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Apr 26, 2010
Al Fulayyah Federal Prison


The guard named Erik walked down the long hallway. It was painted a sterile gray with hard tile floors. The sign on the wall read 'Maximum security block' in Arabic. He came up to the entry gate where a small group of people waited to visit one of the inmates. Erik had already been alerted they were coming in, and he knew who they were visiting. He let the small group in, which consisted of two guards and 3 lawyers.

"Good Morning Mr. Hariri. Is Mr. De Keizer's trial still set for later this month?" asked Erik.

"Yes, however it should be quite a long trial and could last weeks." replied the lawyer.

Erik pulled a large key ring from his belt, and he quickly fingered through it for the correct key. He pulled out a large key that had a small label reading 4B. He put the key into the slot and turned it. Opening the door, he revealed Abdul De Keizer reading a book. Abdul quickly got up to welcome his lawyers.

"Hello Mr. Hariri. Are we going to be discussing the details of my case today?" asked De Keizer.

"Indeed, but we also need to begin to start discussing what our plans are for the communist movement if you are let off." replied Mr. Hariri.

"I see. Well lets begin shall we?" said De Keizer.

Erik led the group down towards a large meeting area. Several tables with chairs were set up, and he motioned for them to sit down. Once they were seated, Erik realized his shift was up. He called for another guard to come take his place so he could leave. Erik sat down and waited for his replacement.

"You have been charged with treason and conspiracy to overthrow the government. Our case is basically that the PDC was framed, and the NRC set up the false coup attempt to keep power away from hard line communists."​