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  1. L

    A Scarlet Cross

    Castelo Negro, Marca, People’s Republic of Lusitania Castelo Negro, meaning ‘dark castle’ in Portuguese, was the capital and the biggest city of the PRL province of Marca, the most inhospitable place in the whole country. Its distance from the sea and the fact it was surrounded by several high...
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    Lusitanian Press - Augusto Morais in Campaign talks about abortion, post-delegationism and war

    In this thread, five newspapers will report news from all the states of the Lusitanian Union: O Século (The Century) The main newspaper from the capital of the Lusitanian Republic, Lumiar. Widely regarded as an impartial and competent paper, it has always shown, however, centre-left...
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    Lusitanian Press

    This will be the new Lusitanian Press thread, with my new idea for this nation coming to life. No civil wars or extreme instability, I have no RL time for that. Just good ol' political intrigue in a decadent nation. And who better to represent this bickering than the press? There will be three...
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    Through the Eye of the Beholder II

    ooc: continuation of short stories revolving around the lives of three characters ic: The Boy's New Life “Fascist!” “Commie!” Shouting was heard and echoed through the old walls of the University of Lumiar’s cafeteria. In a crowded table, the trays had long been empty of food...
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    "Pai Nosso Que Estais No Céu, Santificado Seja Vosso Nome, Venha a Nosso Vosso Reino, Seja Feita a Vossa Vontade, Assim Na Terra Como no Céu, Pão Nosso Cada Dia Nos Dai Hoje, Perdoai-Nos as Nossas Ofensas, Assim Como Nós Perdoamos Quem nos Tem Ofendido, E Livrai-Nos da Tentação, Amén."...
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    Lusitanian Press - Insurgency In Barreiro

    Preamble to the Lusitanian Civil Cold War In June 2009, an unlikely coalition of moderates, libertarians, communists and Galician nationalists overthrew the Integralist Regime, a quasi-totalitarian and ultra-conservative regime that ruled Lusitania for 40 years and mass murdered 2 million...