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The Ávila Boys


Staff member
Aug 16, 2007
Grasstown ND
Nieveland, Late June in 2023

Following the Thaumantic Order's endorsement of the Csengian Patriotic Council an order of assessment went out across the Nievish Revolutionary Guard to pluck soldiers of certain criteria to be sent to Caitekurke for re-assignment. They had to have at least one year remaining in conscription or be volunteer careerists and possess no medical or personnel markers blocking them from re-enlistment. This first wave produced twelve thousand Nieves who brought their standard kits to camp outside of Caitekurke International Airport while administrators of the Revolutionary Guard scrambled to feed and prepare them for rapid relay to Ebria.

Only some days before the Tiburan Pope had been there and mementos of the happening still covered the fields where the troops now milled about hungrily and frustrated that they had been pulled away from domestic duty. No one among them wanted to be a White Helm and the stain of foreign travel scared their sensibilities as to what they would experience and be blamed for when they returned.

"My cousin was a White Helm, mind ye" one private told another, "can't catch a job nor a lass since, they're right cursed he said and I mark him! The continent changes one into untouchable."

Some order was designed to this plan and in rudimentary fashion the first to arrive in Caitekurke were the first to leave for Ebria. They carried kit and standard supplies for a weekend patrol away from garrison along with arms and ammunition for the same duration. The government adjacent airlines took most, while sputtering military craft took fewer to their destination with orders to become White Helms - though none had been given paint yet to create that illusion.

In that faraway land called Ebria they were ordered to pitch tents again in parks away from the civilian population, although not at all for secrecy. Mistakes made with the original White Helms had taught the Revolutionary Guard not to allow troops to meet host nationals with any significant interaction. Cultural derangement and defections were too common when suddenly exposed to the way these mainlanders lived and it could no longer be risked.

Major Hely of the White Helms would be their commander in these fields, now shouldering an oversized element of European Forum titled and Guard titled troops that had him pulling his hair out. He ordered them to settle in and wait for supplies from the Ebrians, primarily food so they need not touch their sealed rations, and began negotiations with those same local national authorities to develop a plan of movement towards Csengia if the event were to occur.

"No you heard me right Señor: I want to rent every ENA Ávila you got in this country and when those run out we'll take the sedans. I hope no one in Ebria wants to go on holiday this summer!" Hely told his Ebrian counterpart. Hely's harebrained plan, as it was, would be to put as many Nieves into civilian vans to shoot out towards Csengia once the Patriotic Council was ready to move.

That day might never come, and Hely was praying for that as he prepared to meet the Engwahlian President Linc Yeovil tomorrow. Yeovil was using this as proof of his leadership and decisiveness in contrast to Almskeeper Pherson's reticence and hands off approach to the situation. In this too, Hely prayed, it was ideal if this was just him posturing because the Nieves who were stacking up here in Ebria hardly had the experience or supplies to wage war for longer than a few days if it came to that.


Staff member
Aug 16, 2007
Grasstown ND
Communal Republic of Engwahl, late in June's swelter

President Linc Yeovil drove alone towards the port of Lexkirk in a standard Thaumantic Sparrow-Sedan, off white and of an age when he was still a pupil in a Communal Gymnasium back in the entirely forgettable 1980s. Being the figurehead of this lesser state under Nieveland's came with no frills or investiture of security and most times he figured that the Nieves would be quite content to have him injured or dead.

Parking, Linc debated whether to risk shutting the engine off or not and silently prayed he could get "Sarah" started again when he returned from his little meeting with the estranged Neighbors: Thaumantica's defunct intelligence agency. He had imagined they would meet him with some reception of goon enforces, but rather the address he had been supplied with was a dock office where workers were on smoke break or shuffling about on their own business ignoring his existence.

Yeovil slammed his door shut and approached the dock office wherein a secretary was yammering on her smart block (cellphone) with her back turned to the door. "Blessings be? . . " Linc offered, but she was not listening, so he instead approached the nearest office door and knocked.

"Yes Yeovil come in!" a voiced bellowed invitingly. Linc entered and was shown a seat across an empty table, no papers or technology atop, besides a classic wired telephone from the Graham MacPherson era (1950s).

"Does that thing still work?" Yeovil inquired earnestly.

His counterpart, who introduced himself as Colm MacTavish nodded and offered him the ear piece to listen to the dead tone, "everything works from our communes if maintained."

"Fuck all," Yeovil blurted out, "but I have not seen one of those since, well, since I was wee one in Gosfirth."

"If it is broken we fix it, this is the Nievish way, maybe you Engwahl prats will learn it after judgement day!" MacTavish said with faux before falling into a chuckle and dumb smile. "To business then Laird Yeovil?"

Linc nodded in the affirmative, "Yes to business. The Neighbors cannot be sidelined, I know this, you're still running our ports under new shell titles and managing our streets indifferently to collect what the Revolutionary Guard cannot."

"So we are." MacTavish agreed.

"They are dumb dogs, the Guard, chasing and killing and never planning or questioning why." Yeovil continued.

"So they are, and so what?" Colm asked.

President Yeovil produced a folder filled with contracts to reinstate the Neighbors as a recognized agency in Engwahl, his seal and sign already on each page. "We would have ye back in the Communal Republic, to spook and extort, because at least a neighbor is predictable." Linc said.

MacTavish shuffled and turned through the documents for a spell before shrugging and shaking his head no, "We are fine this way now, Laird Yeovil, politics is for those with a death wish." Colm replied.

"I do not believe you," Linc spat back, perking up and finding his jive, "the Revolutionary Guard is stretched thin and these communes will descend into chaos . . . be ye so cold, so removed, so wrapped in your greed? Maybe, but I know my Neighbors - you will want to do something when thousands take to the streets and start breaking down churches and almshouses and the Guard cowers in the bloody woods."

"Well, when you paint it like . . " Colm replied before being interrupted.

"Even if I accept ye as the perfect cynic, MacTavish, you have a lieutenant who is ideological, so mark me" Linc declared, "he or she will shoot you in the back in a Neighborly way!"

"Are they in the room with us now, Lil' Linc, these ideologues?" Colm spat back.

"You are one, Chief MacTavish, else why would you take this meet?" Linc replied.

"Fine . . ." Colm agreed, pulling the papers back to study closer, "but do know that when we start to dance not everyone makes it to the end of the song. My Neighbors are bitter and want to renew feuds older than both of us combined, cases reaching from the Eiver's to the top of Nieveland, and without our files - save ye!"

"Our Neighbors will save Engwahl from itself, this much I know . . ." Yeovil replied before scooping up the signed documents and nearly running out before the old spook changed his mind or produced a pistol.

The Neighbors were his insurance policy now, the riskiest and most dangerous of all, but the only available with the Revolutionary Guard gutted for deployment to the mainlands of Europe.


Established Nation
Oct 7, 2018
Amérida Governorate

The governmental plane just landed on the Bellavista International Airport, and the delegation was received by a local committee. Minister of Military Affairs, Dario Rios was to meet with the local government and the Csengian disidents. "Goddamn Juan Torrez and his parties," muttered Rios, still hungover from yesterday's Jacobin club meeting and the game of cards that went too long into the night.

The delegation was driven by motorcade from Amerida to Navalcán, a small village about 50 kilometres from the Csengian border. "We might have a problem, señor," said one of his adjutants as they were driving towards the village. "What happened now?" asked Rios, as the adjutant offered him his phone with a message from the head of the CSID, the military intelligence service.

"The Thaumanticans seem to be interested in getting pretty much every van for rent around the governorate, if not further," the adjutant said, giving a very short briefing of the message. Rios sighed. "Let them pay for it if they want. I can imagine myself what they plan. Leave the Csengians be at the moment, until we are sure we have a critical mass of them supportive to the dissidents," he continued, closing the subject.

In the next two hours, the motorcade arrived in at Unit 895043, a military base which was mothballed by the Catholic and Royal Army and has been offered as the headquarters to the EF mission on the Ebrian-Csengian border.

"We will need to do some dusting here, but it might go well," said Colonel Pablo Hernandez, appointed commander of the Ebrian unit of the White Helms, as a conclusion to the inspection of the base by the delegation of the ministry.

"How many can you base here?" asked Rios.

"About 3,000 to 4,000 here. I was thinking we put the headquarters here and thus the general staff from the Thaumanticans, Westermen, us and the Tianese stay here, and we will share it quite proportionally in rest. With whomever does not have places here, we will move the Ebrians with the Thaumanticans in Unite 895045, right by the border, along the lake, and the rest of the westermen and the Tianese will be in Unit 895050, again, right at the border, but this time, by the sea, on the other side of the isthmus," said Hernandez.

"I know the Tianese presence is quite lacking..." commented Rios as he checked the lists.

"They are... it's a goddamn farce in my opinion, but what can we do? We will allow only their commanders here and he rest will go with the Westermen," added Hernandez.

Rios looked at the papers he brought regarding the Csengian Patriotic Council. "Do you have any news regarding potential disruptions by the Csengian dissidents?" he asked.

Hernandez just shrugged. "Nothing got reported here," he commented.

"We will begin training of their National Army close to here. What I want from you is to ensure that the border is sealed tight, I don't want to excited ones to cross the border and go on a rampage before we're ready. We issued the proclamation, but we must ensure that if the army enters Csengia, we will have an internal uprising and isn't seen as a foreign invasion," said Rios. Hernandez nodded in approval. "Do we have enough volunteers for that?" he asked. "At the moment no, but numbers are growing. We are also getting Zaran, Pojazernan, and even Ebrian, Radilan volunteers. Hell, yesterday I was told we had 15 Tarusans who joined too. So it's slowly growing. But I plan to speed it up," Rios andswered back.

"Once the Thaumanticans are here, I will want you to be my liaison with them, so that they can meet Daniel Kovacs and discuss it directly with him," he ordered, concluding on the subject.
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The Federation

Established Nation
Feb 19, 2011
Colonel Shawn Foster watched as the MCV armored vehicles rolled off the transport aircraft and out onto the tarmac of the Ebrian airbase Federation command had chosen to gather it's forces at. Uniformed men in high visibility vests and light wands motioned directions to the various moving vehicles, equipment and men made up the 81st Armored Brigade Combat Team.

"Sergeant Major, have the men set out for camp, I'm told that the Ebrians have a spot picked out for us here." Colonel Foster said pointing to a map on his tablet. The Sergeant Major saluted and went off to his assigned task.

Colonel Foster was well aware that this white helmets venture would be the Federation's moment to shine, their conduct here would reflect positively or negatively on his home country. He had been personally briefed by the President on the Federation's expectations for their first deployment as White Helmets. Foster took his helmet and placed the white cloth cover over the kevlar, aware how much it made them all stick out. Foster climbed into a nearby waiting command jeep and sped off with the line of vehicles now moving toward where the Ebrians would have them stationed.

Elsewhere, members of the 61st infantry regiment were deplaning with their gear from one of the civilian airliners the Federation had contracted to get a majority of the 4500 soldiers that comprised the brigade over to Ebria.

"I don't know about any of you fuckers, but I didn't come to this place to fight Tarusans, or hand out water bottles to some emaciated Cs..Csg.. however you say that country's fucking name. I came here to score some suntanned Ebrian pussy, preferably on a beach somewhere." Said Corporal Webster Clay with the twang of a West Sylvanian country accent.

"The only pussy you ever scored was your cousin's, no Ebrian woman is gonna give your pasty white ass the time of day. Besides you can barely speak standard correctly let alone chat up some poor Ebrian." Replied Corporal Graham Hubbard

"Well after I canoe a Tarusan's fucking head wide open I'll be drowning in Ebrian gash." Clay came back, taking his rifle and aiming it from the hip like an action movie star.

Clay's unsecured helmet was knocked from his head from a blow from behind. "Watch where you are pointing that thing Webster." Came the voice of Staff Sergeant George Ness, his team leader. "Secure that kevlar and put your white cover on it like I told you to on the plane. We are here as representatives of the Federation and the European Forum, start acting like it. They joined the column moving toward where the Federation troops would be posted.
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Staff member
Aug 16, 2007
Grasstown ND
Amérida Governorate

Engwahl's President, Linc Yeovil, arrived in at the Thaumantic White Helm Campgrounds in dress from the Valls Conference where the Thaumanticans had pushed for mutual response to Tarusan attack. None of that would come to fruition in this selfish world, Linc reminded himself as he undressed in an officer's tent and began scrubbing down in a field shower. Hounds of the Revolutionary Guard were barking, yapping, and being corralled outside by various soldiers of Nieveland: Yeovil and Engwahl's erstwhile ruler.

"Lil' Linc?" a Nievish Major General named Hely beckoned from outside, "that Patriotic Council from Csengia are seated in the conference tent . . . It's hotter in there than whatever shower you're taking so you might want . ."

"Rifle and bayonet every other yard around that tent," Yeovil ordered as he wiped stinging army soap out of his yes, "this is the will of Lady Alms and the Thaumantic Spiritual Vision!"

Hely rolled his own eyes and left the Engwahlian President to chirp on to himself about how his ugly Engwahl orders were justified, but mostly, he did not want to be present for the naked bust of Yeovil to confirm or deny whether this is why he was nicknamed Lil' Linc.

With fatigues of Federation making Linc Yeovil eventually joined the now very much hostage members of the Csengian Patriotic Council. "No one is looking for you," Linc Yeovil informed the Csengians, "no Tarusan, Ebrian, Polesian, Rheinbunder, nor Federal . . should I go on? . . No Tianneman, Pelasgian, nor Radilan . . . This is to say that you are so very alone right now and the Thaumantic Order is your only patron."

"Has anyone been translating all this time?" Linc asked, perplexed at why the Csengians were staring blankly at him as he jabbered on in Engwahlian.

"Oh no sir, might I speak Csengian now? Good . . ." a Nievish translator chirped before explaining the Engwahlian's imperialistic rant to the locals before shaking his head and making a sign of 'he's crazy' towards the President.

"This Revolutionary Guard will eat, drink, sleep, and breathe Csengia and in return we want every route on your maps, locations of patriotic depots, and every in on how to retake the Catholic Kingdom." Yeovil declared, waiting for any reaction or response from the sheepish group as the Nievish translator relayed.

It was overall a sad showing of what the world had come to. The Engwahlian was hoping to manipulate these refugees into making an impossible splash in the world conflict if possible but these middling oligarchs were clearly happy to live a middle life in Ebria as well.

"Do not translate this," Linc said in Nievish to the Guardsmen, "I place a curse here on all at this table . . should thee skirt, should thee shirk, should thee forget that Csengia is unfree let show thy blade , , show thy rage Holy God . ."


Staff member
Aug 16, 2007
Grasstown ND
The Avila Boys, as they now called themselves, with hundreds of white vans piling up around Whitecamp, as they now called their temporary field home, finally had some purpose with the arrival of the Csengian Patriotic Council and President Yeovil. Linc, the Engwahlian, strutted about the next morning after his Valls Pact summit once more in a Federal uniform, perplexing the Nievish Revolutionary Guardsmen whose own wears were tattered and simple to a half century of enlisted style. As Nievishmen they were not required to salute Lil' Linc but by afternoon enough confusion had set in that they were because he was often walking and discussing matters with Nievish officers and would join in the saluting ritual. That he spoke Nievish helped, and he comported himself kindly with the Guard quite unexpectedly.

In and out he would come alone, with a Csengian and translator, or with Guardian officers quite often for private strolls all throughout the day and into the evening. Within the conference tent a somewhat cohesive plan for the "liberation" of Csengia. Yeovil and the Guard genuinely wished for this operation to occur and were intently listening and taking notes about each possible rally point and circumstance of western villages and their culture or geography. The Csengians had brought their own maps and the Nieves copied over plans and began loading them back to NieveScape where a message finally replied at 0300.




Hely and Yeovil, who had just started to not quite hate each other as much as the morning before, made eyes of disbelief at one another in illumination of the off white Clover Computing apparatus. This flight was in a little under two hours and they had just agreed to allow the council a few hours of sleep before a return to the grueling planning scheme.

"They will know something is afoot," Linc suggested "These Csengians will not all go peacefully in the middle of the night on a Nievish plane, I certainly wouldn't if it was your men on me in Engwahl - dear Nievish Hely."

"We start with Chairman Váradi: you and I will wake him and make clear we are under possible attack from the Konstantinists, I will have guardsmen fire off a few rounds in the woods." General Hely replied, "this will wake the whole camp and every Nieve should take up the square in defense, not letting any idiot Csengians out. . ."

"And if Váradi will not go?" Yeovil asked.

Hely stood and frowned, ready to get moving with this order because every second counted now, "I will cut his throat, Lil' Linc, the same as I would yours if this were Engwahl."

Yeovil stood as well and regarded the Nievishmen with a nod, "so it was and so it always will be, Nieve!" he replied.

The two found junior officers and soldiers to put the plan in to effect, woke Váradi, and waited for the shots from the woods to stir the camp. Váradi refused to move and demanded support from the Ebrians. Hely produced his knife and punched the butt end into his nose before corralling and sliding the man's veins open.

For the others the chaos of the moving and securing camp provided a scheme to explain that Váradi was ahead for them and most of the rest of the council loaded on to Avila-Vans towards their flight to Caitekurke.


Staff member
Aug 16, 2007
Grasstown ND
Engwahlian President Linc Yeovil left with the Patriotic Council of Csengia in darkness and haste to Caitekurke. This left General Hely and his combined elements of White Helms, who cycled to and from shared EF mandate missions and the regular Revolutionary Guard elements who donned olive tin helms. No new orders of deviation or withdrawal from NieveScape appeared so Hely watched in dismay as "allied" elements withdrew and retracted from the Konstantinists.

Hardly privy to anything going on between the high Thaumantic Order, the Feds, Ebria, or the occupiers of Csengia the Nievish general ordered a breakdown of camp and forward deployment to the area of operations just vacated by Ebrians proper. Váradi's corpse was stiff now, a good time to load him and the bag encapsulating him into an Avila van for the front. Hely knew a cook from the 3rd Div., 18th Harrierhund's was always willing to reduce a body into edible pieces for revolutionary pups.

Now closer to the border and more committed and engaged than most other allies Hely cast both a wider and tighter net on refugees coming inward to catch those with Engwahlan or Nievish language comprehension. A true diamond in the rough would be a 'dead one', an absconder from the Thaumantic Communes who was now fleeing once again from their sinful rump states. To catch an Engwahlian was good, but capturing wayward Nieves would pad and insulate his career like goose down filament one by one, and two by two, until he could secure another promotion.

At the next meeting between allied or cooperating powers General Hely would broach this as an outright demand: Nievish speaking refugees, and citizens of Nieveland found among the refugee mix must be transferred to the Nievish White Helm camp. In turn they would be ferried back to Nieveland. After a rather long day with President Yeovil the General paused and puzzled for a moment why Engwahlians do not reclaim their own as vigorously, a fleeting thought, but Hely had many such thoughts as all Nieves did when they were sent abroad.

There was nothing special about Almskeeper Pherson besides heritage, Hely also sinfully thought that afternoon while driving alone east with the Csengian councilors corpse in the back of an Avila van. "Surely the ghost has left you already dear Váradi," Hely chirped, "but if you're still in there I want to thank you. When I am Almskeeper I will be sure to name something after you . . ."

"A park? No not that you died in one," Hely asked to the body that jostled a bit with bumps and turns on the road, "a wishing well perhaps, a great fountain, would you like that Váradi?" the Nievishman asked with a look over his shoulder towards the bodybag. "If you say so Váradi, don't say I never offered ye nothing!"


Established Nation
Oct 7, 2018
Pedro Mendez was in travelling together with Manuel Vargas Gomez, towards Navalcán, where the White Helmets and the Thaumanticans were gathered. Since the declaration of the formation of the Traditionalist Communion, the former, chairman of the late Restorer Party, and the latter, chairman of the late Chartist Party, both, enemies most of their political careers have transformed overnight into allies as they were outright swept away by the landslide electoral victory of the Republican Union and the surprising but non-constitutional way the Republic war proclaimed. They have flown from Valls to Amerida and now are traversing the high plains of the Comarca of Amerida, towards the Serrault Isthmus. As they were driving, they were meeting with numerous convoys of tanks on trailers, IFVs, APCs and trucks, a result of the return of the Santiago del Campo Army or internationally known as the 1st Army, back to its bases after a two week standoff across the border with the Tarusan 10th Guards Tank Army.

They wanted to meet with General Hely, as they knew that the Thaumanticans would be good catholic friends of theirs and thus maybe political allies for the future.

The two were led to the White Helm compound, and were received by Colonel Pablo Hernandez, who then led them to General Hely.

"General, it is a great honour," said Pedro Mendez as he shook hands with the Nieve. Vargas Gomez and Hernandez were more familial, as they met Hely before, the former when he was President of the Government, before the proclamation of the Republic, and the latter as he worked with him every day.

"General, I think that you and your Thaumantican Commons might have a lot in common with us, everything stemming from the Catholic faith and from our views of the importance of the pillars of the state, which for Ebria are... were, the monarchy, the church, the parliament and the courts of justice. We believe that your government might have been irritated by the way the republican government organises its opposition against the Tarusans, something which you might remember that we have done, as the Valls Pact was created at the summit hosted by my colleague here, señor Vargas Gomez.

I want to get to the point. The Republic in Ebria has been proclaimed. And I want to stress on this... proclaimed. Not constitutionally voted upon. The political process has been thoroughly smashed by it, as it should have been a referendum to see if people want the republic, then an election to vote on a constitutional commission, then the drafting of a constitution, then the constitution be pushed through a referendum, and only afterwards the proclamation of the republic. As it stands now, we can very easily just call it in the constitutional court and they will state that the proclamation is un-constitutional, but I fear that something like that will force the radicalisation of the republican camp and we might have god knows what... Post Delegationism... anarchy, atheism and whatnot," started Pedro Mendez, but as he paused, Manuel Vargas Gomez continued.

"The idea is, that a world war is coming. That is clear for everyone. It may be fought in solely in Germania, but I feel it will reach Ebria too and that will mean that we will need to do our best to arm ourselves and prepare for it. Should Ebria fall, we expect the Tarusans to push some no-name from the Alfonsist branch on the throne and we fear that they might destroy the pillars of the courts and the parliament in the nation, so even if we are catholic and monarchists we will need to resist it.

What we want is for the catholic and monarchist faction to be seen and to become the main image of Ebrian resistance, and for that we need soldiers. The Chartist and Restorer parties, now in the Traditionalist Communion, have youth wings, which have acted more or less like paramilitaries. We want them to come here, to train with you, and with the help of Colonel Hernandez to even be armed from here. We want to revive the of old."


Staff member
Aug 16, 2007
Grasstown ND
"Foreign ones conflate the Nievish Revolution with a rejection of the Thaumantic Union and its underpinnings," Hely said while a Nievish Terrier gnawed away at a femur bone from yesterday's kill, "when in fact it was the royals in Lexkirk, or Engwahl if you know it, who declared themselves atheistic and angled to disband the almshouses."

"Nieveland did not reject the Thaumantic crown, it was they - the crowned ones who rejected the spiritual vision while flirting with post-delegationists who charmed their wealthy addled minds." Hely said, suddenly aware that no one outside of the Order quite cared how their Civil War played out. And this left wing talk was in all likelihood isolating his guests within the tent who were his hosts in this nation.

"A White Helm keeps order and peace where he is deployed, and we are deployed now in Ebria. Should youth and Catholic brothers join us here to jointly better ourselves it is not against my orders to welcome and train them beside the Revolutionary Guard." Hely said.

General Hely asked them then to stroll as he had with Yeovil in the previous camp the day before, pointing out to them the poor equipment the Nievishmen had brought and how despite this they made do. "Your volunteers will be hungry, they will want for much here at Whitecamp 2."

He then took them to the fleet of Avila Vans, some covered in mesh, others being washed down by Revolutionary Guard soldiers concerned that this loan from the rental companies would incur a lifetime indenture. "We were ready to drive these east with the intelligence we were gathering from the Csengians but the powers that be in the Thaumantics no longer believe in that Catholic Brotherhood and their cause . . ."

"I can move these 20k Nieves anywhere I please within Ebria so far as the Order is concerned," Hely continued "and if I had to wager giving up on the Csengian Catholics was not what the Almskeeper set out to do, I saw it in Lil' Linc . . the Engwahlian President's eyes, he thought we were primed for the attack here within weeks."

Hely stopped for awhile to watch some of the company dogs and men running in a clearing with a football, kicking it back and forth while the dogs took dives at it and at each other in play. Ebria was such a terribly hot country and the tongues of every dog were hanging loose while soldiers, shirts off or soaked, held hands at their hips or above their heads at every pause.

"So yes, send your boys" Hely agreed, "just be sure they know we do not abide smart blocks, cellphones for you, or anything that might distract them from here and now and us."


Established Nation
Oct 7, 2018
Manuel Vargas Gomez though of himself that he knew very little of the history of the Thaumantican Order, other than the very recent, or the very ancient one, limiting himself to the Century of War between them and the Neustrians and everything in the past 40-50 years, but was at a loss for the history of their revolution, only that it happened.

"Yes, we will call them here. I must say, speaking of local Ebrian politics, which might feel as a quagmire for a foreigner, with royalist labels such as Alfonsist and Manuelist, moderate republicans, radical republicans, nationalists, separatists and regionalists and to top them all some Post-Delegationist trade unions, but somehow, shockingly... even for us... the country is weirdly functional. Or was, before this botched Republic came up," said Manuel Vargas Gomez.

Looking at Hely as he talked about his freedom to move the Thaumanticans around Ebria, he did wonder if it was an invite from him to aid them in a coup, should he or Pedro Mendez be interested. But he knew that will never come to fruition, as the problematic radicals were Sebastian Valverde and Ana Isabel Gallego, while Dario Rios and Manuel III were seen as open-minded, moderates and quite good politicians... probably at this time in the world and Ebria in particular, they were seen as sane, which was... an important perk.

"It must be understood that the Republican Union won the election on the backdrop of the Memorandum Crisis, where to my very own mistake, I had anticipated that by now, we would be a month in a war against Tarusa, hence why I was intransigent. They won elections with a vote against me, and they have used that to push their damn republic," stated Manuel Vargas Gomez.

"It will probably be sorted politically, with no need of armed forces or more... violent means. We will have to cooperate with Dario Rios as he is loved by the people and the Army, and of course, with his Majesty, Manuel III, whose love for constitutionalism will have us call for a kingdom with no king should be do it militarily. That is probably what Tarusa know too about Ebria, should they conquer it, even the monarchists would be against their absolutism. We will use the referendum to our advantage, and if we are right, and we hope we are, the people won't be as emotional as they were at the elections and will see the Crown through Manuel III and Ebria's history, culture and faith, rather than their dislike for Vargas Gomez. What I would like to request, is for you to further our call in the Thaumantic Order, for them to bring observers to the referendum, and if they are open for it, to create a hedge fund from which we can further increase our presence in the campaign for the referendum. Of course, it is a gamble, but should we win, the Thaumantic Order will be paid back," satated Pedro Mendez.


Staff member
Aug 16, 2007
Grasstown ND
Not carrying the purse or diplomatic command for the Thaumantics the general offered that the Ebrians wait in an air conditioned tent, one of few in this camp, where a Clover Apparatus also resided. On the device he wrote home to Caitekurke the following:


Republican Referendum in Ebria a grave danger. Will arm and train domestic volunteers to counter. Requesting election observers/disruptors ASAP. Requesting funding further funding, will build-up opposition regardless of election results.


A few minutes passed before a reply pinged back from Almskeeper Aelis Pherson:


Training activities approved. Electioneers will be sent ASAP. Funding on hold until after election results. Good work.


Hely immediately carried this news to the Ebrians, explaining that all accommodations would be made for "those willing to train and fight for Catholic Ebria, but funding for political activity will only follow a failure to maintain it by the politicians." The Thaumanticans were a stingy lot, even among themselves, and would hardly fund foreign parties without a clear benefit or reason to believe it would translate to control.


Staff member
Aug 16, 2007
Grasstown ND
Overnight in the East of Ebria

Clover Communications devices were silent for the witching hour and then began firing off detailed and exacting orders. The first was easily doable: push the Ebrian trainees from the urban corps out, and to this the Nieves tied blindfolds to their new compatriots and ropes along their bodies to walk west until reaching "your precious and well meaning King."

Next was an order to gut every Avila minivan rented from the Ebrians of windows and doors to make them lighter and freer to their next generation. Third was special dispensation that the order of the prior was charged to Commissar Yeovil, ensuring that none would do service to the Ebrians for defacing their wares.

Interrogation of the Csengian Patriotic Council had finally made for enough intelligence that the Nievish Revolutionary Guard, wearing white fabric over their helms in Ebria, finally were given the go ahead to ready for an advance on the Serrault Strip between Ebria and Csengia. Men of foot, rifleman numbering two thousand, and men loaded into deconstructed vans numbering three thousand readied across the Serrault Strip after midnight only to advance at 0200 with impunity, guns open, and pedals pressed to rush for the western half of the Serrault canal.

This was Nievish ground warfare at its pinnacle - the total rush, in surprise, a sprint to a short destination that had been pined after forever. In the back of their minds they wondered, as they crept across the border in small valleys and marshes or rolled at gunfire speed down roads, if the Ebrians, Feds, or Olte-Radilans would know them as compatriots and support their righteous push against the eastern enemy. Behind these the second five thousand ruminated, angry to be held back before daylight, waiting for the pores to open and rearing to launch at resistance within the narrow stip.
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Staff member
Aug 16, 2007
Grasstown ND
Moments Before Sunlight Along the Csengian Border

Nieveland's second wave was still waiting for an order three hours after the launch of the first. Gunfire had grown more faint as time crawled forward yet explosions and flashes in the distance could still be heard and were visible where the vans had foolishly rushed to smother the border guards. More than anything they were waiting for one of two declarations from the frontlines: Broken Eagle indicating a Tarusan route, or Broken Badger indicating a failure or standstill of the Nieves. Further, a Broken Eagle scenario would inspire the Nievish to ask for Ebrian support to hold what had been taken while the revolutionary army pushed for the canal: their ending spot, and where the strange little commune would mark its survival with only Thaumantic backing.

"Can we not go home?" the new Csengian Council leader asked, uncomfortably sweating in the humid darkness. Indeed, the Thaumanticans wanted members of this council to be ushered in to a city hall, a police station, or any government building where they could be filmed raising a flag to declare a Catholic Csengian Commune independent from the Kingdom of Csengia. "Why yes, you cannot go home!" a Nievish translator replied, "if your home has been destroyed we will help you find another, and then you can go to a new home!" he said with a smile.

The Csengians shook their heads while the Nieves nodded. "Ungrateful pricks," another Nieve complained in their obscure Nievish language that had not circulated the world over as Engwahlian had, "they asked for us to come here, they asked for this war, and now they are whining and bellyaching about how we fight it? Why ever did we leave Nieveland at all for this sad sacks?"

Now the Nievish were shaking their heads too, exchanging shrugs with the Csengians who were beginning to wonder if they had chosen the wrong dogs to fight this for them. Surely the Ebrians could have negotiated a compromise within a few years, or maybe Konstantin would have lost his Civil War and Csengia with it, but now they were stuck in the dark with a contingent of skinny angry looking Nievishmen who constantly wanted to either pray for them or lecture them on Communalism because everything the Csengians did seemed to offend their sensibilities.


Staff member
Aug 16, 2007
Grasstown ND
Moments Before Sunset in the Csengian Western Canal Region

"Broken Eagle!" Nievish commanders on the Csengian side of the border with the Kingdom of Ebria were declaring all morning and early afternoon. The shock tactic, small arms and movement had opened countless holes in the small border and the small villages on the Western Side of the Serault Canal were being, regardless of heavy resistance, seized.

With this confidence the Ebrians were turned to for their endorsement, aid, and material to assist in a final push to capture the Western Serault region for the Csengian Council. This endorsement never came as the Nievo-Thaumantic diplomatic and military command trust to move the Ebrians on this mission. The plans had been sent: capture the western half of the canal by any means necessary, signed off by the Kingdom, so the Nieves had let loose the dogs of war by a devilish mean.

"Broken Badger in . ." a commander declared from the front in the later afternoon as their small arms, carried in the Avila minivans or on back, began exhausting. The Nievish second wave too had not come as General Hely realizing back in Caitekurke that the Ebrian betrayal alongside the breakdown of the Valls Pact in these early hours of the war with Tarusa had marked a death seal for the entire Csengian operation and its unfortunate riflemen.

After the third such Broken Badger Hely ordered the second wave of Nievishmen in without Ebrian support, however, with intend to aid in facilitating a retreat. Elsewhere in the world, particularly in Wien of the Eastern March, Nieves were pressing Tsar Ivan for a peace deal as Westermen and the Hanseatics fought with tanks and missiles.
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