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The Tafari Gazette

Mar 30, 2011
The Tafari Gazette

Established in 1922, The Tafari Gazette is distributed and delivered throughout the nation. It is the major news source for people living outside the range of Urbanization, with its televised news networks. It also has a reputation as being the most un-biased news source in the Nethian region, and is greatly respected throughout the world.
Mar 30, 2011
The Tafari Gazette

President Mekonnen Promises to Bring Order to the South

Since the Government began its modernization and order building in the early 1980's, a strange union has been formed. The Negashi, Misrak, and Teferi tribes united, in an effort to resist Democracy, Order, and the rule of Law. Since then, government troops have been pushing and making a lot of headway, bringing about order across the savannah and the Damaran Desert. However, strong resistance is still found near the mountainous Pala Bay region in the south.

With a new promising President, things look bright for democracy though. President Mekonnen was recently elected, and has done great things for Tafari and the Nethian world. His corporation, Mekonnen Industries, has created thousands of jobs, by building mines, roads, and factories by the hundreds. And according to recent findings, the mountainous and rocky region near Pala Bay is home to the largest Uranium deposit in Tafari. Making it an absolute neccesity that the guerilla militias be brought to justice so that Tafari can continue to benefit from its natural God-given resources.

Time will tell if President Mekonnen appoints the right military leaders to launch an assualt on the militias.