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  1. M

    Red October

    The Miroslavan-Swieczieman Border 1st October 1952 It would be dramatic to say the only warning had come in the sound of artillery firing in the distance. It would also be incorrect. The first sign the Mezhist forces received was in the form of the handful of Miroslavan villages and...
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    In Defense of Boliatur (ATTN: Oikawa and Carentania) Secret Communication Sixth Directorate People's Commissariat for State Security To our esteemed comrades in Touzen and Carentania: Recent events have shown that the imperialist aggressors of the world will stop at nothing to bring Boliatur under their...
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    Miroslavan Central State News

    Miroslavan Central State News (Banner to go here later) Truth for all children of the Divine Revolution (OOC Note: Any inaccuracies in the following news posts are probably intentional propaganda. This is, after all, being inspired by the KCNA.)
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    OOC: Sereno Silenzio

    OOC topic for the Meribia-Coronado war here
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    MeribiAir: Bringing the World to the People

    MeribiAir International Airlines offers the fastest flights at the lowest prices. Our aircraft are safe and reliable, and no crashes have ever been reported in MeribiAir's nearly sixty year history. Though MeribiAir formally only operated within International Revolutionary Bloc nations, the only...
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    Soviet Republic National Football League

    SRNFL The Gridiron By far the most popular sport of the Soviet Republic, Meribian Football has a distinguished fifty-year history that is, nevertheless, largely unknown outside Meribia. Teams: Meribia Pirates (MER) Vane Centurions (VNE) Nanza Meteors (NAN) Tamur Cowboys (TMR) Reza Hornets...
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    OOC: Ghosts of the Soviet Republic

    OOC discussion on the life and times of the NKVD Section 9 here. Character List: People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs (NKVD) NKVD Section 9: Public & Internal Security Section Chief: Lt General Dmitri Andropov ("Any more and there will be consequences for you. ...There is, however, an...
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    Meribia House Black Market Arms

    The Soviet Republic of Meribia has long been a major arms manufacturer, it's heavy industry largely unsuited for less military productions such as consumer goods and foodstuffs. While publicly the Soviet Republic limits it's international weapons sales to friendly states, it has quietly approved...
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    Ghosts of the Soviet Republic

    People's Commissariat for Internal Affairs (NKVD) Section 9: Public & Internal Security Section 9 Ghost Team Commander: Major Marko Kourdakov 14 Years Ago "Big brother?" "Yes, Miriya?" "Where are mommy and daddy?" "...They had to go somewhere, Miriya." "Oh. When will...
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    Meribian State News Network

    Meribian State News Network Truth for the People General Secretary Pledges Support to White Dragon: General Secretary of the Soviet Republic Jessica Del Alkirk released a statement earlier today promising to provide support and aid for White Dragon Island in the Western Sea, which was badly...