a plummy and distinguished accented Kashtanese. The aides of Gurak Lyam dutifully delivered copies of the Charter of the International Open Forum to herself, Lord Boxer the Chairman, and Southern President Seraphina Underwood.

She pulled back her shoulders and lifted her chin to observe, as she did, the assembled representatives, be it Secretaries of State, Chairmans, Presidents, or mere ambassadors. An International Open Forum that seeks to secure the equality of voice from each member nation, with no regard of size, or rank - economic or military. The Countess of Londinjou was not alone on the Engellexian side with respect to her very mixed sentiments toward this grand and democratic initiative. She admired it, but was equally repulsed by it. The Engellexian Republic should share a diplomatic platform evenly with obscure entities that is a trouble in itself to recall their existence, entities such as Arcadia, Beira, and Crotobaltislavonia? If it were not for the natural curiosity of Dulwich to all affairs foreign, it would be quite an effrontery, but - and this is quite a but - the rank of the Republic was not what it once was. Consider it then thusly, she thought, a polite guarantee of continued Angelli-Lexen voice in European diplomatic affairs, no matter or what ever shall be the future circumstance of Engellexian international standing. As an aristocrat, and a First Republican, she quickly dismissed such defeatist suggestions:- the Engellexian Republic is a proud, progressive sovereign State of respectable strength, not to be trifled. Yes, quite right, she resolved to herself.

They were seated in the middle, or almost to the middle, of the semi-circular arrangement. To the left of Chairman Lord Boxer was sat the Northern President, Anne Siward. Subtle dove grey was deemed the suitable choice of colour for her coat dress, embroidered with Engell roses, given the sensitive and dignified nature of the event. Within the heart of these embroidered roses one might glimpse a sparkle, a glint, for there are hundreds of tiny diamonds of the highest quality. Should the other attendees be rather flat and a little deaf to the detail of her sartorial elegance, then they shall find themselves unable to not give notice to the Londinjou family tiara - a diamond festoon-and-scroll design surmounted by nine large oriental pearls on diamond spikes and set on a base of alternate round and lozenge collet diamonds between two bands of more diamonds. Royal aspirations? No, this was definitely imperial. And to complete her chosen wardrobe, the Countess was under the belief that, a quality line of pearls round her neck, would provide a sufficient understatement to her own personally enjoyed opulence. How daft.

Since the Republic last met with the nations of Europe, it was vowed to not ever declare ourselves to a marriage to any assortment of international organisations that may seek to impose upon our civilised character, spoke the Northern President with command and authority to the Chairman and Southern President. Are we to hope that one of their God's does indeed bless this.. union of mixed European breeding? She chuckled, inwardly.

Before I congratulate you, Countess, on your keen readings of history, spoke the baritone voice of the Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Joint Committee, Lord Boxer. I must respectfully remind you that we are required to represent the sovereignty of the Engellexian Republic in these delicate proceedings, as instructed by Parlement. Are you, therefore, forfeiting your position as a representative of the Republic? He asked, rather flatly.

An impertinent question, Lord Boxer, she replied. But I would forget being wicked, quite before you forget yourself. Anne Siward was only a Countess, rather than a Duchess, but the Siward family was wealthy as it was old, and it is considered one of the first Angelli-Lexen families of political standing.

How does one qualify their displeasure at any resolution deemed disagreeable to one's interest, when the votes are terribly stacked against them? Questioned Southern President Seraphina Underwood, her insincerity to the subject being well protected behind the smooth face and soft, authoritative tone that cut across the assembly to deliver her question to the International Open Forum.
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Establishing Nation
Mar 2, 2010
It would take forever for the room to begin to discuss, he knew. The document, he had decided, could only get worse were others to continue opposing bit by bit. In the end, it would be a useless skeleton, another ornament one forgot about and ignored. He had decided against opposing the accession by vote; were this not the implement, what manner of atrocious insurgencies and false nations with hollow words and empty votes might be met with open arms? He rose, this time to push the conversation forward rather than allow it to collapse.

The female military attendant at his side swiftly rose without being bid, ready to parrot his words into elegant yet accented English. "The documents purpose... indeed the forums... is the resolute pursuit of peace and harmony among nations. Peace is difficult to achieve. Too often it is with blood and not words purchased. This forum represents a great opportunity. Yet many among you have worries... how this can be used against you. How it can prevent certain policies."

He continued speaking for a moment before realizing that his aide was constructing the English as he spoke, giving her a moment to catch up. "Is peace so threatening to your nations that you should not strive to achieve it?" she spoke again, confidently. "Are your nations' dead sons and daughters the future price of unspoken words? This document is not ideal. I would like to see more in it. But a good compromise cannot allow anyone to be happy." Ba Yazhao held up the document aloft, continuing, "this document is simple. It only offers the most basic tools of success. If any part were stricken, there would be for us no point in being here. This is what I expected in its essence, were I now to deconstruct this, I would reveal only an intention to prevent this forum. As would any other person. I challenge anyone to change this document to be more acceptable by all - if not, then we should proceed." Ba proceeded to sit, arms folded, swiftly accompanied by his aide.
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Staff member
Aug 16, 2007
Grasstown ND
Captain Sidarova leaned quickly into a microphone as soon as the communist duo was finished speaking: "If Xinhai is prepared to publicly and formally strive for peace, then let Mister Ba first begin by stating for the record that his nation will never under any circumstances declare or pursue a war with The Ostrovakian League without IOF backing and resolution."

"If this can be done then The Ostrovakian League is prepared to do the same as a member of this organization. We do not wish to pay the aforementioned price of dead sons and daughters for failing to speak here today either!"

Certain she had shocked or offended most of the present parties, Melania Sidarova none the less bowed towards the First Gentleman of Xinhai then turned and smiled to her Chernovic counterpart and paid him a wink to keep his and that of his nation's interest swelling.


Establishing Nation
Mar 2, 2010
The swiftness with which Ms. Sidarova spoke startled Mister Ba, whose face turned to steel as the woman beside him leaned in and relayed to him the words she had spoken. He nodded for a moment, what must have seemed an eternity for the others in the room, and looked to his aide who leaned in to the mic as he prepared to speak.

"I can promise that the People's Republic will not declare war on the Ostrovakian League," the military aide stated. Her discipline was fierce, for Ba knew that she herself did not believe the words themselves, and yet still they carried the strength of conviction. Conviction in the belief that her government was just and would conduct the right action. That belief, unwavering as it was, lent an irony honesty to the words. "Only if our two nations continue to communicate. Peace is the product of dialogue. If the delegate from Ostrovakia desires this, then we can pursue peace. If the delegate should not, then I can only promise that there will be no --," the translator paused, considering the word to say for only a fraction of a moment, but it was clear that Mister Ba had spoken with multiple meanings. "Rapprochement," the word left her lips and lingered in the air.

Ba had intentionally chosen a word used customarily in literature and poetry, one that even a fluent foreign speaker would have difficulty interpreting. His aide had been careful, yet deliberate, in her selection of words. Rapprochement was, in fact, an elegant choice, for it adequately described the rapidly deteriorating relations between the two states. It had taken every bit of restraint for Ba not to lash out; there was much to be angry about. It was not the People's Republic which was under the jackboot of a military regime, with no accountability to a civilian government preventing it from pursuing war. Furthermore, it was not the People's Republic's intent to pursue war - war was the last resort. Yet, it was foolish of Sidarova to begin insinuating that the People's Republic, or any nation present for that matter, would not prosecute a war against an aggressor without the consent of the IOF. But he had chosen to not chastise the naive young girl, for her inexperience betrayed her - by her very words, she had sworn her own nation to the very same commitment, and Ba found it unlikely that a military would so readily release it's capacity to defend itself. He leaned back, content with the words he had spoke. His aide remained stiff, her jaw muscles twitching as she relaxed them. One could only imagine her worries; a wrong translation, or even a right one, could result in a ... serious conversation with the commissar back home.


Established Nation
Nov 1, 2006
Iowa, USA
Part of the opulence of the House was that in addition to the ostentatiousness, the builders had thought of everything as far as an actual meeting place. Schlabrendorff could look up through the glass into the chamber that overlooked the meeting hall where interpreters of all languages worked, speaking into mics that fed their language feeds into the headphones of the assemblage. Indeed, the count had his snuggly fitted over his ears and had the "Germania Standard" feed chosen. Knowing the Engellix tongue though as well, it was interesting to catch the subtle differences in translation. Schlabrendorff jotted down a note to seek out the recordings of the IOF for analysis when he returned home.


Establishing Nation
May 13, 2010
In the days following Custodian Roger Roy Willis' initial standing for the High Kingdom of Warre and its realms, the combined Presidium of the Warreic Realms had met and discussed quite a bit, including whom to place in charge of their diplomatic detachment in the matter. In the end, the Warreic maverick from the southern lands whom was already there had been chosen as the principal speaker for their delegation but a pair of other dignitaries, and a small group of bodyguards had arrived at the Golden Pillar Hotel.

Discussions had made, and now the cowboy hat wearing Warreicman sat beside a demure looking Warreic-woman of what many would consider mixed or otherwise confusing stock, wearing a simple and professional black dress, and finally a bearded man who's hair was long and braided and who wore a traditional Warreic tartan kilt and tunic, with a suitcase in his hand and a plaid over his left shoulder – fastened by a pendant in the shape of the crowned red hand emblem of his clan, the Clan Ui Ryan.

The trio read over the document in silence and did not speak up even as arguments and subtle accusations were thrown but soon began to whisper to one another in thick Warreic.

“Exactly what does this group plan to make of itself by allowing an international vote on things? Are we expected to simply allow diplomatic fiat to allow Kashtan to call itself the fourth Tibur in all but name or something? That sort of thing is innately unpalatable because not all nations in the world are even in attendance here and what is viewed as 'reasonable and normal' to some is insane to others. You know the insanity of Elephant and Castle's systems.”

Surprisingly the first words of the conversation came from the woman, who's hair was cut in a medium length stylish fashion but whom otherwise did not favor any kind of real adornment, unlike her male counterparts.

“Well, you may be right there, Sylvia, but it doesn't mean that the idea of a dedicated place to allow for peace discussions to be applied and for non-military or economic force be applied from the nations of the world to stop conflict is a bad idea.” Roger replied, tilting his hat towards her to further obscure anyone watching what he was saying. While truly fluent speakers of Warreic at the table were not likely to be found outside of the three of them, and those who could lipread Warreic were all the less likely, it did not mean he should be incautious.

The long haired Ui Ryan man gave a simple nod, before speaking up. “That may be true, but if we don't say anything how can we be sure that will be the aim? Imagine it if this was used by the Long Sea Imperialist bloc to try to force some international ban on abortions? Not that it could not be ignored at a national level, no one is going to give up their sovereignty in a way that allows for an international body to snoop or stop their own purely domestic activities, but it could be used to kick out or bar member nations from participating in things, and the more power this organization has, the more a threat it is to the nations of the world to not be considered a member state. We should say as much or at least bring forth some of that argument.”

Roger, having been the one given the position of speaker for their delegation, did exactly that, speaking up to the assembled group while holding his copy of the document.

“As this organization was first explained, it was supposed to be a diplomatic discussion point, not some kind of world senate, am I incorrect? How could excluding any nation which is legitimately recognized by the nations of the world from a chance of speaking out for diplomacy and its aims be something we should step into doing? All it would do is create some defanged international version of the Rurikgard Pact or Trier Accord, or worse if we allow any attempt at world legislation come from vote. Any suggestions for world law should be opt in for the nations, and all legitimate nations should be allowed membership. If it is to be an organ for diplomacy all should be able to plead their case.”


Super Moderator
Staff member
Jul 17, 2010
Vice Chancellor Carlos Ribeiro smiled as the Kashtanese approached him.

"Indeed it is, Minister. I must say that at least for us, the Labour Party, the cracks of the Social-Fascist regime have been clear for decades already, but it seemed that only when the revolutionary consciousness of the coal miners has manage to unite them and make them begin their strike, we started to act, to be sure that the regime would be destroyed. If not, it might have ended up consolidated," he stopped a took a sip of water. He was a teetotaler and never drank alcohol.

"As for our... friends in Christopolis, well, as much as we have at first been told by them that they wouldn't mind a regime change in Beira, it seems that the fact that the event really took place has concerned them. We are in full alert out of any signs coming from them. It is not just an ideological quarrel, what we have with them, but a historical one too. The real Tiburan nations like Beira and Andaluz have never settled with the fact that our Pelasgian neighbors are usurping our history and claim the whole of North Himyar by naming themselves the Southern Tiburan Empire. No, the Beiran Army is on alert. It may be small, but it is highly trained and well motivated. If it will come to the use of weapons, let me assure you, we will prevail," he took another sip of water.

"The real problem might be intelligence. It seems that this might be the new generation through which warfare takes place. There are concerns that this group terrorizing our country with attacks and assassinations, might have some external support and I don't think I need to openly say whom do we suspect."


Staff member
Oct 30, 2006
Tokyo, Japan
Lyam gave the Ostrovakian and Xinhai delegations an uneasy look. What on earth is this about? Couldn't they have found a more convenient place to explode into quarrels?

He decided to, under greatest self-restrain, ignore their exchange for now. If it were to flare up again, he would have to intervene, but the last thing he wanted to do was to acknowledge something that had the potential to derail the entire procedures.

"First of all, I thank the honorable delegation from Warre for their input", the Kashtanese began, slightly lowering himself closer towards his microphone.

"It is not the position of my government that we envision this forum as a world senate with legislative power. We envision it as an open invitation for governments to share their concerns. As sovereignty can be a contested issue, we included a very generous provision for a definition of legitimacy as concerns the IOF into our proposal, so as to minimize the risk of a rupturing of this organization over minutiae. The rationale behind this proposal is that we want governments to talk, not international entities."


Established Nation
Nov 1, 2006
Iowa, USA
As Lyam finishes speaking, Schlabrendorff, slapped his hand against whatever table was in front of him several times, one-handed applause, a sign of approval for these words supporting national sovereignty, his king's sovereignty.

Great Engellex

Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
London, UK
With narrowed eyes and pursed lips, that quickly gave way to a mouthed very well, the Southern President reclined her person away from the microphone with such rigidity, that only a fool would not be able to interpret Seraphina's back being thoroughly stuck right up. No, the confidence of the Southern President in this exercise of international cooperation was quite swiftly evaporated.

Though the Chairman, Lord Boxer, undoubtedly saw himself as the Lord of all things external and foreign, with regard to the Engellexian Republic, the inability of Gurak Lyam to acknowledge the question of the Southern President, for whatever reason, was proving a little bit of an irritation.

Dulwich does not concern itself with matters beyond the Thaumantic and, by natural geographic extension, the Clarencian. A regional power, absolutely. But was an invitation honestly extended to be reminded of the irrelevance of the Republic on a truly European scale? Yes, or no, this first session was already qualifying to being described as unworthy, if not insulting.

I will reiterate the question, quite serious, that was put forward by the President of the Southern Constituent Republics, boomed the baritone of Lord Boxer through his microphone.

Resolutions - unreasonable, unacceptable, or just not of worth - the interest of the Engellexian Republic, or, indeed, any other nation here - now represented. How would one express displeasure at such a resolution? A resolution, especially so, with votes tallied quite in its favour? The simplicity of an opposing vote is not enough to hold the confidence of the Republic, we must insist on some mechanism that serves to have the European community acknowledge the absolute disagreement of the Republic to any resolution that may be produced at our great displeasure.

he continued. It is hoped that there does not exist any sentiment - in this Charter, or Assembly - to bind member nations to any resolution that may, indeed, be produced from this place.