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  1. F

    Ad Salus veteris Amicitia [ATTN: Franken] Keninklik Paleis Grins, Fryslân In the cold, wet Frisian rains that were frequent in the Spring, Prime Minister Friso Dijkstra waited for his counterpart from the Kingdom of Franken. Relations has been strained during the Military Regime but...
  2. F

    Fryske frijheid

    OOC: This is a back dated story to introduce everyone to the back idea. Keninklik Paleis Grins, Fryslân It was a fine and unusually sunny day in Grins. General Bootsma had just risen from the stately chambers of the fine 18th Century palace that he had seized from Prince Durk some thirty...
  3. F

    Frysk Deiblêd Ynternasjonale - SLP announces Party Manifesto, takes major early lead in the polls

    Frysk Deiblêd Ynternasjonale April 14, 2012 Grins, Fryslân PRINCE FLOARIS RESTORED TO THRONE AFTER 30 YEARS OF MILITARY DICTATORSHIP Today in Grins, Prince Floaris was restored to the Throne vacated by his father Prince Durk X who was violently overthrown in a military coup 30 years ago...