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A Random Pick

Apr 3, 2007

". . . And it is with greatest respect to all members of our cabinet that we have chosen to hold our meeting outside the hallowed halls of parliament, instead, the Ministry of the Interior provides us the privacy we require. This discussion is classified as highly confidential, not a word of this meeting may leave this room . . ." So it is said by Colonel Idriss Ould Mozadegh, Minister of the Interior to his fellow cabinet members. Only one person was not present at the meeting: General Mahmoud Reza Khan, eternal warden of the revolution, the self-styled dictator, protector, guardian, warden, custodian, et al, of the revolution. Some cabinet members breath a sigh of relief, hidden from each other, but everybody knew of each other's discrete happiness at Reza Khan being away, out of the capital. The past years his behavior has become unstable, deprived of his earlier talent to reason and reach compromises with his neighboring countries and Carentania. Nobody knows the real reason; foreign experts say 'power has gone to his head', but all members of cabinet know it. Some citizens feel everything is wrong about Reza Khan; his weakness is beginning to show and manifest itself onto the world stage. Erratic foreign policy, reckless domestic policy, people are beginning to stirr. Theory and method no longer adds up to become reality. What worked flawlessly in the year 2000 is becoming a millstone hanging around the neck of the government; unrest is spreading despite control of the printing press, media, a ban on internet, the struggle against information is being intensified yet the government is slowly - but surely - losing its grip. The second our enemies know this, they will exploit these weaknesses.

The grand meeting hall of the Ministry of the Interior used to serve as a ballroom for the Shah and his family. Dance lessons for his children, friends and family were a daily pastime - the marble floor, the ornaments on the walls and ceilings, silk curtains, gemstone encrusted statuettes of deceased family members, paintings of heroic battles of a distant past graced the room. In the middle was a large table of the finest tropical wood, laid with patterns of vines, trees and Persian poems. Around the table all members of cabinet sat, sipping from cups of tea or coffee. Some Assyrian Christians and Jews added, when they believed nobody was watching, added a few drops of gin or whiskey to their drinks. Nobody seemed to bother, more important matters had to be dealt with.

"Gentlemen, this is getting us nowhere. How many times have we tried to talk reason to [General Mahmoud Reza] Khan? All he cares for his sniffing ether, watching action movies, go to bed around 3 in the morning, sleep until early afternoon and go back to sniffing ether and signing death penalties. The man can no longer be trusted. He is becoming a burden, foreign diplomats hate him, everybody around him hates him and we, let's be honest for a moment shall we? We thoroughly hate him, could drink his blood, I am saying, yes my dear colleagues, we hate him more than any other person. Whatever he's done in the past is no match for what he's doing today. You know how much effort we have put into our relations with Hajr and Franken? And how a single stroke of his cursed pen threatens all of that? Was anyone aware of his latest bout of madness when he ordered the embassy drama?" People remained silent, Félix Taxil, Minister of Security continued.

"That's what I thought. Never before have we been this close to war. We can no longer deny what's being hurled at us, people are rumbling. Discontent is spreading on the countryside. Our city permits no longer lure people to self-sacrifice and patriotism. Religious fundamentalism is on the increase as a counterbalance to our socialism. We must root out this pest before it gains a firm foothold in our cities. So far our secret agents have only witnessed it first hand on the countryside."

"May I interject, monsieur Taxíl?, Mohammed Esmail Zhaleh, chairman of the committee of Mining & Agriculture, asked. Of course you may, Taxíl replied. "Dear colleagues, our true problem does not lie with the weakness and, if I may speak so freely, insanity of Khan. He can be dealt with. Our friends in Nürnberg and Al A'raf will definitely support a coup d'etat against him. As long as their interests in our mining sector remain undamaged, they won't object. I have assurances from Eskander Laleh, director-general of the Union Minière that such actions against Khan will be met with praise by our foreign benefactors. However, our most pressing concern is the following and we cannot linger going forward. Should we shirk on this most pressing topic, our downfall is close at hand. Our cities lay in a miasma of backwards rural areas. Only our mining towns and collective farms stand as beacons of progress in those damned regions. Chefferies aren't recognized as authority and people ignore our 1-child policy. Ten to twelve children a household are common. Need I tell you, gentlemen, that this is putting extreme pressure on our food supplies and rationing system?"

"Then what do you suggest, monsieur Zhaleh?", Mozadegh interrupted to ask the most obvious. Zhaleh paused for a second, stared at the stale, cold faces of his colleagues, looked down on a piece of paper stood up and rang a small bell for a servant. "Dear gentlemen, I am sure Allah or the Lord, in whomever you believe, won't object to a glass of some whiskey before I continue. Some people grumbled but did not object. From a secret drinks cabinet a bottle of finely aged whiskey was taken and crystal classes, still bearing the Imperial coat of arms, were given to all people present. Drinks were poured and cigarettes were shared. This was going to be a long day.

"Gentlemen, Reza Khan has used his power of madness to obstruct all research into our food situation. I have carried out my own, personal research in absolute secrecy. I am probably a traitor in the eyes of Khan, but it had to be done. Cities are still well stocked but a potential catastrophe is looming. International boycotts and embargoes are starting to bite deep. Kahn's latest brink of madness was the final drop and I must say, that we cannot salvage this situation without extreme measures. Whatever must be done to rescue ourselves and our cities from the fires of a fundamentalist revolution, we must seriously consider it. And implement these measures to combat all ill effects that will eventually lead to revolution against us."

"How bad is it?" A voice out of nowhere, the most difficult question raised so far. Everybody look at each other, none could distill who asked it. Some even looked at the servants and they looked desperately the other way. Nobody knew. "How bad it is? Well, gentlemen... Ehm..." He paused, took a firm sip of his whiskey, and another, a deep sigh, and a tear came to his desperate eyes. "You see, well, gentlemen, I must say that... We have until september when shortages reach the cities. Our auxiliary police is already seizing food supplies from the poorest countryside areas in south central provinces and shipping it to the cities. We cannot intensify our collective farms lest we exhaust the soil. Harvest will be done at earliest in September. We have too many mouths to feed. I am terribly afraid unrest won't stem from foreign agitation, meddling by Engellex or any other intrusive nation. Or even Kahn's erratic behavior. Our food chain is being threatened. Our birthrates are too high, there are too many children. Ten million citizens do not have access to sufficient sources of food or fresh, clean water. Ten million potential troublemakers! Hungry, angry and nothing to lose. I implore you all, do not mention any of this even to your closest advisors. We must reach a solution, here and now, today."

Around the table, people stared in disbelief. No one could have imaged the situation was so severe. A drastic measure from an autocratic regime will inevitably lead to death, but this was accepted, albeit with strong reservations. Taxíl stood up and his impressive figure, a tall man he is, looked as if he were made of gelatine. If citizens would become aware of these dramatic facts, some individuals of questionable origin would instigate a riot instantaneously, threatening the very existence of the regime. Taxíl stood there. Idriss Ould Mozadegh sat next to him, looked up, hoping for a miracle. But Taxíl is not a miracleworker, he is a pragmatic bureaucrat with a nose for extreme solutions. Mozadegh knows a heavy scent of death is in the air. Taxíl wiped his spectacles clean and made the decision any despotic regime would make - everybody present was in awe.

"We must engineer massive food scarcity. Casulties on the destitute countryside will be random picks by destiny. All we can do is think on the grandest scale; anything less than complete cleansing by malnutrition is failure. We are talking about the south-central provinces, that is north of Ko-I-Noor in the middle of the poorest regions of country. Never has it ever been quiet and tranquil there, the threat of riot and uprising is omnipresent. I suggest we start confiscating all food supplies from all non-collective farming cooperatives, ship it off to our cities and pray our favorite deity they will die quick enough before they can stage subversive activities fuelled by illegal printing presses, word-to-mouth rebellion or anything that might spur the spirit of revolution. We can always speed up their ultimate fate by spreading contaminated drinking water, dress our auxiliary police forces as Emirate Mujahideen fighters or even Loyalist White Guards. This campaign of terror will draw foreign attention but we must consider this: we face an existential crisis. Never before have we been faced by this most appalling threat to our regime. We cannot wait around, dear gentlemen, action we need and action it shall be. Decisive action - hereafter is no turning back."

None of the cabinet members said a thing. It was exactly this silence that meant complete approval without reservations.
Apr 3, 2007
Counting down to armageddon

Ko-I-Noor, Presidential Palace
Hours later

"I would like to speak to the Ministers of Finance, Security and the Interior. Make note of that at once!" Kahn barked to one of his aides, who rushed off to a red phone to summon the most prominent faces of the cabinet. A few hours ago, the cabinet meeting was adjourned and all went back to their respective ministries. The Ministries of War and Defense were wise not to interfere in the discussion because of the growing schism in the army: the navy and marines are pro-Mozadegh, it remains unsure where the Airforce stands but the regular Army is pro-Kahn. A result of policy to split the army into three distinct branches to break up the huge threat it poses to the seat of Reza Kahn proved to be a dramatic mistake of judgement on his part, by cutting off the Navy and Airforce from Reza Kahn's inner circle of most loyal followers, he alienated himself from them and immediately Mozadegh and Taxíl filled the vacuum by supporting their wishes for modernization and listerened to their pleas for internal reforms. The conspiracy now brought to light has been simmering for years and now, Trans-Nineveh at a crossroads, the time has come for a confrontation between religion and the conspirators: money, force and wit. These four elements make up the powers that be of Trans-Nineveh.



Mahmoud Reza Kahn, if he isn't high or watching films, is busy praying to Allah in his private but secret mosque in the palace gardens. His pragmatism fuelled his drive for a secular state but deep inside he cherishes many fond memories of his youth spent on the countryside. Many mujahideen fighters were born in the same area. Although the mujahideen pose a direct threat to the stability of the regime, Reza Kahn has never personally led any battle against the Emirate and its mujahideen warriors. Born in a poor family north of Ko-I-Noor, he was sent into the army by his father. Because of his talent, tactical insight and courage, Reza Kahn moved up in the world. His finest moment was the revolution of 1992 when he toppled the 2000 year old dynasty of the Shah (and continues to fight the Loyalists, much to chagrin of Yisrael and Taxíl). It is unclear when Reza Kahn became addicted to drugs but his power over domestic affairs has been diminishing for years.


The Minister of Finance is a shy jewish man who goes by the name of Efraïm Yisrael. Born and raised in Samarkand, moved to Ko-I-Noor to study economics and became involved with left wing activism. He coupled socialist thought with economic realities in Trans-Nineveh and in 1996 he was appointed as Minister of Finance. He's sympathic to the Loyalist cause but his jewish roots have never been forsaken by him. Already increasingly anxious about the growing influence of fundamentalist islam in Trans-Nineveh, he's becoming a hardliner when it comes to dealing with the Emirate threat to the north. At the same time he acknowledges that the Emirate is an effective bufferzone between Trans-Nineveh and the Kassiopeian/Hajr border. Close associate of Taxíl and Mozadegh.


Colonel Idriss Ould Mozadegh is the regime's strongman but probably the least loyal to Reza Kahn of the four powers that be. He craves power and influence and is not afraid to exact bloody revenge on "savages" whenever they decide to attack a military outpost or police station. All wars against the Emirate mujahideen were organised, planned and executed by Mozadegh. Secular muslim officially but hasn't been seen anywhere near a mosque in years. According to rumor he abandoned religion when he saw the cruelty of the mujahideen in the name of religion. Mozadegh's military career is in many respects similar to Reza Kahn's, but the religious fundamentalism of his youth worked as a catalyst for hatred instead of a source of inspiration. Of the four powers that be, Idriss Ould Mozadegh is the most powerful; his political allies are Yisrael and Taxíl. His position on the Loyalists is mild; after skirmishes between the Loyalist White Army and the mujahideen his sympathies lie with the Loyalists.


Clever, cunning and devious. Félix Taxíl was born into a wealthy Assyrian Christian family. After a short stint in the army, he went to university (where he met Efraïm Yisrael) and also became involved in underground anti-Shah hotbeds of revolution. Committed and convinced soft-socialist, he's convinced Reza Kahn's reign must come to an end rather sooner than later if war with a grand coalition can be avoided. Taxíl is the ringleader of the conspirators against Reza Kahn and ejoys popularity amongst Assyrian Christians and jews for protecting their interests and idenity. As Minister of Security, his vast control over the secret police is unmatched and their men and resources are at his disposal. Has a vast network of foreign agents and contacts everywhere in the world. He's seen as the virtual leader of the Assyrian Christian community in Trans-Nineveh.


Ko-I-Noor, Presidential Palace

"I have heard very disturbing news, gentlemen. News that speaks of conspiracy. Conspiracies against... me. I am very unnerved but I could have expected this from you all..." A pile of cocaine laid before Mahmoud Reza Kahn as he sit behind his desk, there are hints of cocaine in his nostrils and upper lip and ignored this as he began his usual tirade. His denunciations continued and Yisrael, Mozadegh and Taxíl stood there, arms behind their backs, waiting for the worst to come. "I know your sniveling rats are plotting against me, signing agreements and contracts behind my back. Oh yes I know everything you bastards do to me. All of you louts are on the payroll of foreign companies, you have taken money from left to right, bargained away our most precious resources, betrayed the revolution. There's no more loyalty left, no more honesty. I know this could have easily come from a liar like you, yes you Taxíl! Or a jew such as Yisrael! What did I think when I assigned a jew to the position of Minister of Finance! I must have been insane!..."

His voice became high pitched and turned into shrieking, his red became swollen with rage and his fists were banging on the table. For a second, he took a small snort of cocaine and a sip of orange juice. Muslims may not drink alcoholic beverages, you know. "Yisrael, Taxíl... Jews and Christians, traitors and scum. Your parents are treacherous, you are all a chip off the ol' block. I should have never trusted any of you. But you... Mozadegh. The worst traitor. Your insubordination will never be forgotten. Over a hundred years people will still wipe their feet with your pictures, your corpse will dug up and whipped, your bones will be used to feed pigs, your skin shredded, your eyes clawed out by hawks! You will all face the gallows, none of you will escape. I have read everything. Your insane plans! How dare you decide to kill off my blood that lives in south-central Trans-Nineveh! No revolution will happen there, the people adore me, people kiss my statues, mothers weep why none of their children could ever achieve my greatness. But your wretched beings will be crushed under the heels of my fighters. There's no more loyalty, you fools are being bought with money. Money is your god. Your god can be burned, my God can burn your pathetic beings one by one. I can only find true loyalty and brotherhood in Islam.

In my youthful folly of the early glory of the Revolution, I have listened to idiots like you. Party idealogues! I should murdered them all in person before they could've poisoned my mind. But they did and I regret that today. But I can still rectify my mistake. I know you will go ahead, I am aware of your threads of loyalty that run across the desert to heathen capitals in the north, to the inferior Hajri tribes in Al-A'raf, the white skinned devils of Nurnberg. The stupidity and shortsightedness of your pathetic conspiracy would be comedy, hilarious, laughable if it weren't against me. But I have done something in secret, years ago. We have left the period of bullshitting long behind us. Mozadegh, coward and freak of nature, I have taken military equipment and shared it with my mujahideen brothers. Only they know truth and purity of Islam, their struggle is not against a brother, but against you. I will allow you all to leave my city of Ko-I-Noor. One step back and you will hang by dawn. The next time we are this close, I am dead or you three are dead."

Yisrael and Taxíl looked at each other but neither was willing to say something to the general high on cocaine. Except Mozadegh. "Mahmoud Reza Kahn. You're insane." The Three Conspirators left the room, leaving behind Kahn and the last bit of respect they had left for him.
Apr 3, 2007
Counting down to armageddon II

Ko-I-Noor, harbor

Early morning Sunday, march 20th 2011. A date like any other except one little big difference: Y19 has been replaced. A diary entry written by Félix Taxíl, while waiting for his ship to leave the harbor. As he look out his cabin, the bright cityscape was illuminated by the rising sun in the east and the city was coming to life again. He, Idriss Ould Mozadegh and Efraïm Yisrael, expelled and sent into exile, would travel in secret to the western loyalist port city of Hammurabi from whence they'll travel to the loyalist capital of Samarkand. Utmost secrecy, shrouded by mystery, a meeting between the the three conspirators and the leadership of the Provisional Government of the Shah in Exile. He had to offer them something for their commitments to the cause. An offer worth five hundred million. The crown jewels of the Shah, kept hidden in the vaults of the central bank where the jewels, diamonds, gemstones, gold and platinum serve as part of the national reserve. Yisrael has been replaced as finance minister by an incompetent schmuck, Mozadegh and Taxíl are being smeared in government media* as traitors, homosexuals, murderers, thieves and liars. They didn't care; everything the government writes was and still is, a lie.

20th March 2011. Sunday.

We've did it! We've finally did it! I cannot exclaim how cheerful I am with the prospect of abandoning the insanity, the unreasonable idiot we have called our leader, warden of the revolution and all that blah blah for 19 years. I am going on a journey, I do not know how it will end, when, where or why, but I am thrilled at the very thought of it. However, I do have several concerns I need to put on paper. First of all, our leader controls everything and I control none. Getting in touch with the admirality in Aqaba and Ko-I-Noor will be difficult, but their loyalty to our cause is out of the question. Indoctrination and propaganda by Kahn may sway a few from their righteous path, but I am more worried about the airforce. It has received monetary and material aid from Kyiv and Franken. Both Mozadegh and Kahn have given the airforce their dedication and their own commitments. I must confess I am absolutely not aware how and where the boundries of loyalty to whom lie. It is complex matter and I am fearful it will only result in chaos when camps are starting to form.

My first and foremost task is thus: contact the admirality and also talk to the Loyalist White Army leaders. They will ask me for the impossible and I can only offer something I do not have. Crown jewels. Still locked away in the central bank of Ko-I-Noor, only a decisive attack on Ko-I-Noor, a lightning strike, a surprise attack from the north and west with naval support will enable us to rout Kahn and his clout hiding in the city. I have no high hopes of the regulars, the army. Kahn is adored by them. So we need money to buy mercenaries. Would it be possible to use a surprise attack on Ko-I-Noor as a ruse for a bank heist? Mozadegh has his doubts about such a strategy, but so far we have little to lose and much to gain from this action. Yisrael still has sleeper agents within the central bank, my spies can still inform me even if I am in Samarkand. Kahn's foolishness took away his eyes and ears on the ground! Without my secret service he cannot foresee that will come onto him. Nobody can recognize my agents on the streets, not even I can!

I can only count myself a lucky man I am in such a privileged position to control the state's secret service apparatus. Mozadegh may be jealous of this, but he accepts it just like I will accept him becoming our next president. Sure, we are getting ahead of ourselves but a man is allowed to fantasize every once in a while or not? But I dnot cherish any outlandish fantasies about the willingness of the Loyalist White Army to seize this remarkable momentum to attempt and take Ko-I-Noor. They know just as well as I do that their fates are sealed whenever Kahn and his newly found bedfellows are starting an offensive against the Loyalists, just like I would have done to the Mujahideen fighters in the north. I shudder at the thought of the slaughter and bloodshed that will most certainly engulf the loyalist cities if Kahn will be victorious.

Maybe I should reflect some more. No, of course not! I cannot be cheerful. Uncertanties, doubt and questions plague my mind. Who to trust? Who can I rely on? Two people: Mozadegh and Yisrael. Three men versus an entire nation others fear around the world. Am I fighting a lost cause? Am I on the road to nowhere? We need foreign assistence. My only friend who can help lives in Nürnburg. If I can secure EDF help against the Kahnists, our fight won't be in vain and we will be remembered. There's no glory to be gained in the coming struggle.
* From this point on, you can start to write along. The dreaded split of power is no longer hidden.
Apr 3, 2007
Loyalist White Army's capital city

". . . Gentlemen, ladies, please! Please, I beg you all! Please be quiet! Let each other speak and exclaim his or her thoughts in peace. We must find a way to overcome our differences and emphasize our mutual interests. The regime of the wretched, the damned, the eternal provocateur General Mahmoud Reza Kahn will come to an end soon. But if we do not defeat the nefarious mujahideen of the north, the emirate, the new henchmen of the General, all will be lost. We currently lack assets that enable our enemies to conduct warfare, to start operations like the already notorious 'Operation Overture' . . ." General Yusef Deby, one of the few generals who left his important position in the Ministry of War, said during a secret meeting of renegade cabinet members, White Army officers and the makeshift leadership of the Provisional Government of the-Shah-in-Exile. ". . . I am perfectly aware of the requests, the offering we must present the fine ladies and gentlemen of the Provisional Government. Namely, the imperial jewelry and a safe return of the Shah to Trans-Nineveh. I can give you the imperial jewelry collection. Spies and informants of my esteemed colleague and dear friend Felíx Taxíl suggest that the arrogance, the idiocy of Reza Kahn left him with a set of talking heads, fanatical supporters of his regime. More worryingly than that, Kyiv, a powerful nation in the frozen wastelands of the north, has voiced its unconditional support for Reza Kahn. Furthermore, another development that may prove detrimental to our cause is the foundation of an extremist Christian group, the CLA - the Christian Liberation Army - in response to the announcement of Reza Kahn to attack churches and christian homes. This terrorist organisation must be stopped. Our reputation, our good standing with the EDF will be severely damaged and our international goodwill campaign will be crippled if they are allowed to run around and kill innocent people . . ."

Theophile Muratti, president of the Provisional Government gently nodded towards General Deby, as he sat down. ". . . Yes, it is important we take back what is rightfully ours... I mean, what rightfully belongs to the Imperial Family. Of course. However, before we pledge our moral support for the conspiracy against Reza Kahn and our allegiance to conspirators, we do wish to receive the crown jewels. There is no bigger humiliation of the regime in Ko-I-Noor than a theft of the crown jewels. Therefore, before we pledge our men and equipment to your cause, along with troops loyal to your cause, you must keep in mind that we are not mercenaries. Your Sarmantian and Dagomban mercenary armies enroute to Samarkand have stayed under the radar so far, but you also need means to pay them. Unfortunately, dear sirs, our treasury is not a wallet. The means we have are spent wisely, not on mercenaries and hired guns. Our friend Efraïm Yisrael has given us detailed plans of the central bank in Ko-I-Noor, a colleague of him, the master banker, is an Assyrian Christian and absolutely trustworthy. Coupled with Taxíls operatives in the city, we can begin planning a heist. With our sources on the inside, it should be relatively easy to take what we want. Getting out of the city, is a different matter... However, the situation is getting urgent. We know a major attack is being planned by the schemers in Ko-I-Noor. All offensive actions on the northern front have been halted. Troops are heading south, towards us. As long as the Admirality in Aqaba and Ko-I-Noor remains unaware of what happen to you, Felíx Taxíl, Yisrael and Mozadegh, they will most certainly side with Reza Kahn. Our only choice is well nigh impossible, but our plight leaves us no viable, alternative options. Dear friends, my suggestion is: a surprise attack on Ko-I-Noor. Mozadegh, could you contact your contacts within the Admirality to let them know you are alive and well? . . ."

"I have already done so Monsieur Muratti. They know not what we are planning, but Admiral Nasir Maraghi has already been informed. As evidence of his sympathy and loyalty, he conventiently moved his marines north of Ko-I-Noor for drills and practice while his ships sail south of the city, too far to be of any help in case of an attack. Mozadegh has already filled you in on all the particulars. Defenses are especially weak in the south, the harbor area. Christian labor unions run the place, a thorn in the side of the city council. Taxíl always managed to stop effective crackdowns in the area, but I do not know what the situation is like today, after the National Islamic Revolution. I suspect not a lot has changed yet, the movement is still a grassroots organisation still powering up. We must be careful though. Our offensive should be concentrated to and focussed on christian neighborhoods, arm them, and gather support going forward. A city-wide rebellion must follow seamlessly on our 'invasion', so to say. While the rebellion happens, our soldiers can march in. Remember, the regime is decapitated for a short while and we must seize this remarkbale paralysis to our advantage. If we do not act now, our best chance of taking Ko-I-Noor will be gone forever. Reza Kahn is still more concerned with purging people sympathic to our goals and is completely oblivious to what we are plotting. He won't see it coming. I must say that while the rebellion is happening, we cannot pass up the wonderful opportunity to rob the central bank. Its massive cash reserves, gold and bullion deposits as well as the imperial jewels will be a great boast to our morale. And we can pay mercenaries. We must act as soon as possible. If we can, we must attack no later than tomorrow evening. With Ko-I-Noor's defenses in shambles after the exile of generals, officers and politicians, like us, we must force a breakthrough . . ."

". . . And so it shall be done!" Muratti yelled, he slammed his fist on the table, and the cheers from the meeting hall were enough to convince everybody such a rash, hasty action would be the best. Improvise as you go, see about the consequences later sums it up quite well. In comparison to General Mahmoud Reza Kahn's superior forces, they are lacking two decisive things: officers in command (most have been exiled during the National Islamic Revolutionary purge) and the element of surprise. The latter will be, without a doubt, the most important. Ko-I-Noor is not expecting an attack. Victory lies around the corner.
Apr 3, 2007
A Leap into the Future

"What are we gonna do with him?"

"I have no idea. Is he even alive? Can he still talk?"

"Don't look like it to me."

"Goddamnit. We get out here for a thousand a day to kill, we find the single most important guy in this whole damned mess who can help us out and we can't even get the alive part of the reward. How much is he worth dead?"

"Not much I'd say. I dunno actually. Cut off head his and hope we can get back home?"

"Why not."

The year of the Revolution, 1992

"My most trusted friends and fellow revolutionaries. Today shall witness the fall of the Shah. I am most pleased with our preperations. Very thorough. Nothing left to chance. None of the Immortals and Presidential Guard will suspect a thing. While he's out of the country, spending our money on lavish gifts, we will take power. His resistance won't last one moment. I am confident we can crush whatever paltry troops he throws at us. The people are behind us."

"Yes monsieur Reza Kahn. Today the Shah will be thrown off his Peacock Throne. I will see to it that the secret service and infiltrants are going to be transformed into a loyal agency of agents across the country, ready to quell rebellion against our coup d'etat. May I propse a toast to all the glory that is come and to remember, in advance, all of our comrades whom will not live to see the wonders and honor that awaits all survivors?" All men and women, revolutionaries, toasted. Reza Kahn, although muslim, decided to raise a glass of champagne as well. He did not drink of it, but felt it was part of the ceremy that foregoes any revolution. When everybody left to take their positions in this revolution, Reza Kahn padded Taxíl on the shoulder for a discrete question.

"Monsieur Taxíl, I have a most important inquiry that is only meant for you. Before we seize the Imperial Palace, I want you to move a small squad of men to the Imperial Treasury where the crown jewels are located. I want a random pick of able but expandable men and women. People who won't be missed, do you understand?"

"Yes, of course monsieur Reza Kahn. But why, if I may ask? Taking the Imperial Treasury's already part of the plan. Why prioritize it? The Imperial Palace is our true prize, if we take the treasury but our revolution fails in its earliest objectives, we'll all die."

"Oh monsieur Taxíl, you're such an ideologue! You are a man of the revolution. I can trust you. I can rely on you. But, this is too important. The treasury, as you are well aware, is the place where the vast wealth of the Shah is stashed, all the money stolen from hardworking people lies there. Take as much as you can carry if you want it for yourself. I want the crown jewels. I do not trust anyone except you, me, Yisrael and Mozadegh with the jewelry. As a matter of fact, don't even tell Yisrael or Mozadegh. Find the most skilled jewelers of the country and order them to make a replica of each piece. A perfect replica not even an expert can distinguish. When you have the jewels, bring it all to me. I will find the jewelers and goldsmiths. When we're done, put an execution squad together and get rid of all the people involved. No one except you and me may know about this."
Apr 3, 2007
Counting down to Armageddon III

City outskirts of Ko-I-Noor
3 AM

Nighttime on the countryside just outside of Ko-I-Noor. A bright, clear sky full of stars and no clouds but a few dark dots, sometimes obscuring the white, pale moon above the city, named after the most precious diamond of all, the Kohinoor gem. Security was low, the arrogance of Kahn began to manifest itself by throwing all good advice to the wind, counting on prayer and his divinely inspirated wisdom, ignoring basic safety measures. It's been three days since the idea sprouted to take the city, drag Kahn from his presidential desk and, something the Loyalists do not know, go through with the plan to engineer a never before seen food scarcity in the heartland of Kahnist support. Solaren is grabbing all the attention in the world, it's almost war between the EDF and the mad pope, all the better for the Loyalist-Coalitionists* cause to topple the regime of Kahn. In what may become one of his last decrees, Kahn nationalized all assets belonging to Franken and EDF partners. He couldn't have done us a greater favor! It is precisely what the new government was going to do, after the coup d'etat, but, now that our esteemed eternal warden of the revolution has done it for us, we'll continue his policy. Clearly, the EDF is not the partnership the Loyalist-Coalitionists were after. The unfolding drama between Solaren, how the situation was defused, the inherent weaknesses of the EDF, men and women laughed when hearing the news, in bitter disappointment and happiness for not being allied - officially - with them. It would only be unnecessary weight to carry around. And, many realized, what would the EDF do if we won? Take everything as a reward for their assistence. You gotta hand it to Kahn, but he's definitely right about one thing: the EDF aren't saints. More like thieves and marauders. Would you trust a thief to guard your most precious belongings?

"How many men do we have?" Theophile Muratti left his palace in Samarkand to join the field campaign against the poorly guarded city of Ko-I-Noor. If but a single enemy's aware of the lack of significant defenses, Ko-I-Noor could have been taken by even the smallest army force out there. Ignorance truly is the most helpful during any revolution. But this isn't a revolution; it is to topple the regime of a lunatic. Say goodbye to the old guard, meet the new guard, same as the old guard. Yes, that fits the bill. Nobody would dare admit it though or what would happen if Kahn's killed or flees to his new friends in the north, the Mujahideen, but que sera sera, that's all future talk.

"How many men do we have?", Muratti repeated his question. Idriss Ould Mozadegh, fuming with vengeance and emotional at the sight of the city, answered: "Monsieur Muratti, the element of surprise is with us. The only people Kahn can rely on are the Red Guard, a bunch of riff raff lowlifes from his home province Ishfahan, some Mujahideen fanatics and not much else. All mechanized brigades are outside, armor's only close to his residence... We have about five thousand Loyalist White Army soldiers, the Batallion of Death, those are Sarmantian mercenaries, of around six hundred men, our Assyrian Brigades number two thousand. My contacts within the Admirality have confirmed not much can be done to prevent a coup d'etat. I am worried though that Kahn might not even reside in Ko-I-Noor but he may have moved already to the Emirate city of Sarai or Merv, kind of depends his choice. We don't have the means to chase him across the country. If we capture Ko-I-Noor and consolidate our power from there, monsieur Muratti, I am certain the whole country will fall at our feet soon enough. I must warn you beforehand, some matters we must discuss after the coup. Also, the navy won't participate on our side of the conflict but will remain absolutely neutral. As long as we won't attack any ships, they'll stick to the sidelines."

"Wonderful. The navy's our most precious asset and we are going to need it to defend ourselves against outside threats. EDF will become much more aggressive in its pursuit of foreign prestige after the damage done by Nicosia. Their renewed foreign policy is very likely to be hawkish against countries like Trans-Nineveh or Solaren. We cannot take any unwarranted risks. I agree with you, monieur Mozadegh, we must concentrate ourselves on removing Kahn and his new flock from power. Then we will work out a new Coalition Government. Monsieur Mozadegh, I feel the time is near. It is time we must go." Mozadegh raised flag of Trans-Nineveh, the imperial lion on the red background, to begin the march towards the city. Staying low to the ground, moving short distances between scattered buildings, not relying on tanks or artillery, but solely on the devastating effect of a sneak attack, the Loyalist-Coalitionist forces edged closer and closer to the magnificent city, a symbol of ancient Imperial might.
A Leap into the Future

"This was not the way things were supposed to go. How the hell did he end up dead? You'd think they'd put him on display and proudly show him to the world, a madman's dead. Long live the new lunatic fringe in control."

"Yeah man well, hell, it's a crazy country. Too bad he can longer talk. You gonna cut off his dead? Don't wanna get my hands dirty."

"Screw you pal, you do it, it was your idea. If you don't wanna do it, help me haul his fat guts onto the back of his truck. We'll take him to a place where we can examine his suitcases and all that. Goddamnit everything's heavy... Is he carrying his brick collection or something?"

"The whole truck's stacked with crates. Get moving, help me around here." After the body was tucked between two crates, the truck drove north, further north, to the mountainous region of Kush, a thinly populated province on the outer reaches of government control. "It's a 8 hour drive from here. We have plenty of water for the entire journey. I suggest we won't stop until we're there, it's night, and we can safely see what's in this truck."

"Whatever you say man, you're the boss."
* The Loyalists-Coalitionists is a rag tag of Assyrian Christians, Loyalists, Nationalists, Jews, Druzes, Secular Muslims, Socialists and other groups united against the Kahnists.
Oct 31, 2006
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