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Secret Government Discussions


Confederate States

President Chacón, General Iglesias, Defense Secretary Álvaro Vélez II, State Secretary Paco González, and other military officials were sitting in Fort Iglesias. They had met to discuss the recent developments.

“This cannot go unmentioned to the world!” General Iglesias yelled.
“Not releasing it to the public is perhaps our best option,” President Chacón said.
“How do you figure that?” General Iglesias asked.
“If we make it public, the world may or may not criticize the Meribian Government. That criticism will be the only thing to happen, and they will discontinue the program. Therefore, future ill will no longer be brought here, no longer given a second chance at life,” President Chacón said.
“Yes. As of now, our course is the best we can do,” State Secretary González said.
“I believe we’ll be having one hell of a relationship with our neighbors…” Defense Secretary Vélez II said.
“As do I, I hope nothing gets out of hand,” President Chacón said.
“In the event it does, are we ready to deal with the Meribians?” González asked.
“It’s hard to say at the moment,” Secretary Vélez II said.
“Time will tell how this moves on,” General Iglesias said.

Confederate States

President Chacón was sitting with Secretary Martín in the Executive Office. Doctors in Fort Iglesias have completed the diagnostic of the Meribians. The Secretary had a worried look on her face, it was something Chacón didn’t want nor need to see at this moment.

“The Doctors have completed the diagnostic. It seems we’re dealing with more than what we predicted,” Secretary Martín said.

“How much worse?” President Chacón asked.

“Fort Iglesias doesn’t have the resources needed to treat these people. For some of these people, there is absolutely nothing that can be done. Others are in critical condition; others can be healed to the level of a ‘normal’ life. STDs are still one of the most common among them, HIV/AIDS being the most common. Hepatitis A is also common, as is most forms of influenzas, cancers, tuberculosis, Malaria, a lot of genetic diseases, whooping cough, Meningitis, leprosy, smallpox, scurvy, autism, and down syndrome are among the most common. A full diagnostic can be provided if you wish to look through it all. They share some of these diseases because of their close quarters. They’ll need to stay in hospitals for a while, not Fort Iglesias,” Secretary Martín said.

“We can’t send them to hospitals, not yet. If we have 20,000 Meribians in hospitals, it might cause a stir, which could go into a full investigation, and we can’t have that. We can send them to various military hospitals. There they will get the treatment they need,” President Chacón said.

“With all due respect, Mrs. President, how do you plan to keep this a secret?” Secretary Martín asked.

“We’ll ask the Meribians to not tell anyone what they encountered in Meribia, if they do, we can only hope that they don’t tell too many people. The video of the event is being stored in the Department of Defense’s top secret files. How long do you think it’ll be before these people can be released into the public?” President Chacón asked.

“It’s hard to say. It might take a month, maybe two, different for each person. Some people won’t make it, others won’t make it past ten years, and some children may make it to adulthood. Time will tell, Mrs. President,” Secretary Martín said.

“I thank you for your time, Yolanda,” President Chacón said “I need to schedule a speaking at the Assembly; to try and convince them to join AGE, then a good night’s sleep.”

“I understand, my lady, I shall take my leave. Good night,” Secretary Martín said.