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Journey to the South Pole


Establishing Nation
Jun 15, 2012
Meath, Ireland
Royal City Caladbolg
Commander MacArthur entered the west wing of Tara Castle, the castle of the High King. Looking around, he noted the grandeur of the area, even though it was less grand than the central chamber containing the throne. ''The Throne'' He thought. ''Just an old formality, the true seats of power were right here,'' MacArthur was in the west wing, containing the Office of Contact with the Ivernian Senate, and of course the Department of Foreign Affairs; which contained the offices of many Elector Princes and the High King. It was not the High King MacArthur was here to see today however, but Elector Prince Vincentus Aodh-Mór.

MacArthur found himself distracted and checked his watch. He had become late, and strode along the hallways reading the names on the doors as he went, he mustn’t be late, not on his last meeting.

He found the right room, and saw a man standing by the desk. A man with white wavy hair and sallow skin. Dressed in robes of black and gold. Elector Prince Vincentus.

''MacArthur! Not a moment too soon!'' Vincentus called from his desk, not looking at the door, but out the vista.

''I apologise my Prince. I did not mean to keep you waiting. What have we planned for today?''

Vincentus turned around to face the Commander, ''Never worry Hugo, we only have a short meeting for today. Everything is arranged at last. I only need to get you to give me an official end brief of this stage of the expedition.'' Vincentius reached down and pulled a metal box from his desk drawer and showed it to MacArthur. ''This is Elector Prince Vincentus Aodh-Mór, with a commander of the Ivernian Royal Air Force Hugo MacArthur. Commander MacArthur will you please state to the recorder the mission of this expedition''

Hugo looked at the little metal box. ''This is Commander Hugo MacArthur. An expedition has been commissioned by the Ivernian Geography Society of a return to Sneachtír the frozen southern continent. They wish to construct an all year base to replace the temporary 6 month base built 4 years ago on 1948 January 22[SUP]nd[/SUP].''

''Very good, and our current position on this?''

''A Cargo-Crane Airship has been leased and a commander, I, have been chosen to lead it. A crew has been established. A freighter-class ship shall follow with more cargo and several scientists and engineers, whose names are in the manifesto which is now full.''

Mac Arthur paused for a breath.

''The wish of the Geography Society is to install a weather station which shall measure the carbon dioxide levels of the atmosphere of the south pole and also to learn more of the geophysics of Sneachtír itself, of which little is known.''

''Thank you Commander'' Vincentus said putting the recorder back into its drawer. ''Commander let’s just go over our map once more.''
The Prince unfurled a map at his desk showing a map of the world, made by Engellexic Cartographers, and ran his finger down a red line, showing the route that would be traversed.

''You plan to stop in Faeroerne Island I see?'' Vincentus inquired, ''it looks like you’ve copied your fathers route very closely.''

''It’s seems to be the best route to me. And to be honest reaching the South Pole, with my airship, let’s just say I had personal reasons for accepting this mission.''

Vincentus looked up. He had a knowing look on his eyes.


After some time MacArthur was once again outside of the office and leaving the west wing. A date had been set, and it was soon. The press would be there, it would be quite the ceremony apparently.
Hugo’s mind was racing. He looking out of the window to calm himself. He saw the rolling plains of Nemedia, with the great White Oak Forest all around, as if it were embracing our capitol.
He thought of the white frozen wastelands of Sneachtír and he sobered.
Leaving the Castle he caught the September winds on his face and thought to himself ''My Father, 40 years ago, the very same moment he must have stood here, aware of the great journey he was to undertake.''
Soon MacArthur was to raise a great Airship, the Nomad in Vedrarfjord port in front of the King of Milesia and a congregation, as his father Malloroy MacArthur did in his compound steam engine ship the L.Í. Swan.


Establishing Nation
Jun 15, 2012
Meath, Ireland
Royal City Caladbolg
Leaving Party

Earhart Port, Vedrarfjord, Milesia

September 15th, 1917

Magnus MacArthur felt the cold air coming in from the gothic sea and pulled his cloak closer. Waiting on the dock next to his ship. People had been hustling luggage and supplies up to the ship all day and it had finally started to slow down. Meaning all he had to do was wait through the launch party and he would be on his way.

Just another moment and I can finally set sail. This long wait finally over.
A tall man in a large furskin coat gestured towards him from the end of the peir. Approching swiftly, Magnus saw it was to be his captain. Captain Rothillan, one of the finest sailors in the Ivernian Trading Company.

''Colonel Magnus MacArthur! Me young master!'' Bellowed Rothillan.

''Captain good to see you. Have we finally loaded? Are we ready to go?''

''Patience Colonel. You have to meet the King first, he has prepared a leaving party just for little 'ol you after all.'' Rothillan grinned behind his thick beard. ''Besides I would like to introduce you to someone, right behind me, err..''

A man sidestepped from behind the captains great back and was suddenly apparent.

''Lieutenant Mark Rogers, an honour.''
The man fired off a brief salute to the colonel before extending an open hand.

''I've been in service to Captain Rothillan and this ship for four years and first mate for two, I am honoured to be a part of this expedition.''

''Yes well your Captain here has spoken highly of his crew,'' replied Magnus, letting go of the first mates hand.

''Rogers, go and handle the last of the incoming supplies alright? Me and MacArthur have to complete the ceremony before we’re off.''

''Yes Captain!'' Rogers hurried off in the direction of the ship.

MacArthurs ran his eyes up the pier upon the Captain’s ship.

My ship now I suppose.

Magnus and Captain Rothillan turned their backs on the ship, and headed towards a gathering crowd of people just outside the docks.

* * *

The ceremony was hosted by the King of Milesia himself, with about 500 people onlooking.

King James Turner, a statesman and former senator with a silver tongue was capitivating the audience, his speech painting a romantic portrait of adventure and Ivernian glory. Of discovery. Magnus drifted in and out. Standing to attention next to the King, he overlooked his crew. Some of the scientists, the engineers, and the ships crew brought in by the Captain, were brought in for the audience to look at. These people he has only known for several months, but he would be with them now for many years, and this expedition would take the very best from all of us.

King James Turner announced the Christening of their ship, the Swan, and the audience cheered, waking Magnus from his thoughts.
The King approached Magnus himself.
''Colonel MacArthur, we the people of Milesia and all of the High Kingdom wish you Godspeed. You are a true song of Vedrarfjord.''

The crew of the Swan loaded onto the ship. Before Magnus could.. finally launch, he had to once more address his crew.

''Men, today is a day of history. And we are all part of it. Everyone of us shall be remembered for our service, for our sacrifice, on this expedition. Many Ivernian ships before us have seen this.. ''Sneachtír''.. but none have traversed it, seen the inner land, or found the South Pole. Today the High Kingdom of Ivernia shall set out to change this. This crew, all of us, shall traverse the great Thaumantic Ocean, and enter Sneachtír as the first Ivernian men to ever do so. We shall find the South Pole and proudly set our great Royal Eagle Banner down for the High Kingdom!''

Magnus ignored the cheers and applause from his men, eager press to on and finish the speech

''Our journey is not just an adventure but an expedition. The Royal Geographic Society of Ivernia has representatives here.''

MacArthur raised his arm towards 5 particular men.

''Our ship the Swan welcomes these men aboard, and for the journey in front of us. They are with us to map and analyse the frozen continent. I do not think I have to mention they answer to me and the Captain only.''

I leave you now to your Captain, Captain Rudolph Rothillan;

''Men! How many years has this day been in our hearts? How long have we talked about it fruitlessly in taverns across the world working out our lives and simple sailors? No more. Today is the day we finally leave our ordinary lives behind.

This journey will be harsh. This journey may not finish with all of us alive, but without this, what have we been working for, living for all these years?

We set sail men! Man your stations!''

The Swan started moving. Steam engines already fired up the ship began to make it’s way to the sea.

Lieutenant Rogers began ordering the crew about the deck and the Captain headed for the pilots quarters leaving Magnus to gaze out for a moment at the cheering crowd still at the pier. This would be the last time he gets to see his home city for years.

Getting smaller and smaller before his eyes till the Ivernian coastline was a faint line on the horizon.

He headed into the Pilots quarters and walked to the navigation desk. Brushing a compass and a sextant off from his map he ran his finger down a red line he drew.

''Onwards to the Cambria Strait Captain! Next stop Faeroerne Island''

''Heck of a journey ahead of us Magnus!'' Rothillan called back.

Magnus looked back to the map. Gazing over the white band at the bottom.

Finally, finally I am on my way. Everything has lead up to this.


Establishing Nation
Jun 15, 2012
Meath, Ireland
Royal City Caladbolg
The Cambria Strait and beyond.

Captain Rothillan walked slowly up the deck. It was a cold, clear night. Rothillan looked back towards the east where they had come from however and saw a great long dark cloud following them.

Rothillan looked up the deck and saw Magnus using a sextant on the stars.

''You had better get all the use out of that as you can now my friend, it seems the Ivernian weather is chasing us across the sea!''

''An easterly wind? How strange, Normally Ivernia gets a westerly wind all year, except of course the Northerly wind from Boreas over the winter''

''Sometimes the westerly wind weakens before the northerly picks up'' Rothillan explained, ''Then a Sarmatian wind comes across the sea, it usually means the winter, when it comes, will be harsh.''

Rothillan walked up to the edge of the deck by Magnus

''Good thing we're heading to Sneachtír then eh? Anythings better than an Ivernian winter.''

Magnus laughed and withdrew his sextant.

''I haven't done the numbers yet Captain, but I'm almost positive that we're passing through the cambria strait right now. It's a pity we cannot see the peninsulas.''

''Aye Magnus. I would have liked to have seen them too. I can't remember how many times I've passed through here on trade, this would be the one time I could look out at them and be on this great journey that actually means something.''

Another ship came into view, it's small golden lights glittering with the other ships like another sky, like stars on the sea.

''This route is always so busy.'' Magnus commented.

''Ay, and so it has for hundreds of years. Possibly Ivernia's most important sea route.''

''I'm sure it will always have some level of importance for the High Kingdom Captain, but I wonder how much? For how much longer?

''Hmm? What do you mean?''

''I mean that company in Nemedia. That flying machine they have now, Nemedia says they are finished a model for Ivernia.''

''Incredible! I've seen one before abroad, but in Ivernia?''

''Not just flying machines, flying ships. I've seen one in construction. I've literally never seen anything else this big ever built. I wonder how much prominence will Ivernia's Navy have in the 20th century?''

''Magnus you worry far too much'' Rothillan guffawed, ''You are speculating so far down the line, when we are on the journey of our lives! Why don't you worry about Sneachtír for now, worry about flying buildings after.''

''With this expedition Captain I wonder how many undiscovered lands are left? This really might be the last.''

Magnus continued,

''I wondered should I rename this ship from Swan to Swan Song?''

* * *

Leaving the cambria strait behind the Swan entered The Solent Sea, The coastal territory of Great Engellex. With their control over such an important region for trade for Ivernia, the High Kingdom has always been tentative it's over dealings with the Empire. Better to stay silent, and maintain trade access.
The Swan saw a great light to the south. The great city of Dulwich, glowing in the night. Ships all across the sea, lighting up a huge part of the southern horizon in a great yellow blaze. Many men came to the deck to watch the spectacle.

For the Swan is passing through one of the busiest trading sea lanes in the world. With Engellex, Anglia, Breotonia and Havenshire ships passing through this region. The Swan even saw the odd Ivernian ship, usually met with cheers from ship to ship as each sees the royal eagle banner flying.

Over the passing weeks the trade ships become less and less common. The sea becomes more and more open. While the journey so far has been a standard, albeit long journey, they had yet to reach out into the unpopulated seas as they have stuck to established trade routes. As they traversed this vast, cold sea, they started to notice less coastal sightings. The Swan continued to head east and soon could no longer see even Havenshire.
Magnus had been navigating the Swan slighty south as he went along, but from now on the southward heading would become far more pronounced. All at once Magnus realises that they are completely alone. They truly have entered the Thaumantic Ocean.

* * *

Magnus entered the pilots room in a hurry, shutting out the cold behind him. It had been many months since they had set off and Magnus now had a beard to contest even Rothillan's. In fact most of the crew did. Nobody had any plan to shave however, the extra insulation was most welcome.

Rothillan spots him first.
''Magnus! Not a ship, not a coast, not even a cloud all around. Just us, the gray sea and cold wind. How much longer until we reach Faeroerne Island?''

''Not long now Rudolph. I figure about two more days. Hopefully tomorrow, you'll be able to see it with my telescope. Put your mind at ease.''

''I never enjoy being so cut off. At high noon I feel no natural sense of direction.''

''Just wait Captain, after our stop at Gamle Kongensted, the next stop is Shneactír. We're talking a year of isolation. Consider this brief moment of solitude your test.''

First Mate Roger enters the room, ''Captain! Colonel!''

Rothillan again, the first to spot, ''Roger! I actually have a question for you. A month ago we started rationing. I was wondering, how are my crew doing, I mean really doing, when I am not around?''

''They grumble Captain I will admit, but they know what they got themselves into. To ease the tension caused by hunger, I've lightened up on the formality I expect from them in their lower deck and sleeping quarters, so they can let off steam down there.''

''Bunch of moaners, sure aren't we all on rations? They could power my ship will all the 'steam' they're blowing off!''

''Yes Captain''

''Well you can tell them what Magnus just told me, we'll be at Faeroarne Island in a few days. Last stop. At the very least they'll get a few pints outta it.''

''Yes Captain.''

''Also I want you to round up for me all the Danish speakers we have in the crew I want to talk to them tonight. I believe we have nine, maybe ten?''

''Yes Captain, anything else before I go down to the deck?''

''Yeah Rogers,'' Magnus piped in, ''Stop shaving. You'll need the beard.''


Establishing Nation
Jun 15, 2012
Meath, Ireland
Royal City Caladbolg
Rest and a good drink.

''Land Ahoy!''

Magnus and Rogers heard it from the pilots room.
''I suppose the Captain finally sees the shore of Faeroerne!'' Roger said to Magnus,

''Finally! Man is desperate for a drink. Can't believe he’s been out there for almost two hours looking over the bow with my telesc-''

''Land Ahoy Gents!'' Rothillan exclaimed as he burst through the door.

''Pilot, set the course! I have an eye for some fine Danish beer. It won’t be long now!'' Rothillan began rubbing his hands like a money lender.

''Rudolph you old drunk, you're worse than the crew. You better get your drinking on the moment we land, we're only staying a few days and I don’t want you hungover leading this ship!''

''Right you are Magnus right you are.'' Captain Rudolph looked over to two crewmen standing by the door. ''You heard the Colonel! Tell the boys we gotta get hammered the moment we touch shore.''

The crewmen took no time in delivering the message.

''Ugh, well while you're drowning your brain with ale I need to talk to the Mayor, supplies and whatnot. You have any messages? I can send them back via a Danish Postship. It’s not a common ship but it’ll get the messages back to Ivernia before we do.''

''Yes yes no need to remind me! I’ve got my letters ready for you. All for me lovely daughter studying in Lowport University, don't know where she got her brains from.'' Rothillan said proudly.

''Indeed!'' Magnus joked. ''But yes we all have loved ones back home, the one regret we all have I’m sure.''

* * *

While the three men talked of nostalgia and what they left behind, the Swan cut through the Thaumantic Ocean, freezing cold waters lapping up the hull.

Most men spent as little time outside as they could, and the crews work above deck was as quick and precise as surgery, while work below deck had become as slow as they could make it, keeping warm from the boilers. But today was a differnent day, with Faeroerne Island edging ever closer the crew braved the cold to look out at the small dollop of land in a vast blue-gray. Expectations ran high the closer it got.

Hours passed and eventually, the ship came up the shore. By this point most of the crew were looking out at the spectacle. The Swan skirted around the island like a satellite before closing in on Gamle-Kongensted. The Swan moved up the dock of the fishery town of Gamle-Kongensted and landed smoothly. A small crowd had gathered, aware of the Swans epic journey.

''Alright alright back below deck!'' Rothillan shouted over the crowd. ''All Danish speakers go with Magnus up to the Mayor’s house. The rest of us are gonna sit tight for the moment… Stop your moaning!''

Magnus MacArthur touched down with the translator crew on solid ground for the first time in a year. Briefly steading his legs which were used to not having a steady grip on a rocking ship, he moved up to the crowd.

''Roger! Come up here for a second.''

Magnus, only speaking Ivernish and German, began to talk to the First Mate Rogers, his translator to talk to the Danish Crowd.

''Hello Citizens of Gamle-Kongensted! I am Colonel Magnus MacArthur, leading of an expedition with this ship to the far south.''

Roger translated.

An elderly man in the crown began to speak back to Magnus in Danish, Magnus felt relieved reading the mans tone for unfreindlyness and finding none, however he waited for Roger to respond to be sure.

''His Danish is Old Danish. But I still understand most of what he says. And I'm sure he understands me completely. We’re being welcomed. They say if we have the money they’ve got the business. That man in front of us is willing to show you to the Mayors house.''

''Good. The Captain is no doubt dying for a pub. Roger, you come with me, the rest of you: divide the rest of the crew still on the ship between you and act and translators! Rothillan will guide you all.

Find room and board!''

The crew scurried back to the ship, as Magnus and Frank took the elderly fisherman’s invite and headed up to the Mayor.

The rest of the day passed like a blur. Gamle-Kongensted saw one of its busiest days of the year, with dozens of Ivernish men rushing from stall to stall, perusing wares, haggling prices and buying beautiful things to send home to their loved ones, counting down the hours until the night. Which they had begun calling the ''Biggest drinking night the Thaumantic Ocean would ever see.''

Magnus MacArthur got along well with the Mayor, especially considering Magnus was going to spend quite a bit of money here, as the Geographic Society had designated this place as a place to reload much of the supplies that had been eaten, drunk, or broken by the Ivernish.

Magnus said he would return once more the next day, as he had a bag of letters and two bags of parcels to send out from the crew to Ivernia. Magnus himself, set out with Roger to find something to send back to his own family.

Much later that night Magnus and Roger were walking towards the main street of Gamle-Kongensted. The night was clear and cool. The men heading towards the pub Rothillan had chosen.

''What did you get in the end Colonel? For your son?''

''A wooden toy ship. I think a four year old would like it. It parcelled up with some letters for the wife, you know how it goes.''

''Yes sir. I only had a few letters to send off. Spent the rest of the day checking out Danish cuis-''

''WHAT is that noise??''

Magnus and Roger stopped dead in their tracks. Roaring, Shouting and…. Laughing could be heard in the distance.

''Colonel is that the Captain?''

''Yes Roger. Brace yourself, we got one long night ahead of us. Time to show the Great Danes where the Ivernish excel.''

The men walked onto the main street and the volume doubled. Gamle-Kongenstad wasn’t sleeping tonight.