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The Liberation of Borovanger


Establishing Nation
Nov 4, 2016
Palmerston North,New Zealand
Treviso,11th of May 1957.

The city had fallen, the ragged starved survivors of the siege finally surrendered to the Sezeranist forces, of the over three thousand men originally trapped in the city barely eight hundred were left, the rest either fell in the fighting or succumbed to thirst and starvation. Colonel Carlos Savaria formally surrendered to the head of the besieging forces at noon, and his remaining men were quickly taken into custody of the Workers Republic.

Valera,12th of May 1957.

When the news of Treviso's fall the defenders of Valera felt that their situation was becoming increasingly untenable and after the news of the fall of Treviso the decision was made to evacuate the city and regroup in the north which was still in the hands of Royalist forces. The Grand-Duke Ortega and the remnants of the National Salvation Committee argued against the evacuation but their opinions no longer carried the weight that they'd had earlier in the year and their complaints were ignored.

however even with the evacuation the Royalists would maintain a presence in Saro through the bands of Cruzados still operating in the province who continued to harass the occupying Marxist Forces.
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Establishing Nation
Nov 4, 2016
Palmerston North,New Zealand
Saulot City, Workers Republic of Borovanger, 20/05/1957

Sergei Kolchak wandered through the streets of the city, he was one of many Kadikistani personnel who had chosen to stay in Borovanger, he had no wish to fight his countrymen not when there were still reactionaries to combat, for Marxists to fight among themselves at such a critical time was sheer folly. So he had chosen to stay and he had been rewarded for his loyalty to the Red League, he had been given a promotion and a generous pay-rise he was now Commissar-Kommander of the Workers Army of the Interior the one that had lost so much ground to the damned Prometheists , he had every intention of whipping them into shape after all if he was to stay in this country then he would make a name for himself.

Amieva, Saro Province, 20/05/1957.

With Kadikistan's descent into civil war it seems that the Sezeranists were back in vogue, Serenierre was now the only major power able and willing to support the Workers Republic, however Borovanger's Sezeranists were justifiably cautious and most sought to remain in those areas under direct control of the Serenirreist forces. Although the upper echelons of the Workers Republic remained staunchly Lenovist many among the party now felt that a closer relation with Serenierre was now vital to the survival of the Workers Republic.

Great Engellex

Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
London, UK
FROM 14 May 1957
Engellexian Republic, the First Republic

For three decades, naval maneuvers in the waters around the Engell archipelago had been a regular feature of the Republic Navy for the first sitting of the Council of the Republic, for security and for ceremony. For the first Council of the Republic, of this new fifth Protectorship, however, these maneuvers were cancelled and replaced by a full defensive mobilization of the Thaumantic Fleet, the Clarencian Fleet, and the readying of the Eastern Fleet. Officially this decision had nothing to do with the developing European crisis over Borovanger, but rather the public were informed that it stemmed from a discussion in April between the Northern and Southern Presidents, and the Lord-Protector-to-be, in which the three of them were discussing the necessity for the greatest standard of security, but also to save a pretty penny for the Republic. The Republic Naval Council was under the pressures of existing legislation to reduce the sums it required on financing the Republic Navy; all public finances were under the same constraining pressures, simply a result of the Republic's own domestic ideology of the previous decades of the 20th century. As Senators and members of the Bare Commons, those who pieced together such legislation over previous decades, welcomed the gesture by the Republic Naval Council, they were utterly unaware that the Lord-Protector had a most determined intention to increase the amounts allotted to the Republic Navy, Republic Air Force, and the Armies to a combined sum of £1.8 billion*, the largest disbursement of this kind in Engell history. One economizing measure - only a gesture, admittedly - would be to substitute the mobilizations of those three fleets, necessary for security - importantly, for the ceremonial maneuvers and war games of the Council of the Republic opening. Cancellation of the maneuvers would save only a pittance, but at least the Republic Naval Council would appear to be making a gesture toward the Engellexian Republic Parlement when actually they were doing something to the contrary; the Lord-Protector, most necessarily, would appear most concerned and considerate of the public purse, just when the big spend commences.

In May 1957. therefore, when the Lord-Protector-to-be, Admiral Walter Drake, presented the Senate with the Naval Estimates - himself acting as the Admiral-General of the Republic - for the coming sitting of the Council of the Republic, he announced the change. The plan was to call back from civilian life over one-hundred-thousand men and women of the Republic Navy, to man the Thaumantic and Clarencian Fleets, and place every warship in the RN on a war footing. Once this was done, the Republic Navy would impose exclusion zones surrounding the Engell archipelago and the Clarencian, with an escort for the leaderships of the Southern Constituent Republics to Hammersmith; the first Council of the Republic will include a review of a detachment of the Thaumantic Fleet, and afterward, the warships would carry on their exercises, but, in relation to Borovanger and any interest one or any of the Constituent Companies may have. The fleets and warships involved varied somewhat in power and readiness. The Thaumantic Fleet, the core of Engell naval power, was built around the 1st Heavy Squadron of relatively advanced aircraft carriers and aging cruisers, manned by regular navy crews and always ready for action. The Clarencian Fleet's ships, whose capabilities and readiness the mobilization would certainly test, were more or less permanently moored in the ports and harbours of Otho-Eam and Camden, and tended by skeleton maintenance crews. The Eastern Fleet, with the 2nd Heavy Squadron of the RN's only battleship - ERS Black Leviathan, of the Lord-Protector class - and cruisers, needed only to collect a small number of its regular navy personnel from various naval training schools ashore in Mary-le-Bone and the Somers Islands; the Eastern Fleet was generally regarded, and kept, to be somewhat-almost always ready. To make these fleets ready for sea and turn them into fighting machines, tens of thousands of naval reservists were now to be called up and brought into action. To the Engellexian Republic Parlement and the rest of Europe, it was to be a mere coincidence that the Republic Navy's security and ceremonial mobilization, as a tradition of the first sitting of the Council of the Republic, occurred at a time of crisis in Borovanger and elsewhere in Europe. On May 15, as classified communications between Engellex and Serenierre remained just that, and Bourgogne still had yet to respond to similar communications from Dulwich, millions of people across the Engellexian Republic would become rudely, yet patriotically, made aware of the naval movements.

Are you frightened? Of course, you are. President Seraphina Underwood's voice was clear, and it was pacified, yet not absent of strong emotion, it was empowering; it rang loudly in the Joint Session of Southern Congress, echoing among the dark panelled walls, the black and white tiled floor, and throughout the cathedral-like expanse that was this austere and antique chamber. She was stood centred and elevated by a wooden dais, a 30ft flag of the Engellexian Republic on the wall behind her, and the members of the Southern Congress seated on their leathered pews - to her left and her right - watching and listening, with great interest. The Republic is reborn, and Europe - is on fire, she paused. If history has taught us - just - one thing, it is this, terrible things are to be endured by the Free... and by the courageous. The members of the Southern Congress, hundreds and hundreds of them, with Senators to the left of the President, and Representatives to her right, were nodding.

We were not annointed by a God, but blessed we are - by the Sun and the Seas. Though what truly does matter we yet do not fully possess... a lasting Power. Without it, we here will fall, and all of the Republic along with us. For a Free Republic without its own lasting Power, cannot hope to sustain her own Freedom, not - at all. Yet we have... here, and now, have we not all had dreams? Dreams of our own shared paradise, our own Country, under the Sun, in freedom and prosperity. But we must build it for ourselves. And let all of Europe know, that now - the First Republic has indeed arrived.

Just mere hours ago, I did receive, she said with a greater calm as she pulled out a communication from the Republic Naval Council. A Notice of Instruction, from the Elephant and Henrietta Admiralties on behalf - of the Republic Naval Council - I am informed that the Republic Navy is to be mobilized by the anticipation - and in support - of the first sitting of our Council of the Republic... of the First Republic.

It is from the swearing of Duty - the greatest - and the love, in my patriotism, that I did communicate the endorsement - of the President of the Southern Constituent Republics - and my hope of peace, and my sincere thanks to them... our courageous Defenders of Freedom.

By their hearts, and their strength, will forever lasting be... our Freedom, and our Power. President Seraphina Underwood made a graceful step back from where she delivered her address. Her hands together before her, she lifted her chin in confidence, and as the silence of the Congress was ruptured by a standing ovation, did her lips curl into a smile. Standing in the centre of the Joint Session, Seraphina Underwood felt quite surrounded. The feeling was, of course, justified, insofar as she was - by Senators to the left, Representatives to the right, the Speaker and staff in the front, and the greatest banner of the Republic - she had seen - to her back. Some in the Joint Session would later say that they saw a glimmer in her eyes of - do they dare say - emotion, but the President would then, later, reassure all that their witness was to a mere sparkle of the magnificent glowing chandelier glinting in her eyes; regardless of the truth, the Southern President would be forgiven, for the Joint Session was an affecting place. To look out from where she stood, across the expanse of Free and Democratic representatives of the people, in their mulitples of hundreds, as they applauded her, the Colours of the Republic towering behind her, and the thoughts of thousands and thousands of men and women who, from their gallantry and courage, ready themselves for eventual war, it was all decidedly moving.

The evening before, of May 14, the Republic Naval Council, under the direction of the Admiral-General of the Republic - Admiral Walter Drake, had issued the formal orders for mobilization of the following day to commence; Northern President Anne Siward, Southern President Seraphina Underwood, and the Lord Governors and the Lord Lieutenants of the Constituent Republics were all informed. That following day in Elephant, Camden, was a humid one, but that was typical, and made little difference to the address by the Southern President to the Joint Session that morning of 15 May. The Southern Congress had been seated within Admiralty House since its formation by the reformed Constitution of 1957; Admiralty House was an expansive but unassuming red-brick block of 18th century architecture that sat at the historical heart of the Naval Estate in Elephant. To tourists, or returning sea dogs, the two-hundred-forty-one meter pinnacle of the Southern Congress Capitol tower, that is presently under construction, firming out of the Elephant and Castle urbanscape with its neo-Gothic style, was the new unmissable sea-mark for ports of Elephant and Castle. The Naval Estate of the Elelphant Admiralty was to the bottom right of the Capitol tower, when perceiving it from sea. With the widest assortment of hundreds of 18th, 19th, and 20th century buildings - of barracks, stores, officer mansions, factories, schools, maintenance and docking facilities - that had charmingly, and haphazardly, exploded from the original boundaries of its 19th century fortifications that rose from the shores and climbed four levels, the Naval Estate existed as a somewhat curious and contrasting appendage to the skyscraping metropolis of Himyar, Elephant and Castle. Upon closer inspection, one could immediately observe a great number of ships - several squadrons worth of warships, such as destroyers and frigates - all parked, and maintained in the third biggest naval port in the Engellexian Republic. The ten fourteen-inch gun ERS Black Leviathan was an unmistakable bulk to the far left of the Naval Estate, docked at the southernmost-end of the Elephentina Promenade - a grand 19th century thoroughfare that runs along the embankment of the city of Elephant - and flying her colours, including the ceremonial fifty-two foot Blue Ensign of Elephant.

At nine-fifty-five of that morning, a small number of Admiral Killigrew's Blue Foot (Elephant Marines), at the arousing conclusion of President Seraphina Underwood's address, made their march from Admiralty House and across the cobbles of the inspection parade square before it; at the heart of the Naval Estate, the square formed part of the grandiose ceremony of the Republic Navy in Elephant, where from Admiralty House did those of highest society and government observe the efficiently precise and colourful marches and music of Admirial Killigrew's finest, all before the climaxing thunder of fifteen guns from Elephant's three-leveled batteries that looked out across the Clarencian. That morning, however, those marines marched across the parade square to the third-class battery - the highest of three levels of guns adorning the rising fortifications that encased the historical heart of the Admiralty- and from under the fluttering Colours of the Republic and the Blue Ensign of Elephant, at ten o'clock exactly, the command was executed :- one after another, the boom and cracking thunder of artillery gun, not just from the fifteen gun battery of Elephant, but also the fifteen gun battery of Castle across the bay, ripped through the peace of the metropolis. To everyone in the cities of Elephant and Castle, the signal of gun was well understood, for everyone, from the early stages of education, are taught to understand the notices of the cities' batteries, and this one was thus :- the Elephant Admiralty was being mobilized to a war footing. As alarming as that would be to all, the absence of the war banner of Elephant, and that of the Republic Navy, from the batteries of the cities, was the assurance that war has not yet been declared.

[[OOC: *this is 1950's £ value, and also the UK's defence spending at the time.]]


Establishing Nation
Nov 4, 2016
Palmerston North,New Zealand
Saro Province, Workers Republic of Borovanger,27/05/1957.

Esteban looked down from his hiding place at the Marxist patrol entering the valley, his fellow Cruzados had laid in wait for hours for a patrol like this the Reds had grown complacent after their victories at Valera and Treviso safe in the belief that they had won, but they would soon find that they could not conquer Saro so long as one Cruzado threw breath. he gestured to his men waiting alongside him to remain still, once the Marxists were in the ideal position they would strike.

" Now Vivo Cristo Rey!" he roared and he and his men sprang into action opening fire down onto the Marxists, who were now right in the middle of the valley surrounded by the Cruzados. The skirmish did not last long and once the last of the Marxists were dealt with Esteban and his men gathered what supplies they could carry and disappeared back into the wilderness.

Treviso, Saro Province Workers Republic of Borovanger, 27/05/1957.

Company-Commander Mola read over the latest casualty report, Cruzados refusing to see the futility of their cause continued to harass the soldiers of the Workers Republic, it had got to the point where any Marxist soldier were forced to travel in groups or ten or more whenever outside barracks for fear of attack, it seemed to him that most of the population were either Cruzados themselves or sympathizers, worse still he had been forbidden to take and execute hostages by high command meaning that he could do little to combat these insurrectionists directly. He began to feel that the victory in Saro was a hollow one, after all even though they held the province they were still surrounded by enemies and there seemed to be no solution to the Cruzados

Great Engellex

Established Nation
Oct 30, 2006
London, UK
The ELEPHANT'S Depature​

26 May 1957
Elephant and Castle, Southern Constituent Republics, Engellexian Republic

William Bunbary, a dark-haired, green-eyed boy of sixteen rose from the seat of his class of thirty other fifteen and sixteen year old boys and girls. His teacher, Professor Elizabeth Huffmary, protested, but it did little to dissuade him from his insistence of witnessing events unfold, out - across the waters of Company Bay and the Clarencian, as well as the promenades of - Elephant and Castle. William, I.. began his teacher, again. Suddenly an explosion of one, two, three, and four, thundered the metropolis where the school, Eupraxia College of Castle, sat at its heart. In the classroom the adolescent boys and girls gasped, winced, and shuddered, as the turmoils of ceremony rocked their classroom, their school, sending dust raining over them from chaotically swinging chandeliers. Professor Huffmary just about maintaining her composure, her cool reserve. Mary Bunbary, the twin sister of William, decided to also rise from her seat, ushering in some whispers and frantic discussion. Without any indication William and Mary ran out of the classroom, not alone, Mary was suddenly followed by one, two and then five friends calling out her name, and before the teacher could do anything the classroom of thirty had emptied itself. To the general public that were congregating in the thousands, tens of thousands along the embankments of Castle, of which the school was located, the unexpected mass clapping of hard leather shoes against cobbles caused a great many of the public to turn hastily in surprise at the front courtyard of the school. Nearly half, then over half of the school's pupils came pouring out of the neo-gothic gatehouse in their dark blue 16th century-style long coats, with belts and breeches, and long yellow socks, over two hundred of them, racing to be able to press their faces against the cast-iron railings of the school, as to achieve the best view of all that was happening.

Castle's fifteen-gun battery, itself only twenty-minutes walk down the embankment from the school, shattered the calm of the metropolis as one, two, three, and four guns shot their explosive load with a crashing roar that rumbled throughout a great distance. Everywhere the Blue Ensign of Elephant and the Colours of the Republic fluttered with magnificent confidence in the radiance of the high sun, and from atop every public and almost every private building in Elephant and Castle, Eupraxia College of Castle included. You see, this is a naval city, where the people felt honoured to lend their name to one of the Republic's admiralties - the Elephant Admiralty. William and Mary felt emotionally compelled to risk discipline and humiliation because just outside of the metropolis, in the Clarencian Sea, where thirty warships of the Clarencian Fleet have assembled in plain sight of the entire city, they knew both their mother and father were now serving the Republic. Indeed, the mobilization carried an emotional intensity in Elephant and Castle, because everyone knew someone that was now called to serve - parents, uncles, aunties, sons, daughters, brothers, sisters, cousins, friends, neighbours. And just as the men and women of this proud southern city attended possibly one of the grandest outpourings of patriotism in its own history, their brothers and sisters in Henrietta, and Hammersmith, were likewise attending to their very own glorious farewell. May 24 the squadrons of the Thaumantic Fleet, the Clarencian Fleet, and the Eastern Fleet, as well those of the submarine service, had sailed from their home ports throughout the Republic to join their flag-ships for incomparably the greatest assemblage of naval power ever witnessed from the Engellexian Republic.

On the bright and gusty Friday afternoon of 26 May, the dignitaries of the Southern Constituent Republics congregated at Companies' House, under the massive elaborately decorated astronomical ceiling and ornate chandeliers of the Lord-Guarantor's Hall. Companies' House is the prominent headquarters of the Engell-Himyar Trading Company, at 60m in height and with a 300m Beaux-Arts style facade that ran along the Elephentina Promenade, it was a grandiose focal point of much pageantry. Southern Engell gentlemen in tailcoats and top hats, and ladies in the finest silk gowns, strode down the imposing stone steps of Companies' House to the Elephentina Promenade, chattering away in their various Southern accents and glittering like stardust in the sun from the ostentatious adornment of jewels and medals. Their particular section of the promenade was secured, but was equal in status and patriotic decoration to the entirety of the thoroughfare that was open and welcoming to all of Elephant and Castle.

Southern President Seraphina Underwood had given much attention to what some previous Lord Governors of Elephant and Castle had considered a chore, the pageantry of the Elephant Admiralty. Sound, benevolent and even-handed administration alone could not captivate the imagination and win hearts in this new era of First Republicanism and Southern Presidency, Seraphina believed. No, she looked to the Northern Constituent Republics where the exercise of Power had always been associated with outward magnificence. Her decision to transport the Engellexian traditions in the grand manner of aristocratic and dynastic extravagance for the formal farewell of the Lord Governors of the SCR and the Clarencian Fleet, should truly be understood to be her deliberate elevation of the South to absolute equality with the North. At her invitation, over five-hundred Southern aristocratic families, from Otho-Eam to Mary-le-Bone, and their retinues of uniformed Capital Duties and liveried footmen converged on Elephant and Castle for the two days of 25 and 26 May for a dazzling display of Republic theatre, devised to show them, and the common folk, the majesty, permanence and sheer strength of the First Republic - and its new General in the Southern field, President Seraphina Underwood. There were fifteen-thousand red-coated Engell soldiers - out of seventy-five-thousand soldiers total in the South, that was a lot, therefore - was the Army mobilized? And of course two-thousand blue-coated men and women of Admiral Killigrew's Blue Foot (Marines of the Elephant Admiralty), and the muscle of the Republic, and its brains, the immaculately uniformed, plumed and bemedalled Engell generals, admirals, and officers. The Elephentine Departure emphasised the new unity of the South behind a single figure, the Southern President, as well as adopting the greater grandeur of the Northern Engells. The civvies of Elephant and Castle were impressed. For weeks following this day the papers would be filled with nothing but how overwhelmed they all were by the size and organisation of the Elephentina Promenade march and ceremony. It represented to all in the South the epitome of every title to command and govern which the Angelli-Lexen race held over South Himyar and the Thaumantic.

Stunning displays of State pageantry made good political sense. An empire which claimed sovereignty over a myriad of different races, lands, and seas needed strong bonds if it was to remain intact. Loyalty to the Republic was a bond which transcended any and all divisions of Engellex, and has been carefully cultivated over the last four-hundred years, just as monarchies throughout Europe do for their Crowns, and the Revolutionary States also, to their bloody tyrants. On 26 May, at one-o'clock in the afternoon, the dignity and omnipotence of the Republic through the Southern Presidency was about to be conveyed with a precisely timed thundering of five guns from both the Elephant battery, then the Castle battery. The rolling rumble of the guns' fire appeared to slowly subdue in favour of a growing, in volume, wailing of fifes and rhythm of drums from the far north end of the Elephentina Promenade, the grand procession had begun. The promenade, or embankment as it properly is, was just over two miles long and 70 meters wide, with two avenues of trees lining the outside and prominent buildings of grander style lining its interior - Companies' House was somewhat in the middle, with ERS Black Leviathan docked at the far bottom. Those dignitaries of the Southern Constituent Republics, standing and sitting in anticipation of the occasion outside the front facade of Companies' House, could make out in the distance an advancing assemblage. Such, whatever it was, must certainly be quite the spectacle as the greatest chorus of cheer and singing could be heard, and heard louder, and louder. It was the Lord Governor of Elephant and Castle, Lord Henry Swann-Pryce, riding in the back of an open-top black Rolls-Royce Phantom IV with his wife, Lady Swann-Pryce, down the centre of the promenade. About six meters behind their car were three placid South Himyar forest elephants, the majestic icons of Camden, and of the metropolis of Elephant and Castle itself; the lead cow, the matriarch, Jumbo was extraordinarily large at four meters in height, and carried her two riders - and a 20 ft flag of Camden - with an awe-inspiring majesty; the other two females, Dumbo and Mumbo, were not so large at 2.5 meters, but carried their riders with equal grace, side by side, behind Jumbo. Most patriotically of all were the six-thousand men and women of the Camden Regiments marching with a particular confidence behind the elephants - with their 18th century red coats and cocked hats, white breeches and black gaiters with leather knee caps - singing proudly as their marching regimental band drummed and piped out the anthem of Camden, . Instinctively, the people - man and woman, young and old - joined with the singing regiments to deliver a mass chorus of Camdenite character, while many of them threw out confetti of blue, red, and yellow. Camden was on show, and the people of Elephant and Castle were especially emotional about that. As the Lord Governor's car reached Companies' House, the procession slowly arrived to a short pause, allowing Lord Henry Swann-Pryce and his wife to depart for the designated wooden dais set-up for the Southern Leadership; this also allowed the Lord Governor, attired as he was in the white full dress uniform, golden sash, and countless medals - not to mention the recognizable white pith helmet and pompous ostrich feathers - to salute and inspect his men and women of the Camden Regiments as they passed by.

Just when the last of the Camdenite soldiers passed Companies' House to the far end of Elephentina Promenade, where they shall all be inspected later by the Southern President, the very distinctive quicker rhythm of the fifes and drums belonging to the official March of Mary-le-Bone - - wailed and drummed to make their presence known. The Lady Governor of Henrietta, Lady Hillary Midler - a Baroness, and one of the true aristocrats of the South - provided the lead, just as her colleague from Elephant and Castle did. Lady Hillary Midler and her husband came rolling down the centre of the Elephentina Promenade in the blue and golden 1902 State Landau of Henrietta - an open-topped horse-drawn carriage. For many in the metropolis this would be the first time they witnessed pageantry quite alike that prevalent in the Old North, Mary-le-Bone was quite unique in that regard. From the carriage the Lady Governor waved to all, herself dazzling from the adornment of the State Jewels of Henrietta - diamond tiara and everything - and just like the earlier Lord Governor, the procession of the Marylians made good usage of the icons of the Constituent Republic: four elegant black Morgan horses drew the carriage down the promenade, while immediately behind the Lady Governor were two-hundred-fifty Henriettan Mounted Troopers in their scarlet tunics, black breeches and riding boots, and flat brimmed Stetson hats, all mounted on black Morgans and carrying a hoisted banner of Mary-le-Bone. Providing the upbeat chorus of Marylian distinction were three-thousand men and women of the Marylian Regiments marching and singing, and as with all of the regiments in the Republic, their full service dress consisted of the 18th century red and black attire. The Lady Governor and her husband were delivered to the dais of Companies' House where she inspected her fellow Marylians as they passed by. The procession of the Constituent Republics continued until both the Lord Governor of Babbage (Otho-Eam) and the Lord Governor of Grosveneur (Somers Islands), and their wives, had also joined the dais at Companies' House.

The crowds, of hundreds of thousands, all the along the two miles hushed as the slow beat of the drums and somber fanfare of trumpets that they all knew belonged to the , compelled them to a respectful silence. Then quiet confusion, and mass excitement gripped them all entirely, as whispers of rumour then confirmation that President Seraphina Underwood herself was coming down the promenade, and marching, too. The day would establish a tradition that, forever after, the Battle Song of the Republic would herald the Southern President. Thousands gasped, even overcome by emotion, as President Seraphina Underwood, stately and beautiful in a dark navy jacketed dress with a full tea length skirt, and a specially designed brooch of yellow diamonds in the style of the Yellow Rose of the South pinned above her left breast, flashed brilliant sparkles of light back at the many photographers as she continued down the route. The Underwoods marched sedately and in perfect synchrony with the two-thousand men and women of Admiral Killigrew's Blue Foot that were behind them, the Colours of the Republic - twenty of them - hoisted high above their heads to flutter gracefully in the gusty breeze.There was something rather defiant and statue-like of the Southern President that did impress and command the jubilant crowds, for this woman - no, lady - had forsaken car and coach to march the two miles of the promenade with the men and women she was now commanding, as Commander-in-Chief-in-the-South. Beneath the elegant profile of feminine tailoring, long slender legs and power heels, she demonstrated her great physical endurance and humility in a well scripted theatre of the Southern Presidency. Men and women old enough to remember well the Socialist Revolutions that threatened the entirety of the Engellexian Republic, a war from which the Battle Song of the Republic was born, to rally and empower, felt tears cascade down their cheeks as they sung those emotionally charged words of chorus - Glory, glory, Gloriana! Glory, glory, Gloriana! Glory, glory, Gloriana! Her day is marching on.* The Blue Foot - the Elephant Marines - in their 18th century blue coats, cocked hats and so on, were rehearsed so well their musical voices gifted the metropolis an almost choir-like quality as they marched on. They came to a halt in front of the dais that was erected at the front of Companies' House, and to a glorious crescendo of the Battle Song's chorus, with coloured confetti and everything.

From the ERS Black Leviathan - the battleship - that was docked on the southern end of the promenade, to the ERS Hippocampus - a cruiser - and the other thirty-odd warships just outside in the Clarencian, they were all decked with flags, with bands playing and sailors and marines lining the rails singing and waving. The Clarencian Fleet, in Elephant and Castle, the Thaumantic Fleet at almost ninety warships off Hammersmith, and the Eastern Fleet in Henrietta, were all about to depart for their operational positions. At five o'clock in the afternoon the fleets sailed off. With the Lord and Lady Governors aboard the ERS Black Leviathan, the Clarencian Fleet, which was providing the escort, was steaming across the Western Clarencian for the South Thaumantic Ocean. The Republic Naval Council delivered to Admiral Betty Lejeune of the ERS Black Leviathan and Fleet-Commander, the authority and command to engage any and all vessels that do not depart the immediate proximity of the fleet after the first warning; this command will be undertaken with the greatest seriousness, no exceptions. The massed Thaumantic Fleet, having left Hammersmith, will reach the Engell Channel before the Second Fleet, built around the carrier ERS Virgin Rose, will peel off for her operational position just north-west of the Varden Strait; at the mouth of the Engell Channel the Third Fleet, with the cruiser ERS Agamemnon as her commanding warship, will be second to depart the Thaumantic Fleet, and begin patrol operations in an area east of the Republic, west of Serenierre, and south of Borovanger. It would not be until the following day, 27 May, that the remainder of the Thaumantic Fleet would pass through the Engell Channel and, having reached the Wergorent Sea, would dissolve as an operational fleet, having then been fully succeeded by the First Fleet - built around the flagship and carrier ERS Blood Rose - and the Fourth Fleet, commanded by the cruiser ERS Gold Minotaur. The First will eventually be assuming patrol operations north-west of Borovanger, and the Fourth - south-east of Gouw Marken. The Eastern Fleet, too, was departing the waters immediately outside Henrietta, and heading south, with her warships ready and waiting to peel off in to smaller fleets for the purpose of better patrols of the Clarencian Sea. This left the Republic Submarine Service; the First Submarine Squadron had departed her home port for the Gothic Sea; the Second for the Varden Strait; and the Third for the Eastern Clarencian.

[[OOC: *Gloriana is the personification of Engellex - think Britannia. Admiral Killigrew's Blue Foot is the regiment of marines belonging to the Elephent Admiralty.]]
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Establishing Nation
Nov 4, 2016
Palmerston North,New Zealand
Banyul-Sur-Mers, Kingdom of Borovanger, 2nd of June 1957.

Office of The Prime Minister Ignatius Sierra.

Today was to be another meeting between Prometheists and Royalists politicians to further cement what was being quickly known as the" Unity Pact", despite the alliance there was no love lost between the two parties and both sides remained suspicious of each other. In order to adequately fight the Marxist threat both men felt that it was necessary to form a joint high command so that the resources of their respective nations could be be handled more efficiently. however a point of contention was over who to appoint as overall commander, Valois put forward Marshall Jules Blum as his candidate, however Sierra stated that many of the Royalist Officers would refuse to serve under a Prometheist. However the Bishop had a harder time of selecting a candidate, most of the leading Royalist Officers were members of the National Salvation Committee and were bound to be more loyal to Ortega than to any one else, but it was hard to find a suitable candidate for Supreme Commander that was not a member of the National Salvation Committee. Ultimately the Bishop decided on one man, Major General Raimundo Sotelo, leader of the Cruzado Division a man respected by both the National Salvation Committee and the League of Saint Goratrix.

Now all they had to do was decide on which one to appoint, Sotelo or Blum. ultimately Blum was decided against due to his friendship with First Minister Valois, If he were appointed it would smack of corruption. So in the end Sotelo was chosen to be Supreme Commander, politically neutral but staunchly religious and with the necessary military experience.

unsurprisingly news of this proved controversial with many on both sides railing against the decision to form a joint high command, chief of which was the Grand-Duke Furious already strongly opposed to the Unity Pact, he railed against any further cooperation with the Prometheists. Valois also faced criticism from several of the leading trade unions fearful that closer ties with the Royalists would result in the loss of their sovereignty.

Kadikistani Union

Established Nation
Nov 2, 2006
2nd of June, 1957
Tirlemont, Borovanger

General Sepakov Berbadjov and what remained of his 'Volunteer Division' were exhausted beyond compare. Over a year and a half ago Berbadjov, sometimes considered the most loyal Leninovist, was deployed by the Kadikistani Communist Workers' Party to effectively hijack the Milesian Uprising and turn the break-away republic into a small copy of his fatherland. He succeeded in doing so within the course of the first few weeks, purging the Milesian republican movement and installing Leninovst pawns such as Sebastian O'Brien as undisputed leaders while the leader of the moderate republican faction, President John Holt, was forced into collaboration and given a purely symbolical position for the sake of legitimacy. The latter almost provoked a war between Kadikistan and the Socialist World Republic as the world republicanists attempted to evacuate the non-Marxist-Leninovist left before being stopped by Kadikistani and Milesian forces. But regardless of this intense sectarian violence the main enemy remained Ivernia, Bourgogne and White Varinia as they simply continued their ongoing siege of Marxist-Leninovist Milesia, being the small strip of coast between Lowport and Waesfjord and the surrounding areas. While the siege of Lowport caused heavy Kadikistani casualties, 4,456 men in total, on the ground it where the bombardments that really decimated the 1st Volunteer Expeditionary Division of General Berbadjov. And while the division hadn't been at full strength since the last replenishment in 1941, just before the Third Chernaeyan War, at the special request of Berbadjov who wanted a force made up solely out of veterans, they entered the Iverno-Milesian War with 21,356 and left it 14,321.

But while Milesia was still under siege the unthinkable happened on the 29th of April, earlier this year, when Kadikistan's 'Glorious Leader' Nikolai Leninov died by mercury poisoning at the hands of the Tsjekova Clan. What followed was total chaos as political assassinations became daily affairs and open hostilities were declared between the four major revolutionary clans. But as the Tsjekovites seemed to be gaining the upper hand, effectively eliminating all major members of the Leninov Clan along with their multitude of 'bannermen', the New Order stepped in and attacked the unsuspecting Tsjekovites with an unseen precision that brought the second biggest Kadikistani clan on its knees almost overnight. It soon became clear that neither of the revolutionary clans would still have a place in the 'new Kadikistan' that the Committee for Justice and the Rejuvenation of Socialism had proclaimed victoriously. What remained of the Leninov clan was taken over by Nikolai's oldest son, Ratko Leninov, who managed to rally several major figures from the old regime such as Generals Sergei Moravscik and Petr Bovinovic behind him and secure a sizable stretch of land in the Kadikistani high north.

There was no doubt in Berbadjov's mind when he immediately declared his loyalty to Ratko's splinter faction. Neither did he hesitate when Ratko ordered him to depart from Milesia, leaving his Gaelic allies to fend for themselves, and open a new 'anti-revisionist front' in Rurikgrad. His men would gradually infiltrate Kadikistan's most important port through Markenese commercial vessels, disguised as workers. But the grip of the New Order on the city seemed too great and Berbadjov along with his men were forced into a premature armed engagement in which the New Order quickly came out on top. Another 2,789 casualties ensued for the increasingly smaller division as they were forced to flee from the city and into anti-revisionist Calidia were they regrouped as the '1st Marxist-Leninovist Legion' consisting out of a meagre 11,532 men. Knowing that conflict was the only thing keeping his band of brothers together, but also realizing that another attack on Rurikgrad would be the end of him while a journey to the Kadikistani High North was far too long and too dangerous, especially with the increasingly organized Ivernish Fleet in the White Sea not to mention the Varinians still being on high alert, Sepakov Berbadjov had mobilized his men and shipped off to the war-torn nation of Borovanger in Gallia. Previously heavily supported by the Kadikistani State during the reign of Nikolai Leninov, the Red League and their self-proclaimed Borovanger Workers' Republic the region had been abandoned safe for some morale support by the New Order. The latter seeing no appeal in an ideological conflict with Serenierre and willing to honour the agreement with Serazin to keep Kadikistani influence out of Gallia. But being a hard-line anti-revisionist Leninovist, Berbadjov inspired his men not to allow this 'Marxist-Leninovist Revolution' to be corrupted by Marxist-Serazinism or any other leftist ideology. He passionately said that they could not stand idly by as their comrades fought and died for a cause that was being corrupted from the inside. Berbadjov's men had made contact with the roughly 200 Kadikistani Military Advisors that had chosen to stay and fight in the glory of their fallen leader and to protect his legacy.

On the 2nd of June on a warm Spring morning the borrowed Calidian transport ships docked at a small fishing port in a town called Tirlemont, some 80 kilometres north of Adsubia, where they were welcomed by a handful of Kadikistani's and a few dozen Borovanger Red League fighters. Some of the people in the town cheered on the Kadikistani forces as they where still landing and organizing while others closed their curtains and locked their doors. Once the 1st Marxist-Leninovist Legion is reorganized they would march east to Saulot, where their arrival and long march would be a great propaganda stunt for the dominant Marxist-Leninovist faction within the Red League and deter any further defection to the Marxist-Serazinists. Since there wasn't much equipment, barely able to fully arm and equip all their own soldiers, the Legion could move fast. From Saulot, Berbadjov would attempt to consolidate the Marxist-Leninovist Red League leadership and regain political superiority over the Serazinists before joining the actual conflict.


Establishing Nation
Nov 4, 2016
Palmerston North,New Zealand
Banyul-Sur-Mer, 4/06/1957.

Borovangen National Army Headquarters.

following the disaster of the Saro Campaign the Borovangen National Army was a shadow of his former self, much of the armies equipment had been lost, however that could be replaced, however the men that had made up the army could not be so easily replaced. Colonel Fidel Cantabria had been given the unenviable task of rebuilding the Army, the largest problem he faced was getting the men, even with extensive conscription there simply weren't enough men in the Royalist areas to reinforce the Army, any other issue facing the BNA was experience, most of the army's veterans were lost in Saro and most of the conscripts lacked any military experience so they would have to undergo rigorous training to be combat ready.

However the situation was not entirely hopeless, in Albacente large numbers of men were flocking to the Royalist cause,in exchange for regional autonomy the Burgundian Minority had given its full support. with luck there might be enough men to enough men to form a division or in the very least several brigades. even so he was thankful the Prometheists were his allies at least for the moment, they had plenty of men and now they had plenty of modern weapons which should help to crush the Marxists but one though kept troubling Fidel of course....once the Reds were gone what next? the Prometheists would be armed with the best equipment and outnumber the Royalists if they chose to crush the Royalists what could they do to stop them?


Establishing Nation
Nov 4, 2016
Palmerston North,New Zealand
Office of the First Minister, Borovanger City, Commonwealth of Borovanger 10/06/1957.

Francois Valois sighed, the world it seemed was sliding into chaos, everyday Kadikistan,Bourgogne and Pelasgia where moving ever closer to war, a conflict between these superpowers would change the world forever, but he hoped for admittedly selfish reasons that Kadikistan would be defeated in an upcoming war, and that the Marxists in Borovanger would lose heart. But if somehow Kadikistan were to triumph well who would be left to stop them?

But this was all idle speculation, no the Red League and their so called "Workers Republic" were a more immediate concern, after the fall of Saro the war had ground to a halt, both sides seemed content to remain inside their own territory and were reluctant to stage any major offensives. While this much needed respite had allowed the Royalists and Prometheists to regroup he feared that the Red League were doing the same and that sooner or later the war would flare up. he fumbled in his pocket for his medication, he was no longer a young man and the stress of high office was proving detrimental to his health, still he had to cling on, the nation had suffered through enough instability it could not survive another political crisis, even now there were those looking to replace him, many thought him a traitor to the revolution for his alliance and works towards conciliation with the Royalists.

Of course he was not the only one facing dissent in the ranks, Ortega and his Fascists continued to attempt to undermine the Unity pact and the Bishop Ignatius's power over the Royalist cause. And from what he heard even the Marxists where divided among themselves. truly he thought we live in interesting times.


Established Nation
Jun 27, 2008
Karachi, Sindh
Saulot City, Worker's Republic of Borovanger
13. June. 1957

Chairman Maqueda's gamble had failed. Kadikistan post-Leninov had pulled away and left the Worker's Republic unprotected and exposed entirely to the machinations of Villesen. For some weeks, the agents of Directorate 77 had gone silent and the offices of the Serenien Liaison Office (SLO) had ceased to be overly active. In the south, the Revolutionary Guardsmen had stopped undertaking any major combat operations. The Serenien had been recuperating following two major victories; the destruction of the BNA and the Kadikistani withdrawal. Now, the troops were well rested and the supply lines replenished, and the activities of the Revolutionary Guards, Directorate 77, and the SLO started afresh. However, the menace of a joint Fascist and Prometheist front remained to be confronted. But before then, there needed to be a clear reorientation of the dynamics in the Red League.

On that mid-June day, Capitaine-Generale Rollet flew into the city unannounced and went straight to the SLO building. From here, the directive was issued to the entire cadre of senior leadership of the Worker's Republic to present itself before the Serenien Liaison Office as the Capitaine Generale was eager to meet them. The directive was polite in its wording but the underlying tone was menacing, a fact underscored by the fact that each of the senior leaders was given only an hour to present themselves before the two most senior representatives of the Serenien presence in Borovanger. If the Worker's Republic had even half as much wisdom as Villesen hoped it had, they would realise that upsetting the People's Republic for a second time would result in an outcome quite unfortunate for those Borovangerese involved in the treachery.

And when they would turn up at the premises of the SLO, according to directives communicated directly from the office of Generalissimo Serazin, Chairman Maqueda and the rest of the members of the Politburo were to be presented with a direction to resign from their posts. If, of-course, they resisted, agents from the Directorate 77 would move swiftly and assassinate the senior leadership - as they had long ago infiltrated the ranks of the Worker's Republic and Red League. Obviously, Villesen was not too keen to spill any more blood than was absolutely necessary but it was genuinely hoped that they would not force Villesen's hand. Though, Chairman Maqueda, for the treachery that he had committed earlier in going against the directions of Villesen and falling in line with Ivar would be forever more painted with the label of a traitor in the eyes of the Revolutionary Guardsmen, who felt that his actions were akin to being spat in the face. Perhaps, Chairman Maqueda would suffer a fatal fall at night in his bathroom some time soon or maybe a rather foul tasting pudding would do the trick - who knew what turn life would take.

With all of that out of the way, then the SLO would present a new constitution which would be cleared through all the procedural hurdles by the Serenien allies now in power in the Worker's Republic. The constitution had been vetted by the Communist Party and had been approved by the Generalissimo, himself. When it would be passed, the Worker's Republic would cease to exist and a new state would emerge; the Confederation of Borovanger. While many would accuse the change of being simply a cosmetic one, this was an important indication to the Governments of [MENTION=16]Engellex[/MENTION] and [MENTION=26]Bourgogne[/MENTION] that Serenierre was committed to the notion of a neutral buffer state in Borovanger. With complete political control over the communist faction in Borovanger, Villesen would then induct all the Red League troops into a Foreign Legion under the direct command of Capitaine Generale Rollet. The Red League was now to be subservient to the will of the People's Republic of Serenierre. And from that position ideological, political and military strength would the next phase commence.

Commissariat for War & Defence
Villesen, People's Republic of Serenierre

13. June. 1957

The Government of Serenierre had issued directives to the military of Serenierre to commence preparations for a military intervention into Borovanger. Now finally, the farce of Serenien non-involvement would finally be over. It had been a slow but masterfully executed diplomatic coup by Mme. Elisabeth Martinique but now the time was here where the final nail in the coffin would be hammered and through the mighty blow of a full on military intervention would all the rogue forces be silenced and a new peace would prevail. Directives had been issued by Generalissimo Serazin to ready the 5th Shock Army for a full onslaught against Prometheist positions on the western Serenien frontier. It was expected to be ready in two weeks.

Before that, the Government had issued a notice of warning to the Dulwich and Chagny governments in an effort to continue the confidence building measures set into effect by Villesen and to ensure that there were no misunderstandings on part of the three powers. While it was known that the Burgundians had mobilised 150,000 troops in their country and that the Engellexic navy was preparing to deploy as well, it was thought best to mobilise the 5th Shock Army gradually in an effort to ensure that all the diplomatic bases were covered.

From that day onward, the disinformation campaign would commence that would feed into the Prometheist information channels to leave them guessing as to what was truly about to transpire in the coming weeks. It would be made to appear that the Revolutionary Guards are on the move yet again and they would be starting an assault on the Fascists in the north and so it would be allowed to slip that their rear guard is weak, which could possibly tempt the Promtheists to move greater numbers to the north in an effort to disrupt the supposed offensive.


Establishing Nation
Nov 4, 2016
Palmerston North,New Zealand
Saulot City, Workers Republic of Borovanger Chairman de Maqueda's Office, 13th of June 1957.

William de Maqueda knew he was trapped, he had thought he could use Serenierre for his own aims, gaining their military support while still remaining loyal to Orthodox Marxist-Lenovism and to Kadikistan. However it was now clear he had gambled and lost everything, the Sezeranists were in control and now he was faced with an impossible choice, submit and have the Workers Republic he had fought so hard for die in its infancy or to die himself either at his own hand or at the hand of some Sezeranist thug. doubtless the rest of the Red League's leadership were faced with a similar decision, some would follow his lead and continue to defy the Sezeranists but he suspected many more would submit.But it he at least drew some solace from the knowledge that if he died at the hands of the Sezeranists he would become a martyr for the cause that perhaps the Workers Republic would live on.

elsewhere in Saulot

Xavier Munez, Commanded the Workers Republic's Army of the Interior, and was responsible for the defense of the city itself and he was now in a difficult position, while he was not present at the talks with General Rollet he could understand what rumours he heard that the Sezeranists were moving against the Red League's Leadership and demanding they submit to the new Sezeranist Regime. if he was so inclined Xavier felt he could declared a state of emergency and send in the troops to restore order, imprison the various Sezeranist elements and be hailed as the savior of the Workers Republic by a grateful de Maqueda, of course Serenierre would never stand for this and most likely invade and emerge victorious and the Red League's leadership would end up in a shallow grave somewhere.

Then of course he could contact General Rollet and put he and his men at Serenierre's disposal and offer to secure the capital for the new regime, they were undoubtedly the winning side and he could only hope his display of loyalty would be rewarded by high office in the new regime. Now that he though about it the choice was not so hard, save a the Republic only to postpone the inevitable? or side with Sezeranists and reap the benefits of a grateful Serenierre.

he called his aid-de-camp"Hector get me the number of Serenierre's embassy ".

Headquarters of the 1st Marxist-Leninovist Legion

following the ultimatum laid out by General Rollet, several members of the Red League had already sought the protection of the Kadikistani volunteers, the one organisation that had that was guaranteed not to have been infiltrated by Sezeranists. Chief Among these were de Maqueda's deputy Miguel Esperanza and a cadre of Red League Officers. The 1st Marxist-Leninovist legion was quickly becoming the nucleus of the anti-treaty Red League.


Established Nation
Jun 27, 2008
Karachi, Sindh
Saulot City, Borovanger
13. June. 1957

The Serenien Liaison Office (SLO) had become a hub of activity. Hordes of senior Red League members and leaders had already signed up for the Serenien backed vision for the country and countless more kept arriving to pay their respects to the new king maker in the country. The Commander of the Revolutionary Guards had been keeping tabs on which people arrived and his aide kept crossing off names of a list. The names which would remain uncrossed would be handed over to Directorate 77 for the purposes of neutralisation.

Though when the Minister of the Interior Munez contacted the SLO and was invited to meet Capt. Generale Rollet it was clear that the tide had swept in the direction of Villesen's geo-political goals. The Interior Minister's support was crucial and would prevent needless bloodshed. Interior Minister Munez was welcomed to the SLO by Rollet and after all the diplomatic and political pleasantries were exchanged, Rollet broke down the arrangement that would be made with the Interior Minister. Rollet stated that Villesen appreciated loyalty. And Munez's brave act would be amply rewarded. Firstly, financially, by the provision of 950,000 Livres to the Minister's personal account. Secondly, politically, the SLO would back Minister Munez in his endeavours post-civil war and ensure his continued service as the Interior Minister in the new provisional government.

In return, the Interior Minister was to publicly proclaim allegiance to the interim government of the Confederation of Borovanger and order a state of emergency across Saulot. The curfew which would follow would allow ample opportunity and space for the agents of Directorate 77 and troops from the loyalist Red League and the Revolutionary Guards to take control of key locations and persons from the Worker's Republic organisation into custody.

Later that night, agents from Directorate 77 infiltrated the residence of Chairman Macqueda and would assassinate him in the manner most associated with hits conducted by the Kadikistani intelligence service. His family, too, would be killed and also anyone else who got in the way. Following the grizzly deed, the agents would paint anti-Macqueda graffiti on the wall and state that the assassination had been carried out by Leninovists because they viewed Macqueda as weak and incapable of saving the cause of Leninovism in Borovanger. The brazen and brutal attack on the Chairman would do wonders at destroying the resolve of still present sympathisers of the Ivar regime in Borovanger. Perhaps, it would even sow the seeds of discord in the ranks of those fools who had gone to the Kadikistani garrison for protection.

The actions of the Leninovists in Borovanger had damaged ties between Kadikistan and Serenierre quite seriously and the presence of the 11,000 or so Kadikistani volunteers was undoubtedly going to prove problematic in time but the Interior Minister had been directed to issue an official order to the Kadikistani volunteers to de-camp from Saulot and move their entire garrison to Adsubia within the week and then onward to bolster the defence of Sala. Through Directorate 77 agents, the Kadikistani commander had been informed that if the volunteers acted to defend and push back the Fascist assault on Sala, the Serenien Government would not forget the sacrifices of the Leninovist martyrs in drawing up the post-war settlement. Failing to take heed of the Adsubia directive by Munez would be immediate grounds for a hostile evacuation of Kadikistani volunteers from Borovanger and the complete removal of any trace of Leninovism from Borovanger. The choice was there's.

Valera, Saro Province, Borovanger
13. June. 1957

The assault on the city continued. The last vestiges of the BNA were trapped in the city. The fighter-bombers of the Revolutionary Guards had been conducting their bombing runs armed with incendiary bombs and with some of the new rockets designed to fire from aircraft to ground targets. The Borovanger Civil War had provided excellent opportunities to test out many new equipment in the Serenien arsenal and conduct some real world tests. Now and then, skirmishes would erupt along the defensive perimetre when either side would try their hand at breaking through. Though not much happened beyond that. The city was subjected to almost daily barrages of mortar and artillery fire, simply to break down the resolve of the defenders, as by now most of the city had been bombed out and destroyed, leaving very little in form or shape that bore resemblance to a modern city. The port, the vital lifeblood of the city, had been targeted several times by artillery and fighter bombers, though the aerial defences in that sector were quite good and had proved to be dangerous for Serenien planes. So, despite all these efforts, the impasse in Valera remained and the status quo continued. The only answer it seemed was an amphibious invasion of the city.

Villesen, People's Republic of Serenierre
17. June. 1957

Despite all that was occuring in Borovanger, the plans for the 5th Shock Army's mobilisation continued at the hectic pace that had been dictated by the High Command. The deployments were continuing and the troops were loading up on supplies and weaponry and other preparations that went along with an operation of this scale. The signals companies were busy leaking fake information to make it appear that the border was simply conducting business as was usual. The and the heavier armoured units were taking the longest to ready though, of-course, they would be the stars of the punch through Prometheist lines. These new tanks were much stronger that the previous series of tanks developed by Serenierre, though, it remained to be seen how they would perform in the battlefield.

The military had ordered that at no point in time would any Serenien military unit venture closer than 2 kilometres to the Burgundian frontier once the military campaign in Borovanger began. The distance was, yet again, part of Villesen's attempt to allay any fears or concerns that Chagny may have at the presence of a full army of the Serenien military in a neighbouring country.


Establishing Nation
Nov 4, 2016
Palmerston North,New Zealand
Saulot City, Borovanger

The city was deathly silent, Interior Minister Munez had declared a state of emergency ordering a strict curfew until " law and order is restored" and now groups of soldiers were patrolling the streets and had roadblocks at every one of the main roads in or out of the city. everyone seemed on edge in the city, many Red League members feared for their lives now that the Sezeranists were in charge after all who was left to stop them?

meanwhile soldiers deemed to be ideologically compromised were disarmed and confined to Barracks for an indefinite period.

despite the patrols and roadblocks there were some willing to risk escaping to the relative safety of the Marxist-Lenovist Volunteer Legion. even with patrols and roadblocks there still remained many ways to leave Saulot and everyday dozens slipped out of the city.

Minister Munez was seen by many among the Red League as a traitor to the revolution having sold out de Maqueda and the rest of the party for his thirty pieces of silver and a cushy job as Serenierre's puppet. Of course while many felt this way few were brave enough to voice such opinions aloud, not when Munez's soldiers and Sezeranist spies were everywhere in Saulot.


Established Nation
Jun 27, 2008
Karachi, Sindh
Saulot City, Borovanger
21. June. 1957

The success of the political takedown of the Worker's Republic's senior leadership thanks to the combined efforts of Minister Munez and the Directorate 77 agents had brought Villesen in complete control of the capital. At the direction of the Military High Command, two battalions from the specialised elite unit, totalling some 1,400 highly trained men, had been airlifted into the city to augment the cities defences and to better police and neutralise any wavering elements of the Red League soldiers. Additionally, the loyal members of the former Worker's Republic's leadership, who had wisely sided with Villesen were to be provided direct protection with these elite troops straight from the Serenien military.

Under direct orders from Villesen, Munez had been told to inform all loyal soldiers under his command that their pays would be enhanced, courtesy of a large aid package specially for the frontline soldiers of the Red League. Ideological idealism can only go so far when tempted with cold hard cash. Villesen promised a brighter and better future. Kadikistan and its Leninovist extremists offered a cruel, bloody death.

As part of the mobilisations that were continuing for the impending military campaign against the Prometheists, engineer battalions and construction projects were in full speed working at expanding the runways and bunkers of the existing airfields for the purposes of allowing a greater presence of the Serenien Air Force to be launched from even Saulot. A twin pronged aerial campaign against both sides of the Prometheist front. In due course of time, infantry units would be airlifted into Saulot from the Serenien homeland to augment the positions of the Sérazinists - of all shades and colors.

Along with the military movements and airlifts, Villesen had dispatched several ships of humanitarian aid to Borovanger and several thousand tons of foodstuff and emergency food packets were to be distributed among the civilians. In Saulot, to keep the civilians pacified under the curfew, similar provisions were provided in the many airlifts to provide food packets and meal rations for the civilians. Obviously, the standard of food in these rations was better than whatever that the Borovangerese government could manage and that was the key selling point of winning over hearts and minds.

Sala, Borovanger
21. June. 1957

The fighting here was desperate and extreme. The Revolutionary Guards, here, had lost many men. But the defence held firm and strong. The enemy had been halted on the very edge of the city. Undoubtedly, the enemy too must have taken a bruising in Sala, but the fighting had slowed down here over the past few weeks. The Revolutionary Guards legion that had been deployed here received orders on that date to withdraw from the city. The priorities for the Serenien had shifted and they did not want to remain much longer in the city. Withdraw to Saulot was the order and it was to be hastily arranged. Undoubtedly, the defence of Sala would suffer but this should be the headache of the Kadikistanis.

So far the Kadikistanis had achieved nothing in Borovanger. Before Serenierre's involvement, the Red League was on the verge of defeat, Villesen's involvement had reversed the course of the war. The Leninovists had played dirty with Serenierre with the whole Worker's Republic debacle, which had backfired and they had Chairman Macqueda's death to prove that. Now things were different. The Kadikistani Leninovist troops had to prove themselves. They had dug a hole for themselves in Borovanger and they had to prove their capability and capacity to deliver effectively.

Villesen, People's Republic of Serenierre
21. June. 1957

The Politburo was reviewing reports of the mobilisation orders. The infantry corps were ready to launch the invasion though the armoured divisions and the mechanised components still were preparing and collecting all the oil supplies they would need over the course of the immediate phase of the campaign. The air force was already fully mobilised. By the end of the week, the armoured divisions would be ready and then Operation: Eclipse could commence.

Kadikistani Union

Established Nation
Nov 2, 2006
21st of June, 1957
Sala, Borovanger

It was a warm evening in the late spring, so warm that it felt like summer. But despite the favourable weather the atmosphere was very dark among the commanders of the Marxist-Leninovist Legion. These battle-hardened men had been summoned to the local Strategic Command Centre, appointed just two days ago, using the infrastructure of a large farm on the eastern outskirts of the city within Red League controlled territory. They had been ordered to do so by General Sepakov Berbadjov after the latter received word from the dominant Serazinists offering a place for the followers of Marxist-Leninovism in the future Borovanger in exchange for obedience. Twelve of the highest commanders, safe for those currently in the field, had assembled and watched in awe as Berbadjov threw his fists onto the table, impressively causing a crack in the robust table. His anger for the disrespectful way he was treated enhanced when he saw the last of the Revolutionary Guards pull back from the city and heading toward the capital that was taken from under their noses so very recent. "It was a mistake leaving Saulot into the hands of the Serazinists! Those bastards managed to hijack this revolution in the course of a few days. If the Glorious Leader was still alive and in power instead of these revisionists, we would still be in full control of the situation. Now they have us fighting in this forsaken city, ready to be surrounded by Geotri fascists as the support of the Revolutionary Guard dissapeared.", Berbadjov said before Brigadeer General Boban Taderdov, commander of the 36th 'Juggernaught' Infantry Brigade, intervened in the most respectful way possible. "You are correct, Comrade General. The new regime in Kadikistan has forsaken the ideals it was built on and the Serazinists have abandoned us in their ploy to seize full control over the Workers' Republic. However, if we had chosen to disobey Villesen we would have ended up with a Milesian situation, under constant siege. At least now we can still move, we are mobile, not to mention we're not tied up in urban warfare against the Serazinists."

Taderdov had always been a voice of reason and because his loyalty was never doubted, serving under Berbadjov and the Leninov Revolutionary Clan for so many years now, he often managed to temper the hostile climate in the general staff. Taderdov had no further ambition than the position he was in, otherwise he would have sided with the New Order by now, and considered it a privilege to serve in a division so prestigious. A dedicated Marxist-Leninovist he had renounced his loyalty to the Tsjekovites, whom originally placed him in this radical Leninovist division in order to provide at least some counterweight to Ivan Tsjekova's competitor. All that aside he wasn't able to calm down the room this time as another highly-respected chief commander, Lt. Col. Gojko Bovinovic of the 42nd 'First Spear' Motorized Infantry Brigade, interrupted him with his deep voice. "With all do respect, Comrade Taderdov, but you are wrong in your assessment of the situation. Sala will be like Lowport. We will end up in a draining siege battle were we fight the enemy block-by-block with every metre of land being contested at an enormous price in manpower. At least in Saulot we could have stopped the Serazinist power-grab and keep the Leninovist leadership in place. We could have..."

"Stop!", Berbadjov rudely interrupted Bovinovic as he grew tired of the bickering that threatened to consume the entire meeting after the first few minutes of it. "This front has been relatively quiet for the past few months now. I do not intent to wait out the enemy, but rather take the fight to them and force a breakthrough. We have secured the defensive positions of the Serazinists along with the remaining Red League forces. The latter are just under 2,000 heads strong and are dedicated to the cause. I have been reported that about 200 of the remaining Borovanger forces are former members of the 7th Internal Security Battalion. Therefore I believe we can safely count on them to support our offensive.", Berbadjov said confidently as the men around him looked surprised at the notion of launching an assault to break the stalemate. The Serazinists had tried so before, but the General was confident that his veteran elites would be able to pull off what the Revolutionary Guards couldn't with a loyal Borovanger regiment at their side. The room remained quiet as Berbadjov drank from his glass of water before continuing to explain his plan. "The 42nd, the 43th and the 36th, Bovinovic, Komotec and Taderdov, will launch a ground assault 26 hours from now after the 61st Artillery Detachment halts it barrage upon the enemies positions on the south-western flank. That barrage, as you might have noticed, has begun under my orders several hours ago and will soften up the enemy. Bovinovic will spearhead the assault and overturn the flanks by securing the villages and towns to the south-west of the city, taking no less than 100 kilometres of land. Do not stop until you have taken that. I realize that our remaining mechanized and motorized equipment will most likely perish in this attack, but our friends in the Calidian Communist Workers' Party have assured us that a small, but significant, delivery of arms along with several several hundred Calidian volunteers will arrive at Tirlemont within the next two weeks. We will do with what we have until then. Safe from a few units assigned to guard the artillery batteries in the rear, Miraslevijc's 37th will provide support while our Borovanger allies do the same from the defensive positions on the outer perimeter of Sala. We can not risk the city falling to a counter attack from the west or the north while the bulk of our forces are in combat on the other side of Sala so the defences must remain bolstered. More specific orders will be transmitted, return to your posts and prepare for the attack."

Before Berbadjov's words grew cold the twelve men rose to their feet and left the room hastily yet orderly. Next, Berbadjov would brief Battalion-Commander Emmanuel Laguiller, the man in charge of the remaining Borovanger regiment and a trusted ally on this reignited front. After Chernaeya, Milesia, Varinia and Rurikgrad none of them felt the need to prove themselves, especially not to the Serazinists, but they would do exactly that in the events that were about to follow.


Established Nation
Jun 27, 2008
Karachi, Sindh
Villesen, People's Republic of Serenierre
23. June. 1957

The Generalissimo had declared war on the People's Commonwealth of Borovanger. Almost as soon as it was issued, the High Command had issued the orders to commence the operation against the Prometheist lines opposite the international border. Thanks in part to high altitude reconnaissance and direct intelligence agents in the immediate border zone, the troops of the 5th Shock Army had a good idea of where to land the first blows of Operation Eclipse.

Troops from the 21st Infantry Corps were assigned to Operation A. They were to fight head on and dig deep into the Prometheist heartland. The 96th Infantry Corps and the 12th Armoured Division were assigned to Operation B. They were to encircle the region of the Chateau de Montgilbert from the west and take control of that strategic location. The third and most aggressive prong of the operation would see the 99th Infantry Corps and the 18th and 20th Armoured divisions cut through the Prometheist lines, attacking from the eastern flank of Montgilbert and then proceeding to drive a wedge deep into Greater Borovanger, stopping just a small distance from the capital city of the Prometheists by occupying the main bridge over the Bergante River. With General Renaudierre in command, it was expected that the blows would be quick and painful for the Prometheists - he was after all one of the best military commanders in the Military, perhaps only General Mazarin surpassed him in skill and rank.

The fighters would establish aerial superiority over the entire airspace of the forward advance and the specialised fighter-bombers would take out radars and other critical defensive infrastructure in a series of violent blows all across the southern quadrant of Greater Borovanger, where the main thrust of the operation would take place. The fleet of heavy bombers would head out to carpet bomb known concentrations of Prometheist troops, such as the Abbey of St. Michael. The presence of enemy fighters was expected to be minimal. It was hoped that by the time the 21st Infantry Corps would arrive at the Abbey, it would be significantly weakened. Perhaps, the 21st Infantry Corps would be the first army to successfully take down the infamous fortifications of the island on which the abbey stood.

Saulot City, Confederation of Borovanger
23. June. 1957

The Leninovists had left the city and so, the Sérazinists were in complete political control of the territory that had once belonged to the Worker's Republic. Following the declaration of war on the Prometheists and the recognition of the Confederation of Borovanger as the one true state by Villesen, the Serenien Liaison Office was immediately designated the status of an Embassy. Capt. General Rollet of the Revolutionary Guards was still in town. Confirmation had arrived that William Macqueda had been "taken care of" and Rollet was genuinely quite relieved at how the whole matter had played out. With quite good timing even. Just as the political situation was firmly in control over here, the Military had officially launched an invasion in Prometheist Borovanger.

Sitting in the office that had been hastily set up for him in the new Embassy, the commander of the Revolutionary Guards spoke to General Henri Delacourt, the Chief of Staff of the Revolutionary Guards, back home in Serenierre. He was informed that the Revolutionary Guards were to remain in defensive positions all across the current front. They were allowed to continue to conduct their operations against the BNA in Valera but everywhere else, the Revolutionary Guards were to now take a back seat. They had done their job spectacularly well. The Politburo, Rollet was assured, would greatly reward him for his acumen on the battlefield.

But before setting his phone down, Rollet did ask for a favour. Was it at all possible for the Navy, now that the war had commenced officially, to send over a few of its battlecruisers to bombard Valera, maybe even launch an amphibious invasion? General Delacourt was quiet. He could tell that he must have smiled. "Well," he had said, "That was not part of the plan, but I'm sure it can be arranged in some time."


Establishing Nation
Nov 4, 2016
Palmerston North,New Zealand
Headquarters for the Southern Army Corp, 24/06/1957

A day after the Sezeranist declaration of war the Commonwealth was in total disarray, large parts of Greater Borovanger previously thought to be the safest area in the country were now under the vicious yoke of Villisen. Lieutenant General Emilio Besteiro was doing his utmost to try and salvage the situation but in the face of the massed ranks of the Sezeranists there was little he could do. After the initial phase of the enemy offensive the Prometheists were trying to dig in and fortify their positions, The Abbey of Saint Micheal was serving as the focal point for the defense its walls standing defiant throughout the century's

He was hurrying to organize a counter-attack but the Sezeranist air-force had so far prevented any major build up of Prometheist forces, the Commonwealth's own air-force was woefully outnumber and ill equipped and whenever they took to the air they were quickly routed by the Sezeranist invaders. So far he had managed to rally some fifty armoured cars and maybe two dozen tanks and some seven hundred men for a counter attack but he had no idea when they might have a chance to launch a counter attack currently most of the army's efforts where going towards simply holding against the Invaders.


Establishing Nation
Nov 4, 2016
Palmerston North,New Zealand
Saulot City, Confederation of Borovanger, 24/06/1957.

Oscar Negrin peered out from behind his curtains at the armed men patrolling the streets, ever since Munez had taken control of the city there seemed to be armed men on every, most of those guarding the city had been soldiers from the Army of the Interior but more and more were being replaced by the Guardia Federale, Munez's own private army of thugs who where officially now the face of law and order in the city but in reality acted more like gangsters, in fact the rumour was that many had been criminals, who had been pardoned on the condition they serve the state these men now had free reign over the city.

when someone knocked at the door Oscar nearly jumped out of his skin, he felt terrified after all the only ones out and about at night where the Federales and they were not in the business of simply checking in on Citizens out of public minded spirit. He opened the door to see three armed men, the leader a brute of man with a shaved head and several gold smiled unconvincingly at Oscar " Righto Mr Negrin it seems that you have associating with certain anti-social elements and as such you and I are gonna go to and 'ave a little chat at the station and if you know whats good for you you'll spill your guts". And at that the rest of the guards standing at the doorway rushed in knocking him to the floor put a bag over his head and bundled him into a car waiting nearby.
the neighbours peered out of their curtains, no one accosted the Federales , not one made a fuss instead they went back to their own lives, heads down such was life in Saro.


Established Nation
Jun 27, 2008
Karachi, Sindh
Serenien Occupied Borovanger
24. June. 1957

The infantrymen of the various corps had made quick gains into Greater Borovanger. The lack of any worthwhile opposition from the Prometheist lines and the sheer overwhelming nature of the Serenien invasion had made that possible. The infantrymen had been quick to take control of the refugee camps all along the ancient fortress in Montgilbert and had bombed their way into the castle by breaching the fortifications with artillery and mortars - and these were more heavy hitting than the ancient cannons that the walls were designed to stand strong against. The fortress itself was attacked by air as well and the 120mm howitzers had knocked down key battlements, allowing the troops to pour into the castle and occupy it. The 707th Brigade attached to the 69th Infantry Division had been the one to take down the castle. Clearly, the Prometheists here were far outmatched in quality and numbers. The chateau was quick to fall.

After the castle was secured, the troops who had surrendered were handed over to Directorate 77. It was standard practice in Serenien military protocol to hand over all prisoners of war to the intelligence agency. It was not the military's responsibility to care for the enemy. The Directorate, in turn, was responsible for re-educating the common foot infantry and interrogating the commissioned officers for any nugget of valuable information. The dungeons of the ancient castle were good for such activities. Thankfully, there were no pesky international rules regarding war which prohibited such actions.

After securing the entire region of Montgilbert, the infantry divisions would continue forward pushing deeper. Though their thrust would slow down and they would focus on holding firm. In due course of time, the Prometheists would manage to recover and it was vital to not overstretch this part of the front, as more serious battles were to wage in the north and the south.

Further afield, the troops assigned to Operation C had pushed deeper and harder than the other two prongs, the four hundred M-15 tanks had been working well, taking out the few tanks and armoured cars that came in their way, though they were primarily providing the forward thrust and waiting for the infantry to catch it. Sadly, despite being designed to engage Burgundian tanks, their first combat operations were against the People's Commonwealth's Army, which was a joke and clearly hardly a fight. The 100mm main armament of these new tanks would shred the tanks the Prometheists were sending against them and their own armour could withstand the hits from an ever decreasing amount of Prometheist tanks. The units assigned to Operation C were particularly brutal and had been equipped with the latest of every type of weaponry and equipment that the Military had. This was for two reasons: first, this prong of the invasion was to eventually take the Prometheist capital and second, the design bureaus back home were quite keen to see how their new equipment was performing in real world combat situations. So far, so good. The assault infantry was particularly impressed with the assault rifles that had been given to them. They were quick and brutal against the poor Prometheists, who were still using bolt-action rifles, which even by the standards of such rifles, were antiquated. It was to be noted that here, fewer prisoners of wars were being taken. Bullets were cheap for these troops.

In the southern push, Operation A was proceeding well. A full infantry corps was pushing through enemy territory and it was clear to one and all that their first major confrontation with the enemy would occur at the Abbey St. Michael. Thrice before Serenien armies under various banners had crossed these lands only to lose at the abbey. This time it would be different. General Renaudierre knew that if he could destroy the Borovangerese defence in St. Michael, he would go down in history and would finally no longer play the second fiddle to General Mazarin. He needed the victory there. Come what may.

All across the skies of Greater Borovanger, jets and propeller planes were zooming in and out of hot spots and taking out whatever needed taking out. The jets were particularly useful in taking down enemy fighters and whatever else the woefully ineffective Commonwealth Airforce was throwing up in the air. Important lessons were being learned regarding these jets. They were incredibly versatile and could be used in a wonderful number of ways. At dawn, that morning, forty , with payloads of over 800,000 pounds of explosives in total, and escorted by a variety of jet fighters and propeller fighters would bomb the Abbey of St. Michael.

Fighter bombers were busy being called on tactical missions as and when the infantry needed to break the Prometheist resistance in any given area. One such example is the response to the counter-attack by some 24 tanks and 50 armoured cars that had surprised the 900 men of the 166th Infantry Division. The move by the so-called Besteiro Counter-attack took advantage of the fact that the Serenien recon had messed up and left the 900 men struggling to continue forward. These men took a violent beating at the hands of the Prometheists in that skirmish. Though when the fighter-bombers finally zoomed in and strafed the tanks and armoured cars, the balance was restored somewhat. But at the end of the counter-attack in that location, the men retreated some distance to recuperate and let the wounded be treated by the medics.


Establishing Nation
Nov 4, 2016
Palmerston North,New Zealand
Sala, Saulot Province, 22/06/1957.
Geotrian Front Line

The Marxist Offensive had managed to push the Geotrian Expeditionary forces out of their defensive positions, the Geotrians had grown complacent of late the relative inaction along the Sala front had lulled them in a sense of security. Now that they were on the back foot the Geotrian forces were mustering for a counter attack, Lieutenant General Jakob Leitner was determined to retake the Marxist positions, from what intelligence the Royalist side was able to gather it seemed that this offensive was conducted by a splinter faction of the Marxists which due to the ideological bickering that permeated Borovangen society was receiving little in the way of support. The General felt he had been too complacent of late now was the time to launch a new Offensive, surely a strong counter-attack would counter-attack would be enough to drive them from their positions and continue the advance into Saulot.

Greater Borovanger, Prometheist Front Lines 30/06/1957.

The Counter-attack had failed to stop the Sezeranist advance, despite the best efforts of the Prometheist soldiers the Serenien Army's numerical and technological superiority was beginning to tell. The Serenien Armour was proving difficult to counter, so far they had been reduced to rather unorthodox means of anti-tank warfare such as using tire irons to jam the tanks tracks needless to say this strategy was extremely risky and resulted in a number of Prometheists wasting their lives for little in return. However there was some good news the Royalists were sending reinforcements many of whom were armed with the modern weapons supplied by their foreign patrons hopefully these would be able to halt the Serenien Offensive. The Prometheist Armour was proving next to useless against the Serenien tanks and the Serenien Air-Force was able to fly unhindered across the region with many of the remaining Prometheist airmen refusing to take to the skies.

In response to the invasion the definitions of those eligible for conscription was changed to include those ages fifteen to sixty five, nearly the entire population of Greater Borovanger was either in the Military or involved in the war effort. this was the cause of much unrest but this dissent was quickly silenced.

All over the Prometheist controlled areas the civilian population was enlisted to build further defenses along the Bergante River, whole factories were now devoted to making tank traps and barbed wire in the effort to defend the nation from the Serenien invasion.

In the face of the enemy the Abbey of Saint Micheal remained defiant, despite the bombing raids of the Serenien Air-Force. The old fortress had massive chunks of its exterior blown apart with large parts of the Abbeys roof collapsed and most of its stained glass windows were now shattered and broken, but luckily most of the defenders were able to shelter in the Abbey's extensive system of crypts and catacombs. When the bombing finally ceased the defenders sallied forth and set to rebuilding what little was left of the Abbey. In the past Borovangen patriots had defeated Serenien Imperialists at the Abbey of Saint Micheal this time would be no different, the invaders would not take the Abbey while a single one of its defenders drew breath.

At the Bergante Bridge the Prometheists were erecting barricades along the Bridge in order to render it impassable to the enemy, there were some calling for the bridge to be destroyed to stop it falling into the hands of the enemy, but in the meantime the Bridge was to remain intact. The Prometheists also began to mine the length of the Bergante River to counter any crossing, however this was slow going as the Prometheists lacked the necessary sea mines and had to manufacture their own.

The Prometheist Infantrymen were having a hard time fighting the Serenien forces, the enemy was well trained and equipped with the latest weaponry, bravery and revolutionary zeal were no match for the advanced weaponry of Serenierre, every day the Prometheists were losing ground against the enemy many felt that the battle was hopeless, yet they continued to resist in the name of freedom for Borovanger and the revolution.
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