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The Obscure Power


Establishing Nation
May 4, 2010
"If they knew about all the things we've stopped, would they feel safer or more vulnerable?"

Al Hudayah

Asif Haroun was walking down the street, puffing away on a cigarette. The sun over Al Hudayah was brutal and bright, but most people in the South were used to the brutality of the sun. Haroun continued walking down the street, and then a man bumped into him. In that brief moment, the exchange was made. Haroun was carrying a out box of illegal cigars, now he was holding a wad of cash. Another good day's pay he thought.

Al Hudayah was a large city, but by no means a pleasant city. Al Hudayah was the crime capital of Jurzan, the city was littered with crime and crime lords directing the whole thing. Even with the crime lords, it isn't uncommon for people to set up their own little businesses and sell their own material, in Al Hudayah, if it exists, it can be found and purchased, for the right price. Asif Haroun was one of the lucky few who managed to get a job with Asim Yousef, one of the city's most powerful crime lords. It was known that Yousef was quiet the entrepreneur, but there was never enough evidence to prosecute the man, the people that ever tried oddly enough always left town or suddenly disappeared. He mainly dealt with drugs, most of the time he went across the border, causing drug trafficking problems in other countries. Akhaltsikhe's Council found it to their advantage to cause a raucous in other nations, so they usually turned away from Yousef, thinking he was just a drug dealer.

Yousef was so much more. Yousef was a drug dealer, a loan shark, a murderer, a thief, but a hero to the people of Al Hudayah's ghettos. His massive profits were sometimes spent on fixing their lives, all they had to do in return was swear not to talk about Yousef's or his associates' actions. That made the ghettos a safe haven, but Yousef would never want to be seen in those unpleasant hell holes, they were too disgusting for him. He preffered the higher end of life, always wearing an extremely expensive suit, drinking only the most expensive wines, smoking the most illegal cigarettes, he enjoyed life more than any other man in the country.

The Revolution and subsequent war lead to Yousef's great expand. Yousef has just as many connections and friends as he does enemies and snitches. Only Yousef knows all of the organization's actions, no one else possesses all the knowledge. During these two months many people had their life ended by Yousef, he ended anyone who breached onto his business, even small time teenage pot sellers got themselves killed. And Yousef thought he could get away with it all, until, of course Al Hudayah became the host city of the NDSDIB.

The National Directorate of Security Domestic Investigation Bureau decided to make their home in Al Hudayah. Apparently Nadarejshvili thought that the capital of crime should meet the capital of law enforcement. The ongoing war between the two would end in one side being victorious, and if it wasn't the NDSDIB, then it didn't deserve to exist.

Haroun got into a car with a friend and fellow dealer, they had to drive to the next town to pick up their supplies.


Establishing Nation
May 4, 2010
April, 1888

Mikhail Kalatozov was standing on a balcony, looking out at the waves as the crashed against the rocks. The feeling of the warm Makai air against his face was pleasant in the morning. He sipped on his scotch and went back into the hotel room he had paid for.

He was preparing to take a bath when he heard a knock on his door. He walked over and opened it to find Okhropir Giorgi standing there.

"How the hell did you get here?" Kalatozov asked.
"I was informed you'd be stopping on these islands, I do hope you're enjoying your world tour," Giorgi said "for the home country is going into turmoil."
"What's happening?" Kalatozov asked.
"The King has declared war with Ascalon, something we expected for a long, long time, but regardless, there are mixed feelings. The Muslims continue to be put down, things are getting ugly bad," Giorgi said.
"I told you, I'm not ready for governing," Kalatozov explained "I've still got to go to more countries, see and experience more, I won't mess this up."
"You don't understand, they are considering giving the position to someone else, you haven't been in your country for the last five years, you're losing touch. Look at you, you're drinking scotch in a hotel room on a tropical island, if it hasn't occurred to you yet, such luxuries are extremely rare in the homeland," Giorgi said.
"Tell them I'll be back in 1895. I am not ready," Kalatozov said.
"You best hope I can stall them, your skill is unprecedented, we are patient, but not stupid," Giorgi said, leaving the room.

Kalatozov frowned and walked back to his bathroom for a bath. As the tub filled he looked out the window again and thought to himself "God I hate them."