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El Heraldo Josefino | News from la República Occidental de San José


Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Los Angeles
Tiempos Archipelágicos | News from the Grand Archipelagic Republic of San Jose

Desde 1889 || 3 de Mayo 2021 || PALMIRA || Edición internacional

National ~ Palmira, San Jose: President José Constanza reaffirmed in a session of the Collectivist Congress that the Archipelagic Collectivist Republic of San Jose shall continue striving toward the three primary goals of the Collectivist Movement: Peace with Neighbors, Prosperity for San Jose, Progress for Collectivism. Among other pledges within his speech, President Constanza promised to address the recent homelessness crisis by working with the legislature to institute a building program of affordable housing, which will also provide work for laborers and stimulation of local economies across the Archipelagic Collectivist Republic. President Constanza furthermore swore to restart active engagement on the international stage in order to revive old friendships, establish new ones, and promote the virtues and value of Josefino products and people throughout all of Europe. The speech was received with a ten minute standing ovation.
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Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Los Angeles
Tiempos Archipelágicos | News from the Archipelagic Collectivist Republic of San Jose

Desde 1889 || 5 de Mayo 2021 || PALMIRA || Edición internacional

National ~ Palmira, San Jose: President José Constanza directed the Ministry of the Interior to coordinate with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in setting up temporary residences for Ostmarker experts immediately following a diplomatic triumph with the Republic of @Ostmark. Shortly after President Constanza pledged to work with the Collectivist Congress in crafting a bill to institute a building program of affordable housing, the Ostmarker Foreign Office announced their intent to send 30 urban planners to the Archipelagic Collectivist Republic of San Jose to assist in the Josefino housing program and submit designs from their own successful construction of affordable housing in the residential areas of Wien, all for free. Through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, President Constanza accepted Ostmarker offers to assist in fulfilling his pledge and ordered that the Ostmarker urban planners be housed in San Jose free of charge and their every need met while they reside in our great archipelago. President Constanza also requested that the Collectivist Congress work closely with consultation from the Ostmarker experts to craft bills that "provide the most efficient ways of giving every Josefino a roof over their heads in accordance with Collectivist ideals of Peace, Prosperity, and Progress." In an Official Statement in response to the President's request, the Collectivist Congress promised to work closely with Ostmarker experts and draft a bill "as soon as possible."

International ~ Kipest, @Bajorország: The Pannonian Republic faces an increasingly grave existential crisis as nationalist separatists declare independence, proclaiming themselves to be the Republics of Bourdignie and Eugenia, while residents of the town of San Paolo announce their intent to join the neighboring Republic of Remion. As of today, on the international stage only The Federation of Westernesse has recognized the sovereignty of the breakaway republics, and the Remi Republic has not yet issued a statement regarding the town of San Paolo. When asked about the Pannonian Crisis, President José Constanza expressed his strong sympathies for the separatist movements, highlighting parallels between their struggles and Josefino rebellious movements throughout the 1800s that eventually achieved independence. There is speculation that the Archipelagic Collectivist Republic may join The Federation in recognizing the sovereignty of these separatist movements, but this cannot be confirmed at this time.
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Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Los Angeles
Tiempos Archipelágicos | News from the Archipelagic Collectivist Republic of San Jose

Desde 1889 || 7 de Mayo 2021 || PALMIRA || Edición internacional

National ~ Palmira, San Jose: The Archipelagic Collectivist Republic of San Jose officially recognized the breakaway Republics of Bourdignie and Eugenia in the midst of the increasingly chaotic crisis in @Bajorország, the Josefino Foreign Minister stating that San Jose stands "against all forms of imperialism as part of the Global Oppression Conspiracy; be they colonies, mandates, or minority ethnic groups within a nation's borders that do not have equal rights within that nation." San Jose is the second nation to recognize the independence of the separatist republics after the Federation of Westernesse, and President José Constanza remarked to reporters of the Archipelagic Times that "it is fitting the nations of the West are the most eager to support the freedom of all peoples, and although we are the first to declare our allegiance to freedom, we shall not be the last, and I urge other nations to follow in our footsteps in defending the people against the tyranny of the Kovács government."

International ~ Camp Hill, @Natal: Shortly after the Ostmarker Republic announced its intent to assist President Constanza in his efforts to eradicate homelessness in San Jose, the Natalian governmental aid organization Himyari Sun offered its support to the people of San Jose. According to the Natalian Harton Chronicle, the organization will send "a team of volunteer architects and workers, together with supplies for the building of cheap bur durable social housing," and will be led by Unathi kaMnotho, an accomplished architect renowned for his efforts in turning the Pearl township, once an infamous slum in Harton, into a beautiful suburb. In a Twatt shortly after receiving the news, President Constanza declared the generosity of the Natalians "shall not be forgotten by the people of San Jose, and... [they] shall forever be known as staunch allies of #Collectivism, marching with us towards Peace, Prosperity, and Progress." Both the Natalian and Ostmarker aid teams are expected to arrive soon in Palmyra and work closely with the Collectivist Congress in their efforts to craft a building program for housing and provide further advice and direct assistance.
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Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Los Angeles
Tiempos Archipelágicos | News from the Archipelagic Collectivist Republic of San Jose

Desde 1889 || 10 de Junio 2021 || PALMIRA || Edición internacional

National ~ Palmira, San Jose: Preparations are underway for an anticipated state visit over the weekend by President Pedro Herrera Rasgado of the Free State of Corrientes to Palmira, San Jose, in an effort "to further enhance the trade and cooperation between our brotherly peoples and nations" per the Correntine External Affairs Minister Mateo Restrepo. President José Constanza has gladly accepted the request to visit our beautiful capital, and is "eager to greet his brother President with open arms in the Presidential Palace of Palmira." A reciprocal state visit by President Constanza to Callao and a journey up the Rio Catatungo in Corrientes is also being planned for next weekend.

International ~ Messeta Verde, @Gran-Occidentia and @Corrientes: A diplomatic effort headed by President Constanza is underway to mediate between San Jose's brotherly nations of Corrientes and the People's State of Gran-Occidentia over increased tensions in the Messeta Verde territory, which has seen military buildup after a tense standoff between citizens of both Occidental nations, though no deaths were reported. Foreign Minister Gabriel Morales, on behalf of President José Constanza, implored both nations to dial back tensions, stating, "Brothers fight, it is a fact of life that there shall be disputes within a family, be it of individuals or of nations, but that does not stop the brothers from loving each other and defending each other from outside forces that would wish harm upon the family as a whole." Progress has already been made as Gran-Occidentian Foreign Minister Francisco de Rosas announced that Gran-Occidentia was, "for the sake of stability and peace within the wider Occidentian region we are willing to reduce the current border garrison provided our Correntine counterparts do likewise in the spirit of peaceful coexistence," and Caudillo Ignacio Ramon-Reyes' willingness to accept President Constanza's offer to meet with his Correntine counterpart in Palmira for a diplomatic summit to discuss resolving the question of the Messeta Verde region. President Constanza subsequently praised Gran-Occidentia for their wisdom in choosing peace over war, and urged his counterpart in Corrientes to accept the offer of a diplomatic summit.

International ~ Iriy @Hradreych: An outburst of misguided, drunken superstition occurred in Iriy, Hradreych by the White Wolves patriotic sporting association, who vented their frustrations over San Jose's refusal to cower in the face of Rus threats and saber-rattling by assembling various beach-related knickknacks and San Jose-branded paraphernalia in a large pile on the local football pitch and setting it on fire. In their backwards superstitious beliefs, the concept was, per the Nove Stonse, "to invoke the Navka, spirits of dead girls which are a staple of schoolgirl's horror stories, to curse San Jose" and drag its people to hell. President José Constanza, when asked to comment on the story, replied, "Clearly they were attempting to emulate certain Josefinos and Josefinas in cocktail trips of rum, coffee, and marijuana, but all the rum they had assembled was of poor quality and they did not have the other ingredients. As such, it was a bad trip resulting in superstitious hooliganism, nothing more. I hope their collective hangover and property damage was worth it." The Ministry of Foreign Affairs assured the Archipelagic Times that they had no intention of changing their diplomatic stance towards the Bourdignie Confederation despite this apparent curse.
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Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Los Angeles
Tiempos Archipelágicos | News from the Grand Archipelagic Republic of San Jose

Desde 1889 || 18 de Junio 2021 || PALMIRA || Edición internacional

National ~ Palmira, San Jose: Talks between President José Constanza and his Cabinet with President Pedro Herrera Rasgado, the beautiful first lady Señora Octavia Herrera and their delegation representing @Corrientes has achieved substantial success. Details from the official release by the Office of His Excellency, President Constanza indicate that a joint relaxation of tarrifs between San Jose and Corrientes was agreed upon, along with the complete elimination of visas for travel between the two countries. In addition, it was agreed to begin an exchange program between the most prestigious universities of the two Tiburan Occidentian nations, and announce the establishment of a Joint Research Project by medical experts from both countries into more extensive treatment with and therapeutic application of marijuana and hallucinogenic drugs for physical and mental illness. President Constanza is flying out to Callao in Corrientes today, heading a Josefino delegation including the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Defense, to discuss the potential of founding a regional pact among like-minded Tiburan Occidentian nations such as @Gran-Occidentia and @Cayabocan and extending military cooperation between San Jose and Corrientes specifically. President Constanza has expressed confidence that "there shall be a concrete Hermandad of Tiburan Occidentian nations established by the end of the year, which will thwart any nefarious plans by the Global Exploitation Conspiracy to return and undermine our noble peoples and extract our vast regional wealth."

International ~ Frescania, European Forum: A peace plan crafted by the Josefino Representative to the European Forum, Demetrio Verdugo, is on the brink of passing, with 75% in favor and 25% against the plan thus far. Some provisions in the plan include official recognition of the independence of the Bourdignie Confederation and the Republic of Eugenia by the European Federation in what was once @Bajorország and the establishment of a Council of Guaranteeing Powers amongst neighboring and notable nations to maintain peace between the peoples of Pannonia. President José Constanza praised the efforts of Representative Verdugo, calling his efforts "a testament to the peace-loving desire of Tiburan Occidentian nations. Similarly to the Correntino Representative Cristian Galán Correa, now it is we in the New World who must step in and provide blueprints for the violent and bickering Old World to follow, helping them extract themselves from the Global Exploitation Conspiracy." It is expected that President Constanza will present Representative Verdugo a medal for his efforts to bring peace to Pannonia following the expected passing of the plan in the European Forum.

International ~ Callao, Corrientes: The 2021 Eucalyptus Cup is underway, as the six groups of twenty-four international football clubs total have been announced. San Jose has submitted four teams to the tournament: FC Ciudad de Rio Dorado, FC Ciudad del Puerto Café, FC Isla de Sirenia, and the favorites of the San Jose submission, FC Isla de las Palmas. President José Constanza wished the Josefino football clubs the best of luck in the upcoming tournament, and urged them to "make every Josefino, man or woman, adult or child, casual or hardcore fan, proud to call themselves Josefino!"

International ~ Wien, Ostmark: President José Constanza, before his diplomatic trip to Callao, Corrientes, also visited Wien, @Ostmark after being invited by Chancellor Walter Eidman to observe celebrations surrounding the 60th anniversary of the Ostmarker Republic. President Constanza was overheard congratulating Chancellor Eidman on behalf of San Jose, calling Ostmark "a beacon of resilience and an inspiration for all in Gallo-Germania."
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Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Los Angeles
Tiempos Archipelágicos | News from the Grand Archipelagic Republic of San Jose

Desde 1889 || 25 de Junio 2021 || PALMIRA || Edición internacional

International ~ Antioquia, Corrientes: A second round of diplomatic talks between President José Constanza and President Pedro Herrera of the Estados Unidos del @Corrientes has resulted in the proclamation of the Herrera-Constanza Doctrine, an unprecedented collaboration and intertwining of foreign policies between two Tiburan Occidentian nations. The Herrera-Constanza Doctrine rejects any further foreign imperialism and neo-colonialism in the Occidentian continent will be considered a declaration of hostility against Corrientes and San Jose. President Constanza, in a joint press conference with President Herrera, declared "the Global Exploitation Conspiracy is no longer welcome in the continent of Occidentia. For too long our peoples and our lands have been plundered and abused by aristocratic powers and forces from the Old World. With this declaration, we proclaim our independence for a second time, announcing that Occidentia is for the Occidentians, and its wealth is for her peoples, not for avaricious imperialists and colonialists." In addition, both Presidents committed themselves to the establishment of a "Hermandad de Naciones Occidentales," a regional alliance of brother Occidentian nations committed to the pursuit of the Herrera-Constanza doctrine.

International ~ Puerto Angeles, Gran-Occidentia: Shortly after the historic meeting in Antioquia, bilateral talks between President José Constanza and Caudillo Ignacio Reyes-Carranza of the Estado Popular de @Gran-Occidentia produced further wonderful news for the Pan-Occidentian movement and the fight to throw off the influence of the Global Exploitation Conspiracy. In a joint press conference following the closed-door meeting, both President Constanza and Caudillo Reyes-Carranza announced that Gran-Occidentia would join its brother nations of San Jose and Corrientes in following the Herrera-Constanza Doctrine, and furthermore would take part in the recently proclaimed Hermandad de Naciones Occidentales. President Constanza during the press conference congratulated Caudillo Reyes-Carranza for "his wisdom in joining our noble fight to protect the Occidentian people from foreign interference, and for his love of Pan-Occidentialism in recognizing Gran-Occidentia has more in common with Corrientes than warmongers would otherwise state. Uniting against a common foe strengthens us all in Occidentia, and rejects the efforts of the Global Exploitation Conspiracy in pitting us against one another and weakening us through division." Josefinos are already beginning to proclaim President Constanza the "Unifier of Occidentia" and the "Scourge of Imperialists" in recognition of his efforts to create this regional bloc.
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Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Los Angeles
Tiempos Archipelágicos | News from the Grand Archipelagic Republic of San Jose

Desde 1889 || 19 de Julio 2021 || PALMIRA || Edición internacional

National ~ Palmira, San Jose: El President José Constanza ceremonially broke ground today on the outskirts of Palmira in a recently designated construction zone to herald the practical beginning of the affordable housing project announced to a Joint Session of the Archipelagic Congress two and a half months ago. Flanked by representatives of Congress, Josefino construction workers, advisors from @Ostmark and volunteer humanitarian workers from @Natal, Presidente Constanza gave a speech congratulating all present for their "tireless efforts to eradicate the plague of homelessness in San Jose, fulfilling our Collectivist ideals, and promoting international solidarity during a time of great strife in the international community. Here, in San Jose, we are united and proud, and will never stop moving forward to achieve peace, progress, prosperity, and paradise for all Josefinos and the world." Delays in the implementation of the housing project came through the Archipelagic Congress balancing consultation from Ostmarker and Natalian advisors with San Jose's unique tropical environment and requirements to be weather-proof including against hurricanes and flooding.

International ~ Frescania, European Forum: European Forum Representative Demetrio Verdugo condemned the Empire of @Tarusa and the Principality of @Vrijpoort for their efforts, intentional or otherwise, to undermine efforts by the European Forum, to implement the Verdugo Peace Plan in the region of Pannonia. These efforts have encountered significant setbacks due to Tarusan attacks upon Eugenian military forces in the city of San Lucia, prompting an armed response by fellow Council of Guaranteeing Powers member Republic of @Remion that could spiral out of control if not checked. Vrijpoort's illegal intervention in the Thalgau region is also exacerbating tensions in the region and causing a humanitarian crisis as refugees flee the potential conflict zone further north in West Zara. Following prompting from El President José Constanza, Representative Verdugo demanded that the Council of Guaranteeing Powers to expel Tarusa from their ranks for their efforts to sabotage the Verdugo Peace Plan and called upon fellow members of the European Forum to coordinate economic sanctions against Tarusa and, as Foreign Minister Gabriel Morales demanded in a public statement, "all other state and non-state actors set on sabotaging and poisoning efforts to bring peace, prosperity, progress, and paradise to the peoples of Pannonia."


Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Los Angeles
Tiempos Archipelágicos | News from the Grand Archipelagic Republic of San José

Desde 1889 || 10 de Diciembre 2021 || PALMIRA || Edición internacional

National ~ Puerto Café, San José: Joint naval exercises by members of the Westernesse-Occidentia Treaty Organisation, including ships from San José's Archipelagic Navy sailing alongside vessels from Natal and Gran Occidentia, have begun in the strait between the southwestern coast of Santa Ana and the northeastern coast of Santa Monica. Drills focused on coordinating air defense and anti-submarine operations as well as setting up for counterattacks in all three fields of naval warfare: in the skies, on the surface, and below the waves. Admiral of the Archipelagic Navy Catarina Sevilla, who oversaw the exercises, stated, "Initial results are very promising. While further exercises and plans are needed to achieve peak efficiency in coordination with allied naval forces, there is immense potential in establishing a regional defense few hostile forces can breech." The joint naval exercises occurred simultaneously with Tarusan naval exercises off the northwestern coast of the neighboring Frankish Queen Emma Isles, with no incidents occurring despite the two exercises occasionally coming into radar and even visual range with one another. Spokespersons from the Department of the Archipelagic Navy, the Foreign Ministry, and the Office of the Pesident have continued to deny intentionally scheduling the WOTO naval exercises to occur concurrently with that of the Tarusan Naval Task Force's.

International ~ Frescania, European Forum: Newly sworn-in European Forum Representative Anayansi Quintanilla Cuesta slammed the Justosian Ambassador to the European Forum, Lord Fernando Torres, in the wake of the Justosian Empire's dispatch of an expedition to the Antarctic for the purposes of locating further resources, specifically oil, to extract for the Justosian energy industry. This comes in the wake of revelations that, with the European Forum Mandate system set to expire on January 1st, 2022, the Antarctic Mandate would be left in legal limbo and exposed to potential international exploitation. Under the current system, the continent is protected from resource extraction and territorial claims by foreign powers, restricted only to limited scientific research to preserve the natural flora and fauna. Representative Cuesta has called for an emergency vote in the European Forum to extend the Antarctic Mandate until a more permanent resolution can be debated and voted on. El Presidente José Constanza similarly blasted the Justosians on Twatter, calling upon the international community "to condemn this #irresponsible effort by agents of the #GlobalExploitationConspiracy to further #plunder our planet and increase already high international tensions, and to compel the Justosians to cease their backwards imperialism before it is too late." He also praised Representative Cuesta's efforts in the European Forum, calling her "a stalwart soldier in the war against the imperialists and exploiters of the Corrupt Old World."


Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Los Angeles
Tiempos Archipelágicos | News from the Grand Archipelagic Republic of San José

Desde 1889 || 15 de Diciembre 2021 || PALMIRA || Edición internacional

National ~ Palmira, San José: Celebrations are underway throughout the archipelago as Josefinos and Josefinas observe their one-hundred and eighty-fifth anniversary of independence. The Día de la Independencia as it is known in San José is a typically raucous affair, observed as a national holiday devoted to parties on every level of society. El Presidente, José Constanza, took time off from the diplomatic summit in Santa Fe, Natal to travel back to the capital in order to kick off the day of celebration. He has subsequently embarked on a whirlwind archipelagic tour, vowing to stop in each major city on each of the islands in the Grand Archipelagic Republic to join in the festivities with the people.


Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Los Angeles
Tiempos Archipelágicos | News from the Grand Archipelagic Republic of San José

Desde 1889 || 2 de Febrero 2021 || PALMIRA || Edición internacional

National ~ Palmira, San José: A Presidential Address from El Presidente José David Constanza regarding the Revolutionary Collectivist Reforms is expected to occur next week. Speculation runs abound as to the content of such an address, but anonymous sources "close to El Presidente" have indicated that the topic will be El Presidente's future role as a leader of San José in the wake of these reforms, which has transferred more political power to the people, promoted direct democracy with a system of imperative mandates in the spirit of post-delegationism, and reformed the economy to revolve around workers' councils and ownership of the means of production, all in the name of stamping out corruption originating from La Conspiración de Explotación Global. It is also rumored that Foreign Minister Gabriel Morales, a loyal and talented advisor to El Presidente, is expected to play a prominent role in the wake of the Revolutionary Collectivist Reforms.

National ~ Palmira, San José: Simultaneously with news of an impending Presidential Address, El Presidente has also announced that he intends to embark on an international tour to visit the heads of state and government throughout Europe, and more importantly visit the people of these international countries to promote and strengthen ties between the international world and San José. El Presidente has not yet disclosed any details regarding the tour, though he mentioned that this tour would "be part of the new role I have to play in San José going forward."
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Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Los Angeles
El Heraldo Josefino | News from la Gran República Popular Plurinacional de San José

Desde 1889 || 15 de Febrero 2021 || PALMIRA || Edición internacional


National ~ Palmira, San José: El Presidente José David Constanza, in a Presidential Address, announced the conclusion of the Revolutionary Collectivist Reforms, among other things declaring that he would step aside as the official head of state and government of San José. Per the reforms, while he would retain the title of El Presidente and, only when called upon by the people, assume temporary dictatorial powers similarly to Consuls of Ancient Tibur, day-to-day he would have no legal powers and function only as a symbol of the Josefino people. Additionally, former Foreign Minister Gabriel Morales has been confirmed as the first Secretario General of the Grand People's Committee, the de facto and de jure head of state and the executive branch of the reformed Josefino government, alongside Cristóbal Gallego being elected as the first Secretario General of the Grand People's Congress, head of government and leader of the legislative branch. These sweeping reforms among many others have been received well by the people in the hopes that future corruption and potential exploitation by La Conspiración de Explotación Global can be prevented, and these direct democratic reforms will provide more power to the people as originally promised.

National ~ Palmira, San José: On Twatter, El Presidente has called for a further reform of the economic system in San José, and provided an initial test to the new system of government put in place. El Presidente has specifically demanded an end to the five day, forty hour workweek, calling it "a tool by the #ConspiracionGlobaldeExplotacion to extract the maximum wealth from workers while giving them minimal leisure time," and proposing as an alternative a four-day, thirty-two hour workweek. Citing studies from both the Old World and the New World that the current system is overall inefficient in maximizing worker production and a primary source of fatigue, burnout, and unhappiness, El Presidente additionally called for increased telework capabilities and opportunities to work from home, in order to further maximize worker happiness and productivity and build off of the Natalian E-Government System that is currently being used in connection with the direct democratic council system that forms the backbone of Josefino government. It remains to be seen whether the people will respond to El Presidente's call for further reform, and if the reformed Josefino government can pass this first stress test without El Presidente directly guiding it.

OOC: Please refer to the Factbook, specifically the "- De Jure Direct Democracy with De Facto Presidential Dictator:" Political Quirk, for more info regarding the governmental system of San José.


Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Los Angeles
El Heraldo Josefino | News from la Gran República Popular Plurinacional de San José

Desde 1889 || 28 de Febrero 2021 || PALMIRA || Edición internacional


National ~ Palmira, San José: A seventy-two year long foreign policy from a hostile, autocratic regime in the Corrupt Old World hoping to isolate and destroy socialism in the Free New World has been formally overturned today. El Archipiélago Imperio de Justosia, in the wake of widespread international condemnation and threats of reciprocal economic and political sanctions including revocation of recognition from the Pelasgian People's Republic, the Republic of Tianlong, the Most Serene Republic of Radilo, and the Constitutional State of Natal, have pressured the Justosian Empress to override the Nacional Principios Law of 1920, which was the basis of the ideologically discriminatory and obsolete foreign policy that dominated Justosian hostility towards San José. The Justosian foreign ministry and Imperial Senado were also overruled in this monumental decision, highlighting the lengths agents of la Conspiración de Explotación Global will go to in order to cling onto outdated and unacceptable policy in the twenty-first century. To reciprocate, Secretario General Gabriel Morales ordered la Oficina del Departamento de Relaciones Exteriores to also extend recognition to the imperial Justosian government, calling for "a new era of peace and prosperity between our peoples, and the further weakening of the hold la Conspiración de Explotación Global has over the world."

International ~ Ribamar, Beira: El Presidente José David Constanza will soon bid farewell to Ribamar, Beira as he concludes the first stop of his international tour. Su Excelencia first met with Prime Minister Oscar Agustinho Passo and Foreign Minister Lisandro Campos de Sá to discuss the foundation of a Friendship Treaty, which would bring about an easement of commerce tariffs between San José and Beira, exchanges of military advisors and regularly scheduled joint drills, and student exchanges, all of which El Presidente indicated he would "encourage the Grand People's Congress and the people of San José to seriously consider and endorse, given that the Josefinos and Beirans are cousins and equally opposed to the malice of la Conspiración de Explotación Global." He then had lunch with His Majesty, King Manuel in the Royal Palace, which El Presidente commented later was "a most welcome surprise. I wish all monarchs carried themselves like His Majesty: devoted to democracy and to the people." Finally, he made a speech in front of the Cortes Gerais where, among other topics, he implored the Beiran legislators to pass the Same Sex Family Bill proposed by Senhora Albina Melo e Campos, saying "I love the gay community, as should all Josefinos and indeed, all free-thinking people everywhere. They want what we want: love, happiness, paradise. Why should they not have it? It makes no sense. And to those who say they are an abomination to God, a claim agents of la Conspiración de Explotación Global shout in one voice while in the same breath declaring that same God loves all, then I do not recognize their God as mine. If anything, I believe they are deceived, knowingly or not, by the Devil masquerading as God. I shall instead follow the teachings of the Savior: Love Thy Neighbor As Thyself. Damas y caballeros of the Cortes Gerais, I implore you all to do the same." Reportedly, El Presidente received a 10 minute standing ovation following this speech. He travels next to Rheinbund to meet with Chancellor Lauritzen and Foreign Minister Gustav Kohlschreiber in Fehrbellin.


Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Los Angeles
El Heraldo Josefino | News from la República Occidental de San José

Desde 1889 || 6 de Junio 2023 || PALMIRA || Edición internacional


National ~ Palmira, San José: With the Copa de la Tiburanidad around the corner and the twelve teams seeded and matched up, the National Josefino Football Team (aka Los Tricolores) has expressed confidence and optimism for their upcoming matchup that promises to be a true battle of the titans: San José vs Corrientes. Harkening back to the Josefino victory over the Correntines in the Copa de Oro, Team Captain Rodrigo Leon Avila in a pre-tournament presser stated "San José knows fútbol, we know fútbol is life. We know 'Los Torrientes' are going to want avenge Nacional Rio Verde's defeat to FC Las Palmas, so the pressure is on them. All we have to do is keep playing Josefino fútbol and we will win." El Presidente José David Constanza has also chimed in with his own optimism, boldly declaring that San José's "demonstrated, consistent, inherent excellence at the game of fútbol" shall bring the national team victory.

International ~ Puerto Ángeles, Gran-Occidentia: Foreign Minister Óscar Chávez of la República de Gran-Occidentia has formally agreed to terms proposed by Mateo Restrepo, Foreign Minister of los Estados Unidos de Corrientes in a landmark decision that brings long-term peace and stability to el Nuevo Mundo Libre. Amongst other terms, including an 8 billion Correntine Quri infusion into Gran-Occidentia and recognition of the current revolutionary socialist junta, Gran-Occidentia shall formally disband the Province of Tapenaga and allow for its integration into el Estado Libre de Monterrey. El Presidente José David Constanza, who was in Puerto Ángeles along with Correntina actress María Alejandra Alvarado at the time of this decision as part of an official state visit, has confirmed he "played a small role in the decision by the Gran-Occidentians to bring about a new era of peace and prosperity in the continent of Occidentia, mostly by reminding them of what a future of unity can bring instead of hanging onto a bitter, divisive past. That is what la Conspiración de Explotación Global would want." Given the "small role" El Presidente played in Callao, it's speculated that El Presidente has once again proven himself to be a titan amongst Occidentian statesmen, pushing forward constantly to achieve unity and harmony amongst the great Occidentian nations.
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Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Los Angeles
El Heraldo Josefino | News from la República Occidental de San José

Desde 1889 || 7 de Junio 2023 || PALMIRA || Edición internacional


National ~ Palmira, San José: As the fútbol teams begin to arrive in Occidentia, the fever pitch for the upcoming matches is already building an intensity that goes beyond what was seen for la Copa de Oro. As initially reported by El Espectador Sport of @Corrientes the tickets for the game in Palmira between Corrientes (Los Torrientes) and San José (Los Tricolores) have been all sold out, and the same is true for the opening match in Callao. With other opening matches also reportedly being sold out, el Departamento de Juventud y Deportes has congratulated the Josefino people for their patriotism towards Los Tricolores as well as their generosity in the cause of la Copa de la Tiburanidad in its charitable goal of profits benefiting organizations that are currently dealing with the refugee crisis from @Gran-Occidentia. These expected donations, in fact, are now being factored into the emergency committee headed by Vicepresidente Gabriel Morales, who has indicated that, along with donations and volunteers from the Peace Corps in @The Federation and the Catholic Refugee Agency from @Radilo that "the task for housing and managing the refugees has become exponentially easier, and we should have a framework very soon." El Presidente José David Constanza also weighed in, saying "this is a victory for el Nuevo Mundo Libre as well as for San José, for this shows la Conspiración de Explotación Global that they cannot divide us with war as easily as they do in el Viejo Mundo Corrupto. Fútbol, for all our rhetoric and rancor, unites us, and we shall achieve great things with this unity."


Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Los Angeles
El Heraldo Josefino | News from la República Occidental de San José

Desde 1889 || 8 de Junio 2023 || PALMIRA || Edición internacional


National ~ Costa Ron, San José: The fútbol teams of @Pelasgia, Caria, and @Rheinbund have been welcomed into their respective home bases of Rio Dorado, Costa Ron, and Monte Plata with open arms by Josefino residents, with fans of the players on each of the Meridian League teams already treating potential future rivals in the upcoming Copa de la Tiburanidad as celebrities and asking for autographs. The Carian fútbol team especially has received a warm welcome given the socialist ideologies shared between the Carians and Josefinos, and Mayor Sebastián Prats of Costa Ron has placed himself at the forefront of the welcome there, calling the Carians "our honored cousins across the Thaumantic" and ensuring he has been photographed personally shaking the hands of as many Carian players and coaches as possible. Critics have dismissed this as a blatant PR stunt to distract local Josefinos from a recent scandal surrounding the mayor and inappropriate acts including female undergarments, but the office of the Mayor has denied such critiques as "attempts at political assassination, distracting from a purely positive celebration of the upcoming tournament."

National ~ Palmira, San José: Vicepresidente Gabriel Morales announced a successful conclusion of the first step of the emergency committee dedicated to dealing with the crisis of refugees from @Gran-Occidentia. Military engineers have, in cooperation with local authorities, constructed twelve new refugee camps across San José, six of which are distributed throughout the Departmento del Sol, that can each comfortably house thousands of refugees for a temporary period of time. Roads have also been improved and properly staffed by military personnel to allow for a more controlled flow of refugees towards checkpoints with the border of @Corrientes. The refugee camps have also been staffed with volunteers from the Peace Corps in @The Federation and the Catholic Refugee Agency from @Radilo to assist Josefinos, both professionals and volunteers themselves, in distributing supplies and answering questions and acquiring data from the refugees. Vicepresidente Morales has indicated phase two can now begin, through the collection of this data to determine who would be willing to return to Gran-Occidentia and who wishes to remain in San José or move on to another Occidentian nation, and from their what their backgrounds are. The Vicepresidente confirmed that "our Foreign Affairs Office is in close contact with our Occidentian neighbors to ensure that the closest cooperation is achieved, and that these people will receive the best treatment possible and ensure their time in these refugee camps is as limited as can be."
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Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Los Angeles
El Heraldo Josefino | News from la República Occidental de San José

Desde 1889 || 9 de Junio 2023 || PALMIRA || Edición internacional


National ~ Palmira, San José: Fiebre de Fútbol has gripped San José, as the citizens talk about nothing but preparing for the upcoming matchups against Los Torrientes, following the training habits of Los Tricolores closely despite the best efforts of Coach Xavier Santander to keep things under wraps, speculating on strategies that will be used, even beginning to enact supernatural rituals to bring good luck to the Josefino national team. When asked about other issues such as the refugee crisis, expected oil shortages, or the Tarusan Civil War, Josefinos were generally dismissive of its importance to them on a personal level. "When is there not conflict abroad?" Carmen Guerrero, a grocery clerk in downtown Palmira, remarked when asked about the Tarusan Civil War. "There's little point being concerned about it, everyone in the Viejo Mundo Corrupto is always bickering about something, fighting amongst themselves and causing strife. I just want to focus on fútbol instead." This sentiment is echoed by Hector Ruiz, a dancer for a local theatre production, when asked about a looming oil shortage. "Aren't the Correntinos expanding their oil production? They like El Presidente, they'll probably sell to us for cheap and keep things stable, so long as we don't beat them too badly in the Copa." As for the refugees, María Isabel Nieto, mother of three children and local city clerk for the post office, remarked "We've purchased tickets for the game in Palmira, and we'll purchase more when we win. Those are all going to the refugees, same with the donation drives the politicians are drumming up. They'll be fine, they just need to pray Los Tricolores win so more donations will roll in."
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Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Los Angeles
El Heraldo Josefino | News from la República Occidental de San José

Desde 1889 || 10 de Junio 2023 || PALMIRA || Edición Internacional


International ~ Callao, @Corrientes: In the epic matchup that had been described as a "Batalla de los Titanes" or the "Continental Derby," a stunning victory was achieved by San José's national team and the international favorites of the Copa de la Tiburanidad, Los Tricolores, over their close rivals from Corrientes, Los Torrientes.

In a thrilling match that was decided 2-1 for San José, attended by a record breaking 130,000 fans in Callao, the storyline for the first half was one of Correntino dominance as Los Tricolores and their goalie Joaquin Artigas weathered an overwhelming storm of offense, coming out only having given up one goal by Pancho Paz of Los Torrientes. At the last minute of the first half, an opportunistic counterattack saw striker Jose Luis Herrera solve the Correntino goalie Fabio Gomez with a sneaky goal, entering halftime tied. In the second half, though Los Tricolores performed better on the field, Los Torrientes maintained their determination to bring down their rivals, and managed to score a magnificent goal by Gabino Falcone in the 75th minute, with Correntine jubilation turning into outrage as the referee upon review ruled the goal to be clearly offside, keeping the score tied. Finally, in extra time at the 93rd minute, an all-out Josefino assault produced a backbreaking decisive goal, this time by Captain Rodrigo Leon Avila who was ready for a lucky rebound off Gomez that found its way back into the net. The stunned silence of the Correntine faithful was drowned out by the cheers of the ecstatic Josefino visiting fans, led by none other than El Presidente José David Constanza himself, whose statesman-like dignity was cast aside in favor of the joy from a loyal fan.

San José now leads the first round over Corrientes with one victory by one goal, meaning for the second matchup in Palmira, as long as Los Tricolores hold their rivals to a draw, the Josefinos shall advance. In Palmira and throughout San José, fans have been celebrating in the streets with an enthusiasm usually reserved for a victorious final match, a backhanded compliment to the respect Josefinos have for the skills and talent of Los Torrientes. Coach Xavier Santander, in a post-game press conference, reminded those present that "This is only the first game of the first round. We must win the second game, then we must win the next round, then the round after that, then the actual final match. Los Torrientes may be our most dangerous opponent worthy of nothing but respect and reverence for their fútbol, but they are only the first step on a very long journey, and that step is only half-complete."

Despite the rebuke towards those proclaiming total victory already, there was nonetheless a small smile and quiet pride emanating from Coach Santander over this victory, as he closed his conference by stating, "Today we shall celebrate, tomorrow we shall review both our strengths and weaknesses in this game, and the days after we shall train and practice in preparation for game two. Los Torrientes will be desperate, but Los Tricolores will be ready for them."

San José, at least for tonight, will follow Coach Santander's advice, and proclaim to the heavens and to all around: "¡Victoria! ¡Viva Los Tricolores! ¡Futbol es vida!"
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Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Los Angeles
El Heraldo Josefino | News from la República Occidental de San José

Desde 1889 || 11 de Junio 2023 || PALMIRA || Edición Internacional


National ~ Palmira, San José: Vicepresidente Gabriel Morales, after brief congratulations of the Josefino National Fútbol Team Los Tricolores for their victory over their Correntine rivals Los Torrientes, stated his emergency committee dedicated to dealing with the crisis of refugees from @Gran-Occidentia has reached a preliminary proposal for the classification and processing of the refugees within San José. After consultation with the Secretaries of Commerce, Education, Industry, Interior & Labor, along with the Generalísimo of the Armed Forces, statisticians have been dispatched within the refugee camps recently constructed and populated to begin collecting data on the Grañese, from basic information such as names and ages to more complex information such as education and professional backgrounds. Along with this is collecting data on what the future plans are for the refugees in regards to living situations, whether it be returning to Gran-Occidentia, staying in San José, or pressing on to other Occidentian nations, all laid out in what can be described as a ranked-choice survey. Those who wish to stay in San José will be matched up with current critical openings in the job market in various economic fields or educational opportunities if they indicate their willingness to continue expanding their education. Vicepresidente Morales indicated the priority "will, of course, be to encourage these refugees to return to Gran-Occidentia provided certain conditions are met, the priority of course being their physical safety and the lack of any form of retribution sanctioned by the revolutionary government. In this regard our Foreign Affairs Secretary shall take the lead on that in talks with Puerto Angeles and ensure their commitment to no retribution for any refugees regardless of the circumstances. These refugees will have a home and will be safe, that is the goal that we shall pursue with relentless determination."

International ~ @Corrientes y San José: In addition to yesterday's thrilling match between Corrientes and San José, three additional matches occurred in the Copa Mundial de Fútbol that begin to separate favorites from underdogs, or perpetuate murky predictions for what's to come. Gran-Occidentia achieved a hardfought victory over @Auskighinee with two goals for and one against, though their victory was not well received by some local Correntinos, and the Sun Dogs still have a fighting chance to beat the odds and advance. Caria, meanwhile, achieved a surprising upset over @Ebria in a 2-0 victory, leaving the Ebrians in an almost impossible situation if they wish to advance. Lastly, the teams from Implaria and @Pelasgia came away in a hard-fought draw of 2-2, leaving each of their chances unclear going forward.


Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Los Angeles
El Heraldo Josefino | News from la República Occidental de San José

Desde 1889 || 13 de Junio 2023 || PALMIRA || Edición Internacional


National ~ Palmira, San José: The national team of San José, Los Tricolores, have been in preparation for the past few days for their second and final matchup against their rivals from @Corrientes, Los Torrientes, taking part in increasingly intensive practices in the stadium in Palmira, with fans showing up to loudly voice their support. It's a very different tack that Coach Xavier Santander is taking compared to the more isolated and spiritual training from the first matchup. When asked about this in his post-practice presser, Coach Santander replied "the needs of the team are different from last time. Previously, if you recall, we needed to dispel arrogance as well as doubt, and that was achieved. They have taken this training to heart. Now they must train to be familiar with their surroundings, the pressure from outside, and understanding what is at stake, and the fans are integral to this training with their presence. Practice is never stagnant, nor is it single-minded. It must be all-encompassing and adaptive, and it is through this mindset that we shall hold off our rivals and achieve victory."

International ~ Corrientes, Monterrey, y San José: Four more matches were completed yesterday in the Copa Mundial de Fútbol resulting in three victories and a draw and some surprising results. In a hardfought match between the national teams of @Rheinbund and @Remuria, a 2-1 victory for the former further proves the effectiveness of Rheinbunder fútbol, characterized by near mechanical efficiency and precision that, despite the best efforts of the Remurians, decisively dispatched their foes. A more surprising result that brought sympathetic celebration throughout the Occidentian continent came from the match between underdogs Monterrey and @Radilo, with a 2-1 upset victory for Los Mangos that brought jubilation to Puerto Florida and a reassessment of the odds for Monterrey to advance to the second round. The third matchup brought the most surprising result, with the national teams of @Tianlong and the Thaumantic Communes facing off, resulting in a crushing 4-1 victory for the Dragons of the East and nearly guaranteeing their advance into the second round, which also brings into question the talent and effectiveness of Thaumantic fútbol. Lastly, perhaps the most lackluster of the matchups was that between the @Hanseatic Republics and @The Federation, with a 0-0 draw coming from a match that saw little offense, stifling defense, and not much for the fans of either team to cheer about.


Establishing Nation
Oct 31, 2006
Los Angeles
El Heraldo Josefino | News from la República Occidental de San José

Desde 1889 || 14 de Junio 2023 || PALMIRA || Edición Internacional


National ~ Palmira, San José: Glorious victory for Los Tricolores, who managed to hold off their rivals from @Corrientes Los Torrientes to a draw at two goals each and thus secure advancement into the second round, swiftly turned to tragedy following the match. As first reported by Señora Romina Saavedra of El Espectador on Twatter, the Correntino goalkeeper Fabio Gomez was "shot by an unknown assailant right as the Correntine team were exiting the stadium and were boarding their bus to go to the hotel in Palmira, before return home in Callao tomorrow morning. The assaillant used a 7mm pistol and shot the goalkeeper in the chest. He was apprehended, stating that the bullet is for his failure in the 1st match, receiving the goal in the 93rd minute. Fabio Gomez was transported to the hospital in Palmira and is in critical state." El Presidente José David Constanza, after ensuring the safety of both national teams and the visiting Correntina Presidenta Marissa de Herrera, has visited Señor Gomez at the Hospital Presidencial Palmira, but no update on his health has yet been given. The capital city was also put into a curfew immediately following the assassination attempt that cut short any celebrations planned by the Josefino faithful, and a further seven suspects were confirmed to be detained by security forces that had been placed on high alert prior to the match, though only two suspects, both Correntino nationals remain in custody, and it is expected all three Correntinos will be extradited to Corrientes where they shall be further questioned and tried as needed. There is great confusion, dread, and despair in Palmira that has darkened this otherwise celebratory day.

International ~ @Gran-Occidentia, Implaria, y San José: Three additional matches were completed in the Copa Mundial de Fútbol that saw three teams eliminated, and three teams advance alongside San José into the second round. The first occurred in Puerto Ángeles, Gran-Occidentia, where the Grañese national team Los Verdes held off a desperate attempt by Auskighinee's SunDogs to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat and end in a 2-2 tie, ensuring their unlikely advancement. The Implarian Los Vinostintos, meanwhile, could not afford another tie against the Legionaries, the national team of @Pelasgia, and pulled off a plucky 2-1 victory, securing their own advancement and ensuring thus far, save for Corrientes and potentially Monterrey, all Occidentian teams shall continue advancing. Lastly, a disappointing 1-1 tie for the national team of @Ebria to Caria's Pirates ensured their own elimination and serious questions regarding their showing in this tournament.