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  1. N

    Tricolor News Service - Recognition, Consciousness, Revolution

    Montmartre, New Paristan Recognition, consciousness, revolution. After a brief ice age (or something), The Autonomous Communes of New Paristan once again re-emerges onto the world stage. OOC: Don't count on anything long-term or super-involved - my attention span for this sort of thing...
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    Paristani War Criminal Demands Asylum in Radilo

    Mr. Jean-Luc Delauney, a heavyset man in his late 50s, wearing a long coat and a hat pulled down over his eyes, arrives at the Radilo embassy in Montmartre just before closing time. He goes to the reception area (or whatever you'd have). "Hello? Anyone? I need asylum..."
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    Le Figaro - New Paristan's Opposition Voice

    Montmartre - The government of Bruno Magritte continues its mad slide toward communism, and capital flight is becoming an epidemic. Top economists predict total economic collapse is imminent, despite the government's efforts to cobble together what it calls a "flexible and democratic...
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    Tricolor News Service - New Paristan State Media

    Montmartre - November 5th An exciting election has just concluded in New Paristan to decide the composition of the next Parliament. It had been a heated campaign, with counter-revolutionary parties united in a broad electoral front taking a major challenge to Prime Minister Magritte's...