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Monolith 1 -- Pillar of Truth


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2008
The Best Carolina
Monolith 1 | International
Top Story :: The "Folly" of Forgetting the Federation's Interest in the Most Recent Gallian Crisis

By Arkady Ostrogski
12, December 2010

Despite all the lessons that have been dealt to world by the combined might of Federal arms- in the past twelve months alone- it would appear that the wishful thinking powers of the Occident are preparing to make yet another grievous error in their carefully calculated foreign policies: forgetting the not inconsiderable interest that the Federation has in the future of the Kingdom of Belmont. Though the various mouth-pieces of the Federation have maintained a tightlipped stance on the most recent escalation, that being righteous warfare, it should have been quite obvious to all that the greatest minds in Karpatica, Sjadnbrdo, and Stary Hrodino had not simply abandoned Paris. No, that is quite possibly the farthest thing from the absolute truth that there could be. The people, and more importantly in this case, the leaders of the Federation are not given to half-measures and broken oaths.

As it stands currently, the Federation is more than confident in the ability of the Kingdom to pursue a victorious war against the southern Communist regime in Coronado- but there have been rumblings of discontent amongst certain "powers" around the world that this wholly localized conflict might be used as an excuse to reassert originally ill-advised "Continental Policies." Though Międzymorze would be content to allow the current situation to continue on with as few aggravations and interruptions as possible, with the Belmontiens asserting their abilities as a martial nation, the situation would be quickly reassessed and rectified if that agreeable balance were carelessly broken.

It must be carefully noted that as of the post-date of this article, there has been no hint from Sjadnbrdo as to the possibility of any reallocation of military assets to that region, "beyond what is already present," which is quite possibly one of the most tantalizingly cryptic responses that's ever been dealt out by Huszar's lot...and it makes sense, in broad terms. Marshal Huszar did expand upon his opinion on the whole affair by saying that, "While Belmont was the first to reach for the sabre, their hearts and minds remain optimistic for peace. Our Federation shares a low capacity of tolerance towards extremism, and I know for certain what our primal instincts would yield."

With efforts to fully reintegrate Międzymorze's recently reunited southern state in full swing, the Federal economy finally bouncing back to pre-Barazi levels, and investors around the world worried over the startling abundance of directives handed down from Nokanawa, it would be entirely foolish to upset these entirely favorable conditions (for ourselves) by moving rashly in this case. Our Federations' great voice of Comfort, the Paraclete Himself was recently quoted as saying, "...that it is time that we look to the nourishment of our Federation's most loyal sons and daughters, to act responsibly towards them- to not play with their lives lightly." This is not to say that the Paraclete advocates anything close to isolationism and non-interventionism...no, anyone that has even a limited understanding of that Arch-Federalist's outlook on foreign policy will know that such a transition would never be possible for him. He merely acknowledges the bountiful sacrifices that the people of this mighty Federation have freely given in the recent past, and desires a chance for them to regroup from those before they must wholly commit themselves to the truest road to True Civilization.

Needless to say, the eyes and ears of Baroturks, Khazars, Sarmatians, Vyhorics and Živs throughout the Federation will remain riveted by the footage and broken bits of news cycles flowing out of the Occident for some time to come. It is a matter of pride for them, for all of us, that we can rest assured that our commitment to our interests abroad, and to those of like-minded nations are, and will always be carefully guarded.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2008
The Best Carolina
Monolith 1 | Commonwealth
Top Story :: Austerity Laws to go into Effect Tomorrow, Controversy Swirls

By Włodomierz Gombrowicz
4, January 2011

With the characteristic harshness of our infamous Sarmatian Winter setting on more than a month ago- and two weeks early- it seems only fair (to the well-schooled perversity of a Midlander mind) that the fullness of the scarcity crisis that's bearing down on all of us slides home now, with this New Year's legs still shaking under it. For those of us old enough to remember the last time there was a serious kink in the industrial food-chain this is, rather sadly, proving to be one of those times when we can't tell the younger generations that, despite the current troubles, they still have it better than what we did "way back when." The figures that I've seen in the past two weeks are enough to make what little hair I still have pop out in clumps fifty hairs strong at the time.

The word out of Preria tonight doesn't make any of it sound a damned bit better- far from it. It draws the equations in this arithmetic of growing horror out to levels that even the biggest domed Federal eggheads are uncomfortable with- and most of that lot looks at business like this as just another tool for career advancement. When they're checking allotments to make sure their families are covered, it can be surmised that things have progressed well beyond the levels of "trimming the fat." And trimming the fat, figuratively and quite literally, is not a bad thing. Thrift in finance, and a generally conservationist view of our dominion of the world ensures that Międzymorze as a whole is amongst the most streamlined political and spiritual bodies in the world- for a damn clear reason.

It's not as if anyone else in the world is owning up to having to tighten their belts- but I know, and you know where the bread their ill-gotten butter is spread upon comes from, and it's damn sure not falling from the sky in frozen Oelar. I suppose that hunger will be one thing that we're all united in soon enough- with the provisions in this newest round of Austerity Laws clamping down, drawing the last kernel out of the grain cars on the rails, and out of the holds of the cargo ships. Let the Princes of the West see their godless designs through on empty stomachs- or more accurately, let them try with the selfish masses of their supposedly burgeoning nations rioting against hunger. The day will come, and long before the first seeds can be sown in the coming spring months.

Yet still, this crisis, this greatest of shortages begs an answer of how, or why, in the hell such a thing has happened to us, above all the nations of the world- nearly all of them sunk well beneath that basic sort of degeneracy. If the wrath of the Lord our God is to lay anyone low, why not the unrighteous, and them alone? Why must we suffer a fate of such ignominy alongside them? To prove, once more- and perhaps for the last time, that we Sarmatians- of whatever tribe- are God's chosen, the hardiest of all races...the only race that can step into and beyond this crisis, and those that will be birthed from it.

Rather than wasting my time telling you about the world that awaits us on the far side of this conflict, I will tell you of the fires that must consume the world that stands between us and that bold, new, more Godly world. The fires of chaos, hunger, and war...these are the brick and mortar with which we must work, in building the world that God wants. Never before has a son of Sarmatia shied from shedding a few ounces- or pints- of blood and sweat in fashioning a better home for his family. It would be the biggest shame of all if we didn't have it in us to see our Father's house built.


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2008
The Best Carolina
Monolith 1 | Federal-International
Top Story :: True Civilization Continues The March to Glory

By Włodomierz Gombrowicz
5, April 2011

Though it never figured in the electoral rhetoric of any of February and March's earth-shattering political upheaval, the Memorial Territories are still, for many, the proverbial boil on the right buttock of the Federation. With the anniversary of what was at the time, no less now, considered one of the most stunningly concise and definitively one-sided military campaigns in modern history looming large, administrators on the ground in the former Freiheit, and a whole coterie of freshmen People's Popular Front legislators are pouring untold man hours into the effort to streamline the integration of the vast transoceanic holdings into the Federation proper.

Speaking before a joint-session of Sejm and National Assembly just hours after setting foot on the sacred soil of Sarmatia for the first time since he departed for the "Niemcy Campaign" late last Spring, Admiral Eliasz Wojownik, Chief Administrator of the Occupied Memorial Territories was characteristically terse in his assessment of the ever evolving state of affairs in the former Freiheit. Though some measure of economic recovery has been achieved in "certain key regions" around Sankt Georg, the provisional capital, it has taken a truly herculean effort to maintain continuity of infrastructure in the more remote northerly administrative zones, particularly in the far north.

"This past winter was kind to not a soul so unfortunate to have fallen within the domain of the North Winds, whichever hemisphere it might have been, sirs." Admiral Wojownik was quoted as saying between slides detailing the frigid, more often than not unbearable, conditions both his men and the people they are now oath-bound to safeguard. "As can be expected, however, we have persevered, and so too have our newest charges. I still maintain that the Memorial Territories, both as they exist now, and certainly as they will exist in another two to three years, will become as economically and spiritually vital to the Federation as Vyhor has ever been."

Continuing his no-nonsense briefing, Admiral Wojownik went on to praise the inherent virtues of the Niemcy people that his administration have come to work with on a day to day basis, most particularly the "Volksfront," a sort of homegrown sibling movement to the greater PPF in the heartland of the Federation. With the constant oversight of Federal Reserve personnel, the Volksfront has achieved great successes in regimenting the oft chaotic urban populations concentrated along the Memorial Territories coast, even going so far as the begin removal of the highly irradiated waste-material left behind in the wake of the Faust Regime's suicidal last moments. Drawing a great deal of inspiration from the organizational structure of the Registered Cossacks in the eastern portions of the Federation, the Volksfront promises to remain a boon to Admiral Wojownik, and the community of God's Chosen for many a year to come.

Representative Suleiman Arash, elected at large to serve the Third District of Khazaria, applauded both Admiral Wojownik (and the servicemen serving under his aegis), and the Volksfront, saying that "without so much as a second of forethought or planning, the virtues of our own Popular Movement have been proven as the most successful possible political philosophies, drawing the spark of a true Renaissance from the very maw of the abyss...if ever the power of the people, properly directed- and with prayer properly directed- has ever been doubted, let that doubt be cast from these august halls forever."

Aside from the assessment of the commanding officer present in the Memorial Territories, independent investigations into the progress being made there tend to agree that the situation is indeed improving, and will likely continue to improve should the current level of funding and martial commitment be maintained. The only visible sore point in the entire scheme appears to be the increasing presence of so-called "Radical-Assertionists," Post-Prometheans, Anarchists of all colors, and a witch's brew of over would-be revolutionary movements, again, mostly concentrated along the major urban centers on the coast. This should not be construed as any major failing on the part of Admiral Wojownik's Occupational Authority, however, as similar movements are proving to be the most formidable opponents here at home as well.