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House of Cards


Establishing Nation
Mar 2, 2010
ZGD Zǒngbù
True Nation Party Headquarters


Wenren Gerui had become a plague for the ZGD over the past two months, he had gained control over the center and was forging a new alliance with the CD, a move which could prove fatal to the ambitions of the far-right ZGD. What Wenren had not counted on, however, was his alliance with the CD would diminish support for the ZD, and give power to the ZGD. The ZGD had seen their support rise, and with that, the number of people indoctrinated into the party line had grown. Their time in the shadow of the center-left coalition was at an end, the time for change had come. Sun Jindiao knew that the hour was at hand, and his heart quickened at the thought.

He was not the leader of the ZGD; no, he had an even greater fortune. The hand of the party, the 民族之劍, the MZJ. Sword of the Nation; before Sun Jindiao was everything that was Yujin. Dossiers outlining the misgivings of every party member lay before him, and in an instant he could point a finger and have any member ostracized. He was, without a doubt, the man that would lead the ZGD, and Yujin, to glory.

He entered the room, his form not half as imposing as his reputation as he took off his jacket, sitting at the round table in his slacks and vest. His shaved head held no hair with which to cover his visage, which peered at each person who sat around him inquisitively but without contempt; a quality which disconcerted many people. "Gentlemen," he greeted them with a smile.

"Sun xiansheng, please, explain to us why you have called this meeting," one of the men said. Sun Jindiao looked at him, mentally drawing up the file on this one. Clear devotee to the party line. Ardent patriot. Military veteran. Loyal. But loyal to who, Sun wondered; Sun did not have enough dirt on this one to taint him. His loyalties might lie with the Party leader Yang, who had purposefully been made unaware of this meeting. Sun would need to tread carefully here, stoke the fires of nationalism, and incite not emotions of betrayal, but a patriotic catharsis that would allow Sun to do his despicable work.

"Our time is approaching. The Zhongdang have failed to watch their popularity, and have bled numbers - numbers that have bolstered us and made us contentious, and legitimate," he began, but was interrupted.

"Even with these facts, we do not have the power to gain control in the Assembly!"

"We only control maybe forty percent of the voter base!" protested another.

"We don't have the support to oust Wenren, he'll just rally the ZD against us even harder!"

The rats were crying now, he whispered to himself, making mental notes of each protestee to eliminate later. He couldn't afford having a Party member lack such conviction. "We've played the game of politics for too long," he said, "it's time we stop waiting for issues to incite people to support their country. It's time we create the issues, and show the people that they must reciprocate the servitude that their nation has given them," he said. "If we can convince the people of the truth that the world is caught in a war that is changing everything we know, that this war threatens our country, and that we can not avoid becoming involved... we will not need to win elections, or oust Wenren; we will rely upon the patriotism and support of the people and make Yujin a country to be reckoned with."

The crowd stirred some as Sun Jindiao stated this aloud. He was attempting to regurgitate the party line as much as possible, but he knew that, by pushing for this, he could win support within the ranks of the ZGD and oust Yang. The MZJ was behind him, as were the people.