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  1. Karolnia

    Military Modernization

    Department of National Defence, Kalaportti 8:30 PM Iikka slummed his fist on the table of the National Defence & Security Council's meeting room; "Mosin Nagant Model 30. M36 Stahlhelm. Lahti L-35. And the list goes on and on. Most this stuff is 20 years old or more. Our uniforms are woolen...
  2. Karolnia

    Eiffellander-Karolnian Economic Meeting

    Kalaportti International Airport 10:30 AM The Eiffellander Automobile Industries' Joint Delegation was received in Kalaportti International Airport's VIP Terminal by the Secretary of Finance. "Welcome to Karolnia Ladies and Geltlemen. I hope you enjoyed your trip?" he asked extending his hand...
  3. Karolnia

    The Kalaportti Times - Kalaportti Sanomat

    KS #1 - 28/08/1954 - 1 Naula KALAPORTTI SANOMAT New budget unvailed! The Federal Government has unvailed the Government Spedning Budget of this Fiscal Year. Defense has seen a rise of 2% at 9% of the total FGB, Healthcare and Education have both risen by 4 units at 14% and 15% and Welfare has...