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News from the Socialist World Republic

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Trumm Criticizes Policy Towards Pelasgia
Implarian Observer

Social Republican candidate Donna Trumm has criticized the policy of President Winters towards Pelasgia as "weak and spineless" in an interview. Referring to Winters reaction to renewed claims made by Pelasgia and its allies in Nichtstein, that include the abolishment of international waters in the Long Sea and extending territorial waters of the two states, Trumm claimed that Pelasgia needed to be shown "the fist rather than the olive branch". President Winters had issued a harsh public statement in regards to the Pelasgian claims, but emphasized the need for a diplomatic solution.

During the interview, Trumm promised that, if President, she would reverse the existing foreign policy, which she deems "failed and naive" and would engage Pelasgia "with all the strength of the World Republic". She extended her criticism towards the issue of Tephanon, a Pelasgian colony that has come into the focus of international attention after plans of the World Republic for the case of war had been leaked to the public. In the eyes of Trumm, the existence of a Pelasgian Tephanon is "a perpetual threat of war against the World Republic". "The Pelasgian reactionaries press a knife against our throat and all the social democrats do is smile and talk of peace," she said.

"Kadikistan has won in Crotobaltislavonia," claims Foreign Policy Expert.
Westport Times

Professor Liam Hammersmith-Black, who teaches international relations at the Newton University in Alexandria, has said that the ongoing crisis in Crotobaltislavonia has passed the point when it could have exploded into open warfare. "Kadikistan has won," is the controversial assesment of the Professor.

According to Hammersmith-Black, there are numerous signs that the attempted coup in the dictatorship had been, if not outright orchestrated, at least been encouraged by outside forces from the Trier Accord. "It was certainly within their interest to remove a dictator with close ties to Ivar and replace it with someone more amicable to their regional and strategic plans," the Professor notes. The failure of the coup, however, has encouraged Kadikistan to intensify its presence in Crotobaltislavonia and dictator Farrago, having to ensure his survival, has become more reliant on Kadikistani support and thus more open to aligning itself with Ivars interests."

While the rattling of sabres continues, Hammersmith-Black denies there is any danger left that there could be an outbreak of open hostilities in Gallo-Germania. "The removal of Farrago has failed, because the Trier Accord was not committed to it and afraid of initiating a war. Both costs and danger of defeat have only increased with the growing presence of Kadikistani forces. Ultimatively, Trier will back down and Crotobaltislavonia solidify its position within Kadikistans sphere of influence."

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Why Zion
The Republic - Guest article from the Zionist Post

Hammersmith-Black, a respected professor for international relation at Newton University, recently suggested in an article for the Westport Times that the Crotobaltislavonian crisis was the result of outside influence. In doing so, he perpetrates a myth of destructive jewish influence and power. A conspiracy theory that both sides of the internal conflict in Crotobaltislavonia have used excessively to demonize their enemies. Certainly, Hammersmith-Black is above suspicions of antisemitism, but yet, here he is, arriving at his conclusions by taking the antisemitic paranoia that has steered the Crotobaltislavonian policy towards their Trivodnian neighbours as sober political analysis.

The issue serves to illustrate a point about the insidious power of antisemitism. By perpetually generating a political mythology, a all-encompassing world explanation in colorful pictures, it manages to paint even the thoughts of those who distance themselves from the hatred of jews. It manages to generate unwitting pawns amongst those who are really too intelligent for the brutish hatred the dictators and demagogues of Europe command. In doing so, it undermines what little defense jewry possesses against those who wish to incite the mob towards their elimination.

As jews, we are spread thinly amongst the peoples of Europe, a minority across the globe. And we are resented for that fact, as rootless people without a home, whom many can only picture as a parasitic rot within their communities. Everywhere we are reliant on the goodwill of kings and chancellors and the crisis in Crotobaltislavonia illustrates this well: two factions vying for power lay waste to their own country and in order to do so unpunished, they blame the jews for their own crimes. The nation of Trivodnia, with its proud Yiddish heritage, is the only one taking a stance towards the defense of the jewish minority within the borders of their neighbouring country, giving us a glimpse of the role a true national home for the world jewry could serve in the defense of its people. In doing so, however, Trivodnia is also weakening its own position, having relied on neutrality - and, like the jews before Trivodnian statehood, on the goodwill of more powerful masters who it hopes will come to its defense.

There is only one place in the world that can truly unite the jewry and that can serve as the beacon that attracts our people to their home. It is not in Trivodnia with its untenable position wedged between catholic Gallia and Leninovist Slavia. It is Jerusalem, our eternal city, the spiritual home of jewry for thousands of years, that as the only place in Europe has the power to truly unite our people and give them the strength for self-determining its fate. The troubles of Trivodnia further prove to us, that neutrality and isolation is not the way forward for us, but that an independent Zion should make itself a proud and loyal member of the great family of peoples in Europe. A state in the union that has the ability to defend itself and maintain peace and security within its borders, but that, as independent state within the World Republic, can call upon the might of the Republic when threatened by the ambitions of ruthless autocrats.


Staff member
Oct 30, 2006
Tokyo, Japan
Zion remains the highest aspiration of the Jewish people. It is our ancient birthright and the hope of millions of sons and daughters of David today, the promise that one day we will live in our own land, deciding our own fate, free from persecution and free to live in harmony with the other peoples of Europe. As Zionists, we must accept this truth, that only an independent Zion can stand: Not one joined with foreign bodies like the Implarian Republic, nor one rendering service to other masters in spirit or deed. As Zionists, we recognize this great truth: That the Jewish people can have friends, but in the end, must stand alone.

Samuel Goldbaum
President of the World Zionist Congress


Establishing Nation
Nov 27, 2016
Anor Londo
Jerusalem is worth nothing. And everything. Who but the Jews have known such extremes of both fortune, and of loss. Someday we will return to the Kingdom of God. But not by the way of Zion. We tried it once, and now we have Trivodnia.

Rabbi Hershel Cohen,
Chief Representative of the Bergenheim Jewish Council

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Identity of Tephanon Papers leak revealed
Westport Times

At a joint press conference, military authorities and federal police have revealed the identity of the man who leaked the Tephanon Papers to the public. An arrest warrant was issued for the thirty-two year old intelligence officer Martin Henderson, who is on the run from the authorities. During the press conference it was revealed that Henderson had evaded arrest, possibly being informed of investigators having tracked him down as source of the leak by merit of his own position within the military intelligence service.

The Tephanon Papers were top secret contgency plans in case of a conflict with Pelasgia, detailing the invasion of the Pelasgian Tephanon exclave in the Himyar Cape. The leak had caused a diplomatic crisis for the SWR in mid-November, with politicians emphasizing the age and the theoretical nature of the plans to stave off international outrage.

Winters announces refugees initiative in Crotobaltislavonia
Implarian Observer

President Winters has announced the Socialist World Republic to take an active part in solving the refugee crisis caused by the conflict in Crotobaltislavonia. With thousands of innocent people fleeing from the fights in the Gallo-Germanian country, the SWR will be actively offering asylum to refugees. Deliverance has contacted countries neighbouring Crotobaltislavonia to coordinate the effort of the World Republic, offering to fly refugees to safety in Implaria and thus easing the impact of the crisis on the countries in question.

Asked for details and the extent of the effort, Winters explained that the World Republic would deploy administrative teams to coordinate with local authorities on the Crotobaltislavonian crisis. The SWR would not be shouldering the refugees in their entirety, noting that evacuating the entirety of the displace persons from Crotobaltislavonia was unfeasible and would relieve the international community from their obligations. Instead, Deliverance intends to screen the refugees for those individuals with the least chance of returning to their home country and the greatest chance to permanently settle in the Implarian States. An exception was to be made for jewish refugees, which Winters said would be offered safety in the World Republic in their entirety, due to their status as persecuted minority.


Nov 1, 2006
Virginia, USA
Windhaven, Gunnland
Legati Officum + Regnum Marpesiae
Foreign Office + Kingdom of Gunnland

The S.W.R. deserves praise for its willingness to join the Kingdom of Elben in taking the lead to aid refugees from Crotobaltislavonia. Her Majesty wishes to set up refugee camps in southeastern Gunnland (Lower Marpesia) and allow the public expression of rabbinical and heretical sects within them. While the Home Office is studying the issue, allow us to be first to congratulate Deliverance.

Maria Ø. Huyldrich née Plutarska
Prime Minister of Gunnland


Established Nation
Sep 30, 2014
Athens, Greece
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Great Secretariat of the Empire
Private Communiqué

Propontis, 7 January 2018
Unclassified - Normal (Α.-K)
Φ274/2970/13909 - ΑΣ 7/2018

To whom it may concern,

The recognises the legitimate sovereignty of no authority over Hierosolyma other than the Crown of Propontis, whose loyal subjects the indigenous Philistines, Jewish and Christian, are. For such fervent opposers of imperialism, the Implarian Republic and the State in Touzen are ready to espouse the imperialistic ambitions of a certain radical minority among the world's Jewry, who wish to dispossess those of their brethren already in Hierosolyma as well as the Urudoah and other Imperial citizens living there for milennia, in order to form a messianic pseudo-state.

Indeed, all Jews who have a right to live in Hierosolyma reside there already as Imperial citizens with full rights, as well as citizens of the Constituent Realm of Philistaea, which allows them to practice their religion, speak, learn and teach their language in their own schools, form their own associations and use their own family law. What more they could ask for is unknown, since the Imperial Association of Israelite Communities has repeatedly stated its satisfaction with the current state of affairs with regard to their people in Tiburia, a fact which seems reasonable if one were to consider the prominent position is places of industry, commerce, education, culture and even the Imperial government and cabinet Jews have. To ask for nothing sort of sole absolute dominion over a land inhabited mostly by Christian Philistines would be to ask for the right to claim foreign territory via force of arms and to commit cultural, if not other, genocide on its indigenous inhabitants, for that would be the only way to keep them from claiming what is rightfully theirs and theirs alone. Indeed, the Empire has provided shelter for a number of Jews and other prosecuted minorities in the past, such as the fleeing Jews of Chernovy in the medieval period.

The Empire recognises no fictitious claims of millennia-old heritage which can scarcely be proven or legitimised, and fails to see how a convert to Judaism has equal if not more right to Hierosolyma ("Jerusalem" being a term wholly unknown to Europe, though we presume it refers to the Holy City in question) than those who have inhabited said land for centuries, merely because most of the indigenous inhabitants of the region chose to convert to Christianity. As for those who did not convert but fled, we would remind Zionists around the world that their leaving was necessitated by a treasonous revolt against Imperial authorities wherein they slaughtered tens of thousands of gentile civilians in a manner most barbarous and inhumane. If the Zionists wish to repeat this barbarity, we warn them that the outcome shall be identical, if not far more noxious for the people they wrongly perceive themselves to represent.

Indeed, one would wonder why a country with a mere minority of Jewish inhabitants would seek to invest itself in adventures in a land so far from its own, for an endeavour which benefits neither the majority of its population nor its coffers. One does have to ask what the average Implarian has to gain from an assault of Philistaea, or Tephanon for that matter. In either case, the benefit of the Zionist lobby and the Implarian elite is evident, but no gain can be ascertained for the men and women whose taxes shall be wasted and whose loved ones shall be sent to slaughter. The Empire remains forever committed to peace and diplomacy, but it seems that certain lobbying groups and power elites in Implaria abandoned such concepts long ago, the former in pursuit of a messianic fantasy in Northern Himyar, the latter in pursuit of self-aggrandizement and power-growth in the Horn of that fair continent.

With regard to the Exarchate of Tephanon, Propontis would remind the authorities in the Implarian Islands that this territory of ours far precedes the establishment of their own state and to claim it as a danger to their existence as if it were established yesterday for the express purpose of assaulting Deliverance would be dishonest and disingenuous at best. Indeed, if anybody coudl make such a claim it would be Tiburia on the establishment of the Implarian Republic itself being a threat to Tephanon, a statement which we have never made, ever adhering to the principle of national sovereignty. The Republic in question has repeatedly shown itself to be belligerent and hypocritical, having first devised plans to assault our territory in secret, and having then pretended not to know that our domain over the southern Long Sea dates back to the first millennium AD, as per the Imperial Partition, pretending instead that we just made this claim for the first time yesterday.

The Empire applauds the initiative of the brave officer who leaked the most treacherous, illegal and malignant designs of Implaria to the public, and would offer them asylum or transport them to an allied country to be there granted asylum instanter. It is the belief of the Empire that the initiative of such brave, dutiful and honest men and women is needed to preserve peace and truth in a Europe clouded by the aggressive dishonesty and malicious intent of forces such as the Deliverance Regime. Rather than apologise and try to make amends, Deliverance has endeavoured to assault Southern Tibur and treat her with hostility at every step. The Empire shall maintain its reduced diplomatic representation in Deliverance permanently, seeing no purpose in restoring it to its previous size, and shall adjust its own defensive preparedness, in Tephanon and elsewhere, accordingly.

We applaud the initiatives of President Winters and Senator Hill for peaceful resolution, while we decry the way in which Donna Trumm seems to hold utter disregard for the lives of men and women in Implaria. While it is not our business to involve ourselves in the internal affairs of other countries, a courtesy which Deliverance has rarely if ever returned, we are concerned at how Donna Trumm seems to mock the concept of war and solders' deaths as if it were something minor or, Heaven forbid, desirable, and are concerned at how the second largest party in Implaria has allowed itself to become so unhinged as to blatantly call for war and death to be brought upon civilians and soldiers the world over as an election promise. May God have mercy on us all, if Europe has degenerated to such a degree of sin and debauchery.

Signed and sealed,

Geōrgios Aurēliou Kantakouzēnos

Great Secretary of the Empire
Patrician Nobelissimus
Last edited:


Established Nation
Nov 25, 2006
Office of the President of the Free State of Trivodnia

It remains the long-standing position of the Free State of Trivodnia that, far from guaranteeing the security of the Jewish people, a dedicated nation state would subject them to greater hostility, as all Jews would no doubt be seen as potential agents for said state, regardless of actual affiliation or loyalty.

Trivodnia has already been the target of vile anti-Semitic propaganda by virtue of simply of being Jewish majority in terms of demography. We can only dread what abuse a de jure Jewish state would face.

Furthermore, while the Jewish people are united by a common history and religion, and if scripture is to be believed, a common destiny, over time they have come to develop diverse traditions and cultures. Trying to create a new state on top of such variation would pose considerable difficulties.

Lastly, while we have raised our concerns over the status of Jewish immigration to the Holy Land, we believe for the most part Pelasgia has been a good guardian of both Jerusalem and the Jewish community there and in the Holy Land.

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Voters support Social Republican policies, but trust Social Democratic candidate
The Republic

A recent poll conducted by the Cole University suggests that a majority of voters supports the Social Republican policies over that of incumbent president Winters and his Social Democratic party, but considers the Social Democratic candidate Clint Hill to be the better choice for the office. In the poll, only a third of voters voiced support for further market reforms, with nearly half of the voters suggesting that past reforms had gone too far. A slight majority supported drilling for oil in the Clarencian Sea - a Social Republican election promise - and a third of voters supports the Social Republican foreign policy towards Pelasgia, with half of voters undecided.

However, despite this solid support for Social Republican positions, Social Democrats are still leading the election polls. A majority of voters considers Clint Hill to be the better candidate, with Social Republican Donna Trumm widely considered unprofessional and "unstatesmanlike". Asked for their main concerns regarding each candidate, Clint Hill was seen as too close to privatization campaigns and especially Trumm-supporters consider him corrupt, while Donna Trumm was considered a choleric by many of the voters and especially Hill-supporters feared the possibility of Trumm provoking a war.

Socialist Commonwealth

Establishing Nation
Oct 30, 2006
Sexual Abuse Allegations Against Social-Democratic Vice-Presidential Candidate
Implarian Observer

The presidential campaign of the Social Democratic Party took a heavy hit today when a group of twelve women stepped forward, accusing the running mate of Clint Hill, Lucas Harvey, of sexual harassment and rape. Over the course of the last ten years, he allegedly abused his positions within the Social Democratic Party to harass female party-members and coerce them into granting him sexual favors. Harvey, who had risen rapidly through the ranks of the youth-wing of the Social Democrats and was considered the up and coming face of the market reformists within the party, has denied the claims and called them a "left-wing smear campaign".

Following the allegations, the Police Chief of Deliverance announced his department would take over the investigations, as the majority of cases are reported to have taken place within the city. The Social Democrats meanwhile are torn over how to handle the affairs. Many, including the mayor of Westport Carolin Redwine and the spokesperson of the Women's Association within the party, Heather White, have called upon Harvey to step back from his candidacy, while reformist radical Sandor Bernstein has publically sided with Harvey in calling the allegations a Social Republican smear campaign, despite having refused to endorse Harveys running mate Clint Hill to this day.