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Ivory Arrow


Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
North Carolina, USA
Lozinsk, Zalonarus

Rossito was staring out the window in the nondescript warehouse-style apartment overlooking out toward the capital city of Zalonarus. In the reflection of the large windows he could see the television as the latest story was being repeated; images of the fiery wreckage of the Talemantine Vice-Chancellor replayed with news commentary on the possible ramifications this could have on events. The apartment was officially owned by a consortium of nameless corporations as subsidiaries of other more faceless entities that will leave any investigators in circles and loops never leading back to who actually owned it. Rossito continued to stare out the window as placed another shrimp into his mouth.

Rossito was on a special mission to shake up the status quo and see the region shift and change, there was profit in that tensions continued to be pushed to the breaking point. Cold wars meant increase in military procurement and that led to profits for prospective companies, his mission by his employers was to see that this atmosphere be maintained.

Now he was listening as the reports came in and he admired his work. He began with a few forays across the Talemantine border with Jurzan and kidnapped a handful of Jurzani citizens, those from the under belly of Jurzani society, thieves and criminals; people that no one would miss and would expect to commit heinous acts. Then he traveled to Zalonarus where a well placed bribe of a mid-level official in the Zalonarusan Security Forces to allow the slip in security protocol creating a hole for Rossito and his associates. This hole would be blamed on the Zalonarusan official's superior giving him a promotion for "discovering" his boss's failures and at the same time securing an ally in Zalonarus. Next was to bring his shanghaied Jurzani criminals to Lozinsk, drugged in a container to a warehouse registered to a company back in Sharjah. At the warehouse Rossito and his associates set up the area to appear as a safe house with plans for the attack on the Talemantine Vice-Chancellor as his foreign prisoners remained bound in a dark room never to see the faces of their captors. However there was one Jurzani man in the main room with everyone else sitting terrified. He was forced to be complacent in this plot as Rossito threatened to kill his younger sisters and parents, pictures of his sisters in their beds proved that Rossito could strike even in the borders of Jurzan.

The accomplice would end up being the driver that sacrificed his life to protect his family and to some be a martyr in the eyes of some. Some of the others would be left at the warehouse to be found by Zalonarusans with enough documentation to lead the Zalonarusans back to the Jurzani company which received funds from the Jurzani government implicating Jurzan. It was the beginning of his mission soon to be completed within the day.

Soon a younger man walked up behind Rossito. "Get ready to set up the next plan." Rossito said to his 'minion'.