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A Curtain's Mist

Nov 12, 2008
General Ivyias Office, Platonus, Helia

He sat back in his chair, sighing heavily. Rubbing his temple he looked down at the mountain of paperwork scattered across his desk. Gulping down his coffee, he stood up to stretch. Hours of paperwork for rather mundane and lowly tasks. Hardly an officers workload.

He stood up to stretch his legs and stepped over to a large window. He was looking out into the brilliant sunset at almost 60 feet. His office was located in a large tower, extending far over the installation. It was reserved for high ranking officers such as himself.

Turning back to his desk and seating himself, he began to work again before a loud interrupting knock on the door. Without waiting for his permission, the man entered.

"Evening General."

Taken aback, he answered, "Good, and yours?".

"Not well General, not well at all." the man answered back. He was an officer and rather short, barely reaching Ivyias' chin.

"I'm sorry to hear that." Ivyias replied dryly, beginning to frown.

"General, if you don't want to hear my offer, then I will take my leave of you. Perhaps your neighbor will be more willing to offer their ear to me." the officer snapped.

The General sat in silence for a moment, the officers words still sinking in. Finally he found his voice to speak, "What do you wish to inform me about?"

A sly grin appeared on the officers lips. "Marshall Primuth requests your presence in Priana in two days at the Officers Academy." The officer, not waiting for the General's reply, then swiftly left the office.

The General waited for a few moments, wondering if that had just happened. He was immensely curious and a little worried as to why the Marshall wanted to see him. Looking back out the window at the now blood-red sky, he let his mind wander for several minutes before returning to his work.