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Nov 1, 2006
Virginia, USA
Windhaven, Gunnland
The Advocate
Informing the Inns of Court and all Gunnishmen since 1665.

Leader Agrees to Reopen The Ayr Post, Vows Return to "Business As Usual"

WINDHAVEN. Leader Bowerman (MT-Oa/West Isles) quickly closed a deal with Douglas MacLeish (MT-Dalmyre) to bring the five Liberal MTs boycotting the Thing back into the legislature. The Leader offered Mr. MacLeish a one-time offer to reopen The Ayr Post, denying that he had authority to overrule the heresy procedures against controversial Liberal thingwoman Cathy Birmingham (MT-Ayr).

Political observers said the deal fits with Mr. Bowerman's reputation as a pragmatic and irenic statesman, widely respected by lawmakers of all parties and factions. "Billy Bowerman certainly lacks the swaggering posture of Leader Blackthorn," said Dr. Ralph Rhyderch, professor of political science at the Marian University, "nor does he have the combative style or siege-mentality of other Integrity politicians of his generation."

Criticism of the deal was quickly muted in both Liberal and Integrity hardliner circles after Queen Julian released a statement praising the return of a "spirit of coöperation" and "mature statesmanship" to the Thing after months of deadlock.

The Leader gave a brief set of remarks blaming the "opacity of the law," including the constitutional Book of Gunni, for recent legislative deadlock and partisan maneuvering. "Gunnish jurists are rabbinical hermeneuts," Mr. Bowerman said, "scouring over ancient documents and producing very different readings. Modern societies need clarity and consistency in statutory interpretation." He appointed a legal advisory committee of six attorneys that includes three MTs: the enquêteur, Padraig B. Smith, the justiciar, Philippe Demai, and queen's counsel Dionysius G. MacHugh (MT-Highlands), former MTs Quint C. Muir and Geoffrey mA. Kennedy, as well as his wife, Mora MacMorgan Bowerman. The committee will produce summary reports of the laws as they apply to various contested domains: press freedoms, the rights and privileges of the Church, emergency executive powers, the separation of powers between 'King and Thing,' and other issues.

Before the first meeting of the committee, Mr. Bowerman announced a sit-down meeting with Stephen K. Lynn, editor of The Ayr Post, Joel C. MacPhail, MT and editor of The Advocate, and Coemgein Gallagher, the censor to discuss parameters for media printed for dissemination in the Kingdom of Gunnland.


Nov 1, 2006
Virginia, USA
Windhaven, Gunnland
The Advocate
Informing the Inns of Court and all Gunnishmen since 1665.

Libel Charges for Arundel Paper Over Rumors of Blackthorn Divorce
AYR. Hours after Leader Bowerman struck a deal to reopen the liberal-leading daily, The Ayr Post, the Arundel Parliament decided to impose a printing ban of its own upon the newspaper. Sources close to the Countess of Arundel say there were rumors that the paper would report that she was filing for divorce from former leader James B. Blackthorn.

Divorce is legal in the County of Arundel and the Duchy of Lower Marpesia.


Nov 1, 2006
Virginia, USA
Windhaven, Gunnland

matthew mLd. stolmand, MT

We can no longer say that, "we breathe Free Ayr." Last week we could say that the city of Ayr and all Arundalians were protected by the sensible, pragmatic MacLeod. We could be good Gunnishmen. And with Bishop Broithe's understanding of modern life, we could hold our heads up as good Catholics. Maybe we were about to even send the first Liberal to lead the Thing in 70 years.

That was a lifetime ago. It was inconceivable a week ago that the bishop would excommunicate Cathy, and the militants in Windhaven would find a way to jail her and steal an election just because she spoke her mind. The only power we Liberals have is our ability to communicate to the people through a free press. And now Countess Mary has taken that from us as well.

It is not our enemies in Windhaven, the religious zealots, the medieval-Catholic militants, who buffet us, but rather our old friends and protectors closer to home.

I know that there is a lot of hatred in the highlands towards the MacLeods. I know there is a lot of resentment Down-Wash towards the MacLeishes. Some of this resentment is justified, even if the way these clans acquired their wealth and ruled Gunnland in the 19th century is long in the past now. Other times it is entirely inexcusable, wrapped up in ridiculous atavisms, like the prevalent anti-Semitic rumors about the MacLeishes.

As a country we must find a way to communicate with one another and find common ground together. A radical far-right agenda emanating from the ancient power-centers of Windhaven is trying to divide us. They use old hatreds to divide us. After the people spoke in the elections of 2018, they hit back ferociously. And once it became clear they'd hold onto power, our craven ecclesiastics in nobility in Ayr have fallen into it. But have we the people really forgotten that we were on the cusp of democracy?

But what do I know? I'm just a teuchter's son from the mountains below Isbre.


Nov 1, 2006
Virginia, USA
Windhaven, Gunnland
The Advocate
Informing the Inns of Court and all Gunnishmen since 1665.

Admits Targeting MacLeods and MacLeishes From Late '70s
DALMYRE-SEAGUARD. Commander Patrick Gunn Gallagher issued an apology on behalf of the Gunnish Navy for its complicity in forcing out Keith, MacLeish, and MacLeod officers throughout the 1980s. "There was a coördinated effort to deny commands to the clans that formed the traditional backbone of the Gunnish Navy and Marines." The young commander admitted that his own elite education in Burgundian military academies, and quick rise to the ranks, was because he was a legatee of these policies. "The Gunnish Navy and the Kingdom of Gunnland is weaker today because of these discriminatory policies."

The apology comes amid a broad multiyear effort, beginning under former Leader James Gunn Gallagher, to modernize and rebuild the military in general and the Gunnish Navy in particular. Commander Gallagher (who is the the nephew of the former leader) said he hopes the apology and the appointment of a committee to review commission discrimination will encourage Keiths, MacLeods, and MacLeishes to seek commissions in the navy. "These three clans, in addition to the MacAllisters, make up a disproportionate number of the Gunnish merchant marine. I want them to know they are welcome on our warships and in positions of command."

Mark MacLeish, the new chief of Clan MacLeish, accepted the commander's "courageous apology." Countess Mary MacLeod of Arundel, en route to visit her subjects in the Commonwealth of Port Stanley, could not be reached. Harlan Keith refused comment.


Nov 1, 2006
Virginia, USA
Windhaven, Gunnland
The Advocate
Informing the Inns of Court and all Gunnishmen since 1665.

Complaints Emerge After High-Profile Judicial Retirements

WINDHAVEN. Ellen MacLeod Hunt, the circuit judge from Arundel, has made a public complaint that she was passed up for the High Court for political reasons. The complaint comes weeks after Michael MacLeish Held set his retirement date for next year as the seniormost judge, or chief justice, of the High Court. Judge Hunt says she was passed up because of the undue influence of Robert Gunn, chief of Clan Gunn, on the judiciary nomination process.

Royally appointed judges handle the vast majority of the caseload in the Kingdom. The Stone Chair selects judges from a slate of candidates chosen by the Leader, who are then approved pro forma by the Thing of All Gunnishmen. Even though the Thing serves as the court of last resort, MTs often rely on judges' briefs from the High Court.

The new chief justice, Daniel Keith MacTaigh, has been more willing to write opinions in favor of civil liberties and against the Church than his predecessor. He has frequently come into conflict with his more conservative and unusually outspoken colleague Padraig Cameron MacNeese. The retirement of Chief Justice Held and another more moderate judge, Ruth MacAllister Taylor, could create one or several openings on the High Court.

Clarifying legal precedent has been a major focus of the Leader, who has complained that Gunnish constitutional law is expressed in aphorisms, poems, and even stories. "Gunnish jurists are rabbinical hermeneuts," Mr. Bowerman said several weeks ago, "scouring over ancient documents and producing very different readings. Modern societies need clarity and consistency in statutory interpretation." His six-attorney legal advisory committee is set to review Judge Hunt's claims this week.

Leader Bowerman did not say what role his legal advisory committee would play in presenting a slate of judiciary candidates to Queen Julian.


Nov 1, 2006
Virginia, USA
Windhaven, Gunnland
The Advocate
Informing the Inns of Court and all Gunnishmen since 1665.

The MacLeod Leaves the Country for Azraqi Spice Islands
AYR. Stephen K. Lynn has been arrested for libel and giving scandal yet again. The famous newspaper editor is accused of spreading a story that Countess Mary and former Leader James B. Blackthorn are considering a divorce. Mr. Lynn was released on t10,000 bail.

Preliminary hearings are scheduled for next week. Judge Ellen mLd. Hunt will have to decide whether libel and scandal laws apply. The free-speech laws of the County of Arundel do not protect libel. However, attorneys retained by The Ayr Post insist that the Kingdom has no jurisdiction over internet publications that are not on Gunnish servers and which are intended for international publications.

Liberal statesman Matthew mLd. Stolmand (MT-Ayr) has been a vocal critic of the prosecution. He made a speech in the Thingstead arguing that a "pattern of harassment of liberal journalists" is "clearly politically motivated."

Countess Mary is leaving Ayr to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the independence of the Commonwealth of Port Stanley. First the MacLeod chieftess will stop in Kollam in the Azraqi Empire for what aides call a "much needed short vacation." Dr. Blackthorn will not join her; instead she will be accompanied by her younger brother, William MacLeod. Countess Mary became the de jure head of state in Port Stanley when she became Duchess of Lower Marpesia in 2015. The MacLeod was not available for comment.


Nov 1, 2006
Virginia, USA
Windhaven, Gunnland
The Advocate
Informing the Inns of Court and all Gunnishmen since 1665.

Foreign Investment Shatters Expectations in Dalmyre-Seaguard

DALMYRE-SEAGUARD. The Gunnish Motor Company posted record first-quarter earnings and announced the construction of a new automobile plant for the first time in 55 years. GMC executives said the company was rapidly increasing compact-car market share as Bourgogne automakers have been disrupted by political turmoil, and more recently Eiffellandian automakers have had exports disrupted by the Long Sea Crisis. "We don't just make pickup trucks," said CEO Nicholas MacAllister Cotswold, "in ten years we'll be the biggest player in the mid-size sedan market in Eiffelloretalia, mark my words."

A former businessman, Leader William MacDougall Bowerman alarmed supporters of longtime central banker Dr. Amittai MacLeod MacDuff by announcing that he might relax capital controls in order to attract foreign direct investment. Gunnland's strict banking rules have long been blamed by Ayr banks for slowing the Kingdom's economic growth and integration in global financial markets. But now relaxing controls no longer seems necessary.

"Where are you going to put your money in 2019?" Brendan Buchanan MacBoyle, vice-president at Mons Pietatis, points out. "Not along the Long Sea. Not in Bourgogne, anymore. Even things in Westernesse are heating up. You might take a risky bet in Himyari commodities, but if not, you're suddenly more willing to accept Gunnish regulations to invest in our industries. Gunnish manufactured goods have overland trade routes."

Padraig MacDougall MacFallon, senior vice president at the Bank of Arundel, agrees, jokingly. "They said Himyar would be the future after the Seven Days' War. Well guess what? The Pelasgians said, 'Hold my beer.' Investors don't like to hear their portfolios are gone because of a Mzuzu bombing. Am I even saying that right?"

Dalmyre and Seaguard were primary centers of the Industrial Revolution, briefly propelling Gunnland to great-power status in the 19th century and enriching the Camerons, MacAllisters, and MacLeishes in the process. By the 1880s they formed a single urban corridor in northwestern Gunnland. But the manufacturing megalopolis fell on hard times in the 1960s and 1970s, and the cities now form a gritty, rusty corner of the country. Now, many think that Gunnland stands on the cusp of a new prosperity.

But Andrew Mackowski at J.P. MacMorgan is a little more cautious. "Leader Bowerman has made a promising start, but it's important to realize the ASEG [Ayr Securities Exchange Group] is not going to hit 8,000 because of anything we're doing right, only because markets everywhere else are going haywire because t1.4 trillion in trade goods goes through the Long Sea every year. We need to seize this opportunity, and not squander the windfall."


Nov 1, 2006
Virginia, USA
Windhaven, Gunnland
The Advocate
Informing the Inns of Court and all Gunnishmen since 1665.

MacGarry: "We Are Going to Build a Whole Lot of Tanks Now"

WINDHAVEN. The Thing voted 17-6-2 to approve a 20% increase to the Gunnish Army budget this morning, in a bill that met only token Liberal resistance. The Army Council had asked for the increased funds to modernize Gunnish armor units, augment air power, and improve logistics for extended campaigns. The funding bill was attached as a rider to Leader Bowerman's major t100 billion investment package in Dalmyre-Seaguard.

"Our strategic intervention in the Seven Days' War proved that we could deploy very quickly, much more quickly than a larger Burgundian force," Colonel James Gunn Wilson said at the Thingstead, "but we simply require more firepower now." The Army Council has repeatedly stated that strategy plans are being reviewed after the dissolution of Burgundian control over Neustria and 15AR assessments that the threat-level from Kadikistan has significantly diminished. Although a historic land power, the Gunnish Army is largely designed to counter a mass infantry invasion in a defensive war of attrition. "Suddenly we're waking up after 40 years to realize that the war of the future may look different than we thought," Col. Wilson concluded.

Security experts have linked the announcement to leaked reports of a major Serenien military buildup. "There are a lot of factors at play in granting the colonels a bigger slice of the pie," Marian University political science professor Ralph Rhyderch explains, "One, confidence in rapid economic growth. Leader Bowerman thinks he can fund Prime Minister MacLean's social insurance reforms and increase the military budget all at once. Two, the need for a new post-Bourgogne regional security plan to give Gunnland the ability to project power into the Gallian power vacuum. Three, probably behind all of this is a sense that Eschenbach is beginning to overshadow Windhaven as the center of power in the North, and that Gunnland needs to reassert itself as a military power."

Army Council chairman Colonel Stephen MacAllister MacGarry has said that while the Gunnish Army looks to partner with Eiffelloretalian military industry to produce a new main battle tank in Gunnland, he was open to talks with other nations as well.


Established Nation
Jun 27, 2008
Karachi, Sindh
Commissariat for External Relations
The rhetoric emerging from the Windhaven Government is most damaging for the peace of the wider world. Allying itself so brazenly with the Eiffelloretalian regime will come to haunt Gunnland. It has never been the policy of this government to alarm or upset the governments of the North -- however we are deeply saddened that the Gunnish legislature has voted to redefine our strategic standing with one another.


Nov 1, 2006
Virginia, USA
Windhaven, Gunnland
Officium Legati + Regnum Marpesiae
Windhaven, Gunnland
Commissariat for External Relations
Villesen, Serenierre


The Kingdom of Gunnland is equally willing to buy Serenien MBT technology as Eiffelloretalian, or from any other national defense industry willing to develop the new MBT.



Nov 1, 2006
Virginia, USA
Windhaven, Gunnland
The Advocate
Informing the Inns of Court and all Gunnishmen since 1665.

GBI/EAMP: Former Gunnish Ambassador Alejandro Pelagio, 37, Was Murdered

AYR. Alejandro Pelagio, a Borovanger-born confidant of Countess Mary from their days at the Marian University and a former Gunnish ambassador to Bergenheim, was found dead this morning in Ayr harbor. A coroner's report confirmed he had been shot in the head at close range, and the corpse had been floating in the harbor for several hours until dawn. The Earl of Arundel's Mounted Police confirmed soon afterwards that a murder investigation was underway. "It's difficult to shoot yourself in the back of the ear," EAMP Captain Hamish mLd. MacDuff could not help but wryly tell a press conference.

The Gunnish Bureau of Investigation (GBI) is taking over the investigation, because the murder is potentially a matter of state security. Mr. Pelagio spent the evening prior to his decease at the Comital Palace with Countess Mary. Former Leader James Gunn Blackthorn has volunteered to be questioned by the GBI. "There are rumors circulating about my client's marriage to Her Grace, the MacLeod," attorney Dionysius Gunn MacHugh told reporters, "and with Countess Mary in Port Stanley, the former Leader wants to be completely forthcoming with the investigation of this tragic death."

No motive has been suggested by GBI or EAMP investigators.

Foreign Office colleagues remembered Mr. Pelagio as a capable diplomat and for his role in the Midweis Conference as a fierce opponent of Trier Concord meddling in Crotobaltislavonia during the Seven Days' War.


Established Nation
Jun 27, 2008
Karachi, Sindh
Officium Legati + Regnum Marpesiae
Windhaven, Gunnland
Commissariat for External Relations
Villesen, Serenierre


The Kingdom of Gunnland is equally willing to buy Serenien MBT technology as Eiffelloretalian, or from any other national defense industry willing to develop the new MBT.

Commissariat for External Relations
We would like to invite the relevant officials from the Kingdom of Gunnland to visit Serenierre to meet with our various defense companies for such a matter. Our equipment is well tested and high quality and robust, with proven combat capabilities.


Established Nation
Sep 8, 2018
A city rated more dangerous than Venezuela, MD
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Office of the Foreign Minister
We HIGHLY caution our Gunnish friends on ANY dealings with the radical, rogue Serenierren regime. We feel it will use whatever method to spread the contagion of the Red Menance. Money, religion, or perhaps WMDs again.

They have already wormed their way into Auraria. Look what they've become. This is why Socialism & Communism remains illegal in the Great Southern Kingdom of Justosia. That's our advice. God bless you. Viva Justosia.

Fernando Torres
Foreign Minister


Established Nation
Jun 27, 2008
Karachi, Sindh
You must be registered for see images

Office of the Foreign Minister
We HIGHLY caution our Gunnish friends on ANY dealings with the radical, rogue Serenierren regime. We feel it will use whatever method to spread the contagion of the Red Menance. Money, religion, or perhaps WMDs again.

They have already wormed their way into Auraria. Look what they've become. This is why Socialism & Communism remains illegal in the Great Southern Kingdom of Justosia. That's our advice. God bless you. Viva Justosia.

Fernando Torres
Foreign Minister
Private Moments | Elisabeth Martinique
Reading the statement, Elisabeth could only laugh. "Maybe this Fernando Torres and Julia Leverkuhn should have an affair. They have a similar daftness about them no?"

Bernard Lavosnier, sitting at the other end of the desk, smiled, "I must admit, if I ever feel bad, I pull up some of their statements. Makes me feel wonderful about myself."

"Don't even compare yourself to these disgraces. I have no problem with their opposition to us, but it seems they don't even think. How they became ministers, God only knows."


Nov 1, 2006
Virginia, USA
Windhaven, Gunnland
The Advocate
Informing the Inns of Court and all Gunnishmen since 1665.

GBI Dismisses Foreign Media Alleging Markenese Involvement

AYR. The Gunnish Bureau of Investigation announced that ballistic analysis of a Sylvanian-made Coonan HiCap found in Ayr harbor indicated it was the murder weapon in the open investigation surrounding the slaying of Ambassador Alejandro Pelagio last Friday evening. The GBI is looking into various political angles for the murder.

"It is difficult because of the number of political motives an assailant may have had," GBI agent Dan mA. MacMullen told reporters at a press conference in the Comital Palace today, "Ambassador Pelagio made a political career standing up to Eiffellandian imperialism, but he is also quite close to the MacLeods, which may suggest a more personal angle."

After an interview with former Leader James B. Blackthorn, the GBI has cleared him as a suspect in the murder case. Agent MacMullen did not comment on questions about alleged marital conflicts between Mr. Blackthorn and Countess Mary.

A bizarre theory gaining traction in the Engellosphere on the social media engine "Twatter," thanks in part due to radio personality Dale Emerick of the West Engell Republic, is that Ambassador Pelagio was killed by an agent from Gouw Marken. Skånes Tidningar och Telegraf in Jyskerige-Østveg reports that the Markenese have been accused of killing Prime Minister Birger Ola Hansson last month.

"I don't know what could possibly tie the two together," Agent MacMullen responded.


Nov 1, 2006
Virginia, USA
Windhaven, Gunnland
The Advocate
Informing the Inns of Court and all Gunnishmen since 1665.

Larkin and Gladstone-Pape Describe "Bold Plan" for Central Gallogermania

ÎLE-DES-PINS. President Lihi Hodiah of Crotobaltislavonia arrived in Île-des-Pins yesterday, the coastal capital of Lower Marpesia, for a three-party development conference that includes the foreign ministers from the Kingdom of Gunnland and the Grand Duchy of Lars. The Foreign Office has described the talks as "encouraging" without giving any specifics.

The Stone Chair announced that Queen Julian would make an unscheduled visit to the conference today, to thank the diplomats for their hard work. Her Majesty is known for a sometimes surprising personal touch in Gunnish diplomacy, for instance, striking a cordial relationship with Marshal Sergei Moravscik of Kadikistan to negotiate the "80th meridian agreement." Queen Julian is also widely seen as the motive force behind Gunnland's risky humanitarian intervention in Crotobaltislavonia during the refugee crisis amidst the Seven Days' War.

The failure of the Revitalization Treaty with Crotobaltislavonia, widely blamed on Kadikistani pressure on former President Valerian Fyodorov, was a major setback for Gunnland in general and Foreign Secretary Larkin in particular. Mr. Larkin has long attempted to secure trade corridors for Gunnish goods to reach markets in Eiffelland-Retalia. As Kadikistan's influence in the region appears to wane because of perceived domestic instability, as many observers think the Kadikistan-fueled Moravscik Plan has stalled, the Grand Duchy of Lars has stepped in as Crotobaltislavonia's primary benefactor.


Nov 1, 2006
Virginia, USA
Windhaven, Gunnland
The Advocate
Informing the Inns of Court and all Gunnishmen since 1665.

Imperialist Momentum Grows Among Marpesienne Conservatives, Ayr Liberals

ÎLE-DES-PINS. Théophile Gladstone-Pape, MT, denies that talk of a new "Holy Tiburan Empire" is fanciful, and says that one already exists in practice: "Gunnland and Elben are highly integrated economically and militarily already, and the latter is already in a personal union with Bourgogne. Plus, John XXIII is not going to live forever, and as the frankly heretical elements in Eiffelland continue to gain acceptance, the Church will need the imperial veto once again." The Holy Tiburan Empire, sometimes called the Frankish Empire because it was centered in Bourgogne, was a medieval elected monarchy that claimed the mantle of the ancient Tiburan empire.

There's one big problem. Who would the emperor be? Gladstone-Pape thinks the question is not as important as many people think. "The empire already exists in a de facto sense, but it is appropriate for the Church and the world to have an emperor, no matter how ceremonial the role. The King of Gunnland can keep his crown but become a new imperial elector, much like the King of Elben, and of course the traditional electorates like the Grand Duke of Bourgogne and the Elector of Lower Marpesia."

While imperialist support has always existed among the French-speaking marpesiennes that are hesitant about political Gunnicization, new voices have appeared to support the proposal, in part due to the popularity of Countess Mary of Arundel. The moderate liberal politician Matthew mLd. Stolmand, MT has endorsed an imperial proposal, in part, to secure the legal autonomy of the Free City of Ayr: "Gunnish law functioned better in the framework of imperial law, that's a fact."

Imperialism is far from a mainstream phenomenon, and though its support is growing, it gets a cool reception in the Highlands. The Gunns and their allied clans, the Buchanans, Camerons, and MacDougalls, tend to be jealous of Gunnish independence, and their own current political control of the Kingdom of Gunnland's existing elective monarchy.


Nov 1, 2006
Virginia, USA
Windhaven, Gunnland
The Advocate
Informing the Inns of Court and all Gunnishmen since 1665.

"The Rights and Liberties of the Church Is Gunnland's Paramount Concern"

WINDHAVEN. Queen Julian abruptly canceled a planned upcoming trip to the Southern Kingdom of Justosia. While the Stone Chair did not state the reasons, some have speculated that the reasons are related to issues surrounding toleration of the Catholic Church in "Protestant" Justosia. Royal spokeswoman Madeleine MacDougall MacNicholls denied this rumor in a press briefing, "The details of the journey are highly personal and the Stone Chair expects Her Majesty's privacy to be honored. Please remember that speculating about Queen Julian's personal decisions is extremely inappropriate."

"Protestantism" refers to a loosely connected group of religious sects, now lightly sprinkled on the fringes of the world, that over-emphasize the importance of soteriology (or doctrines related to salvation) and deny the Christian Church's apostolic authority. It was an important historical force roughly between the sixteenth century and the Engellexian Enlightenment, but only a smattering of cultists identify themselves as "Protestants" today.

The cancellation will mean that the queen will be in Windhaven for the widely anticipated visit of Premier Elizabeth Martinique of Serenierre. Soon after cancelling Her Majesty's trip south, the Stone Chair issued a prepared statement praising the Serazinist Republic for its recent track record on religious liberties, and the courage of Archbishop Dominique Hippolyte for taking the pilgrimage of St. Bernard into Occitania. The announcement comes on the same day that Gunnland's Council of the North ally, Virumaa, sharply condemned the Protectorate of Occitania for its immigration policy. Ms. MacNicholls declined to make a similar condemnation.

"If Tiburan Catholics from Himyar are economic refugees displaced from their temporal homelands, how can we not regard the shores of Gallia as their spiritual homeland?" she asked.
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Established Nation
Sep 8, 2018
A city rated more dangerous than Venezuela, MD
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The Milenio Royal Palace
Office of the Press Minister
We are hoping & praying for HRM's safety. We choose to take her for her reported word that the reasoning is highly personal.

We also choose to point out that the 'advocate' is apparently run by high school drop outs who apparently especially failed geo politics. They don't even know our nation's full, proper name. They further embarrass themselves by lying about alleged persecution in the Great Southern Kingdom of Justosia, then spewing bigoted misinformation about Protestantism & its European adherents. Three European powers currently subscribe to Protestant faiths.

Furthermore. The Justosian Gunnish ambassador is to be summoned to the Milenio Royal Palace, The Silver Throne itself to explain this embarrassing about face. Praising a radical left nation that is so 'tolerant' that its used WMDs to spread its message before.

Its disturbing that a rag of this magnitude has such relevance in Gunnland. Who we still consider a friend. We urge their government caution before they fully vindicate a recent warning to us concerning them by one of Europe's great Protestant powers. Viva Justosia.

Felipe Alejandro
Press Minister
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Established Nation
Jun 27, 2008
Karachi, Sindh
Commissariat for External Relations
We seek to not comment on the controversy. The Villesen Government is purely focused on the upcoming state visit of Premier Martinique to Windhaven.