Establishing Nation
⛉ Banco Imperial de San José
Imperial Bank of San José | Est. 1812
Imperial Bank of San José | Est. 1812
The following list is provided by El Banco Imperial de San José, Josepania's Central Bank to show the current currency rates in Europe. The system involves currencies compared to the
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, an international reserve currency calculated as an index of all European currencies and used in the settlement of international transactions. Originally founded by a corporation of Azilian colonial merchants in the 17th century, the Imperial Bank of San José has become one of Europe's largest and most stable financial institutions.The following table is organized by the name of the corresponding nation of the currency from A to Z.
Currency (Symbol) | 1 EM | Subunit | Central Bank | Type (Fiat/Gold-based, etc.) |
Altavastani Som (Ss - AVS) | 257 | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Azilian Real (₱) | 40 | Escudo (1/8 ₱) | Bank of Azil | Fiat |
Caledonian Pound (C£) | 357 | Penny (1/100 C£) | Royal Bank of Caledonia | Fiat |
Cantignian Dollar (C$) | NVS | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Cervian Cervino (₠) | NVS | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Eiffelländer Goldmark (GM) | 1.04 | Pfennig (1/100 GM) | Reichsbank Eiffellands | Cash money is backed by gold, silver, gemstones and platinum; non-cash money (i.e. money on bank accounts) is fiat currency. |
Euromark (EM/€ℳ) | 1 | Europfennig Epf/€₰ (1/100 €ℳ) | N/A | Fiat |
Frankish Imperial Franc (Ꞙ) | 2.8 | Lumiere (1/100Ꞙ) | Royal Treasury of Bourgogne | Fiat, partial gold |
Groensk Gulden (ƒ - GKG) | 0.75 | Kronen k (1/100 ƒ) | Groenske Koningelige Bank | Fiat |
Hanseatic Mark (ℳ︁ - HAM)) | NVS | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Helian Drachma (₯) | NVS | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Josepánico Sol (J$ - JOS - JS) | 20 | Argento J₳ (1/10 J$), Centimo J¢ (1/100 J$); | Banco Imperial de San José | Fiat |
Justosian Justo (§) | NVS | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Karzasy Aygir (TBD) | NVS | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Lomavren Pana (LP) | NVS | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Mantec Peco (r) | NVS | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Meridian Real (MER) | 75 | Centesimo (1/100 MER) | Royal Bank of Meridia | Fiat |
Neobetican Peso (NBP) | 50 | Centavo (1/100 NBP) | Banco Nacional de Nueva Bética | Fiat |
NordIstav Krona (NkR.) | 5.1 | Istav Mark (1/100 NkR) | Royal Istav Bank | Mix of Fiat & Gold |
Ostmarkian Ostmark (OM/O-Mark) | NVS | N/A | N/A | N/A |
OTW Gallo-Germanian Dollar (GG$) | 1 | Peanut (1/100 GG$) | OTW Central Bank | Mixed. Cash reserved backed by gold. Also Fiat. |
Papal Lira (₤) | 1.11 | Centesimo (1/100 ₤) | Papal Bank | Fiat |
Pelasgian Obol (Ø / Οβ - PGO) | 6 | Lepton (1/100 Ø) | Central Bank of Pelasgia | Fiat |
Qamari Dinar (TBD) | NVS | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Radilan Ducato (Đ) | NVS | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Rus TBD (TBD) | NVS | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Spascirian Pound ($) | NVS | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Sÿtkåppsrr Flårryn (TBD) | NVS | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Sylvanian Dollar ($) | 3 | Cent (1/100 $) | Federation Reserve Bank | Fiat |
Yuan Ren Fu Coins (元) | NVS | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Yukoner Dollar (Y$ / YND) | 0.92 | Cent (1/100 Y$) | Commonwealth Reserve Bank | Fiat |
OOC Notes
- The EM is equal to the real-life US Dollar.
- NVS stands for "No Value Set" which stands for the nation (AKA player) not yet announcing the currency value.
- Unless otherwise specified, subunits are assumed to be worth 1/100th of the value of the main currency.
Application Template:
Exchange Rate:
- NVS stands for "No Value Set" which stands for the nation (AKA player) not yet announcing the currency value.
- Unless otherwise specified, subunits are assumed to be worth 1/100th of the value of the main currency.
Application Template:
Exchange Rate:
- Primary:
- Secondary:
Central Bank:
Example Application said:Currency: Josepanian Sol (in $1, $2, $5, $10, $20, and $100 banknotes);
Symbol: J$
Exchange Rate: EM 1.00 = J$ 2.00;
Primary: Josepánico Argenteo (J₳) (1/10 Josepanian Sol) Secondary: Josepánico Céntimo (¢) (1/100 Josepanian Sol)Central Bank: The Imperial Bank of San José
Type: Fiat
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