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Poblachd Bal-Seirc

Aug 5, 2011
Poblachd Bal-Seirc

The Republic Herald has been in print since 1768, when the United Republics of Abalach-Arthyn was created. It was a Public News Service up until 1938, when the government privatized all news except Sluagh Fios Radio. The Republic Herald has long been a symbol for Freedom, Republicanism, and Democracy.
Aug 5, 2011
An Bráithreachas Naofa Strikes Again!

The notorious Orthodox organization, An Bráithreachas Naofa (The Holy Brotherhood), has again reared its ugly violent head. On an attack against Protestants living in downtown Falkirk, four were killed and there are currently no suspects. However the Orthodox cross was carved into one of the victims forehead, which is a common calling card of the terrorist organization. Police are still thoroughly investigating the matter, and hope to put the culprits behind bars soon!
Aug 5, 2011
Worker's March in Falkirk

The capitol was the center of violence in the country yesterday. A worker's protest march turned ugly, as police attempted to break up the march. The march quickly turned into a riot. Seven police officers were killed, and several dozen are wounded. Twenty two protesters were arrested, and one was killed. Aodh Graham, a coal miner from Arthyn, was beaten to death by police officers. This has added fuel to the fire of the working class. The two police officers allegedly responsible for the death of Graham have been suspended and put under investigation. Their names have not been publicly released. However, quite a few posters have been put up in downtown Falkirk, of the police officers beating the helpless Aodh Graham while the man lay on the ground with his hands outstretched. It is obvious what happened. Aodh Graham was mercilessly beaten to death by the two police officers. Do not be fooled citizens. Protect yourselves.