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Keeping a Link (ATTN: Boliatur)

Nov 4, 2008
New York City Greater Metropolitan Area
FROM: Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Rep. of Karakhstan
TO: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Boliatur
REG: Diplomatic communication efforts


We look upon deteriorating relations between our two neighbours, Boliatur and Yujin, with sadness. Naturally we hope for peace and prosperity around the world and especially so within our region. Nevertheless we believe that should Mrysini cut relations with Yujin the lack of communication will only further induce possible conflict. If all methods of communication are cut misunderstandings will certainly arise.

We therefore wish to offer our services as a mediator for however long is needed. Our diplomatic staff can relay messages from the Boliatur embassy in Almatii to the Yujiner embassy in Almatii whenever the need should arise. Our diplomats can be trusted to deliver any and all messages with confidentiality respected to the core. As a neutral country we believe it our duty to provide global services of diplomacy if it can be of any help.

We remain ready at a moment's notice and do hope our offer will be seriously considered. However we do hope that differences between your government and that of Yujin's can be overcome and diplomatic communication can remain intact. If not, we are always present.

Northern Cooperative Unions

Establishing Nation
Jan 20, 2012
Citizen's Cabinet
The Cabinet holds the belief of peace and friendship, and in fact has no quarrel with Yujin other than embracing Post-Delegationism and hoping that the Yujin government will follow suit. Boliatur had hoped to see a gradual change by Yujin if it had accepted the proposal of a diplomatic office, but Yujin mongers war and has no respect for the status quo. Tensions have risen, and Boliatur hopes that a conflict can be avoided, and if one is to dawn, hopes to see Yujin deposed of its hostile government. Boliatur hopes that Karakhstan will attempt to convince Yujin that conflict is not necessary, and that the Citizen's Council has an agenda to remain peaceful with all peoples of Toyou as long as they do not oppress those who embrace Post-Delegationism. The current agenda of Boliatur Post-Delegationists is to establish the embrace of the best and only form of government throughout countries that openly oppress freedom, and unstable westerners.

May we prosper,
The Citizen's Cabinet