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Toyou Military Build-up, ATTN: Vangala

Nov 4, 2008
New York City Greater Metropolitan Area
FROM: Каракстан Республикасыныњ Сыртқы істер министрлігі
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Karakhstan

TO: Vangalan Ministry of Foreign Affairs
REGARDING: Military Build-up in Toyou

Esteemed counterpart,

The government of the Republic of Karakhstan fully understands the Vangalan attitude towards holding talks with Yujin regarding the recent disturbing military build-up activities across the region. In Almatii we are always wary of the military activities of our large and highly populated neighbour. Even so we believe it prudent to have an open dialogue with both our friends, foes and uncertain acquaintances. After all most military conflict throughout history was triggered due to either a lack of or cessation of communication.

President Miirko Natanbayev and myself would be honoured if a high-ranking representative from your ministry of other section of government would attend these proposed unconditional talks in Almatii with Yujin. However, should your government not be ready at this time to partake in such actions I wish to invite said representatives to private bilateral talks with the Karakhstani government. You see, we wish to get to know and understand all of our neighbours and hear their side of the story, so to say. Should these bilateral discussions be a possibility due inform my office at your earliest convenience.

With the highest regards from the steppe,

Kanat B. Kazkhanov
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Karakhstan


Established Nation
Nov 25, 2006
FROM: Ministry of External Affairs of the People's Republic of Vangala
TO: Karakhstani Ministry of Foreign Affairs
REGARDING: Military Build-up in Toyou

Minister Kazkhanov,

The People's Republic of Vangala has no desire or need to negotiate with the Republic of Yujin on affairs that it has no authority over. The People's Republic of Vangala as an independent nation reserves the right to pursue a strong national defence and with constant hostility from Yujin over territorial disputes and from Touzen over our nuclear energy programme, the pressure for a modern, capable military is great. The People's Republic of Vangala intends to act as a positive force in world affairs, and is currently contributing to the stability and prosperity of liberated Solaren by providing peacekeepers and police trainers, and participated in the Rijeka conference, which forced Talemantros to end its unacceptable invasion of Altai.

Ultra-nationalist elements in the Yujiner military and governing regime are cynically attempting to exploit a tense international situation in order to strengthen their political position and seize rightfully Vangalan soil. We understand the concern of the Republic of Karakhstan, but discussions between Vangala and Yujin will only occur after a formal apology for Yuijner crimes against Vangala and an end to the occupation of Vangalan sections of the Meghalaya Mountains.

However, the People's Republic of Vangala is willing engage in bilateral talks related to regional affairs with Karakhstan.

অজয় কামারুজ্জামান
Ajoy Qamaruzzaman,
Minister of External Affairs
Nov 4, 2008
New York City Greater Metropolitan Area
FROM: Каракстан Республикасыныњ Сыртқы істер министрлігі
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Karakhstan

TO: Ministry of External Affairs of the People's Republic of Vangala
REGARDING: Military Build-up in Toyou

Minister Qamaruzzaman,

Your points are just and understandable. While I find it a shame that diplomacy does not appear to be likely in the near future, I do indeed hope that the region remains peaceful. Nonetheless it would be a very good idea if you joined me in Almatii to discuss issues of regional and mutual importance. With so much uncertainty in the air it would be wise for us to at least make our bilateral relationship concrete and completely comprehensible.

So long as you have no objections I shall inform my ministry to make preparations for your arrival in Karakhstan.

With best regards from the steppe,

Kanat B. Kazkhanov
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Karakhstan