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The Revolution

Oct 23, 2010
Anhalt, 1911

The Anhalter Republic had become a sick excuse for the exploitation of the Proletariat. Capitalism ruled, and the corporations had infiltrated the Senate and other government institutions like the Illuminati did to the Breotish Parliament. For years the workers had tried to organize themselves into Unions and protest their plight. Sadly, the government had ceased to represent the will of the people, and rather than aid its people, broke up the protested and jailed dissenters. People were starting to realize that in order to survive and thrive, the corporations would have to be destroyed. Sadly, the State was keeping them from doing so. So it would first have to be fought into submission.

So people began to plan. The most notable of these, was a woman by the name of Rosa Luxemburg. She had written numerous pamphlets and had already organized a lot of protests. Now however, she and her fellow revolutionaries were planning something much bigger. A full blown revolution.