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Nov 1, 2006
America's Energy Capital
Noticiero Global’s issue of Monday, April 30, 2012, the day of surrender.

Noticias de la Republica

Bantyr Surrenders and Northern Conflict Ends

At 6 am local time, Bantyric forces surrendered to Frescanian and allied forces in Bantyr.

The surrender comes 48 hours after a putsch in Bantyr removed President Gordon from office.

Frescanian troops have been fighting in the Northern Campaign for months after Bantyric and other Celtic states invaded Suionia.

Frescanian troops, together with their Suionian and Engellexian partners, accepted the surrender of Bantyric forces. The surprise, however, came as the official surrender was handed to solely to Frescania.

Admiral Mario Perez Garcia, commander of the Frescanian Task Force, told reporters that he had “accepted the full and unconditional surrender of Bantyric forces to the Republic and her allies.” The Admiral further stated that any agreement that was reached in Suionia “will take effect immediately.”

Experts see this victory as important not only to the Frescanian armed forces, but also for the Karlskrona Accord. “This triumph over Bantyr demonstrates the ability of the Accord and the individual states to fight against numerous enemies all at the same time”, said Alejandro Carlos Fernandez, professor at the University of Zulia. “Not only that, but it demonstrates that Frescania can fight a conflict far from its territory, be efficient and win. This gives proof that our Armed Forces are well prepared for any type of war” said Dr. Fernarndez.

In Other News...

:!: The corporate tax announcement shocks members of the left, Socialist Party continues without a successor to Chancellor Carmelas.

:!: Ministry of Foreign Affairs invites a delegation from both Jurzan and Altai to discuss means in which Frescania can aide in their development.

:!: Insiders to the Democratic Party are “thrilled” of the Chancellor’s shift in economic policies. Many think this will give the Democrats the upper hand in next year’s elections.

The Admiral

Letter from Admiral Mario Perez Garcia, Supreme Commander of the Republican Forces in the Northern Theater.

Monday, May 28, 2012,

Dear Alessandra,

Three weeks have passed since the surrender of the Bantyric forces to the Republic. As we expected, tensions continue to be high, and the men suspect every Bantyric individual they see. I can’t blame them; they are in a hostile place that has seen devastation and tyranny.

The Task Force did a remarkable job up here, and I have been honored to lead them against Bantyr. However, occupation and reconstruction is a different matter, and I fear that with an isolationist Suionia and an over stretched Engellex, the Republic will share a large burden of these tasks. This was not what former President Serrano had in mind for the Republic’s role, and neither was President Rodriguez's idea of peace when signing the agreement in Suionia.

The Navy has been given the job to maintain control over the skies and seas of our occupied zone. I personally think this is putting too much responsibility on the navy, which I have explained to the President, but alas, it seems they will carry said burden.

Our troops have so far maintained the peace in our zone. They are joyful we won, and we could have not done it without the full support the country gave us. I hope we can continue our role without anymore massacres, which will only hurt both Bantyric and Frescanian interests in the region. Peace and stability, our Republic's primary concern, must be created.

I am, however, confused about what we should do in regards to the Bantyric government. They surrendered to us because they did not want to fall to Monarchists regimes. While this is understandable, it puts us in a crossroad: do we help the regime stay in power, or push for reform? The resistance in our territory will be shaped on our decision to this question. I hope the President gets good advice from the Chancellor, the Joint Chiefs, Ministers and others.

Tomorrow I am meeting with the regional commanders and discuss the further deployment of forces throughout the territory. I expect they will want more soldiers up here, but that is up to the National Assembly and the President. I will, of course, take their comments into account and recommend to the Ministry what our next move should be. I also hope to meet with my Engellexian and Suionian counterparts to coordinate the stability of our regions.

I miss you and hope everything is well. Let the kids know I will be home soon.


Nov 1, 2006
America's Energy Capital
Insert from the Diary of Admiral Mario Perez Garcia, Supreme Commander of the Republican Forces in the Northern Theater

June 12, 2012

Dear Alessandra,

My discussions with the Joint Chiefs turned out as they always do: they want our soldiers back home as fast as we can, specially the Monterrey divisions. Yet, they don’t understand that this operation will take time, that it won't be easy.

The government has promised to send more forces if necessary. What exactly this means, I am not certain. I think we will receive troops only when things get horrendous and Miraflores sees more and more coffins returning home. It is unfortunate they think on numerical terms.

Late last night, we got reports of an attack that killed twenty of our men. This is certainly not the first attack since the end of the conflict, but it is a major assault. The Bantyric guerrilla is ready to inflict as much pain as possible, with the sole condition of driving us back home.

Of course, Bangleann is still consolidating its power and they cannot constraint the guerrillas. The Junta has promised us they will restrain the extremists. This is not easy for them, because I am certain that these guys allow these terrorists to informally fight us and the Engellexian. I think the President might be siding towards helping the remaining Republicans, which will be a major blow to our democratization process and the people of Bantyr. The situation in Himyar is not helping us, the Government takes its responsibility to the Southern region much more important than this operation. I fear what would happen if war does break out down south.

I will travel tomorrow to Bangleann and meet with the Junta. I hope we can discuss these raids and the democratization of Bantyr. I am, however, skeptical that anything will come out of this and that we will continue muddling through.



Letter from Antonio Justancia, Colonel of the 2nd Leon Division

June 12, 2012

Today started as any other: wake up, do your patrol, lunch, more patrol, practice, dinner, sleep. To many of us it has become a ritual. The days following the occupation, tension with the Bantyrics could be felt but no one dare attacking us.

Then they started assaulting us, from a distance, and we got some injures. Then, they went for our supplies. However, yesterday’s attack was different. It was organized, they stood their ground, and they fought as trained militias. It was horrendous. We were not prepared for such event and were caught by surprise. We underestimated their capabilities and we paid for it.

This also means that the Bantyric army is training them, a violation of the surrender. The Admiral seems indifferent to it. Many of our men are ready to destroy what remains of the Bantyric forces, what the dictatorship calls “security force”.

Twenty men died. Twenty dear friends felt to these cowards that won’t stand and fight. I’m sure they will discuss this great news to their leaders and keep planning our death. I hope the Admiral and Government take drastic actions, or I fear that our role in Bantyr will be short lived.

We also hear the Admiral is going north tomorrow. Many within the division expect nothing out of this meeting. The Junta will continue to finance these patriots and bleed our Republic out of men. I am certain that my fellow countrymen will never surrender, but it is not us that the Junta have to convince, it is our people. Sometimes I wonder if our republican system is worth fighting for.

Message from Resistance to Bantyric Government

To: High Bantyric Command
From: Resistance - Group FR

Yesterday’s attack was a success. The Frescanians lost twenty of their men, while we only lost five. This is a great victory for us and we shall continue these small and quick assaults against the invaders.

We propose further training by the Saviors of Bantyr* so that we can continue our actions against both Frescania and Engellex. In the Frescanian zone, we are already planning further attacks, while in the Engellexian zone; we shall strike harder than ever. Their numbers are small and can be pushed towards withdraw. We are sure of it.

We, however, need more funding. We cannot fight against the Frescanian and Engellexian forces with our outdated equipment. If you want our territory liberated, we must obtain better guns than we have. Despite this difference, we shall never surrender. The invaders' blood will bathe our lands and give rise to a new free Bantyr in which no foreigner will ever invade again.

Long live Bantyr! Long live the Saviors of the State!

* = nickname to the Bantyr Armed Forces/Junta
Nov 1, 2006
America's Energy Capital
Insert from the Diary of Admiral Mario Perez Garcia, Supreme Commander of the Republican Forces in the Northern Theater

June 24h, 2012,

Dear Alessandra,

The situation in the front continues its fragile state. The men are more than ready to continue the mission, but I am getting reports that they are weary of the Bantyrics. While some try to increase their contacts with the locals, most are refusing to do so. This could become a problem; our soldiers must fraternize with the locals so that both sides understand that what we are doing here: rebuilding a more peaceful and democratic Bantyr, which will benefit both societies.

The Junta in Bangleann thinks they can fool me. In our meeting, they discussed all the plans they had against the guerrillas, how they were sending spies to the rings to supposed air attacks against their camps. They even emphasized how they were doing their best to stop the guerrilla's attack on our troops.

Of course, those are all lies. The recent intelligence reports paint another picture. Those tyrants are arming the guerrillas against us, and then turn to me and say they aren’t. I would personally love to see an end to their rule, but until we find a better candidate, we must work with them. I am, however, increasing our intelligence divisions throughout the entire country. We must have the proof against the Bangleann Junta for when we move against them.

In a positive move, Miraflores has made a decision on the remaining Republicans in Bantyr. The CNI will send a team to begin searching for reliable members of the old party so that they can start assuming political responsibility in Bantyr. I hope this strategy works, but I am afraid it will only create a regime heavily depended on the Republic.

There have been numerous skirmishes throughout the border of our zone and Bantyr. The guerrillas continue to show that they are being trained. We have even sent expeditionary forces against their camps inside Bantyr. While destroying them has helped relieve our troops, the clashes continue. We lost another five men three days ago.

Chancellor Carmelas called me last night to tell me that the government will expand the Bantyr aide package. This will allow for the re-construction of our zone. He did not tell me how much it would be, but I hope the President can inform him that we need as much as possible.

Please let the kids know that I will be flying back home next week. I will not miss Cesar’s birthday.


Letter from Antonio Justancia, Colonel of the 2nd Leon Division

June 24, 2012,

Life at the camp continues its normal routine, but the situation has chance for all of us. Recent developments throughout the theater have made us more cheerful, while others depress us. Whatever the cause, our soldiers continue to get good supplies from home, a fact that makes all of us happy.

The recent border clashes have increased, and we see no end in sight. The Bantyrics are getting better, but they still no match against us. Yet, I fear they will do a massive attack throughout our entire front, making us extremely weak. I wonder if they have even thought of doing that.

However, these clashes have resulted in five loses. Probably inexperience men, but nevertheless loses that could have been avoided. The government seems incapable of understanding our situation, while releasing statements saying how they will do everything within their capacity to help us. Corrupts politicians will never understand the life us soldiers. Nevertheless, I know the Admiral wants the best for us, and I trust he will bring sense to those in Fortaleza Real.

Last week’s operation in Bantyr was a success. We blew three of their camps to hell, and they did not see it coming. Our special forces were phenomenal and they had no casualties. According to our sources, the guerrillas were so surprised that even some believed that it was just the beginning of a massive Frescanian assault. Now that I reflect on it, we should have expanded that attack to other known areas of the rebels. I hope that the element of surprise has not been lost yet.

Message from the Bantyric Government to Generals in the field

To: Bantyric General Commanders

Our discussion with Admiral Garcia and his staff went as we expected. The Frescanians want us to end our support of the guerrillas, and we showed them our elaborate plans against them. I believe we convince them we are on their side, but some of the Admiral’s staff seemed distrustful. No matter, we will continue to have the Frescanians in our basket, they need us leading Bantyr. They have no alternative.

However, there are some remnants of the moderate Republicans throughout Bantyr that must be dealt with. These doves brought our nation down during the war, and could help the Frescanians in the long term. Our order is simple: find and destroy them. We have attached a list of suspected traitors. Top priority should be given to those in the Republican and Monarchist occupied zones. The ones in Bantyr shall be easier to deal with.

Lastly, training the guerrillas must continue to be our main priority towards liberation. The Frescanians will not fight us, we are officially their ally. However, stop supplying them with our prime military hardware. We must maintain these in our hands in case we must fight the invaders ourselves.

Long live the Republic!

Great Engellex

Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
London, UK
Glenbeigh, Engellexic Occupied Glanarought, Bantyr, June 2012

The Second Lord of the Admiralty, Vice-Admiral Sir Somerset Gough-Calthorpe, and his family had not long returned to Engellexic Occupied Glanarought in Bantyr before he recognised for himself that the people of middle rank and the poor who laboured in the dilapidated factories and warehouses around Glenbeigh, the city where the Engellexic administration formed headquarters, were openly expressing anger and resentment toward Bangleann and Dulwich. Some justified their opposition by the appeal of romanticist ideals the Glanarought identity, others used the language of republican revolutionaries which had sustained modern Bantyr, and, less so, in other more traditional communities people felt drawn to the fabled Celtic warrior kings and queens of the former kingdom. Dissenters in the north east of the occupied territory were successfully popularising, among most political groups, a radicalism that looked to Fay Taylour for ideas and Engellex for a populist expression. Radical enthusiasm in the north-eastern part of the territory had the same origins and engines as that throughout the majority of the Engellexic territory, but a resentment from being partitioned from the rest of Caimbeul (the north east was part of Caimbeul, not Ceosrath, before the occupation) gave nationalist sentiments a distinct twist in that part of the Engellexic zone. A month before joining his family in Glenbeigh, from Dulwich, the Second Lord was in Kilmallock, the main city in the north east, where he reported on the dissension that was rife in the city and surrounding towns; dissension along the lines described earlier for the north east.

Everywhere in Occupied Glanarought the situation was becoming a mass of confusion for the military and civil administration. Opposition to Bangleann and Dulwich was, however, quite fractured along regional/community lines; alliances were volatile and reflected the desperation and devastation of the Bantyric people at this moment of their national existence. Civil administrators, both Bantyric and Engellexic, noted the dive into paranoia, with some communities believing in a fear of enemies surrounding them, not just foreign but also political, and it became common place for individuals to create double lives in an effort to progress in the political direction that they personally believed in. A respectable Kilmallock shopkeeper during the light hours was a bannerman at a Caimbeul Resurrection meeting at night, meetings which were secret and would later form the centre of strategy formation for armed rebellion in Kilmallock. A librarian and member of the Caimbeul Resurrection had yet another identity, that of an informant to the Engellexic authorities. Yet the crisis of true identity wasn’t simply confined to the humble citizens; a domestic servant may bring an Engellexic officer his roasted joint on a silver tray and then, after hours, add to the trove of intelligence that had been gathered for the CR.

Enmities hardened in a devastating economic climate of high taxes, dead land revenues, and a manufacturing sector on life-support – much of which was an Engellexic effort. Reactionaries disliked and attacked anyone who promised to extend rights to non-Celtic ethnicities, a clear hang-over of former Bantyric social policy, and made unofficial pledges to civil authorities not to attack them as long as they upheld the privilege and dominance of the Bantyric ethnicity. The Republicans, from most communities, demanded the return of universal rights that had been curtailed under the last president, but then they fractured into groups wanting self-determination of the occupied territory, unification and independence with Ceosrath, or complete unification of Bantyr. The Celtic romanticists created for their pedigree a future of Celtic Lords and Kings, bards, songs and Bantyric jigs, with prosperity along socialist-leaning policies, while denouncing Bangleann they remained supportive of Engellexic administration, believing that the return of the Celtic monarchy could emanate only from Europe’s most powerful monarchy. Even these identities were fluid, and the organisations splintering into new ones quite often.

So as the political and economic crisis deppened, the fanciful and the macabre jostled side by side. Ordinary life went on but the sense of impending doom grew. Men and women, in streets and shops, public houses and factories, became worried about the ever growing number of Engellexic soldiers and military equipment. The Engellexic Army was fast moving away as a source of inconvenience to one of fear and great anger.

Is that from your mother? The Second Lord asked his wife, entering her bedroom. The Gough-Calthorpes had commandeered a smart townhouse in Glenbeigh for the duration of their stay in Glanarought. Lady Rosamund Gough-Calthorpe smiled, yes it was. Lady Rosamund stood before her husband and twirled, allowing him to observe a blue satin drew she had made in Dulwich for the evening’s occasion, it was of the national Bantyric colour, do you approve? The Second Lord nodded, as always, you shall be the Queen of Bantyr. Come, we shall be late. Arriving downstairs, two footmen opened the double doors to the assembly room where their guests had gathered. It was an uncivilised gathering by Engellexic standards; an air of cigar smoke and perfume, playful Bantyric compositions in the background, and the occasional sniff of fine food that survived the stale air having arrived from the adjoining dining room. Everyone is here, the Second Lord remarked to his wife, indeed the place was full of high-ranking officers, senior civil servants, and a sprinkling of leading locals that the Second Lord believed would support the effort. As the couple walked through, they were greeted with bows and courtesies, one retired officer who was now supporting the civil administration thanked the Second Lord for his recommendation of a promotion to his son. The Gough-Calthorpes smiled, aware of the illusion of it all. They exaggerate my influence, he quietly informed his wife, I make recommendations and Dulwich does what it wants. Some have pressed me on policy here, but Dulwich decides. They both smiled as a footman delivered wine on silver trays. Rosamund, inclined to political opinion, expressed that it would be ideal if the majority of decisions were made in Glenbeigh. The situation here calls for it, I have been told.

Great Engellex

Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
London, UK
Glenbeigh, Engellexic Occupied Glanarought, Bantyr, July 2012

Before the Imperial Parliament would depart for the country season, amidst reports from the Bletchley Intelligence Bureau that the Republic of Bantyr was preparing to launch an offensive, and rumours that the Caimbeul Resurrection were organising an underground army and stirring great disaffection amongst the Glenbeigh poor, the Second Lord was informed that General Sir Rupert Vernon Anson, Viscount of Hamilton, and General Sir Charles Tilney, Baron Tilney, were to be arriving in Glenbeigh with the first of the two part deployment of the entire First Great Engellexic Army into Glanarought; it coincided with the deployment of No. 1 Wing of the Royal Engellexic Air Force, with the aircraft and Army units stationed prior to the two deployments will gradually be withdrawn back to Engellex. Around the borders of Engellex Occupied Glanarought, the Second Lord oversaw earthworks for the reinforcement of important bridges and sentry positions, he also commenced the laying of mine fields along the western and north-eastern borders and defences for the main airfields. Preparations for defence seemed to confirm the rumours circulating Dulwich on the imminence of attack in the north and the possibility of war declarations against other quarters. But the reports of a coherent plan of resistance and well organised army of rebels were only partially true.

The reports from the Bletchley Intelligence Bureau put the responsibility squarely with the Caimbeaul Ressurection Council in Glenbeigh. Despite the presence of a growing underground army, the Council were divided on the timing and course of any attack against the Engellexic Army. There was supposed to be a strategy co-ordinated with an attack from the Bantyric Republican Forces, which gave foundation to the rumours of a Bantyric renewed offensive and a breakdown in negotiations. However, communications with Bangleann were in disarray, largely in part to a lack of unity in the Bantyric Government following its defeat. Many on the Council wanted to attack with a guaranteed Bantyric effort, and others argued that they should without it as it wasn’t necessary. While they dithered and argued, the prominent leader, Fay Taylour, struggled to maintain the momentum around Glanarought. At the beginning of July, before any unity could be achieved, the Second Lord decimated the Council leadership of the Caimbeul Ressurection. As it gathered to formulate strategy in a village outside of Glenbeigh, the BIB, which was tailing the movements, informed the Imperial Administration in the city. With the Army stretched thinly, the Second Lord was unable to deploy the kind of force necessary to put them all down, and with that was forced to use the Royal Engellexic Air Force contingent in Bantyr; in the evening 7 July 2012 four F-16’s bombed the village into the ground, with the Army later confirming the bodies. Lady Rosamund Gough-Calthorpe judged her husband’s decision to opt for an airstrike less harshly than the others in the Glenbeigh Circles. She understood his despair, and she could see why he no choice but to remove the head of the CR. However, she regarded the Second Lord’s suspension of several rights, the restrictions to free assembly, and the martial law that followed the airstrike as quite offensive. In the evenings she would privately argue against him that he was simply an instrument to establish another colonial holding of the Crown; publicly, however, Rosamund vigorously defended her husband against his critics.

In a designated Assembly Room in central Glenbeigh, Lady Rosamund founded the Society for the Establishment of Samiskavian Peace on 13 July, to press for reconciliation between the combatants in the North and the establishment of an independent and reform Bantyr; it was considered impolitic to narrow the aims of the society to Bantyr alone, with Great Engellex engaged against it and the national sensitivities changing so dramatically each day.

Many in Engellex originally opposed the war in Bantyr that the Northern Council created and remained staunchly Bantophile through much of the early difficulties, when the aircraft were employed over the skies of Bantyr and the generals engaged in co-operation with the Karlskrona Accord; there were even caricatures in the Illustrated News of Dulwich of Charlotte building her own guillotine in support of the Most Republican Cause of Frescania against Bantyr. But despite much of support that dominated the national character and politics during the opening engagements of the Engellexic intervention for Bantyr, attitudes toward the northern state and the war against it were shifting markedly a few months before. As the Engellexic military effort grew in the north, the people of the working classes in the industrial centres of the country, that is those who had direct observation of the proceeding war, were persuaded to regard open Bantophilia as an aberrant and almost seditious stance; this political persuasion amongst those classes was first acknowledged in the Commons Assembly on 5 July.

The attitudes however gave way to polarisation and hardening of attitudes, with sympathy of monarchism and the Queen-Empress at its core, the Imperial Cabinet seized the political initiative from the Imperial Parliament under the direction of the Duke of Nonsuch. The affront of Monterrey, the ideological initiatives of Frescania, the trickery in Bangleann, and the advent of the Boliaturan Terror changed the opinion of the imperial metropolis of the character of Republican Europe. Before it was seen as an unfortunate presence that was tolerated with mild irritation that required little attention, now the ideology commanded the full attention of Dulwich and many now saw republicanism as regicidal tyranny. The new positions taken by the political class were in anticipation of a War of Ideology that is now argued within the gilded chambers of the Plantagenet Palace. In the palace, where the Parliament sits, the oppositions – the Fox-Labour Union, the Salisbury Coalition, the extremist wings of the Whig Party – winced at the mobilisation of support from the Pitt, Levenite and many Whig benches to begin stamping out republican activity, not just in Great Engellex, but in the Frontier, Bantyr. Yet Dulwich politics would be seen as mild to Lady Rosamund and her husband in comparison with the energies and enthusiasms of the various movements hoping to find two legs to march on in Glanarought.

When news of the Engellexic declaration of war against Boliatur was received in Glenbeigh, the Gough-Calthorpes were hosting an evening at their residence. The modest glitter and spectacle of the evening could not hide the uncertainty held by most, and Lady Rosamund was forced to observe that many of her circle were coming out quite confidently against republicanism and supporting the stance of the capital against the movements around Europe. Sir, the Lady Cecilia Fitzgerald exaggerated, what a tiresome business it all is. Is it only this Empire that is willing to put an end to those upstarts in Boliatur? Lady Rosamund turned away from distantly observing Lady Cecilia, finding the tone of the conversation inappropriate. Should they determine to disembark their shores then there we shall see, Sir Edward Conolly replied.
Nov 1, 2006
America's Energy Capital
Classified Report to Centro Nacional de Intelligencia (CNI)

Port Fiona, Ceosrath,

July 14, 2012.

Two months ago, CNI was tasked by the PRESIDENT to locate and identify individuals with the professional and ideological background suited for the governance of a possible unified REPUBLIC OF BANTYR. Last month, CNI sent out a team of twenty men north to CEOSRATH for such purpose.

At our arrival, with met the Republican Navy's Admiral MARIO GARCIA, supreme commander of Frescanian forces in the territory. The Admiral welcomed us as members of his staff and provided us with the equipment necessary for our task. while at the camp, we talked with members of our armed forces, who have high regards for the Admiral. We strongly urge CNI to back the Admiral with any means necessary.

Our team was divided into two, and we took charge of identifying numerous individuals throughout the provinces of CEOSRATH. We have gathered the attached (CLASSIFIED - CATEGORY 1) information on leading individuals throughout the territory.

This list can be helpful when THE REPUBLIC grants CEOSRATH self-governance. It provides the names of rising individuals within each province of the territory, and we have identified around a dozen citizens that we believe are crucial for CEOSRATH long term governance.

As mandated by CNI, we will depart to BANTYR to identify possible leaders for that country’s leadership.

This report is CLASSIFIED - CATEGORY 1.

Sent on the 172 year of the Revolution, and the 167 year of the Republic.

End of Transcript.

Insert from the Diary of Admiral Mario Perez Garcia, Supreme Commander of the Republican Forces in the Northern Theater
July 14, 2012.

Dear Alessandra,

As you have no doubly heard, the territory is now known as Ceosrath, an ancient Bantyric name for the region. Unlike the Engellexian territory, ours has a unified society, and one that is fiercely republican. I am proud our armed force for providing the people with their right to vote. While there was no violence, we did spot numerous attempts to disrupt the referendum. The remarkable thing was that the abstention rate was low. Bantyrics might not like our presence, but they showed the world that they are deeply democratic. This is also a good sign for our efforts over here; we just need to find the right people that can move Ceosrath forward.

The referendum caught the Junta in Bangleann by surprised. They underestimated our democratic caused and have had a hard time convincing their citizens why they should fight against our presence. It seems we have taken the upper against the guerrilla too, as they have decreased their attacks deep inside Ceosrath. Yet, we are not even close to ending our presence, and the Assembly’s investment is still being process by the Treasury.

However, recent events have caught me by surprise, and I fear that it will have a massive influence in our operations. Indeed, the recent anti-Engellexian feelings throughout Europe have irritated Dulwich, and it is critical we have trustworthy relationship with them. I am glad our government is not pushing its anti-monarchist views, and that our leaders are able to keep themselves in check in during high tense times. Yet, I can’t say the same for members of the Assembly or those governing in Escalera al Cielo, who have taken the ideological banner for political purposes and are disregarding the long term stability of Frescanian interest throughout Europe.

In fact, yesterday’s vote against Miguel shocked all of us. A revolt by the Assembly is the last thing our troops and the country need. While I too did not like the way the new Regiomontañero ministry was used, I urged the President to let it slide for the sake of stability over here.

Despite all these bad signs, our soldiers here are encouraged by the recent signs of improvement. More and more of them are increasing their contact with Bantyrics, and I even saw some of them playing football with Bantyric kids. I am very glad that for now, everything is working out. We have expanded construction of our border frontier with Engellex and Bantyr to prevent the guerrillas’ movement and collaboration with the tyrant Junta. I have also ordered our forces to reinforce the borders of Ceosrath.

Lastly, the Ministry [of defense] has approved the expansion of the Frescanian Task Force. It has been painful getting them to send another division as they worry more about the stability of Himyar, but with the air force and navy operating from Suionia, their arguments that supplying the men would be costly melted away, and the President made his final decision.

Send my best regards to your brother Fernando, and thank him for the great bottle of wine he sent me.


The Federation

Established Nation
Feb 19, 2011
Near the border
Inside Frescanian Occupied Bantyr

Roy Munro trekked through the forest, his rifle slung over his back as he tracked deer hoping to bag one for food. The air was cold, summers in Bantyr could hardly be called a summer, they were extremely mild and most of the time cold but not as cold as the deadly winters the country was known for. The deer were restless due to the encroaching bears and wolves that had been driven out of their territory a few months ago by the constant clashes of Rebels and Greaser troops, stories of bear and wolf attacks were common these days among the hunters and he had known a few friends that had been unfortunately mauled. However, the need to feed their families meant the hunters kept going out despite the dangers of the Post-War forest. Roy scanned the area around him, the sun was low in the sky and he though he could hear wolves in the distance, he turned to make his way back to his truck, perhaps he could trade for some meat in Kirkintown before the local market closed.

As he entered into town he parked and made his way toward the central market to barter for some meat to take home. The vendor was a friend of his so trading for the meat didn't cost him as much as it would for others, he traded his supply of Ammunition which was becoming increasingly rare in the occupied zones. Most likely the Greasers restricting sales in hopes that it wouldn't go to rebels, but Roy had stockpiled long before the war due to his love of hunting and rifles. He had taught his wife and daughter to be excellent marksmen and he had gifted them both a rifle of their own, but now they hardly left the house as he feared the Greasers would take to his wife and even worse his young daughter, he had heard stories of their deviance and even if they were made up he erred on the side of caution.

Before going home he had the meat put on ice in a cooler and then went to the local pub. As usual he knew everyone in there and they greeted him with joy. The barmaid was a pretty young thing with long red hair and a low cut shirt, courtesy of the owner using her to bring in more customers. She greeted him without the veiled look of disgust she gave all the other men as Roy was probably the only one who didn't try to make some sort of awkward perverted advance on her, thus they had the sort of friendship one would make with a frequent patron and she rewared his kindness with the secrets and gossip one would expect from a Barmaid and even more so a female. The men in the dark corner were rebels, agents working for the regime in Bangleann, the men at the table to his right were all broke but they tried their best to hide it, the ladies sitting in the back opposite of the ones in the dark corner were having affairs with "The fecking Greasers' as she said it and the two love birds sitting at the end of the bar would quietly fantasize about heading to Port Fiona and leaving for a better life though deep down they knew they wouldn't be able to afford it. "How Romantic" She would say as she talked about them. But even as she told him this he quietly nodded and attempted to forget, only listening out of kindness to her while he drank his beer.

As he finished his drink he thew down a few bills to pay and tip, but unlike every other day where he would leave, this time a hand reached out and grabbed his arm. It was one of the rebel agents, one he knew well, his name was Brian and he had lived in Kirkintown for a long time. "Roy, why don't you have another on me and come talk with my friends." Brian asked in a way that was more like an order.

Roy shook his head, "I don't think so Brian, I have to get back to to the lady and help her prepare dinner."

"She can wait." Brian said as he lead Roy to the dark corner. Brian introduced Roy as one of the best marksman he had ever seen. The others quietly said hello and created space for Roy to sit. Brian explained to him how Bangleann needed men like him to fight back the Greasers and Poofters, the latter word being a slur for the backstabbing Engellexic now occupying West Bantyr, but before Brian could finish Roy cut him off. "Look guys, I hate the Greasers and Poofters as much as anyone but I got a family to protect. I can't get myself involved in this fight, if you need men so much then call that Asshole up in Bangleann and ask him to re-new the offensive. Roy forced his way away from them but before he could leave he could hear Brian yelling at him. "You are gonna fight for us somehow Roy, all of Bantyr will and if you don't when Bantyr is rebuilt anew, people like you will be wishing you had joined us when you had the chance!"

OOC: hope you guys are ok with me posting in here, thought I would get a perspective at level closer to the ground then Generals and world leaders. If you have a problem let me know and i'll change stuff.

The Federation

Established Nation
Feb 19, 2011
Bantyr Proper
Near Bangleann
Late Night Radio

The soft sounds of piano on the invisible waveforms played on the radio sets of families across the sleepy town. Yet unlike other now quiet stations this one came from places unknown, it came on every night playing a different piece of soothing music. Sometimes, if you were lucky to tune in or just had the right information a lightly accented, soft female voice speaking in the Bantyric language would follow after the music had finished.

"Good evening True Patriots of Bantyr, I know it's been a long time since our last message, but the security forces have made it ever so difficult to stay and broadcast in one place these days. With the build up of Frescanian forces on the border of their occupation zone and the increasing unrest in the Engellexic zone, the Regime has become increasingly worried about our 'seditious' activity and what effect it may have in their ability to drum up armed resistance. Today I come to you with a familiar message and you have done well to spread it; to those new men and women who have just tuned in I ask that you spread this following message like your friends have spread it to you. The continued violent resistance by rebel forces may work in demoralizing our occupiers but this is temporary, continued violent resistance against these two powers will in the end strengthen their resolve and increase our daily suffering. Only through peaceful means can we ever realize the dream of reunifying and rebuilding our once great land. I don't ask you, True Patriots, to assist these imperialist occupiers, no, but constant fighting will only give them new ways to justify their presence. To peacefully expel these occupiers and disrupt their obvious machinations we must first gather enough support to remove the Tyrants who sit on their evil thrones in our once incorruptible capitol city. We must return to the old ways, where we were once truly free and the government served us at our whim. Only by doing this can we then spread our peaceful resistance into the occupied zones. Only by purifying Bantyr and using our power for good can we show them that they are not welcome in this land of true freedom. And so before I leave you take these thoughts with you to your beds, to those in the occupied zones, do not assist the occupiers, do nothing for them that would make their stay here easy, do not trust their elected puppet officials, they do not represent The old ways and True Bantyric Patriotism. Do not fight or protest them with violent means and one last thing Brothers and Sisters our numbers are growing everyday, the time to retake our nation looms over us with each passing day and remember we will be truly free of occupiers and tyrants only if we stay on the path. Good night Brothers and Sisters."

The music returned and as the forces of the Tyrants closed in on the source of the transmission they only found old radio equipment and a record player playing the last few turns of the record upon it.

Great Engellex

Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
London, UK
Dulwich, Empire of Great Engellex, August 2012

The Second Lord of the Admiralty, Vice-Admiral Sir Somerset Gough-Calthorpe, spent the last two weeks, with General Sir Rupert Vernon Anson Viscount of Hamilton and General Sir Charles Tilney Baron Tilney having arrived in Bantyr, at the Royal Engellexic Naval Base in Hammersmith, during several of which he was summoned to Battent Palace to dine with the Queen-Empress and the Engelleaux-at-Arms. It was first of many meals he would enjoy at the palace, and left an impression of what was required in the Engellexic Occupied Zone with him. At one evening, he, the Queen-Empress, the Engelleaux-at-Arms and other important ministers, dined together at the palace in Dulwich, and Charlotte cross-questioned him about the most recent state and situation in Bantyr, his impressions of the Bantyric and details of the political scape. Then on August 1st returned to Glenbeigh, having taken up the appointment of Imperial Officer Commanding-in-Chief, of the recently created Saamiskavian Command, which the Imperial Chief of Staff formed with the commencement of the second deployment phase of the First Great Engellexic Army and the First Air Wing. It did seem to be an attractive command, especially considering the others available, now that he had the additional support of the two other generals named earlier; but, returning to Glenbeigh, he came to realise that the prospects were of a very different kind to what he had assumed. From the very north of the occupation zone to the Cambrian Strait, stretched a great vision of Engellexic air power, from which sixty F-16s, and seven reconnaissance aircraft would soon be patrolling the skies from the occupied airfields of Glanarought. Behind the air force in Bantyr were eleven divisions, three of them armoured, and four artillery regiments. To confront the Engellexic force, Bangleann would be reliant on almost unequipped and badly mauled divisions, without air or naval support; it was the determination of Dulwich that the presence of the Engellexic force would be enough to hold the republic’s remaining military in check, enough so, that the Saamiskavian Command could focus on restoring political stability in Glanarought and permanently dislodging extremist organisations.

Nor was Bantyr the only occupation of the military re-organisation effort that has been taking place. In the Kingdom of Wissemandie, former Western Montelimar, one-hundred-forty-five-thousand troops of the Second Army were deployed to keep a lid on rebellious activity in the former part of Montelimar that Dulwich was particularly keen to hold on to. The Fifth Army secured the Duc de Fontaine-Harcourt’s Peace with ninety-seven-thousand troops; and the XXXIV Corps of the Tenth Army sat on the metropolitan region in and around Lille with seventy-one-thousand troops. Even the small strips of territory – Fontaine-Harcourt and Frœschwiller-Wœrth – were dominated by the guns of the Seventh Army consisting of eighty-seven-thousand troops. In total there were four-hundred-thousand troops in Montelimar, and one-hundred-seventy-seven-thousand in Bantyr, leaving the borders of Engellex kept with almost two-hundred-thousand. It was scarcely surprising that many in the Imperial Parliament regarded any and all independent military endeavours in Boliatur at the present time as a bad risk.

The Second Lord’s forces in Saamiskavian Command, as said was the First Army, which consisted of seven infantry divisions, three armoured divisions, one guards division, and four artillery regiments. The Engellexic occupational zone had a border that stretched through much of central Bantyr, meaning it bordered the Frescanian zone, the de-militarised zone, and the unoccupied territory of the republic; it was a far more difficult border than the Frescanians had, who only bordered Glanarought and the DMZ. For the next two weeks the Saamiskavian Command will work unceasingly to strengthen the peace of Bantyric communities – which was regarded as the most important -, including a lockdown on Glenbeigh, and the reinforcement of defences already taking place. A central constabulary force will be established from within Glenbeigh that will work alongside the army to put out the disloyal organisations; civil exercises will also be held, with conferences organised weekly in the major settlements for the purpose of encouraging civilised and peaceful democratic inclination amongst the populace. Before Vice-Admiral Sir Somerset Gough-Calthorpe departed for Occupied Bantyr he was called upon, two nights before his departure, and invited to dine at Upton Abbey, one of the residences of the Engelleaux-at-Arms, with the others of the Board of the Admiralty and the First Lord of the Commissioners of the Treasury. They discussed at great length what the Admiralty and the Treasury needed to be achieved in Glenbeigh, in respect of security, before Dulwich could commit the necessarily funds, approved by the Imperial Parliament, for the repair and expansion of docklands facilities that will allow three warships to be constructed in the Engellexic zone. Gough-Calthorpe endeavoured, throughout the evening, to stress upon the nakedness of the new Command in relation to the Bantyric situation. From the first moment of the military change in Bantyr, the Second Lord was struck by the lack of drive and preparedness, and by the slowness and unfitness for the task of successful occupation in Saamiskavia – he argued that the Cabinet still, quite obviously, had no idea as to what they were doing in Bantyr and what they wanted to achieve.
Nov 1, 2006
America's Energy Capital
Insert from the Diary of Admiral Mario Perez Garcia, Supreme Commander of the Republican Forces in the Northern Theater

Port Fiona, Ceosrath.

August 6, 2012.

Dear Alessandra,

The situation continues to improve here in Ceosrath. It has been slow process, but the Treasury has finally released the appropriated money for construction. I cannot say it will cure all our problems, but it is very helpful for rebuilding the region. Yet, I fear the population will not see the benefits as the rebels are interfering with our work.

Having said that, the border control we have implemented seem to be working. Rebel attacks have decreased, and our soldiers have successfully prevented numerous attempts here in Fort Fiona. But this does not mean we are finished. We have lost thirteen of our soldiers this past week, and intelligence reports the rebels are getting fed up with Bangleann. A Bantyric division could be helpful for our cause – the people must know that while the elite are fighting for control over the country, we are helping them rebuild their houses. I plan to discuss this idea with my staff and see how it can be implemented.

The recent attempt against the President shocked all of us. How could such a thing occur? Especially in our territory? Not knowing anything else, I ordered our forces to DEFCON 1 and waited for answers from Fortaleza Real. The attempt did not help end our fears from recent events. The government has continuously stated that the anti-republican feelings throughout Europe are not against us, yet our men here feel threatened with Engellexic troops just across the border, a hostile Bantyric guerrilla, and a terrorist regime in Boliatur.

I am concern of the effects these and future events will have on our men here. I am doing everything with my power to get Frescanians to learn about Bantyric culture and its people, to learn that disregarding the tyranny it lived in, this people have a tremendous culture that we cannot over look. The more we learn from them, the easier it will be for us to help them.

Bantyrics should also do this. I have supported the promotion of our ideals, and I will propose to the President that Bantyric students be given the chance to study in our universities. I know this sounds very humanistic, but if there is something I have learned throughout my years in the Republican Armed Forces, is that we can never lose sight of hope.

The arrival of the new division has greatly increased our men’s confidence. This made me very happy given the state of world and Frescanian affairs. I have deployed these forces in the interior of the country so that we can tackle the guerrilla problem head on. Monitoring Ceosrath’s borders and the reconstruction of the region is not enough, we must end this believe that the more the fight us, the likely it is we will leave.

Due to all of this, I will not be returning back in the coming weeks. I will most likely return in late-August. Give the kids my regards.


Great Engellex

Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
London, UK
Glenbeigh, Engellexic Occupied Glanarought, Bantyr, August 1952

On August 27th the Caimbeaul Ressurection Council struck a devastating blow to the Engellexic presence and efforts in Glanarought, which the CRC hoped would strike disarray and confusion throughout the ranks of the recently created Saamiskavian Command. There were was much disagreement over figures of both bombings and urban assaults by the civil and military authorities, the Imperial Parliament would much later lambast the generals of the First Great Engellexic Army for failing to dispatch a clarity on the scale of the attack, but generally there existed the perception that thousands of those adhering to the violent doctrine of the CRC participated throughout the occupied zone, accompanied by hundreds of bombings. However, all was not a loss. The feature of the day was a raid on the docklands district of eastern Glenbeigh by several tens of the Bantyric fighters, an assault that struck so suddenly that a serious number of civilians were caught within the exchange of fire. It wasn’t long, however, before the people were quickly ushered into their homes and other buildings as the sound of gun and artillery fire echoed throughout the urban environments of Glanarought. The CRC leadership had assumed the docklands, the door to which Engellexic power arrived in Bantyr, would be a simple feat owing to the other attacks around the occupied territory preceding the one on the docklands; they expected to find the district bare to their assault and to be able to subject the facilities, factories and harbour to a grand inferno of uninterrupted detonation. But true to the classic principles of war, and Dulwich dictate, the Second Lord, now Imperial Officer Commanding-in-Chief, had kept a strong force of the First Army to maintain the peace of this very important slab of industrial capacity. The attack on Glenbeigh was marked by a horizon of red flames against thick black smoke, away from the docklands two very serious explosions thundered the city, one from a department store and another from a popular market, whilst fires were ignited within several warehouses in close proximity to Engellexic posts.

Outside of the main city in Glanarought, meanwhile, other towns had been quickly engulfed in destruction under a heavy assault from the extremist troopers. Prior to the siege on the capital, the Engellexic presence in several small towns had been forced back bit by bit, for the First Army was quite unused to the style and character which their numerically inferior enemy employed. Engellexic positions and check-points were being ambushed and attacked throughout the territory by those who possessed expertise in the field of local knowledge of Bantyric rural and urban landscape, and whom had access to an array of weapons that the Bletchley Intelligence Bureau failed to discover. Many advanced against their imperial occupiers from under the cover of confusion and thick smoke from a detonated mass of destruction and blood just a few moments before. The Second Lord observed with great difficulty the lack of a timely and well-executed reaction from the ground, he directed the First Air Wing into the skies, he wanted a precise scale of what was taking place and to ensure that their neighbours to the west (Frescania) and north (Bantyr) of the guarantee that the air power was of the expected high spirits.

It is a queer life, the Second Lord’s wife, Lady Rosamund noted to a circle of friends as they remained sheltered during the situation, knowing that bombs are being carried about the city bringing the lot down, and to think our lot could be brought down at any moment… one can only thank God for the Providence that guards over one, and leave the whole matter in his hands.

The Duke of Rothermere, the Engelleaux-at-Arms and War Secretary, came marching into the Cabinet Office. Your Grace, what on earth has happened? Cried a civil servant charged with the communications desk on the top floor. I am as bewildered as you are. I knew there was tension and seditious activity in Bantyr but, ugh, is Nonsuch here? Replied the Duke. He is on his way, your Grace, informed the civil servant, but what is happening? The Duke shook his head with concern, we anticipated a simple assault, but what we got was something else. The towns and cities are burning. It is estimated thousands are dead. The civil servant looked up in astonishment, but how? Rothermere walked away frustrated, bloody BIB, that’s how.

The Duke of Rothermere entered Charlotte’s Cabinet Office drawing room, the Queen-Empress was busily engaged working on policy matters which she preferred to do in the same environment as her Cabinet ministers. Your Majesty, he said bowing from the neck, I must speak with you urgently. Charlotte stood and proceeded to observe the scene outside one of the tall windows, not inviting the elderly duke to sit. Ma’am, the situation is very grave. The CRC has struck tragically against our positions in Bantyr. Charlotte looked back with a cool reserve, is it not the responsibility of the Imperial Officer Commanding-in-Chief to control seditious enterprises in Glanarought? He nodded, yes, ma’am, but the situation.. conveyed in the Second Lord’s dispatches, cannot be ignored. The Queen-Empress turned away from her position and continued her policy work, standing before a wall of books she asked, why were the leaders not detained prior? Rothermere, now turning in all directions to follow the Queen-Empress’s movements did his best to contain her obvious anger, the Second Lord believed it would work against efforts of stable occupation to conduct such raids. She looked at him, but now we have an insurgency. Your Grace, what nonsense is this? Capitulating to the rebels, is this really what the Empire does now? The Duke bowed again at the Queen-Empress, ma’am, there has been no capitulation to the rebels. Charlotte, unimpressed with his response, stiffened her posture and approached him, oh, I think there has been, your Grace. People do not enter the cities of this Empire and behave so wickedly. If they do, they must be put out. In any case, your Grace, do you not believe it to be of criminal insolence for such dastardly persons to so much as consider acting in such a way? Rothermere nodded, of course, but ma’am, I do not believe these people are in the mood to be instructed on proper manners.

That may be, she said, however, my formal advice remains :- put them out. The Duke of Rothermere bowed once again, of course, thank you, your Majesty.
Nov 1, 2006
America's Energy Capital
Letter from Antonio Justancia, Colonel of the 2nd Leon Division

Port Fiona, Ceosrath,

Wednesday, August 29, 1952,

The last few days have been horrendous for all of us here in the Ceosrath-Bantyr border. The terrible heat just won’t stop. It is as if we were in hell. The weather has been this horrible from the time the Admiral sent us to the frontier. I argued to him that the new troops should be here, but he would not have it, claiming that he wanted seasoned soldiers to deal with the border. I fully agree, but those new recruits have to learn through one way or another.

We are also distrustful of the Bantyric border guards. We have tried communicating with them, but their orders are to respectfully disregard us. They don’t want us here.

Likewise, all of us are considering the implication of further Frescanian occupation. The guys think that we will be in this hellhole for another decade, or even longer. We are certainly hoping that this is not the case, because if you add those years together with the long war, then Frescania would have been involved in the North for a full generation.

We can’t tolerate that. All of us need peace and tranquility, and this includes the people here in Ceosrath. The men and I can only hope that Fortaleza makes a full decision in the coming months on how long we will stay here.

We are not the only ones tired. Everyone back home is sick of what they call the never ending occupation. I think it is beginning to hinder our economy, and our treasury is certainly taking a hit. How much, we don’t really know. The Government is an expert in making it seem as if everything is going our way. Thankfully, the Democrats have taken the hint, and are demanding a full withdraw. Yet, the race is tied, and even if Chomirac gets the Chancellery, we are not sure how much he can influence foreign affairs.

On the bright side, elections will be held here in a week. Our men have been able to provide the people of Ceosrath with a sense of security, which has allowed Admiral Garcia to call elections. The elected body will become the region’s government, and I hope it provides a step stone for a national government.

From what I hear, the Ceosrath’s government will have the task to write a republican constitution and decide the faith of the region. These are huge task and I am certain Fortaleza will have to guide this new government. This is precisely what the Frescanian people are getting tired of - permanent occupation.

I sincerely hope that this government is up and running fast for the sake of all the Ceosrath’s citizens, who despite their fear, have courageously moved towards progress. The Bantyrics to our North might hate us, but disregarding the rebels, the individual citizens just want to live in peace, like all of us.

Great Engellex

Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
London, UK
Glenbeigh, Engellexic Occupied Glanarought, Bantyr, September 1952

General Rupert Vernon Anson, the Viscount of Hamilton, to see your Sir, declared the butler boldly to the Imperial Officer Commanding-in-Chief who was busily at work it his terribly cold, yet grand, drawing room. The Vice-Admiral, Sir Somerset Gough-Calthorpe, nodded an acknowledgement and continued with his paperwork. The butler bowed and proceeded to show inside his guest. The Viscount of Hamilton marched in but remained quiet, as the Gough-Calthorpe was so obviously engaged with his work still. He stood by a window that looked out over a courtyard of soldiers with guarding responsibilities. What are the conditions to-night? He asked the Viscount from his desk of clutter and paperwork. There are fire exchanges around Knocknaheeney, Glasheen, and Ballybrack, and a blaze on Carrigrohane Common, but it is under control, the Viscount replied. Hmm, yes, they plague us like a disease, Gough-Calthorpe remarked.

The Viscount casually approached the desk of the Imperial Officer CIC, the troops are in decent spirits, though it would give them great heart to have the Queen-Empress so close, perhaps a tour even. Gough-Calthorpe finished signing some documents and dismissed the proposal, Bantyr is not Montelimar, Lord Hamilton, her Majesty will never visit here. He paused, I have an errand for you. Dulwich has notified the Bantyric President of our intention to relay a communication in Bangleann. Our ambassador is there too, apparently, but since my new titles he is little more diplomatic decoration for it all. He finished sealing an envelope, take this to the President, inform him that I have designated you as the focus of his salute and admiration for the Engellexic cause here, our cause, of course, includes one-hundred-seventy-seven-thousand troops and an air wing, and I would appreciate him paying such courtesies to our men. Though, he said leaning back in his chair, I’d like him to see that her Majesty, and I, hold no grudge toward him, despite the war against Bantyr and her Majesty’s determination. The Viscount appeared confused, determination, Sir?

Gough-Calthorpe was silent for a moment before handing the Viscount a document, yes, there shall be partitioning, withdrawal, and a new – constitutional – monarchy. Hamilton glanced over the wording, shall I press these points to him?
No need, I have expressed them in the letter, Gough-Calthorpe replied, you may add to it in your discourse with him however. Stay as long as you can without seeming to impose. The Viscount nodded, Yes, Sir.

Excellent, now if you will, said Gough-Calthorpe, suggesting for Hamilton to leave. The Viscount clicked his heels, bowed, then departed the drawing room. His departure allowed the Second Lord of Admiralty to return to writing his address to the Lords’ Saamiskavian War Committee in his capacity as the Imperial Office Commander-in-Chief. He scribbled 19th September on the top right corner of the sheet of paper, to remind him of when he made these efforts. He began :- My Lords and Ladies, her Majesty’s Armed Forces have won one campaign. They have expelled the troops of the Republic of Bantyr from Glanarought, the republican army, indeed, annihilated. You owe the success and great confidence to the duty and courage of the Staff of the, now, Saamiskavian Command. Now the remnants of the republican forces of southern Bantyr have been joined by revolutionary agents with the coin of Bantyr, excavated from the extremities of the bog communities of their north. They will, and must, undergo the same fate. Her Majesty’s monarchist campaign shall be victorious.
Nov 1, 2006
America's Energy Capital
News Article from The Morning Star, Ceosrath’s primary newspaper. Friday, September 21st, 1952

Friday, September 21st, 1952

IN what many are calling a history day for the region, Douglas Kennedy (pictured above), Deputy and leader of the Republican Bloc, has been elected Premier by the Regional Council. The announcement comes after a week of daily negotiations with the Social Democrats for the formation of Ceosrath’s first government since the Northern War.

The confirmation took place yesterday in the afternoon, after a head count of the members of the Regional Council was taken, and everyone was given the chance to vote for the members of the government.

The Republican-Social Democratic government, or “the grand coalition”, has divided the numerous cabinet positions, with Allen Kiley, the leader of the Social Democrats, being named Vice Premier and Finance Minister.

Frescania’s Admiral and Supreme Commander Mario Perez Garcia congratulated Kennedy and the citizens of Ceosrath for their “rapid and successful establishment of a government with whom Frescania can cooperate with for the future of the region”. The Frescanian President also sent his congratulations to the new government.

However, not all of Ceosrath was celebrating. The Reunification Front, a party’s which platform is the re-unification of the region with the Republic of Bantyr, urged its supporters to take the streets and demand an end of what they call “the 9th Frescanian State”. In other parts of the region, Nativist protested the Frescanian occupation and demanded a formal declaration of independence by the new authorities in Port Fiona.

The new regional government has the tasked to put together a convention that will write a Constitution, and also begin the re-construction of Ceosrath. However, security will remain in the hands of Frescanian forces, which will have the task of training a Ceosrathian police force.

Insert from the Diary of Admiral Mario Perez Garcia, Supreme Commander of the Republican Forces in the Northern Theater

Port Fiona, Ceosrath.
September 21st, 1952.

Dear Alessandra,

Ceosrath is starting to get better, and it all seems thanks to the new government. The recent elections in the region have created the social contract between the citizenry and the elite that was missing. I finally think we can start moving to our next step, rebuilding the nation.

Premier Douglas Kennedy’s gran coalition will have a tremendous task ahead of them. They will have more than enough in their plates with domestic reconstruction. Yet, our men must begin training the police force that will protect Ceosrath’s borders. Our main challenge is creating a force independent from our men. They cannot be dependent upon the Republican Army for security.

Unfortunately for us, the guerrillas has stepped their attacks after the elections. We have lost fifteen men, and ten are in grave conditions. We are not sure whether these terrorist attacks are acts of desperation or an increase in attacks to disrupt the emerging republican government. Whichever the cause, I have ordered our troops to stand firm against such attacks.

Bantyric leaders have expressed their concerns that Ceosrath’s elections would undermine their leadership. I am hoping that the recent election provides the people of Bantyr with a path they can take, and end the dictatorial regime that ended the old corrupt republican government. I never believed it was the Republic’s position to eliminate the republican system in Bantyr, yet having two monarchist regimes has allies, and the dictatorial ways in which the regime was behaving, Frescania had no choice but to help promote a more healthier republican model. I hope that Ceosrath is the seed that will allow a new, peaceful, and liberal republican Bantyr.

Our troops have also been very glued to the televisions here in Bantyr. The recent foreign reactions against the Republic after Deputy Chomirac led the revolt against the Chancellor have made many here scared that Frescania is surrounded by enemies in all fronts. I have done my best to assure them that Carentania is not an enemy, and that Chomirac’s statements do not represent the Republic’s. Yet, as Rijeka continues to expand its pressure on Fortaleza Real, the more I fear President Rodriguez and Chancellor Carmelas will have to take a firm stand against Carentania.

I will be able to stop by early next week after a meeting with the Joint Chiefs. I hope we can have dinner with the kids and the rest of the family.


Great Engellex

Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
London, UK
Glenbeigh, Engellexic Occupied Glanarought, Bantyr, December 1952

Cushioned on the finest leather benches of any legislature in Europe, the Second Lord of the Admiralty, Vice-Admiral Sir Somerset Gough-Calthorpe, observed from the dim isolation of the Commons Assembly backbenches the proceedings of the Cabinets Armaments Confiscation Bill. The Second Lord, who was also the Imperial Officer Commanding-in-Chief of the Engellexic partition of Bantyr, was in the imperial metropolis for the purpose of providing the Council of State and, more importantly, the Queen-Empress with a great furnishing of information respecting the present state of order in the occupied territory of Glanarought and of the achievements of the First Army and Imperial Order; Charlotte was only interested in achievements with regard to the North. The Commons Assembly was roughly half in attendance. Somerset could just about see, from amongst the dense assortment of top hats, canes, and waving papers, that the cabinet front bench was attended to only by the Permanent Secretary to the Home Office Minister; Somerset regarded that with a sense of cowardice. Sir Walter Rolls-Barbary, a notable merchant of Hammersmith for the Pitt benches, was putting a question to the Cabinet Bench. This Bill, he begun, tightly grasping his hands upon the collar of his frock coat, I had understood it, was intended to affect the whole Empire as well as the occupied North (Bantyr). Now, the Commons had just been told, that all was now quiet in the manufacturing towns, and, therefore, I believe that the extension of this Bill to those working classes could only tend to irritate them to a returned state of outrage. The Bill, in my own and personal opinion, had been rendered necessary, not by those persons whom this assembly would term subjects, but by the conduct of those who were intrusted with the governing of this country; I, therefore, beg to be informed by the Honourable Gentleman, whether it was in contemplation to extend the provisions of the Bill to Engellex. I should also like to remark, before I do sit down, that formerly when a similar law was enforced by this parliament, the arms which had been taken away from the people were never restored but destroyed? I implore the Cabinet not to continue such a policy, as I believe it would be of a decent financial benefit to her Majesty’s Treasury should those arms be received by the market.

The Permanent Secretary, a rather elderly gentleman, had slowly risen to respond. The Bill, he declared from under the dry rustle of his grey overgrown moustache, applied only to the occupied territories in Bantyr, which were expressly named. It did so, indeed, give power to the magistrates in any part of the empire to extend its provisions, if necessary, provided there was support from the Queen-Empress’s Secretary of State for the Home Office; but at present it was confined to certain districts in Glanarought. With concerns raised by the Honourable Gentleman, her Majesty’s Cabinet does acknowledge that by searching during the evening and night-time great inconvenience may arise to individuals against whom information had been provided of having arms in their possession. There was no doubt of this – he continued despite rumblings of opposition from the more liberal benches of the Whig party – but the safety of the Empire was paramount to any considerations of individual convenience! He declared to which a loud chorus erupted against the Cabinet’s Bill. Was it to be permitted, that persons who were said to have arms in their possession, were to be allowed them? From sun-rise to sun-set to conceal them?! The Second Lord who shared the sentiments of the opposing members took his leave from the benches, allowing the Honourable Gentlemen to continue their game of thrashing-politics without injury to his ears.

Later that evening the Second Lord was respectfully ushered into the heart of imperial power, where the pomp and circumstance of monarchism was more entrenched and confident in the whole of Europe – the official residence of the Queen-Empress, Battent Palace. In the surroundings of excessive royal style of reds, gold, fine carpets and tapestries, Charlotte of Great Engellex delivered her address to those of her Cabinet and its Ministries that had been summoned. It was with the greatest reluctance I have given your Lordships the trouble of an attendance, at so sudden and late an hour, on account of this Determination that I intend upon this occasion to submit before you, but in truth, I do consider the subject of Bantyr so important, not only with reference to the arduous contest in which my people were engaged against the Bantyric, but to the essential and permanent interest of my Empire. Fixating her eyes upon the Second Lord to acknowledge his presence, Charlotte, in the direction of his official capacity in the meeting, continued. I have found it necessary, as a preliminary observation, to declare my perfect acquiescence in the sentiments of his Grace the Duke of Rothermere, respecting the doctrines laid down upon a former occasion by his Grace with regard to the production of papers and accounts representing the position of the Empire in Bantyr. She paused for a moment for consideration, then continued, upon the present occasion it was not necessary that I should take up your Lordships’ time by scrutinising the papers, as I am not aware that the papers for which it was my formal intention to move, to-night, would be object to, in their content, upon any other ground than the form of which they have been produced.

Now, she said, standing up to assess a large map of Saamiskavia more intimately, I should like to proceed to make some observations upon the geographical situation of Bantyr, its capability, from the strength of military positions, to resist violent endeavours against the Empire, and the disposition of the Bantyr people for the professions of trade and industry. Bantyr, she said, was so situated as to afford the readiest means of assistance to Northern urgencies; and advantage, in the previous contest with the Federation, would certainly have been the most momentous that could have been conceived. The success of the imperial forces, Charlotte remarked, might have thus been markedly improved, and any achievements the enemy may have gained rendered reversed and fatal by a sudden and judicious movement of Engellexic forces. The strength of Bantyr, she said, standing firm, as a military position, was not only known to the professional men who had served in that country or this, but suggests itself obviously to every one who had referred to the maps. Its defiles, its mountains, and its rivers, were most conspicuous features; which, added to the sterility of the soil in most of the provinces under imperial administration, were circumstances of infinite weight in a defensive and offensive campaign. The other lords and ministers expressed agreement with an almost synchronised moment of nodding, the Queen-Empress, however, gave way to the Second Lord, requesting him to proceed to that part of this subject which embraced the conduct which had been pursued in Bantyr. Rising to the request of his sovereign, Somerset opened his file and began to read ;- it has appeared in these papers, that I put before you, your Majesty, that previous to the arrival of the First Great Engellexic Army, the disposition of the people of Bantyr to resist your Majesty’s forces, had been manifested in the most unquestionable manner. In respect to Bantyr, the whole republic, with the exception of the Engello Naval Base, was in a state of insurrection against the Army. The means of resistance are, however, less powerful than those of the Montel Successor State. Their troops had been completely dispersed, the officers had withdrawn to the republican strongholds north, around Bangleann, and their arsenals pillaged, or in the ownership of her Majesty’s forces.

To those exertions the people of Bantyr had been urged not only by their own feelings, but by a proclamation of a nationalist republican in Glenbeigh, who thus addressed the deprived working masses :- 'Some months experience must convince you of the effect of Engellexic friendships and loyalty. It is now to the Frescanian faith and assistance, aided by our own energy and efforts, that you will, I trust, be indebted for the restoration of your glorious republic, and independence of Bantyr.' Thus called upon, such was the attachment of the Bantyric people to their republic, such was their sense of oppression that they were suffering from under imperial administration, and such was their reliance on republican faith and assistance from around Europe, that in the month prior to the deployment of the First Army, provinces, comprehending more than half the population of the occupied territory, were in a state of insurrection against the Empire. This was the situation of things when the Imperial Cabinet made its reforms, and which enabled myself, with a force of great discipline and skill, to move forward for the purpose of meeting the enemy advancing against our positions. I believe it is difficult, if I may bridge this point to that of her Majesty’s, to estimate the advantages the Empire derives from the actual state of Bantyric republicanism. Its effect, in the instance already given, has been shown; imperial casualties do stand, at present, two-thousand-one-hundred-nine, civilian casualties at an estimated eleven-thousand-seven-hundred-twenty. I should, however, like to confirm without difficulty in explicitly declaring that I wholly approve and support everything her Majesty acknowledges as necessary to the security of the Empire, and thus her endeavours and designs for Bantyr.

Unfortunately, however, interrupted the Queen-Empress unexpectedly, the measure that I am resolved upon, it is known, that Crown Subjects of particular social circles in Glenbeigh (referring to Lady Rosamund) could not give their sanction to the enterprise of their sovereign. It has been found a matter of notoriety, that the whole of the establishment founded in Glenbeigh for the purpose of preserving civilisation at the benefit of Imperial Officers in Bantyr had betrayed their trust in a variety of instances; amongst others in soliciting the formation of gatherings for Engellexic ladies of breeding and rank, in Bantyr, with the purpose of persuading against the sanction of introducing the occupied territory into the Empire with full formality. With such information respecting the conduct of the Establishment in Glenbeigh, it was not possible for the Imperial Cabinet to carry through the process of establishing the Principality of Glanarought, as a part of adopted imperial policy for the region; until now, that is.

It has, indeed, been submitted by the Ministers of the Imperial Cabinet that instructions were issued to the House of Lords to introduce the formation of the Principality by an Act of Parliament in the year two-thousand-thirteen.
Nov 1, 2006
America's Energy Capital
News Article from The Morning Star, Ceosrath’s primary newspaper. Friday, December 17th, 1952

Monday, December 17th, 1952


THE newly elected government in Frescania has issued a statement clarifying its position in regards to the Commonwealth of Ceosrath. In the statement, Pierre Chomirac, the new Chancellor, reiterated its full intention to revitalized Fresco-Ceosrathian relations. Premier Douglas Kennedy has welcomed the news.

The statement comes as the former government of Miguel Carmelas maintained cool contacts with Port Fiona. While Frescanian support for the Commonwealth was never in doubt, Chancellor Carmelas made it a point of his government to delegate Ceosrathian affairs on Supreme Commander Mario Perez Garcia.

Chancellor Chomirac says that Frescania “will continue its committement to provide security and liberty to the people of Ceosrath. The Republic will stand alongside our new northern friends during these trouble times around the world”. The Chancellor continues by calling on the Commonwealth to “fully collaborate with our men and women that are the guards of our republican ideology”.

Premier Douglas Kennedy has welcomed the statement and has said that the government “will continue to work closely together with our republican allies during these times of uncertainty in the north.” Frescania’s Admiral and Supreme Commander Mario Perez Garcia also welcomed the news, mentioning that Frescanian troops would continue to guarantee the security of the people of Ceosrath and the Commonwealth.

Yet, the Reunification Front has called on the Frescanian Chancellor to push for withdraw and allow the Commonwealth to be united with the Republic of Bantyr. The statement quotes Mr. Chomirac during his time in the opposition, in which he called for a complete end of Frescanian involvement in the region. The Reunification Front urged the citizens of Frescania to pressure the newly elected government to keep its promise an end the occupation.

The Republican-Social Democratic government will introduce to the Commonwealth Council a bill that will provide for the extension of Frescanian presence in Ceosrath. This bill would extend Act 1015.1952, which formally states that Frescanian troops would guarantee Ceosrath’s security.

Monday, December 17th, 1952 Security Council Meeting, Miraflores Presidential Palace, Fortaleza Real

Frescania’s commitment to Ceosrath was never questioned, yet recent events had pushed for a change of the status quo.

This past August, the then Regional Council adopted a constitution for the territory of Ceosrath. With the new constitution, the region became an unincorporated territory of Frescania with domestic autonomy. Frescanian forces would continue to safeguard the territory until the two sides made a decision on the final status of Ceosrath.

President Manuel Rodriguez sat at the head of the table. The recent succession crisis in Adgerike had not crossed the government’s radar as they saw for what it was: a monarchist show. Yet, the situation seems to be getting out control. The Lagting’s decision on the Suionian princess and the Danish veto were seem as dangerous for Frescanian forces in Ceosrath. The President had wanted to give the region independence, but the world seems to prevent the Republic from leaving the Commonwealth with its anarchist behavior.

Frescania did not have an interest on monarchist successions, but any crisis in the north was important for her national interest.

Mr. President began Admiral Mario Garcia, as you are well aware, we cannot continue our current status quo in regards to the North. We have shred too much blood to allow any possible Monarchist conflict to disrupt the peace we have created .

The President looked at the latest report as François Gerard, the newly appoint Ministry of Defense, followed the Admiral, we continue to shred more and more of our citizens for a war that we were drawn into. Admiral, we should fully withdraw and let the Bantyrics defend for themselves.

One thousand and seven hundred Frescanians killed since the occupation began. Rodriguez hated these kinds of reports, it only made him grief. Yet he understood that their lives were not in vain. The Republic would not allow anyone to deprive her of the freedom that those lives fought for.

The Republic should not abandon the Commonwealth! Admiral Garcia sharply stated, it is of great interest for our nation that we continue our presence in the North. How do you explain to the Frescanian people that interest, Admiral? Gerard answered back. Enough both of you, we are to make a crucial decision, not to see who is right said Chancellor Pierre Chomirac has he turned towards the President. We must make a decision sir.

The meeting had gone over two hours and they had yet to make a decision. The President wanted every information possible. Yet. everyone in the cabinet knew that Garcia and Gerard were right. Both of these men perfectly illustrated the division within Frescanian society in regards to the North. But Rodriguez knew that the people also understood that Frescania had a responsibility to its soldiers and as a great power, to continue its mission in Ceosrath.

Mr. President, I propose that we step up our presence in the north to further secure our position. began Admiral Garcia, furthermore, the government should promote private businesses to expand operations in Ceosrath and decrease any remaining tariffs. I will work with Premier Kennedy in assuring that the new republican government is secured.

What about the police force? Are they prepared to take duties in the country? Yes Mr. President, the Ceosrathian police force has taken responsibilities over numerous towns and cities. They have been successful at expanding the state’s authority to those fragile regions.

Chomirac put down his glasses as he looked over at the Admiral. And the rebels? How successful have we been at ending their senseless attacks? Mr. Chancellor, the rebel forces have been reduced, although intelligence suggest that Bàngleann has focused their attention against Engellexic forces in the region. Are we helping Dulwich? We are in constant contact with them and give them as much information as we have.

Then it is settled said the President has he stood up. We will continue our military support for the Commonwealth while Chomirac will increase the economic cooperation with Port Fiona. Admiral, tell the Premier that the Republic will not abandon his people.

He sat into a deep thought as everyone began to leave. Admiral Garcia looked at him intensely. What’s wrong Manuel?

Mario, I am concern about Bàngleann. I am unsure of what to do with them.
Nov 1, 2006
America's Energy Capital
January 13th, 1953: Security Council Meeting, Miraflores Presidential Palace, Fortaleza Real

Sir, this is a serious message said François Gerard, the Secretary of Defense, as he finished the . If the Empire does prepare for war, it could not only draw in the Republic, but multiple nations, continued Henrique Maduro, the Secretary of Foreign Affairs as he put down his glasses.

President Manuel Rodriguez examined the positions of Frescanian forces in front of him. The Danish foreign minister had been going on a crusade against the quarantine orders, but Rodriguez understood Frescania’s reputation would not suffer as the Danish claimed. Yet, the blatant accusation upon Great Engellex could lead to a full out war due to mismanagement by Christiansborg. General Rangel, what do you recommend? asked Rodriguez has he took a sip from his cup of coffee.

Well Mr. President, we do not have a defense treaty of any sort with Great Engellex, thus we are not obligated to help them. However, it is in our best interest that Dulwich maintains its dominant position over the continent. Our best choice is to prepare but stay out of it.

I fully agree with General Rangel exclaimed Chancellor Pierre Chomirac. we could mobilize our forces throughout the entire Republic as a precaution. I have the vote to appropriate more funds if necessary.

The President looked at the maps in front of him. It seem the most logical action to protect Frescanian nationals in case of such a war. He could also not rule out a attempt upon the quarantine, which would lead to conflict. Although he appreciated Danmark's relation with Frescania, territorial integrity was essential.

General Rangel, order all forces to prepare for combat. Send another fleet up to aide in the quarantine and make sure to inform the Engellexic command in the Solvent. How long until the new task force is ready?

About a week or two Mr. President, full mobilization will take a few months

Then let’s pray no shots are fired by then.

January 13th, 1953: Off the Coast of Kristiania, Agderike

After days at sea, the 3rd Fleet had each its destination - the waters around the capital of Agderike. As the ships got in their positions of for the quarantine, the calm waters of the Gothic Sea relaxed Commodore Ricardo Miranda's mind.

With Admiral Mario Garcia in Ceosrath to oversee Frescania’s quarantine and forces throughout the region, it felt on Commodore Miranda to take charge of the 3rd Fleet’s quarantine of the Agderike capital and it surrounding areas. Aircrafts from the ARF Terrastania flew off to begin their mission.

The orders from Miraflores were to prevent any military vessels from entering ports in Agderike. Although his vessels could only cover territory from Kristiania to Jorvik, Sylvanian support would take positions on the north while Engellexic forces were already station in the Solent and Svea straits.

Miranda was no fool, and was fully aware that his fleet was not enough in case that any nation would attempt to enter Agderike. Although the Admiral had promise air support from Frescanian planes in both Ceosrath and Suionia, he would have preferred another naval task force.

The door to his office opened and a telegraph staffer hurried in, Commodore, a message from The Ministry. Miranda opened and began reading the message from . He stood up as he read the communique and finally put it down. Anything else? He was given another message from the Ministry of Defense:

All Forces ordered to full alert. Frescanian forces to maintain their current positions. Be alert for further orders.
Apr 18, 2010
The South
OOC: Posting here since I didn't know where else seemed appropriate for this.

January 14th, 1953: Ministry of Foreign Affairs Meeting, Westhaven, People's Republic of Havenshire

The room swirled with the heavy cloud of cigar-smoke, as a small group of well-dressed "Danish Businessmen" met with a larger group of black-suited Havenite civil servants. On the table in front of them was several large cases filled with Danish Shillings in large unmarked bundles. They sat around, chatting almost jovially, smoking cigars, a carafe filled with whiskey now largely empty, various glasses scattered about. The meeting had been going on for several hours, when it was decided it was time to finally bring the proceedings to a close.

"Well it was very pleasant to be doing business with you gentlemen." slurred one of the Danish representatives, more due to alcohol than to any lack of proficiency in english. "I must say the agreement was hard won, but definitely a fair one." They rose from the table, shaking hands with their Havenite partners.

"Indeed, it was a pleasure doing business with you also, Herren." said the Deputy Foreign Minister John Keye. "I always said the Danes were tough, but fair." he lied through his teeth. In truth, he still had nightmares about that bitch of a woman who had nearly destroyed him and his career in the Ministry over the An Lyric Sea conference. But Westerveld had proven a much more capable man. And, with the death of John Walker, the Danes had been quick to re-establish old business ties. A Black market had existed in danish goods as with anything else, but now these black market connections, once so jealously hidden by each department of the Havenite communist establishment, were blooming like flowers in the night, increasingly open secrets. The vacuum left by the death of so powerful a central authority figure had created a unique- but likely to be brief- period, where each department of government was essentially autonomous, a state unto itself, within the state.

Of course, sooner or later the power struggles would begin, with each such department seeking to claim the top chair for itself. But untill this began in earnest, each faction readied itself, consolidating its existing resources and expanding its influence in other ways. For the Foreign Ministry, the Danish offer was in a way heaven-sent- a risky proposition, but extremely profitable. In a country whose currency was worth less than the paper it was printed on, the huge influx of solid danish currency, backed by the offer of crucial prestige-winning concessions in the diplomatic sphere, ensured the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would have a very strong position in the Power Struggles to come.

"When will the Jutish Fleet arrive? I might like to see a real fleet in port, for once." joked one of the Havenite apparatachiks. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs had a very low opinion of the People's Admiralty, a feeling that was more than mutual.
"Soon, soon. I trust this...hospitality gift will adequately cover the docking fees." smirked one of the Danes.
"It better do." Growled the Deputy Foreign minister. Like it or not, the Central Congress would accept this deal. The Minister for Foreign Affairs, John Keye's boss, had seized the title of Premier-for-Foreign-Affairs, a title he would likely not be able to keep for long, but whilst he held it he effectively -was- the foreign policy for Havenshire, and he was in rough agreement with his subordinate over how to handle the People's Republic of Havenshire's response to the Agderike Succession Crisis.
"The Danes want our help, milk them for all its worth. But don't ask for anything too inter-departmental. Keep it strictly monetary and influential, things our Ministry can handle and bully the others into accepting through fait accompli."

At first they'd been nervous about allowing such a large fleet to dock at a naval base, let alone a naval base controlled by the despised People's Admiralty. But the potential for advancement and aggrandisement was too great. Even if it was only for a few weeks, it was a massive victory for the Ministry. As for the more uncomfortable ideological elements... Realpolitik was the order of the day. The constitutional promises made by the Danish candidate for the Agder throne were liberal enough they could be spun into something palatable for the People's Assembly. But ultimately the politics was secondary to the material and influential gain- the Danish Empire was effectively allowing the People's Republic to use it as a stepping stone to re-enter the European Sphere. In a very nominal, notional sense, and all very under-the-table, but Parthava had paved the way for this sort of relationship.

Officially, Danmark would remain, to the people of the People's Republic, another hyperreactionary anarchronistic monarchy, an evil to be shunned and mocked. But unofficially, they were people of reason, who one could do business with. And even in a nation and society that was notionally anti-capitalist, business was still...business.