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Internal Operations


Establishing Nation
Mar 2, 2010
This thread is designed to display the Empire's defensive measures and readiness levels on issues both external and internal. This will show the progress, or decay of, various levels of defense. In addition to standard practice (naval patrols, border patrols, customs checks) this will cover the entirety of Sinese defensive readiness. If anything isn't listed here or in the news thread, contact me to inquire about a defensive gap, if there is indeed a defensive gap and you wish to exploit it, I will not stop you nor will I quickly cover the gap in a quick post here.


08:45 § Internal security forces have reported increase in citizen demonstration activity, particularly in Imperial Square, Siraama. Demonstrators are unarmed, but internal security forces will continue to monitor the situation closely.

11:20 § Imperial RADAR defense network and SAM batteries conduct a series of drills to test defensive readiness throughout the Empire. Tests conducted show that RADAR crews, though inexperienced in combat situations, show capability in target recognition in low intensity combat situations, however showed difficulty with target recognition in high intensity high density combat environments. Additionally, SAM batteries have shown difficulty intercepting high altitude aircraft; steps are being taken to compensate.

13:28 § Cyber defense systems have successfully conclude series of cyber attacks designed to test all levels of Imperial internet defenses. Despite setbacks as several operators went beyond specified test limitations and caused disturbances for several trains and fluctuations in multiple powergrids throughout Siraama. In summary, cyber defenses are medium-high level, with security-focused operating systems as well as the integrity of critical Imperial intelligence. IT security architecture is considered exceptional, with Imperial assets among the least affected by the cyber attack tests.

18:19 § AWACs have begun observation of radio traffic in the People's Republic of Vangala. Observation has thus far not yielded significant results, but operations will continue. Vangalan monitoring of AWACs activity is high, and has forced the relaying of intercepted data until craft have safely returned to Imperial AFB's. In addition to AWAC's, several rocket launched UAV's as well as high altitude spy planes are prepared to be launched.

19:30 § Two intelligence gathering satellites have been rerouted to assist current assets over Vangalan airspace. Monitoring is currently restricted to completing topological analysis; no evidence to suggest Vangalan military assets are being relocated for a strike against Sinese units.
