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  1. T

    Experiments on Living

    We are on the precipice of change, he penned, While I do not dare claim to know how to bring it about, it must come. Pulled by a chariot rode by Thought, seconded by Knowledge. The People will tear down their facades of slavery - to themselves and to their governments, their masters - and be...
  2. T

    Under the Tropical Sun

    Winston knocked on the door of the Venetian Hotel's Grand Suite Room 1612. Standing at 6'3' and 230lbs, he was a big man, and a solid bulk of muscle. His dark skin belied his ancestry of that of an escaped slave-turned-buccaneer, and his wild stock of dreads almost gave anyone who looked at him...
  3. T

    Experiments on Living

    Bright 10:30AM The door burst open, the brass handle slamming into the wood-paneled wall with a sudden bang!. In raced a young man, red in the face, short of wind and perspiring. While the Islands were hot, especially in the summer months, and humidity sat at a comfortable 90%, this man was...
  4. T

    Tyrisle Times

    THE CHIEF SPEAKS OUT AGAINST THE RIOTS In a public message broadcast across national radio and television waves all over the islands, The Chief, beloved father and leader of Tyrisle, spoke a message of disappointment at the conduct of some of the more distasteful of his constituents. Am I...
  5. T

    Nation Map Database

    which one? the CIA map or the geo map? The CIA map I made was done by making a rough outline of a blown up version of the lasvegasbeta2 map for my spot. I got the randomized edges by using a clouds mask against a 50% gray map, then using black and white swatches to get the shape just right...
  6. T

    Nation Map Database

    yay! it's done. This was rather a pain to do, actually. And didn't turn out nearly as well as I hoped. I may, or may not, revise it. I think the political map is the important one, though, so eff it.
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    Nation Map Database

    Tyrisle political map. Tried to make it look like the CIA maps. A geographic map will be along shortly.
  8. T

    Tyrisle Times

    TYRISLE TIMES Bringing you News from the Islands LABOR RIOTS IN CHARLESTON! The continuation of the economic slump has seen the rise of an ever-more irritated work force. As desperation grows with the climbing unemployment rate, labor unions have begun to intensify their strikes and...
  9. T

    Coro Era :- Various City Versions

    requesting 103, if you please!