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Le Figaro - New Paristan's Opposition Voice

Nov 6, 2010
Portland, Oregon
Montmartre -

The government of Bruno Magritte continues its mad slide toward communism, and capital flight is becoming an epidemic. Top economists predict total economic collapse is imminent, despite the government's efforts to cobble together what it calls a "flexible and democratic workers' economy." The arbitrary arrest of former corporate leaders suspected of "counter-revolutionary activities" has increased.

Meanwhile, Le Figaro has obtained reports from an anonymous source within the Election Division alleging major voter fraud in the last election. There are reports of stuffed ballot boxes, electronic voting machine malfunctions, and partisan vote counters. Magritte's government did not allow international observers to this election. Reached for comment, a government spokesperson questioned our reporter's motives in pursuing the story,and refused to comment further.

Reports are also surfacing that Magritte is setting up a military tribunal system to try suspected members of LeClerc's regime. These tribunals would not grant the accused the rights of habeus corpus, right to counsel, or right to a jury trial, as required by Paristani law. In addition, these tribunals would be empowered with the ability to sentence anyone convicted of "Crimes Against the Revolution" to be executed without right of appeal.

A government spokesman reached for comment denied all allegations and repeated the claim that "New Paristan continues to be a democratic and free nation, and all reports to the contrary are patently false. All accused criminals are given the same rights, and none are subject to the death penalty."

Finally, reports of communist guerillas connected to Magritte's government and operating outside of New Paristan's borders to foment revolution continue to surface, with the government flatly denying any connection to the "alleged insurgents."

This newspaper will operate as long as it can before the communists shut us down, as will inevitably happen.
Nov 6, 2010
Portland, Oregon
Breaking news!

We have breaking news tonight of a standoff at the Radilo embassy in Montmartre. Reports are sketchy at the moment, but it seems that Jean-Luc Delaunay, former head of the Security Police under the administration of former President General LeClerc, is hiding from Prime Minister Magritte's revolutionary goon squads in the Radilo embassy. There is a squadron of Magritte's Committee for the Defense of the Revolution standing ready at the gates of the Radilo embassy. We will bring you further updates as the situation develops.