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Establishing Nation
May 8, 2015
Friuli - Italy
Circivent, Bluetarie County

"What does it mean that we cannot go to Bourgogne? What does it mean that it is not safe? Bourgogne is our second home, if Bourgogne is not safe then even more it is right that we intervene, this militarised border is illegitimate and senseless! are the soldiers really perched here to protect us? or perhaps to hide the truth? that a different way of living is possible, that workers can have rights and power as well as duties! "

Jordan Savatier stopped talking while people applauded around him

"and where are the televisions to immortalise this army of citizens with a soul divided into two? where are the newspapers? slaves of the Cjaminet!"

the applause continued, among the crowd some flag with the symbol of the Papavar party poked out, and also some red flag.
Although the demonstration was not so extensive, and the majority of the citizens of the three counties bordering the popular republic of Bourgogne were in favour of the strong military presence on the border, a large number would have wanted to join the event, if only to protest the decision of the government not to intervene militarily when it would have been sensible to do, and the words of Savatier would certainly have spread in the days to follow.

But this line of thought had shaken many heads in the party, since when the Rôs were an interventionist party? The leader himself had repeatedly expressed his dissatisfaction with his fellow party member, but Savatier's influence in the northern counties limited his actions to a mere reproach, losing a figure so important to a large piece of the electorate would not have helped the party.

On the other hand, the Vuaite Nazionâl felt like they were under attack, seeing such a deeply rooted topic as the army and the action abroad shyly being stolen away from them was humiliating, the failure to act in Bourgogne due to internal disagreements between interventionists and the moderates that feared repercussions on the motherland had blocked a resolute government action, and the fortification of the northern border had been the only agreed move.


Establishing Nation
May 8, 2015
Friuli - Italy
Frontarije County

A group of people was walking towards a military roadblock on the border with the People's Republic of Bourgogne, "chivalì! - stop!" an officer shouted, but the group moved on "fêrs! - halt!" the officer shouted again, pointing the rifle towards the group, followed by the other soldiers. but soon he recognised a familiar face: Jordan Savatier, at the head of the group, proceeded with a fixed gaze towards the soldiers, with the intention of continuing straight on and reaching Angeaux; a demonstration expected to fail, but certainly of scenic effect.
The officer lowered the rifle
"le strade a je siarade, se no vês un permès dal givuern lait vîe"
"the street is closed, if you don't have government permission go away"

Savatier at this point was in front of the officer, physically blocked by the guarding soldiers
"laissez-nous passer!" he shouted, causing the group to cheer

The officer, being quite a patriotic individual first, and a Vuaitie voter secondly, lost his temper pretty fast
"Arrestait chel cojon!"
"Arrest that moron!"

For the following two hours Savatier was kept in the military police station of the nearby city, after answering a few questions, calling a few friends, and receiving yet another reprimand from the party leader, was released with no charges, a better fate than others of his entourage, that, in the heat of the moment, started a fight with the soldiers as they were arresting him.
He was gaining more and more popularity in the Frankish-only minority of the north, and with the most left-leaning of the northern duchy, a good thing for him, but less for the party, as it risked to lose the key moderate majority, giving more power to the Vuaite Nazionâl.
But winning elections wasn't his objective for the moment; the old leader, Auristiç Morèt, was getting old, too old to keep the reins of the party, but there was no certain heir, not for such an iconic institution of a man. for Jordan Savatier, it was time to build a new legend for himself, to win his place at the verge of the Papavar party.


Establishing Nation
May 8, 2015
Friuli - Italy
Rossini Palace, Papavar party Headquarters

"O votìn insieme, ben, minimo! ostidio! Jordan viôt di dati una calmade, varin mico di butati fûr!?"

"We vote together, good, that's the minimum! §%$! Jordan you need to calm down, do we need to throw you out!?" shouted Auristiç Morèt, and a strange silence fell upon the room; all the present members looked at Morèt, he felt something was wrong even before Juste Prudèlis started speaking
"O rispieti lis tôs decisions, compagn Morèt, ma Savatiêr al sa chel cal fâs, a podares portanus vôts in te Franchetiare. il partît al vares di judalu, no varesin di cumbati fra nô"
"I respect your decisions, comrade Morèt, but Savatiêr knows what he's doing, he could bring votes from Franchetiare. the party should help him, we shouldn't fight among each other"

"O savin ducj quancj ce cal ûl il 'siôr' Jordan: sbati fûr compagn Morèt e fa dal Papavar il so gruput di sustenidôrs. vino dimenticât ce ca Morèt al a fat par nô? isal diventât stupit dut un colp? Juste, tu mi deludis une vore... o vin un čhâf, e si fâs ce cal dîs il čhâf, no sin anarchists, se o pensait ca Morèt nol va plui ben, votailu fûr, e viodin so vês i numars"
"We all know what 'mr.' Jordan wants: throw out comrade Morèt and make of the Papavar his personal team of supporters. have we forgotten what Morèt did for us? has he become stupid all of a sudden? Juste, you disappoint me a lot... we have a head, and we do what the head says, we're not anarchists, if you think Morèt isn't good enough anymore, vote him out, let's see if you have the numbers" said Flavi Maneis, seemingly angered

Morèt undrstood his time to leave was approaching, he had done a lot for the party and for Furlanìe, but in the recent years little was done to oppose the Vuaite, and now even Maneis, close friend for years, was hinting at a leadership vote.
"Scoltaimi... o stoi vignint masse vecjo par supuartà chistis tìchignes, o speravi di la a saludà San Pieri prime di molâ il partît, e magari dopo cal Duche Majôr a nus molave definitivamentri... ma chiste a e le storie, o restarai čhâf di partît ancjemò fino alle conclusion dal affâr ODS, dato ca le Siore Massàn oramai mi ha cjapât in cunfidence, e podopo o fesarìn une cunvigne par decidi il gnûf čhâf dal Papavar"
"Listen to me... I'm getting too old to tollerate these quarrels, I hoped to meet with Saint Peter before leaving the party, and possibly after the Grand Duke finally left us... but this is the situation, I'll remain party leader until we ended this ODS matter, since Siore Massàn at this point gained some confidence in me, and after that we will have a meeting to decide the new Papavar leader" the room fell silent again, but this time everyone was with him.


Establishing Nation
May 8, 2015
Friuli - Italy
Grand Ducal Palace of Cjalemâr, Graudisçe County

The Grand Duke was listening to Regîs Dagârm claims over the importance of Friulian collaboration with the ODS, bolstered by the confirmation of both him and Bernars as most supported members of the party by the nation. Dagârm knew he was in no real strong position to insist, as he was loosing the party leadership to his friend, of which success was partly shadowed by Massàn and Grenelut, but also knew that the Grand Duke was hoping in a greater success for Contesse Agnês Massàn, to force his own policy to parliament.
With these premises and the remaining internal instability of the Vuaite, the Grand Duke had an opportunity to find a common ground for the party to proceed and govern well the nation, or throw it away and insist with his own ideas.
Grand Duke Fiorbèrt stood up from his Bergjerut wooden armchair:
"Le vitorie dal vuestri plan a e inconfutabile, in quant Duche Majôr de int ca us supuarte o vi concêt di proseguì cunt il plan di svicinament cun le ODS; ma, sint ca le Cortesane Massàn e a dimostrât ca la cuintri le volontât de Corone cussì platealmentri nol è ben viodût de me int, o deliberi ca le Reìne dal Pitòc Reâm de Etrurie no sedi ricognosude de Furlanìe. le me opisizion a e legâl, sacre, e imperative, le Corone, sore qualsiasi e qualtaltri decision de Cunvigne Nazionâl, si rifiutarà di portà in denant inquintris e salamalecs di qualsiasi e qualtaltri dimension cun le matrone Etruriane, dacchè une Corone a nâs par desideri di Diu in primis, e dal popul in secundis; cjamâsi Reìne proclamade da une sempliče assemblê popolâr tal timp di une dì a no a valôr se no svilanâ le regalitât di ogni nobil e patrizi dal mont in tiare e tal Ream dal Signôr."
"Your project victory is irrefutable, as Grand Duke of the people who support you, I grant the permission to proceed with your plan of further approaching the ODS; but, as Cortesane Massàn proved that working against the Crown will so blatantly is frowned upon by my people, I rule that Furlanìe shall not recognise the Queen of the Petty Kingdom of Etruria. my opposition is legal, sacred, and imperative, the Crown, over any decision of the Cunvigne Nazionâl, will refuse to participate to any diplomatic meeting or operation of any kind with the Eutririan matron, as a Crown is created firstly by God, and only secondly by the people; calling herself Queen proclaimed by a mere popular assembly in a single day has no effect but debasing the regality of every noble and patrician on this world and in the Kingdom of the Lord."

Although not a full victory, as such an action would certainly bring a good amount of diplomatic issues to the table, the decision was leaving Dagârm and Bernars the freedom to continue with their foreign policy, and bring to a close, at least temporarily, the party internal squabble on the matter
"O crôt ca il me confradi Siôr Bernars al supportarà le so decision, a cussì o farai ancje o, o ringrazi le so alteçe pe audiziòn, nus viodarìn plui tart par discuti de cariche di Confenonîr, bon gustà" Dagârm shook hands with Fiorbèrt and left the room.
"I believe my colleague Siôr Bernars will support your decision, and so do I. I thank your highness for receiving me, we'll meet later to discuss about the Confenonîr office, I wish you a good lunch"


Establishing Nation
May 8, 2015
Friuli - Italy
The tensions inside the Papavar party were getting worse, the promise of Auristiç Morèt to step down at the end of the first ODS negotiations was getting postponed time and time again, as the old leader cooperated with the "Vuaite duo", Dagarm and Bernars, to keep the road to the ODS alive through therapeutic obstinacy.

It was clear to all in the Papavar, that this stubborn insistence of running after an impossible positive relation with the ODS was against the strategic national interests, as even the Grand Duke himself was repeating from the start that the only way was closer ties with the kadikistani Union.

The inevitable shift in popular perception, strengthened more and more by the organisation domineering attitude and the Vuaite inability to reach an agreement, was fuelling Jordan Savatier's internal fight for power.

His protests against the closing of the border with the BPR weren't forgotten by the public, that at first looked at him as an idiot thirsty of attention, but as time passed, learned to recognise his farsightedness.

Inside the party more and more people turned their loyalty to Savatier, and the power struggle finally reached a tipping point as the rumours about the negotiations reached the chambers of the Cunvigne Nazionâl.

The final act was played by the fellow Papavar member Flavi Maneis, a self-made man, loyal to Moret only for the convergence of their ideas, and not tied by favours as Juste Prudèlis was.

After months of threats, Savatier finally formally required a vote of no confidence towards Moret, in the evening of the 17th of June the Papavar MPs where called in assembly at the Rossini Palace.

"Al è vignût il moment di rivà a un dončhe, o soi sigûr ca o votarâs par il miôr de nestre natzion e o podarìn lassâ chiste vicende al passât"
"It is time to figure this out, I am sure you will all vote for the best interest of the country and we will leave this unpleasant event behind us"
Said Moret at the end of a brief speech to the assembly.

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..."Par: 43, Quintri: 44. O nunzi ca le samblee e a votât in majorançe quintri Siôr Auristiç Morèt, sichè o diclari le fin dal mandât di čhâv partît di Siôr Morèt"
"For: 43, Against: 44. I herby announce that the assembly has voted by majority against Siôr Auristiç Morèt, therefore I declare the end of the leadership mandate of Siôr Moret"

"Tu quoque..." commented Morèt, looking straight in the ayes of Maneis

"Le miôr citazion"
"The best quote" said Maneis
"Par chel cal vâl, al ere un mâl necessari par il partît"
"For what is worth, it was a necessary evil for the party" concluded, leaving the room together with the chaotic assembly discussing about the surprise result, and the future leadership

so ended 33 years of leadership, the man that brought the Papavar party towards a new era, was now thrown away, as yet another era was approaching.