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Manifest Destiny


Establishing Nation
Feb 18, 2007
Quite suddenly the place had filled with people. The square on the southern end of Mahala, the biggest city in Romanipen, was crowded within a mere manner of minutes. Only those involved in the sudden gathering had known of it and even though there were indeed informants of the state and the police in the Manushist brotherhood, it seemed that this time the authorities had not known of the planned public meeting in advance. This lack of police in the vicinity of the gathering of course helped to reinforce the impression of independence and strenght the Manushists wanted to create, but it also meant that the security forces of the Brotherhood would have no one to oppose them when they enforced their own rules within the crowd.

One of these rules was, that only a few handpicked people would be allowed to record the assembly. No pictures or even videos of the event that had not been authorized would reach the public, that was essential not only to control the public image of the Brotherhood, but also to prevent the state security forces from identifying the person that would deliver a speech today. His identity had to be kept secret, because the Farsighted, as the caste of the Brotherhoods leaders was called, could not risk any scratch in their flawless public image. They were superhuman at least, leaders to be followed and to be believed.

Some who had not followed the orders of the Vigilant, the caste of security personnel within the Brotherhood, were roughly brought out of viewing range of the speech. Most however - or more specifically, those already members of a caste - had no complaints and gazed with awe as a tall figure climbed up to the podium. The audience erupted into a loud applause, which waved back and forth amongst the people, before dying out after several minutes. Only as the crowd had come to complete, ghostly silence, the man began to speak.

"I welcome you, brothers and sisters and wish to thank you for your continued hard work for the Brotherhood. A new dawn is approaching and you prove every day, that mankind is ready for its destiny. Already, we are rulers of this planet, but yet, we are splintered, divided and caught in our feeble disputes. The Brotherhood will bring us unity and strenght. But we will have to throw off the shackles that bind us down. We have to leave behind, once and for all, our feral past."

Complete silence hung over the square as the Farsighted paused again. Each man and woman at the place gazed upon the man in awe, even though he repeated what they had been told numerous times. Behind him, a large flag of the Brotherhood gently waved in the slight wind and next to him, motionless, the security personnel watched over the place.

"I speak to you, brothers and sisters, but I aim for those not here today. Those who know you, who have only doubt in their hearts over our goals. We are unified, but they are divided. You have to carry my words to them, enlighten them about the goals of the Brotherhood..."

Suddenly, a tomato flew across the crowd, falling short of the Farsighted and crashing on the ground a few meters in front of him. Someone on the edge of the square hurled insults at the Farsighted, who slowly stepped away from the podium and was quickly hidden behind a number of broad-shouldered men covered entirely into black clothing. Unseen from the people on the square, he was escorted to a car, which would bring him home safely.

Meanwhile, the protestors stormed onto the square, throwing around leaflets and yelling insults at the Manushists. Then, another caste entered the stage. The Valorous. The army of the Brotherhood. With uncompromising violence, they engaged the protestors, chasing them off and crashing the bones of those who refused. Within mere seconds, the scenery turned to chaos. While the Vigilant took care of the Brotherhood members at the scene, guarding them and guiding them into safer areas, the Valorous went straight to the attack. Their duty was not to enforce rules within the Brotherhood, they were enforcing these rules to their enemies.

And they would not stop until each and everyone of them had learnt.