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  • Welcome to Europe Game, a NationStates-born community of geopolitical roleplay. We are the oldest continously operating home for geopolitical worldbuilding on the Internet. Join us to experience and imagine fictive diplomacy, internal politics and economics together with other nation roleplaying enthusiasts. We are looking forward to welcoming you as one of ours.

Come Home to Roost

United Hanseatic States

Super Moderator
Oct 30, 2006
Coro (Skepps)
:: Boston International Airport ::

Siren's blared out their harrowing sounds at exactly 23:01, one minute after a disaster. "What's gone on, mate?!" Yelled bearded man at his boss as they gathered all their emergency gear and rush into their helicopters. "I ain't got a clue wot 'appened, same as youse! Go! I 'ear its real bad!" The men strapped in assuming the worst but figured they were being pulled into a Caledonian conflict zone and they'd have to provide medical help and transport to those who might need it. "Eh, that’s right strange, we’re bangin’ east, innit?" The helicopter was beginning to go over the Austwegian Sea and that would be a more familiar route for them. Typically they were the helicopters that serviced the oil platforms at sea for Yorck's Austwegian Sea oil operations. They did their work for a multitude of companies that worked out there. Normally they just ferried employees back and forth, but they were also contracted to do emergency work if something went wrong.

"What d'ya reckon, is it them Caley fucks wot done it?"—"Def..." as they approached the wreckage the sea was on fire. Dancing flames upon the waves. Eventually would go out assuming the emergency systems turned on, assuming there were any emergency systems. The platform was nowhere in sight. The pilot chimed in through the radio to the crew—"Oi, lads, our job's to look for any survivors, innit? Keep yer eyes wide open, ‘cos it's gonna be dead hard to spot anyone what with all the heat an’ UV gear with them flames everywhere. We’ll be makin’ some low passes till we run outta juice. The co-pilot will be checkin’ out the less toasted places with the sight systems."

The co-pilot started barking out some coordinates on the radio while the pilot was speaking.

"Wot used t'be 'ere, like?" shouted one of the crew back to the pilot. The pilot replied, "This 'ere waz oil platform Atlas."

While the choppers were out searching for survivors so was the Navy and Coast Guard. Aboard HMS Pearl, a small corvette, they'd picked up the radio signal from the helicopter. Quickly, they arrived to the scene and picked up a few survivors in life boats who had managed to get out of the wreckage. They'd have to be debriefed, but that wasn't the job of anyone aboard Pearl. Instead they'd see to warming up their new visitors and keep searching. Meanwhile the news would start catching on soon thereafter.​

United Hanseatic States

Super Moderator
Oct 30, 2006
Coro (Skepps)
:: A Random Park Bench in Central Yorck ::

"This really is unacceptable you know?" the older man chastised the younger woman. Together sitting at the bench it seemed weird couple. An old man in his 60s and a woman who was about 40. She took care of her appearance. It was important in politics for a woman. He did not. He was actually on the later end of his 60s and really did not care much for his appearance beyond what looked professional when the cameras were on him. Unique about these two was that if anyone paid much attention to politics, they'd recognize them as she was the Head of Intelligence of Yorck and he was the Lead Director of Domestic Security for the entirety of the Hanseatic States.

She retorted, "Well to be fair, you won't retire. You should be happy I did not just try to go below the belt and have accusations of sexual assault or something. I've done you a favor in some ways." He rolled his eyes, "great! So instead we'll both get sacked if this goes public. At least if it's sexual assault I can plead to my wife and pray for my soul." He had a strong German accent. "Don't flatter yourself, you're too ugly for anyone to let you get away with it. You aren't a movie star. Hurry up and retire so I don't have to scheme against you."

He chuckled a bit and sighed. "So how did you plan to fix this? You've taken out an oil platform, and have god knows how many foreign nationals arrested on green terrorism charges. Was this oil platform supposed to be their fault?"

"—Well yes actually. This actual war rather derailed it. Everyone thinks Caledonia blew up our oil rig. None of them know it was us."

He frowned, "Hey now, none of this 'us' business. This was all you." She smirked, "I just had to be sure you weren't wearing a wire."

He shot a look of dissatisfaction towards her, "Lizzy? After all I've done for you? I wouldn't cross that line. If I was going to take you down you wouldn't know what hit you. Plus, I still need you for things." Elisabeth looked back at him wryly, "Oh? So that's why you wanted to meet?"

"Yes actually, and you know how many dumb Catholic bombings I've had to get cocked up this last month? This dumbass fanatics think they can just blow up a market or a cathedral in the Hanseatics and oh yay, we'll recognize the anti-pope? Fucking morons, the lot. Your dumb shenanigans are more liking to cock things up than the damn zealots. You think those conservatives down south would like to know their taxes are going to blow up our own infrastructure?" Elisabeth rolled her eyes, "oh darling, please! Nobody will ever know. If they do, we can even blame it on the Catholics. The dumb ones, not ours."

He sighed, "You know the South Germans are on to you? They smell something fishy and it isn't the fish that died in your oil blaze. I already sent them a red herring with some faux-Catholic lead. It can't be used to cover your butt again."

"Fine. So what did you want to talk about then Jerry?"

He moved forward without much hesitation, "I need you to have an event at a cathedral in occupied Caledonia. Nothing too big, but something that gives the impression we are also under siege. It will help our posture in the Catholic world, and it will help Caledonia rally around the Hanseatics. With your abilities in exploding theatrics I figure this should be an easy task for you." Elisabeth interrupted, "why do we need posturing in the Catholic world?"

"...because our own Catholics are always interested in leaving the union if they think it's safe. So don't let them think that. They need us northerners." He patted her thigh and stood up to walk away. She interjected, "see sexual harassment. I'll write you up for that." He laughed, "you enjoyed it." He walked away as she muttered beneath her breath, "sexist asshole." It was literally the only thing said during the meeting that got under her skin.